
Chapter 3: Chapter 3


It's been three days since Lea left for college and I can't take it anymore. I hate this situation because I like to know all the time where she is, what she's doing, who she's talking to. I love to control her, and she hates it, but I don't care because she belongs to me whether she likes it or not. I want to smile because I know she thinks she's going to be able to take off but what my little princess doesn't know is that until death do us part, she will be and stay mine. I burst out laughing, I think I need to find a pussy to fuck because I am starting to lose my mind.

I call Tiffany to relieve me. She is always willing to go the extra mile for me. She was a cheerleader in high school, the spitting image of the perfect slut that is portrayed in novels. She terrorized all the other girls in high school. She had no qualms about destroying one of her "friends" if said friend accidentally ogled me for too long for her liking. She thinks she is my girlfriend while I treat her like a whore and often used her to disgust my little princess.

In fact, I don't know why but they really hate each other. Or maybe I know it's because of me, no pretenses.

Even if she seems stupid, Tiffany is smart enough to know that I am only interested in her to fuck and nothing more: no sweet words, no present, not even a word during her birthdays. And therefore, she is jealous of Lea whom I spoil too much: jewelry, clothes, expensive shoes, dinner in restaurants. I drive Lea everywhere she goes; she sits next to me all the time, I text her all the time, even during oral sex. So, Tiffany does everything she can to hurt her so she'll go away, and then she could have me alone. What she doesn't know is that my little princess is chained to me and lives in a golden prison, she can't escape.

As for Lea, she hates her because she thinks she's a dirty little bitch. Between you and me, she is just jealous that I'm sleeping with her even if she'll never admit it. She hates for no reason all the girls I fuck and who are interested in me. That's the reason why she doesn't have friends. Tiffany especially disgusts her because the later makes sure to tell her every time we have sex and how I take her to heaven. To make it even better, she gives her tips for when she is ready to become a woman, to lose her virginity.

I want to strangle her every time. No one is going to take Lea's virginity but me. I know that during these times, my little princess hates me because the whole school knows that she belongs to me and that I would kill any man who tries to talk to her, so she hasn't had a boyfriend in a long time because no one wants to risk it. I sometimes feel guilty for isolating her but that feeling goes away very quickly. She has me and she doesn't need anyone else, even though it's very often tense between us especially when she tries to rebel.

I text Tiffany to tell her to come over to my house. I spend the next hour sorting out some gang issues and send one of my men to teach a good lesson a little bastard who thought he could sell drugs in my territory and damage my reputation. As much as I hate my progenitor, he is right that reputation is what makes a man and as John Heywood says, "He who has a bad reputation is half hanged. "

My doorbell rings, I know it's Tiffany. I open the door and as usual she is dressed in a dress that leaves nothing to imagination, but hey half the town has probably already seen what there is to see, so she doesn't need to hide anything anymore. I leave her at the door and go back to sit on my sofa. Behind me she says in a slightly too honeyed tone

- "hello to you too, handsome"

I don't know what she's up to, but I know I'm not going to like it. She comes to sit on me and pushes her chest on my face.

- "I called you, but you didn't answer me", she says

She knows I am not going to answer her. I finish the message I was writing when she arrived, and I tell her:

- "I didn't call you to listen to you, if you need therapy session, you can go elsewhere."

- "I don't know why you're treating me like this. I do whatever you want, a little kind word wouldn't hurt you", she says with tears in her eyes.

- "You have three minutes to get out of here", I tell her

- "I'm sorry. I'm a little tense, I came all the way here to see you. I just want you to appreciate what I do", she says.

If I didn't know her too well, I would have said she was in love with me, but I know she just wants me because I control the city and I'm rich, even though her family is too, albeit to a lesser extent. She loves power and would sell her mother for it.

She gets on her knees and sticks her boobs out. She opens the button on my jeans, pulls out my dick and starts stroking me. She brings her mouth close and takes me deep in her throat. She plays with my balls too. She knows how to give a good blow job that's for sure. I grab her by the hair to control the pace and push myself so deep into her throat that she has tears in her eyes. My phone rings and it's Lea. I pick it up.

- "What's up princess. Are you okay?", I ask.

- "Good evening to you too", she says happily. "I am fine. I was feeling a little lonely that is why I am calling you."

I relax. And I smile, thinking that she misses me, I like that.

- "I thought you were going to forget about me soon, you must be really crazy about me to hang on to a long-distance relationship baby. Maybe it's because I'm a god in bed,"

She bursts out laughing. I'm sure she's blushing right now; I love flirting with her and shocking her with my crude words. I look at Tiffany and she rolls her eyes, but I ignore her.

- "you have a really big ego. The only thing I miss about you is your place."

She loves coming here when she's not doing anything. She says it's very cozy for a man's apartment when she's the one who decorated it to her taste. Tiffany chooses this moment to moan and scream.

- "Oh my god! This is so good."

I am sure the neighbors heard it and I know her aim was for Lea to hear it.

- "I'm going to eat, I'll let you get on with what you're doing. Good night", Lea says curtly and hangs up.

She didn't even let me get a word in. I yell at Tiffany.

- "What the fuck was that?"

- "What?" she says with a falsely innocent look on her face

- "Get the hell out of here", I say angrily

She wanted to say something, but one look finally dissuaded her. She gets up, takes her bag, and leaves, slamming the door.

I'm so pissed off that I'm not even excited anymore. I change my clothes and go out to run, to calm myself down.

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