Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 162: Frugally (2)

Hume has already heard a warning from Anthony several times: ‘You must take special care of the youngest master.’

But he never thought that Lucion would be the kind of person who didn’t know how to take care of himself.

[Why all of a sudden?]

Russell asked.

“I’m just curious if my lord has always been this way, not knowing how to take care of himself.”

Russell knew Lucion when he and Ratta were the only ones haunted by ghosts.

Hume became curious about Lucion’s past.

When Hume played with Ratta, she would sometimes say something he couldn’t understand.

―Lucion didn’t like Ratta from the beginning. Ratta would have been so, so happy if she had been loved by Lucion. 

Hume thought it was a strange thing to say, as he had seen Lucion truly care for Ratta. 

It was rare for anyone to give as much attention and physical contact as Lucion did to Ratta. 

Even when the maids dressed Lucion, they were extremely careful not to touch his skin by mistake. 

It was the same for himself. 

If, by chance, his hand touched Lucion’s skin, Lucion would be filled with fear, even though he hadn’t shown it, and it had been a reaction so slight that no one else had seen it.

It was almost a reflex.

But Ratta was different.

Never once did he show fear.

[Yeah, it’s nice of you to try to understand Lucion, but I don’t think he’d want you to, so you can ask him later; he won’t get upset about stuff like that.]

Russell crossed his arms.

“Is that so?”

Hume lowered his gaze slightly.

[Still, if it’s simple, I can tell you.] Russell said, reminiscing about the past. 

[It was very different now. Of course, he still didn’t take care of himself back then. No, it’s better now.]

[Is that… true?]

Bethel asked with an upset expression.

Even now, she is worried about Lucion. It’s like he’s pushing himself to the brink.

[He hardly ate, so he was skinny, and he hardly slept, so he was always on edge. He was even more sensitive to noise than he is now. Well, something like that. Can you imagine how it was?] Russell asked.

“Is it because of a ghost?”

Hume’s eyebrows drooped.

[That’s part of it, and it might have overlapped with the trauma from being kidnapped. The traces are still there.]

[When I signed the contract, I saw some of Lucion’s memories from when he was kidnapped. It was lucky that he didn’t go insane.] 

Bethel tightly squeezed one arm, wrapped in armor.

[So, Hume, I agree with Russell; why don’t you ask him yourself?]

“I almost made a big mistake. I’ll ask when the young master wakes up.” 

Hume was relieved.

He didn’t want to get scolded by Lucion, nor did he want to see him sad.

[But don’t think of Lucion as someone difficult. He’s simpler than you think.]

Russell patted Hume on the shoulder with a proud face.

The more he looked, the more he understood why Lucion had taken Hume under his wing.

It felt like there was a wealth of knowledge and understanding within Hume.

“I’ve never thought of it that way. There’s no one as comfortable as my lord.” 

Hume smiled brightly.

He felt comfortable by Lucion’s side, having been accepted in every way, from his name, place to live, life, and even his existence. 

Despite the fact that he had received almost everything, being by Lucion’s side was truly comforting.

“I hope he is as happy as I am.”

Hume prayed softly.

He genuinely wished for Lucion’s happiness, even though he didn’t know what that happiness would entail.

[I’m also praying for that.]

Bethel also smiled softly.


Bethel suddenly looked at Russell as if remembering something.

[Do you by any chance know what Lord Lucion wants and what happiness he desires?]

Even Hume looked at Russell.

[Of course I know.]

Russell pointed to himself proudly.


Hume’s eyes widened.

[I should know. I am Lucion’s teacher.] Russell said, his voice firm.

As Russell spoke with conviction, Hume and Bethel’s expectations naturally grew.

[The happiness Lucion wants is to just live a normal life.]

Russell answered.

“A normal life…?”

Hume asked with a puzzled expression.

[Yes, normal life.]

Hume and Bethel’s feelings became more complicated as a result of Russell’s answer.

They had never experienced living a normal life.

“What… does that mean?”

Hume frowned as if he had encountered a difficult problem.

[Nobody here knows what normalcy is. Because no one has ever lived a normal life.]

Russell smiled as if he was having fun.

[Don’t worry too much about it, though. In the end, it’s Lucion who feels happy.]

Russell’s eyes narrowed slightly.

[Still, Lucion is probably happy right now, and he’s running for that happiness.]

Hume suddenly stood up.

[What are you trying to do?]

As Hume lay down on the sofa, Bethel rolled her eyes.

“I’m trying to find out where the black orb is. Because it’s something I can only do. Even if I can’t sleep, I’ll try to close my eyes first.”

[Good idea. Because you are the one who can help Lucion the most right now, Hume.]

Russell patted Hume’s head in delight.

* * *

“What is the happiness I desire?”

At Hume’s unexpected question, Lucion paused for a moment, holding the mask in his hand.

He’d had enough of napping and had slept until the next day.

His body felt lighter than it had in a long time.

No warlocks had attacked him recently, and Heint allowed him to go out very easily, perhaps because it was peaceful while heading from the south to the central region and from the central region to the northern region.

‘Did Hume read a new book?’

Sometimes Hume would ask a question out of the blue.

It was after reading an unusual book every time.

―Ratta is curious too! Tell me, Lucion!

Ratta’s tail also waved at the same time.

Lucion couldn’t help but frown at Russell and even Bethel, who were looking at him expectantly.

‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you all of a sudden.’

Certainly, Russell must have said something unnecessary while he was sleeping.

Otherwise, there is no way even Bethel would look at him with eyes waiting for an answer.

“It is a secret.”

Lucion said it a little bluntly.

Russell’s face immediately contorted as if he was preparing to say, ‘See, I told you.’

