Counterattack Strategies

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Anti-Werewolf Raiders (6)

Antwin lowered his head, seeing Lu Jingqian’s eyes glistening with tears, he felt pity suddenly in his heart. This sudden feeling that he had never had before made him feel a little surprised at himself.

He has always been a person with a cold heart and no emotions. Even in his heart, even death is not something to be sad about. Even when his father passed away, he didn’t feel too sad or sad. He always felt that everyone was going to die, but some people died sooner and some people later. As long as people do what they want to do as much as they can while they are alive, death is not something terrible or something to be sad about.

And he was worried about his injured subordinates and wanted to save their lives because of his sense of responsibility as the head of the team, so that he could not easily give up any of his subordinates who worked hard for him. Those of his subordinates worked with him because they trusted him. As the team leader, he had the responsibility and obligation to be responsible for their lives.

But at this moment, Lu Jingqian only had tears in his eyes and a slightly sad expression, which made him feel distressed. This was something that even shocked him.

Seeing the expressions and performances of those people, Lu Jingqian knew that his goal had been achieved. Although he knew in his heart that the impact of his accusation on the White Knights would not be too serious, this was just the beginning. Just one step.

Antwin’s subordinates brought the carriage, and when Lu Jingqian was about to get into the carriage, Antwin stretched out his hand and helped him into the carriage himself.

Lu Jingqian didn’t think much about it, thinking that he was just acting like a gentleman out of habit, so he helped him get into the car naturally.

And Antwin was stunned for a moment at the behavior he made without going through his brain. After feeling the temperature and touch of Lu Jingqian’s palm, a strange feeling quickly passed through his heart, making him unable to Have time to feel it carefully.

Lu Jing moved to Antwin’s house because it was indeed safer to live in his house, otherwise, if he stayed at Hellen’s house, he would always be on guard against Bonia. On the other hand, after he lived in Antwin’s house, he had more opportunities to get along with him, and it was easier to gain his favor.

After taking a shower, Lu Jingqian came out of the bathroom and sat on the sofa chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, thinking about how to get more favor from Antwin while avenging Hellen.

He turned on the system to check Antwin’s favorability for him, and found that Antwin’s favorability for him had increased a little in the past two days, but the distance was more than 80%, and there was still a big gap.

Lu Jingqian sighed. If he wanted to exceed 80%, he must make Antwin fall in love with him, and the kind of love he loved deeply. If it is in the game, he can treat him as an NPC target, and act without any pressure to gain his favor. But this is the real world, and the other party is also a person with flesh and blood and real emotions. He doesn’t want to be a scumbag who plays with other people’s emotions.

Although Lu Jingqian had some obstacles in his heart to gain Antwin’s deep love, it was still easy for him to gain Antwin’s favor in other ways. For example, use the medicine left by Hellen’s father to help treat the wounded of the Black Knights, and use his identity as a prophet to help him find more werewolves, so that the reputation of the Black Knights surpasses that of the White Knights.

Without the help of the prophet, Antwin also has his own way to find some werewolves, but it takes too much thought and the price of success is also high.

Before, in order to provoke the relationship between the Black and White Knights, Bonia secretly reported the werewolves to escape several times when the Black Knights ambushed the werewolves. Or let the werewolves counterattack with all their tactics, disrupting the plans of the Black Knights many times, and deliberately leaving clues that the White Knights tipped off the news.

Bonia hoped that the black and white knights would fight as hard as possible, which would benefit him more. If the black and white knights really hurt each other due to armed conflict, the number of werewolves killed could be reduced.

Bonia’s plan is to increase the number of casualties of the Black and White Knights as much as possible, and it is best to make Antwin and Chucks trust him very much. Then, as the wolf king, he will accomplish his goal of ruling the entire continent more smoothly.

But from now on, Lu Jingqian will personally interrupt his plan and expose all his plots.

Lu Jingqian had to increase Antwin’s favorability towards him to a certain level, so that Antwin could trust him when he wanted to implement the plan. Therefore, in order to gain Antwin’s favor, Lu Jingqian waited for him to have dinner with him every day from the first day he lived in Antwin’s house, and tried to spend more time with him.

That day, as soon as Lu Jingqian came to the restaurant and sat down, Antwin came in from the outside. This was since Lu Jingqian moved in.

“You’re back?” Lu Jingqian stood up and said.

Antwin was stunned by Lu Jingqian’s words, because these words seemed to hit his heart with a strange force. Over the years, no one has ever said this to him in a gesture of waiting for him.

Antwin nodded and sat down on the other side of the long table. He had forgotten how many years he had been sitting at this table alone to eat. Now that he suddenly saw Lu Jingqian sitting opposite him, he felt an indescribably strange feeling in his heart.

Lu Jingqian felt that Antwin seemed to be a little absent-minded, thinking that he was too tired, that’s why he was like this, and didn’t care too much.

The servants brought today’s dinner to the table, and the two picked up their knives and forks at the same time and began to eat. This was obviously the first time the two had eaten together, but somehow there was an atmosphere of an old married couple.

“Did you find a werewolf again recently, are you going to ambush?” Lu Jingqian knew that Antwin was busy and tired, so he didn’t go around in circles with him, and asked directly what he wanted to ask.

Antwin raised his eyes to look at Lu Jingqian, and after a moment of silence, he replied, “Yes.”

“Can I go with you to the place where those werewolves are?” Lu Jingqian looked at Antwin expectantly and asked.

Antwin didn’t expect that Lu Jingqian would make such a request, and he didn’t understand why he made such a request, but he couldn’t agree that “ambushing werewolves is very dangerous, and we may not even care about ourselves by then, or we may won’t care about you.”

