Cosmic Ruler
Chapter 325: Mayhem III
As the days passed, the Loain family's grip on Moon City tightened. Under Aiden's direction, the city became a model of control and efficiency, with increased patrols and the watchful eyes of Loain's soldiers in every district. The streets, once filled with the bickering of nobles and the whispers of clandestine deals, now held an air of order. Yet beneath the surface, tension simmered as rumors of betrayal and distrust among the noble families grew.
The Durnham family, though weakened, hadn't yet yielded completely. Lady Durnham's pride kept her defiant, her eyes burning with a need for retribution for what she saw as an orchestrated attack on her family. Lord Valros and Master Edran, meanwhile, took a quieter approach, each watching from the sidelines and calculating their next moves, too shrewd to take any action without solid proof of the Loain family's role in their recent misfortunes.
Aiden sat in his private quarters, reviewing the intelligence his operatives had gathered. Reports showed signs of brewing resistance from both the Valros and Durnham families. The Durnhams had even sent covert messages to their distant allies, hoping to gather support and reclaim their influence over the city. However, Aiden had already intercepted these messages, ensuring their words fell into the void, reinforcing their sense of isolation.
One evening, Aiden invited Valeria to his quarters. He leaned back in his chair as she entered, her red eyes gleaming in the candlelight.
"Master," she said with a bow, "you called?"
He gestured for her to sit. "We have Lady Durnham stirring trouble again. She's like a fox cornered and desperate, and it's only a matter of time before she takes a more dangerous approach. I need you to remind her of her current… position."
Valeria smiled darkly. "A visit from the Shadow Maid herself, then? I'll ensure she understands the limits of her influence."
Aiden watched as she slipped out of the room, melting into the shadows as if she were born of them. Valeria knew her task well; she would pay a silent but ominous visit to Lady Durnham, a reminder of Aiden's reach and his power to pull strings without being seen. In a city now divided, fear was a currency Aiden had learned to wield effectively.
The following day, Lady Durnham sat in her grand drawing room, her hands trembling as she sipped her tea. She'd awoken in the early hours to find her guards knocked unconscious and her private study rifled through, though nothing was missing. It was a subtle message, but an effective one—Aiden could reach her whenever he pleased.
Unease permeated her household, and it wasn't long before rumors spread among her staff. She had lost control of her estate, her influence within the city eroding with every passing day. Her allies were silent, her reputation tainted. Desperate, Lady Durnham called for a secret meeting with Lord Valros and Master Edran that very night, hoping to salvage what remained of her power.
The moon was high when the three heads of Moon City's noble families convened in a hidden chamber within the Durnham estate. Lord Valros, tall and imposing, crossed his arms as he observed the room with suspicion. Master Edran, a wiry man with sharp features, stood quietly to one side, eyes narrowed as he took in every word and movement.
"We've been backed into a corner," Lady Durnham whispered, her voice laced with bitterness. "Loain's reach has grown too vast. They control the guards, the gates, even the marketplaces. Every alley in Moon City feels as if it has Loain eyes watching."
Lord Valros frowned. "But we've no proof, no tangible evidence to challenge them. Eldrik has played his hand well."
"We need leverage," Edran said, his voice cold and analytical. "If we want to strike back, we'll need something they can't ignore. An alliance with outside forces might tip the scales."
Lady Durnham's eyes gleamed with renewed hope. "There is one group… mercenaries known as the Crimson Blades. They're formidable, and their loyalty can be bought for the right price. If we can persuade them, we'll have the strength to challenge the Loain family directly."
"Contacting mercenaries is dangerous," Valros cautioned. "But desperate times, I suppose."
The meeting continued as the three nobles discussed the finer points of their plan, unaware that Valeria's operatives were lurking in the shadows, listening to every word.
Aiden received the report from Valeria later that night, his lips curling into a smile as he read through the details of their plotting. The Durnhams' desperation would be their undoing; he'd anticipated such a move and already prepared a strategy to turn it in his favor.
"Mobilize our forces," Aiden instructed Eldrik the next morning. "Let the Durnhams think they have a chance, then strike at the heart of their resistance before they can act. I want Moon City to see just how swiftly we can quash rebellion."
The Loain forces moved quickly, their soldiers spreading through the city under the guise of increased security measures. They established checkpoints at key locations, intercepting suspicious individuals and keeping a close watch on the city's outskirts. Any message or courier from the Durnham estate was seized before it could leave Moon City's borders.
Meanwhile, Aiden's operatives discreetly made contact with the Crimson Blades, paying them handsomely to betray the Durnham family. The mercenaries, more interested in profit than loyalty, readily agreed, planning to turn on Lady Durnham and the others when the time was right.
As the days unfolded, Lady Durnham, Valros, and Edran began gathering their allies, preparing for what they believed would be a coordinated strike against the Loain family. They operated in secrecy, meeting under cover of night and sending coded messages to their supporters. However, with Aiden's agents intercepting their communications and bribing key players, their efforts were doomed before they began.
The day of the confrontation arrived, and Moon City's nobles gathered at the city's old meeting hall. Each family brought a contingent of soldiers, ostensibly as protection but clearly meant to be a show of force.
Aiden observed the scene from a hidden vantage point, his eyes gleaming as he watched the Durnham, Valros, and Edran families arrayed with their forces. Eldrik stood beside him, his face expressionless as he took in the sight.
"Shall we proceed?" Eldrik asked, his voice quiet yet filled with anticipation.
"Let them make the first move," Aiden replied, his gaze never wavering. "Then we'll remind them who truly rules this city."
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