[What do you mean by secret? Wasn’t it ‘normal life’?]

Russell’s voice rose slightly.

“That is also true. Instead, there is one condition.”

Not to die.

How can he get that word out?

“That means it’s a secret.”

Lucion grinned.

[What’s the condition?]

“I’ll let you know later.”

It had been a while since Russell had been this persistent, so Lucion didn’t want to tell him more.

“I’m a little busy right now because I have work to do.”

Russell’s expression crumpled, but Lucion’s smirk grew wider.

Now that he was in the North, he had to get the merchant he had decided to get a long time ago.

He planned to use the merchant he was going to obtain as a connection and communication network connecting the branches he would acquire in the future, the branch he had acquired now, and the Chefran and Chonest mansions that he was currently using as temporary residences.

‘I should put a spy on the merchant and use it in a frugal way.’ Lucion thought, already feeling pleased.

[You mean the merchant?]

Russell asked.

“You’re right.”

The initial members of the organization, spies, assassins, and the Reint Mercenary Corps were not exactly on good terms, but they had reached a certain level of cooperation. 

Kran was still in the process of gathering members for the organization, and it seemed that it would take more time for the relationships to solidify, especially with the people from the territories joining the organization.

[Well, the organization is still finding its feet. It’s a problem that can only be solved with time.]

“Yes. Aside from the problems that can only be solved with time, we need someone to fill the gap. The merchant is perfect for that role.” 

[It’s the place you picked, so it must be good.]

Lucion naturally burst into laughter, since Russell hadn’t questioned it.

‘You won’t say that after you see it.’

The merchant he was trying to save was the one that would shine two years later.

J.L. Kell.

In a word, he could be said to be a person who has ability but does not have luck.

He was the head of the Kell family, and he had led the family to prosperity, but a single mistake led to his downfall, turning him into a fallen nobleman.

However, because his ability was real, he somehow managed to keep his family’s namesake, Kell Merchant, alive, and he continued to live a life of barely scraping by.

His luck broke two years later, and he quickly rose to the top of the heap.

It was thanks to J.L.’s insight and ability and his persistence for over ten years.

Lucion was planning to help him get that luck faster.

‘I need to quickly find the nickname that was called the Golden Hand.’

* * *


Russell frowned as he looked at the store.

No joke, it was rusted to the point where the store could collapse with one stomp of Hume’s foot.

Older than the last time he’d been to Fake Cheyenne’s mansion.

[Is this the right place?]

Russell asked again.

“No matter how many times you ask me, my answer is the same. This is the right place.”

[The inside is a bit better.]

Bethel said as she came out from inside the store.

[That’s a good thing.]

Russell uttered an insincere remark.

―Are there any creaking noises again? Ratta is so good. Hehehe.

Ratta’s tail was already wagging like a propeller.

“Ratta, you go into my shadow.”

Even if someone was targeting Ratta, Lucion had no intention of overprotecting her on purpose.

Ratta was more quick-witted than he thought.

―Then can Ratta just lightly step in front? Ratta can really just step lightly.”

Ratta said, focusing her gaze.

“Okay, just that much then.”

―Ratta likes Lucion the best!

Ratha lunged at Lucion and clung to his leg.

Ratta glanced at Lucion and muttered.

―Ratta is not the first Lucion, but…

Lucion could hear it, and just because Ratta was muffling, it didn’t mean he couldn’t hear it.

Lucion stifled a laugh, though, and pretended not to notice Ratta’s words or the way she glanced at Russell.

“Then I will knock.”

Hume stood in front of the door.

The door seemed more pitiful than ever.

“Wait a minute, Hume.”

Lucion had not informed Kran yet.

He had intended to tell him yesterday, but he had not woken up.

Lucion looked around and took out a communication item.


<Yes, Hamel. Can we now take over the branch in the north?>

Even though they were divided into three groups, the speed at which they took the central branch was considerable.

Since Gartio Menn, the guard dog of the central branch, is dead, what does a branch in the north matter?

“I guess you’re ready?”

Lucion asked, surprised.

He may have been the one who brought the various ingredients, but it was Kran who mixed them together beautifully.

His attachment was much deeper.

<Of course. We are ready to depart whenever you wish. Reint Mercenary Corps and Quate seem eager as well.>

“That drinking game we had last time must have worked, huh?”

Lucion asked slightly sarcastically.

When he was suffering from Heint’s Light, the organization Ale held a celebration.

Although improving morale was very important, he couldn’t help but feel sad inside.

<Everyone was disappointed that Hamel wasn’t there.>

“Don’t say things you don’t mean. The Northern Branch tonight…”

<You don’t have to come, Hamel. We can do it ourselves. So please, please take care of yourself first.>

Lucion chuckled at the ‘please’ part, even though he wasn’t planning on going anyway.

<And it’s true that everyone was disappointed. You have no idea how much Peter called Hamel countless times. The story of Hamel, who was negotiating with the imperial knight…>

“I’m going to get a merchant today.”


Kran cautiously called out to Lucion.


<Do you, by any chance, not know what the word ‘take care of yourself’ is?>


Russell let out a mocking laugh and then closed his mouth as he met Lucion’s gaze.

“Is it crazy?”

<Even though I couldn’t see it with my own eyes, I saw Hamel coughing up blood…>

“You’re just imagining it.”


Kran desperately called out to Lucion.

“I’ll get the merchant and get back to you. Bye.”

Lucion boldly disconnected the communication device and said to Hume.

“Knock the door.”

“Kran is right, Hamel.”

“Knock it.”


Hume knocked very gently on the door with a regretful look on his face.

Knock. Knock.

A light sound followed.

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