Count of Wizards

Chapter 1172

Chapter 1140 Moro Club

“Earl of Wizard( Find the latest chapter!

One day after Connor was attacked, Margaret came back to the cabin near Mensaka Manor where Jelena used to hide.

When Margaret and Elena met, neither of them spoke first. They were all silent, and seemed to have something to say to each other.

Just as she lived up to Elena’s expectations and failed to complete the task she gave to her, Margaret, who was a little guilty, did not notice Elena’s abnormality. Seeing that the atmosphere in the wooden house was a little depressed, she It was the first to break the silence, and said to Elena with a little apology: “Sorry, sister Elena, Connor is worried about Hummels, so he did not agree to help you repair the cold storm staff… ·········”

Hearing Margaret’s words, Jelena was not surprised. She nodded, and then said calmly; ‘Normal, this is in line with his behavior! ”

“Although I haven’t seen this Connor Ferguson, I have read all the information about him in the church. He is a guy who doesn’t see rabbits or scatter eagles. I am seriously injured and there is no way to help him. Containing his teacher Reyes, he naturally lacks interest in cooperating with me. What’s more, now Hummels is here again. He seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, naturally, he does not want to have anything to do with me!’

Seeing Irina’s words broke, Connor’s thoughts, Margaret showed a touch of embarrassment on her face. When Connor first rejected her yesterday, she was undoubtedly very disappointed in Connor, and she also had some small things in her heart. Temper, but when she calms down, she understands it. Although her request does not sound difficult, for Connor, she has to take a lot of risk. If she understands this truth, the temper in her heart will naturally dissipate. It’s 80%.

After Elena finished speaking, she glanced at Margaret, and then asked nonchalantly: “When did you leave Connor yesterday?”

Although Jelena’s question seemed to be nonchalant, she just asked casually, but Marguerite felt the tentative meaning of her words if there is no such thing…

Although I don’t know what Elena’s temptation meant, but after hesitating, Margaret decided to tell Elena frankly and honestly said: “Yesterday afternoon, after being rejected by Connor, I separated from him. Up.”

Irina nodded when she heard the words, and then looked at Marguerite again. Just when Marguerite couldn’t help but wonder, when she wanted to ask questions, she wasn’t trying to betray her, and directed at Marguerite. Special said: “According to the information I got, there were two official wizards who fought in the Ferguson Manor and 30 kilometers away yesterday afternoon!”

After hearing this, Margaret was shocked. Although Elena’s remarks did not point to Connor, since the place of the battle was only 30 kilometers away from Ferguson Manor, then it was not possible to say that the battle was with Connor. Ferguson has a relationship, or simply, Conor Ferguson is fighting people!

Thinking of this, Margaret, who was also aware of Connor’s injuries in the Navas Forest, could not help but frowned, and she was secretly worried for Connor.

Seeing this picture of Margaret in front of her, Elena naturally understood what she was thinking, she sighed slightly, and then continued; “Someone saw Diego Lopez in Frosinone. Up!”

“Diego Lopez? That Diego Lopez from the Moro Club?”

When I heard the name Irina had said, Margaret, who was worried about Connor, looked startled at first, and then asked Irina to prove:

The name Diego López is a very common name in the Kaman Empire and even the whole Byzantine continent. At least hundreds of thousands of people are called by this name, or the name contains this name. For example, Diego Lopez Santos, Diego Capra Lima Lopez, etc., it is precisely because in the secular world, many people call this name, so it is built on the secular world in the wizarding world, and there are also Many people call this name.

It is for this reason that when Elena mentioned Diego Lopez, Marguerite was not sure that she was talking about Diego Lopez and needed further verification.

Regarding Margaret’s rhetorical question, Jelena nodded, and then added: “Although my source of information has nothing to do with the church, it is very reliable and has never been missed, so I can basically confirm Diego. Lopez has come to Frosinone!”

Seeing that Jelena was so sure, the smart Margaret, and then remembered that Jelena mentioned earlier that within 30 kilometers of Ferguson Manor a wizarding battle broke out, and she immediately understood something. Somewhat incredulously said: “Sister Elena, are you saying that the battle near Ferguson Manor was caused by Diego Lopez? If I remember correctly, the Moro Club to which Diego Lopez belongs, In Frosinone, there is no interest…”

Regarding Margaret’s question this time, Jelena did not give a clear and affirmative answer. She shook her head, and said to Margaret in a meaningful way: “According to what I have now Information, although I don’t know what Diego López is going to do in Frosinone, my source tells me that Diego López’s appearance is not accidental. In the next few days, maybe More Moroccan wizards will arrive in Frosinone.”

Hearing such a somewhat ambiguous answer, Margaret’s eyes became more suspicious. Judging from the information revealed by Elena, although she did not say it explicitly, the meaning of her words was nothing but her own suggestion. Diego Lopez and the Moro Club he belonged to went to Connor Ferguson, but if she remembers correctly, Connor did not have any conflicts with Moro? There was no contact between Connor and Morrow.

“You can tell Connor about this matter, and it can be regarded as a reminder to him, this Moro will be difficult to deal with!” Seeing Margaret, I always refused to express my opinion and couldn’t figure out what was in Margaret’s heart. Irina, who was thinking about what she was thinking, could only add fire, and clearly stated to Margaret:

Now that Elena has said everything, Margaret, who was sitting beside him in thought, was naturally not pretending to be stupid. Instead, he nodded at Marguerite’s characteristics and said, “I understand. I will tell Connor this news as soon as possible!”

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