Count of Wizards

Chapter 1167

Chapter 1135 Tracked

“Earl of Wizard( Find the latest chapter!

Feeling the strong man looking at his gaze, Gallardini’s heart bursts out, he feels that he is not a human now, but the cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, the strong man who may be transformed into a butcher at any time. The hand of the Han raised the knife and fell, and his stomach was broken.···········

Even though Gallardini’s courage is not small, but the whole person is shrouded by this horrible feeling, and he is so scared that he trembles all over, almost incontinence, and urinating.

“Can you recognize him?”

At this moment, the low voice sounded in this dim room again. For Gallardini at this time, this low voice was as important as a straw for life. He I didn’t even hear what the question was, but in order to prove his worth and get a chance to survive from the other’s hands, Gallardini, who was tied to a wooden stake, desperately Nodded, yelled and said: “I can do it, don’t kill me! Don’t kill me”

Hearing Gallardini’s shout, the voice sounded again, but this time it was not to Gallardini, but to the brawny man standing in the corner of the room: “Give him Eat a little, and then get ready to act!”


In response to this command, the strong man bowed his head very respectfully and said in a low voice:

Seeing that his life was temporarily saved, Gallardini immediately relaxed and leaned softly on the wooden stake. Only then did he realize that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and his whole body seemed to be drenched in cold sweat. It was as wet as it was fished out of the water.

Like yesterday, the strong man put Gallardini down from the stake, untied the twine that bound his limbs, and threw him two pieces of brown bread and a bowl of water.

Gallardini, who had been eating a day since the last time, was already hungry. Without the slightest hesitation, he just picked up the brown bread and gobbled it up.

Seeing Gallardini’s virtue, the brawny man standing by, a touch of disdain appeared in his eyes. In his eyes, people like Gallardini have nothing to do with the wild dogs on the side of the road. The difference is, if you give him something to eat, he will be very flattering and wagging his tail at you!

Gallardini, naturally, can see the unabashed contempt in the brawny man’s eyes, and he is naturally very angry, but under the threat of death, Gallardini has no courage to resist. You can only chew the black bread vigorously in your mouth, and vent all the resentment towards the strong man on the innocent black bread.

Seeing Gallardini was about to finish his meal, the brawny man pulled a black coffin from the corner of the room, which had been prepared a long time ago.

The appearance of this black coffin immediately attracted Gagliardini’s attention, and at the same time a bad premonition emerged in Gallardini’s heart.

“Brother, what is this for?” Gallardini, unable to hold back his curiosity, tentatively asked the strong man:

In response to Gallardini’s question, the brawny man who pulled the coffin over did not reply. He just looked at Gallardini with a grin, then opened the lid of the black coffin, and pointed to it. The coffin pointed to Gallardini again.

Although the strong man did not speak, Gallardini understood what he meant. There is no doubt that this strong man wanted him to lie down in the coffin…

“Brother, don’t be like this, I am a believer in the goddess of the storm, I don’t want to die…” After realizing what the other party wanted to do, Gallardini wanted to make the last attempt. As he stepped back, he said with a sad face:

In the face of Gallardini’s humble pleading, the brawny man showed no sympathy or mercy. He saw that Gallardini had not been as he ordered, and his fierce face showed impatience. Lulu immediately walked to Gallardini.

Seeing the strong man approaching, Gallardini, who is not bound by hemp rope, still has no courage to fight against this burly man, but he also mustered up his courage, turned and ran behind him, trying to avoid the strong man. The arrest, but it may be because of being tied for too long, physical inconvenience, and he was limp with one foot and his legs were not very good, which caused Gallardini to not run out. A few steps, it fell to the ground all at once.

Seeing Gagliardini’s so funny look, the brawny man laughed and walked to Gallardini’s side, and then under Gallardini’s horrified gaze, the brawny man looked like an eagle catching a young man. Like a chicken, he grabbed Gallardini and threw him into the black coffin.

Gallardini, who was thrown into the coffin, seemed to still want to struggle, trying to crawl out of the coffin But he was slapped and slapped by the strong man, so he died, and there was no movement. , Seeing Gallardini calm down, the strong man slowly closed the lid of the coffin, and then dragged the black coffin out of the dim room.



Connor Ferguson, who had finished meeting with Margaret, was immediately ready to return to Ferguson Manor in the suburbs. Varga asked him to meet there. It seemed that there was something to discuss with him.

Connor, disguised as a middle-aged gentleman, rented a carriage from the carriage shop, and then drove the carriage alone towards Ferguson Manor in the outskirts.

After walking out of Chiesa Avenue, the boundary between the outskirts of Frosino and the city, driving on the empty dirt road in the suburbs, Connor, who was driving a carriage, frowned quietly.

Although the surroundings seemed calm and nothing happened, Connor, a spiritual wizard with strong spiritual power, still vaguely noticed that someone was secretly following him not far behind him.

However, although the mental power has been aware that someone is following him behind him, the method of stalking the person still seems very clever. Connor can’t find his specific location. This can’t help but make Connor secretly alert. The current level of spiritual power, although not reaching the level of a second-level wizard, is definitely far beyond the average first-level wizard.

Therefore, the person following him was able to conceal his spiritual power, which is enough to show that the strength of this person is definitely not to be underestimated, and in today’s Frosinone, a person with such strength People, following you quietly, obviously not a friendly behavior…

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