Counterattack [Interstellar]

Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

Ten years later, the main star Efoda is in the palace.

“Your Majesty.” The ceremonial officer nodded slightly, “His Royal Highness asks for your summon.”

The Emperor Auston was standing in front of the French windows. The burly figure blocked a lot of sunlight, making the not-so-spacious study room appear darker. Thinking of the accidents that came in the past few days, the etiquette officer felt a little bit frustrated, but he paused. A few seconds later, he repeated what he said just now, Aston seemed to have seen enough of the scenery, turned around and nodded slightly, the ceremonial officer stepped back, and not long after Anthony walked in slowly.

Anthony looked at Orston with an uneasy expression, and tried to take a few deep breaths and walked forward and bowed to salute: “Your Majesty.”

Alston’s giant lion quantum beast suddenly opened his eyes and yawned. Anthony’s red lynx rushed behind his master like a needle pierced, and no longer dared to please the giant lion as usual.

“Is this the crown prince of our empire?” Alston looked at Anthony coldly, and reprimanded, “Looking at you so desperate! I doubt that the House has already submitted an impeachment letter about you! You! What about your courage?! As the crown prince’s responsibility?! Is your crisis public relations just pretending to be pitiful?! As a politician, you can’t even stabilize your heart. What can you do to appease the hearts of the people who support you?! You can’t even convince yourself, what do you use to persuade your people to convince you?!”

Anthony was speechless by Aston’s reprimand, and then choked up after a long while: “Very, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I really didn’t expect this time, I…”

As soon as I heard this, Aston got more headaches. Anthony was not entirely to blame for what happened this time. Even if Anthony was a little hasty, he can be forgiven. He is still young and he makes mistakes when eating, which makes Aston the most. What is angry is Anthony’s weakness, wrong is wrong! As the crown prince, he couldn’t even stand this blow!

In a trance, Allen suddenly thought of his second son… That year, he cruelly exiled Allen, during which many people interceded, but in the end Allen didn’t say a word to him. Allen is still Remember, Alan was only fourteen years old at that time, and the last thing he said to himself was…you wait, time will give you the loudest slap in the face.

Although Alan was almost agitated by this sentence at the beginning, he had to admit that compared to the gentle prince in front of him, Auston actually liked Allen’s character more in his heart. Standing at the highest point of the empire, there was no perseverance. The heart can’t stand it. If you fight hard, ten Anthony will not be Allen’s opponents, it’s a pity…

Alston sat down wearily, and said coldly for a while: “You are too impatient this time.”

Seeing that Auston’s tone was not as harsh as just now, Anthony was relieved a lot, and nodded hurriedly: “Yes…I dealt with the problem too hastily.”

Ten years later, a new round of statistics shows that the ratio of imperial guides to sentries has changed from one to one thousand to one to one thousand and seven. When it was announced to the public, the House again obscured this figure. The previous “one to one thousand” was changed to “nearly one to one thousand”. Naturally, this method of covering one’s ears and stealing the bell can deceive the kind and tolerant people but can’t fool themselves. As early as six months ago, the House of Representatives was discussing countermeasures. Like Dayton, Anthony is also an absolute supporter of the guide distribution system. Just half a month ago, Anthony just submitted a proposal to change the existing guide sentry “blind date system” to a “distribution system” that can more effectively improve the combination rate of sentry guides. “The blind date system is originally from the wartime. In “White Tower”, a blind date dance will be held every season. The dance will last for seven days. The graduated guide and the sentry approved by the empire to get the right to match each other met and fell in love during these seven days. , And left the White Tower together on the eighth day.

The ratio of sentries to guides participating in blind dates is three to one, so to a certain extent guides still have a certain right to choose. This is also a weapon used by the House to stop human rights activists every time, and Anthony’s proposed “distribution “System” breaks this routine. His opinion is to do another screening before the blind date to determine that the combined degree of the combined sentinel and guide is more than 90%.

Of course, this is supported by theory. The data shows that the combat capability of guides and sentries with a combination degree of more than 80% is much higher than that of a combination degree of less than 80%, and the combination degree is 9%. The proportion of supernatural beings among the descendants of guides and sentries with more than ten is 20% higher than that of those with less than 90%.

Simply put, after the implementation of the distribution system, the overall combat capability of the sentinels who are guided will be greatly enhanced, and the proportion of guides in their descendants will also greatly increase. Anthony even asked experts to predict the ten or fifty years after the implementation of this rule. , The ratio of guides and sentries in a hundred years, naturally, the data in an ideal state is of course very gratifying. Anthony believes that as long as it is distributed in this way, the ratio between guides and sentries will one day be flat.

Unlike Anthony’s enthusiasm before, Auston has always had reservations about this. Everyone in the House except for a few radicals with holes in their heads has also remained silent, but just a week ago, there was no such thing. The sudden release of proposals that passed any of the House review procedures caused an uproar among the people.

