Count of Wizards

Chapter 1193

Chapter 1160 Get out of trouble (1)

“Earl of Wizard( Find the latest chapter!

Isabella looked at him deeply when she heard the words, then shook her head, and was not talking to Connor. Seeing this, Adolf next to her waved her hand, and the four official wizards were ordered in the next second. They all rushed towards Connor, Varga, Southgate, and Bisping.

At the beginning of the battle, Bispin, Southgate, Connor, and Varga were completely suppressed by the official wizards of the four kings’ faction opposite. This was not because of the king’s faction. How powerful the four formal wizards are, but because Connor and the four of them, they didn’t dare to do anything with all they could.

After all, Adolf and Isabella, who has already broken through to become a formal wizard, are watching. Adolf’s strength is known to everyone. The old first-level wizards are also the strongest in the entire first-level wizard realm. First gear.

As for Isabella, it didn’t take long to break through to become a first-level wizard, but everyone knows that this young woman has a strong background and even has something to do with the prince in the secret society, so although she is weak in cultivation Some of the above, but maybe there are some powerful items on the body like Tier 3 demonized items, and the strength is definitely not to be underestimated.·········

If Adolf and Isabella are involved in the battle, there is no doubt that this will be a decisive force.

Knowing this, Connor, Bisping and the four of them dare not act rashly to try to break through the siege. They can only actively defend themselves, and are always on guard against possible sudden attacks by Adolf and Isabella. ,

After all, if you are targeted by Isabella and Adolf on the basis of the existing four princes and a faction of official wizards, it will really be a life of nine deaths!

Because Connor recovered from his injury, Varga took the initiative to take the initiative and confronted Jonathan and Silvia, the male and female two official wizards. Connor Ferguson, who knew his physical condition, did not succeed. Beside Jia, from time to time, he used mental storms to interfere with Jonathan and Silvia. In this way, Connor and Varga, who had recovered from serious injuries, could be regarded as temporarily blocking the attack of the two official wizards in front of them.

“Damn mental attack!”

Silvia, who was about to sneak attack on Varga from behind, was once again attacked by Connor’s mental storm. With average mental power, she only felt her head stunned and had a terrible headache, cursing and helpless at the same time. Give up, plan to attack Varga.

Ignoring Silvia’s curse, Connor, who was holding the silver pendant in his hand, quickly and covertly observed the situation around him.

Adolf and Isabella, standing aside, seem to have no intention of making a move, while Bisping and Southgate are fighting with the bald Pujic brothers, although they are afraid of Adolf and Isha. Bella’s reasons, Bisping and Southgate, both left a hand and did not dare to attack, but there was still no problem with self-protection.

The only problem now is between himself and Varga. Although Varga can barely contend with the other two with the help of his own mental attack, Connor knows very well that with his current physical state, he cannot release several times. Mentally offensive.

Once he can’t hold it anymore, Varga can’t hold on without his mental attack support. At that time, he will really be a complete defeat, so for the present plan, it is necessary to break the game as soon as possible, and this time to break the game , Of course, the sooner the better.

The current situation is not very good for both Connor and Varga, but Connor still has a hole card in his hand that has not been played, and this hole card is De Rosa Magic Sword.

As an offensive Tier 3 demonized item, the De Rosa Magic Sword, if used in the right place, may not be enough to change the situation, but it can still be done to make a way for Connor and Varga… ·····

After observing in secret for a few seconds, looking at Isabella who was with Adolf, Connor had already faintly revealed the prototype of a plan in his heart, but Connor was a little hesitant about his own plan, his plan. , It is too risky. If they fail, he and Varga will both die here.

While Connor was hesitant in his heart, Jonathan, who had been battling Varga head-on, finally achieved the result. With a grinning grin, he broke through Varga’s vine defense, leaving a big hole in Varga’s arm.

Seeing the red blood flowing out of Varga’s wound, Connor knew that he had to make a decision while he was heartbroken, and he couldn’t delay it. Even if he wanted to make a change, he couldn’t do it. .

Thinking of this, Connor took out a gray crystal ball directly from the space ring and hit the ground fiercely. Connor was fast enough, and there was a Val in front of Connor. Add barriers, and everyone present has not reacted yet. The gray crystal ball has already shattered on the ground, and a gray turbid gas is spreading in the air.······· ···

Connor, who released this gray gas, took advantage of everyone’s stunned gap due to the appearance of the gray mist. The next second was to take out two masks from the space ring, one for himself and one for himself. Threw it to Varga.

Seeing the mask that Connor threw over, Varga, whose arms were still bleeding, immediately resisted the pain and put the mask on his head. Those who were present at this time saw the actions of Connor and Varga, whether it was Biss. Ping, Southgate, or the sorcerers of the Prince’s school all understood that the gray mist was poisonous, and they all began to prepare, but unfortunately, at this time, their reaction was already a little late. , The toxin contained in the gray mist had already had an effect on them, causing them to start a slight hallucination.

At this moment, Connor quietly applied a color to Varga, and Varga immediately understood Connor’s thoughts. Varga, who thought Connor would break through with him, immediately rushed out quietly, but let Varga. Surprisingly, Connor did not leave with her, but rushed in the opposite direction to her.

Seeing Connor rushing towards him, Adolf, who has been silently guarding Isabella, felt funny in his heart. As a veteran first-level wizard, he can naturally see that Connor has not been injured yet. He is completely healed, and his strength can’t be shown much at all. At this time, he rushes to himself, and it is no different from suicide.········

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