Chapter 6: Chapter 6
I have got murderous urges. The asshole in front of me, my dad, knows it which is why he ignores me like he can.
I swear to God if I see Lea, I am going to fucking strangle her. Fuck, I've been nice enough to her for the last two weeks, I let her do whatever she wanted but she's going to pay for ignoring me all week, I promise. But right now, I need to get out of my dad's office before I go crazy.
My dad is an asshole, but I admire him sometimes because he always gets what he wants, including me under his control.
I was stupid last year when I got caught by my football coach for possession of cocaine that wasn't even mine but rather Marc's. I knew my dad was behind my back and the only way he could control me was through soccer. I was quarterback in high school but as soon as the coach caught me, he had the idea to suspend me as I was his best player, and I was captain. However, my father seized the opportunity and since I was underage, he demanded that the coach kick me off the team and with his connections with the school principal, it was very easy for him. And guess what my father did next, he offered me a deal: I would enroll in college with a major in business no matter what I wanted to major in, and that I would take the classes remotely and work at his company on a work-study basis. In return I would remain captain of my football team. It was all or nothing. The other thing you need to know about my father is that as much as he would love to control me and make me his heir, he would do as much anything to get me to leave Lea alone not because he wants the best for my little princess but rather because he hates her and will never accept that I have any kind of relationship with her since she is his worst enemy's daughter but that's another subject. So, with this deal he killed two birds with one stone. And I could not refuse, especially with the coach pressuring me to accept, but also, I could not let down the other members of my team who were hoping to get into universities thanks to soccer, especially Marc. Therefore, I accepted anyway I knew I could not play foot in college if I didn't finish the season.
That's why I'm standing in front of my father who is closing a deal.
As soon as he finishes walking his new partner out the door, I say.
- "I am doing whatever you want. I've agreed to be your lapdog, I'm going to keep my end of the bargain, but I need to do one thing urgently."
- "No, you don't. When you take my place, you can do whatever you want but for now you have work to do. And don't think I'm an asshole I know it has to do with that little bi... Lea", he corrects.
He knows I don't allow him to insult her. He can hate her as much as he wants, but no insult toward her.
- "My relationship with her is none of your business..."
- "and that's why you won't leave here, he cut me off and ended the conversation."
Several hours later, I finally leave work and go home. I call Marc in vain; he is probably fucking. I leave him a voicemail.
- "hey man! call me back as soon as you see this message. It's urgent."
I take a quick shower. I call Lea and she hangs up on me. She does not pay anything to wait. The Thursday she didn't answer me I thought it was because of the problem with Tiffany and that she was angry with me but I think now that it was the beginning of a rebellion. Yet I was very nice to her that day. At another time she would have ended the call with tears. And even the next week I let her stupid apology go by without saying anything, she should have been grateful for the effort I was making for her. And now she dares to hang up on me. What's more important for her to do. I don't want to keep thinking about this because I'm having dark thoughts.
Damn it!
I call Marc back twice in a row with no answer, I'm sure I'll punch him in the face as soon as I see him. I call again, he's going to answer me at some point.
- "What the fuck are you doing calling me at this hour, man? It is 2 fucking a.m. Liam", he answers when he takes my call.
- When was the last time you saw Lea? I ask.
- "Are you fucking serious right now? You're cutting off my threesome to ask me when I last saw your girlfriend. You really need to find a girl to fuck because you are really losing your mind", he says, laughing.
- "Look, she hasn't returned my calls or messages all week. And she just hung up on me", I say
- "Your little princess is doing great. I saw her yesterday with some chick at foot practice. Probably a new friend. You should have seen his new girlfriend, the girl is a hottie", he says.
I can only remember one thing he said: half-naked guy training.
- "what the hell was she doing at a foot practice", I ask, trying to manage my rage as much as I can
- "I don't know, she didn't want me to see her. She checked that I was not on the field before taking a seat, so I hid she did not see me", He says. "I think his girlfriend has her boyfriend on the team. As soon as practice was over, a guy from the team named Tom joined them".
-" I want to know everything about that girl and that Tom guy in particular. And make someone follow Lea. I want to know everything she does in detail. I am stuck with my dad here and I must accompany him to Singapore tomorrow. I'll be back on Friday; I want all the information before I get back."
- "Noted, boss," he scoffed, "anything else majesty?"
- "Fuck you," I reply.
He bursts out laughing and I hang up.
I start the work my father asked me to do for our trip and finish it at dawn. Fortunately, being busy helps me not to think too much about Lea.
So, I start my day without even having slept the night before.