“I don’t mean to go to ambush werewolves with you at night.” Lu Jingqian put down his knife and fork, looked at Antwin seriously and said, “I want to go with you for a while during the day.” Go to the place where you found the werewolves. Werewolves dare not transform during the day, even if they forcefully transform during the day, the power of your Black Knights is very weak, and you can easily kill them, so if you go during the day, it is not necessary. It would be dangerous, wouldn’t it?”

Antwin said, “If I take you there, I will definitely increase the number of people who protect you. If you go there with a lot of fanfare, it is easy to scare the snake away.”

“If you don’t need to go with much fanfare, you can bring two or three people, and we will go quietly.” Lu Jingqian said.

“Why do you want to go?” Antwin said suspiciously, “Werewolves are a very dangerous existence for human beings. They are not interesting things, and there is nothing to see.”

“…” Lu Jingqian was silent for a while, and decided to tell him the reason after going there, “Just take me there once, after you have been there, you will know why I went, and I promise not to give You caused trouble.”

Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian silently, but he still couldn’t agree to his request.

Lu Jingqian closed his palms, looked at Antwin with pleading eyes and said, “Please.”

Antwin looked into Lu Jingqian’s eyes, and thought of the first deer he hunted when he was a child. He stared at him with a pair of round eyes shining with starlight, and looked at him with pleading eyes. let go. After his father found out, he punished him very severely, and told him that if he wanted to become a qualified knight, he should not be soft-hearted, otherwise he might make a big mistake.

Antwin has received iron and blood education since he was a child, and during the years of fighting against werewolves, he has long forgotten what it feels like to be soft-hearted. But at this moment, he clearly wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t say no because of Lu Jingqian’s eyes.

Although Antwin didn’t agree right away, he kept mentioning this to him for the next few days, and finally Lu Jingqian got his wish. A few days later, Antwin took him to the village where they found the werewolf.

Although Lu Jingqian felt that the danger of traveling during the day with Antwin, the head of the Black Knights, was very small, and it was enough to take two or three people out. But Antwin felt that if he didn’t bring Lu Jingqian, it didn’t matter for him to go alone, but with Lu Jingqian, an ordinary person, he had to bring a few more people.

A group of people entered the village pretending to pass by the village for a rest.

Lu Jingqian was wearing a white cloak on the outside. The wide cloak hat covered his eyebrows and eyes, and he wore a white leather mask. No one could tell what he looked like, not even a man or a woman. He also coughed lightly from time to time, pretending to be dressed like this because of illness.

Antwin helped Lu Jingqian off his horse, and the intimate behavior of the two made people feel that they didn’t need to guess to know that their relationship was unusual. Several other knights followed them pretending to be servants.

This village is not big, but because it is far away from other villages and cities on the only way to go to many places, people passing by usually stop to rest. So after they entered the village, they did not attract too much attention. The villagers at most looked at them, and then continued to do their own things.

Lu Jingqian and Antwin sat in a small restaurant for a while, and a few knights pretending to be servants ordered some dishes and ate them looking very hungry.

Antwin pretended to take a walk with Lu Jingqian, and after visiting the small village, the knights were almost finished eating.

Antwin helped Lu Jingqian onto the horse, and he himself got on the horse and sat behind Lu Jingqian. The group of people left the village quickly as if they were about to hurry.

It took most of the day to go back and forth. They set off early in the morning, and it was almost afternoon when they returned home. Lu Jingqian sat on the horse for a whole day, and felt back pain and just wanted to lie still.

Although he was very tired and didn’t want to move, Lu Jingqian still insisted on asking the servant to bring a pen and paper, wrote down what he wanted to write, and handed it to Antwin.

“What is this?” Antwin looked at the characteristics and clothes of several people written on the paper, thinking that he seemed to have seen these people.

“These people are the werewolves hiding in that village.” Lu Jingqian leaned on the sofa and said with his hands on his waist.

“How are you sure they are werewolves?” Antwin looked at Lu Jingqian in confusion.

“…Remember what I told you, Bonia is not really a prophet?” Lu Jingqian said.

“So, you mean…” Antwin had guessed the meaning of Lu Jingqian’s words. If Bonia is not the real prophet, and Lu Jingqian can distinguish werewolves, it means that he is the real one. prophet. But Antwin still finds it unbelievable. After all, everyone now believes that Bonia is the real prophet, and he has indeed found a lot of werewolves.

“I know, no matter how I explain it, it’s hard to convince people.” Lu Jingqian looked at him seriously and said, “Why don’t you take this time as a test for me and do what I say , if you don’t succeed, you don’t have to believe anything I say in the future.”

“How?” Antwin asked.

Although the Black Knights struggled to find places where werewolves might exist every time, they had no way to distinguish them when they were still in human form, so they could only find a way to force them to transform at night. But in this way, it is too difficult to ensure that ordinary humans are not harmed as much as possible, and to deal with the transformed werewolf, and it is easy to be injured by the werewolf’s counterattack.

However, as a prophet, Lu Jingqian was able to identify werewolves when they were still in human form, and it was much easier to deal with werewolves when they were in human form.

Lu Jingqian took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Antwin, “In order not to disturb other people in the village, you use this medicine to stun the people I wrote on my paper after the doors of every house are closed at dusk. , bring them together to an open place. Then surround them with a ring of fire. This drug will stimulate their brains, and they will definitely transform after waking up. The transformed werewolves will be a little afraid of fire. It is easiest to kill them when they are out of the fire circle. But there will also be some more powerful werewolves who are less afraid of fire, so you must be careful to deal with them.”

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