For a time human rights activists, anti-imperial organizations, and guide human rights associations all stood up to criticize Crown Prince Anthony’s “anti-human” behavior. Auston himself did not respond, but asked the House to issue a statement to prove the so-called ” “Distribution” is just a previous idea, and there is no plan to implement it, and this proposal was not proposed by Prince Anthony, but by an official in the womb of the emperor. The House tried its best to suppress the incident. Desiring to be quiet and windy, an unknown person suddenly revealed on a forum on the Internet that the distribution system had been implemented in disguised form at the blind date party a few years ago, but the innocent guides did not know that their blind date had already passed. Only screening, this remark is tantamount to worsening the situation, the previous explanations instantly became the handle of the House and the royal family to fool the people.

And what crushed the last straw was a tragedy in the White Tower a few days ago.

When there was a lot of noise outside, a 19-year-old guide in the White Tower quietly ended his life.

This guide awakened when he was fifteen years old. Before that, he had a childhood sweetheart sentry lover. The poor sentry was about to collapse after his lover was sent away. He volunteered to enter the front line for the ethereal hope. After four years of fighting, the sentry finally obtained the rank of lieutenant colonel—the lowest threshold for getting blind date.

Everything is moving in a good direction, but the guide was completely desperate after hearing about the “distribution system”. He grew up with his lover since he was a child. He knew better than anyone that their compatibility was less than 30%.

On the night when the news was learned, the guide used a stolen syringe to blow a tube of air into his carotid artery and left a last word. He would rather break it himself than become a stranger’s machine in the future. The next day, the sentry who was waiting for the blind date season resolutely fired a shot on his temple with his photon gun, which had killed countless enemies, after receiving the news of his lover’s death.

The situation that Alston had barely stabilized was disrupted again in an instant.

Admittedly, the guide who accepted the imperial arrangement committed suicide in despair. The sentry generals who were expeditioning to the border of the imperial lands were betrayed by the imperial. Two bloodshed cases completely aroused the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the people. There were countless conquests on the Internet, and the streets were full of parades. The protesting crowds, the House’s repeated efforts were not effective. Anthony was so bad after a few nights of nightmares that he was accidentally photographed while traveling. When Anthony’s gray face appeared on the Internet again, everyone’s anger was finally With catharsis… the source of everything is this anti-human prince!

Various negative reports about Anthony flooded in. From Anthony’s status as an illegitimate child to his various lace news in recent years, various reporters tried their best to excavate him and thoroughly scooped him up.

After conquering Anthony for a few days, everyone’s eyes returned to the guide. Why should the guide accept all kinds of inhuman treatment? The empire’s reputation is protection, but have the guides really been protected over the years? Or is it reduced to a tool for the empire to win over and control the top? Moreover, the “distribution system” sounds nice to realize the maximization of benefits, but who knows if there will be any tricks in it? It is not impossible to give the relevant personnel certain benefits, and then independently select the guides who are optimistic about their pure blood, strong mental power, and prominent family.

Anthony, who has been verbally criticized by the public for many days, no longer has the peace of mind he used to be. Thinking about the students who marched in front of his palace, he is almost crazy: “I hope you can believe that I have no selfishness from the beginning to the end… The proportion of guides among the scholars is decreasing year by year, and I am worried…I am for the empire, I…”

Allston closed his eyes and nodded: “I believe it.”

“Thank you… Your Majesty.” After getting his father’s affirmation, Anthony felt better, and continued, “I mean… now we should increase our censorship and not let all kinds of false statements go viral on the Internet…”

“Blocking is worse than sparse, always let everyone vent their dissatisfaction, and this is a trivial matter, but a few words of scolding! Back then, when I misdirected and carried tens of thousands of lives, the attack was more serious than you! I Also survived!” Alston interrupted Anthony coldly, “And your focus is wrong! Now what you should worry about most is the emotions of the soldiers!”

Anthony was stunned to understand, and instantly turned pale, Auston let out a sigh of relief. In any case, the sentinel who committed suicide before was a full negative energy. With this precedent, the soldiers could not help being discouraged. He felt cold and felt that all his efforts were worthless. If the army was disappointed in the empire, the consequences would even be unpredictable by Aston.

“Don’t show up again these days, I will take care of the rest.” Alston looked at Anthony and said in a deep voice, “Bring out the demeanor of the king, Your Royal Highness.”

Anthony suddenly blushed for no reason. After a moment of silence, he bowed and saluted: “Yes, Your Majesty.”

Anthony left, Alston rubbed his face tiredly after sitting in the chair for a long time. In order to solve the current crisis, the main city may need a little fresh blood and positive topics.

Allen suddenly remembered what Allen had said to him ten years ago, and Allen gave a wry smile. This slap was really painful.

The distant Apollo star, His Royal Highness Allen, who was about to turn 24, read the letter from His Majesty the Emperor with a smile. The ceremonial officer looked at the handsome prince and couldn’t move his eyes, and he couldn’t help but smile. Bottom: “His Royal Highness, is there any good news?”

Allen casually tossed the communicator aside, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: “His Majesty the Emperor thinks that my body has healed and I can return to the main star.”

Next to Allen’s leg, a five-meter-long Taipan snake suddenly vomited a blood-red letter.

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