Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 319


Chapter 319: The Truth of Time God

Galleon looks at the ravaged canyon and shatters in countless rubble and dust The elf stationed in, slowly exhaled a sigh of relief.

After years of war.

Because of the return of Galleon, the Kara planet has now regained its peace. The elf forces in this world have been completely destroyed, and Dragon Clan has recovered its plundered territory.

However, this was only a partial victory.

This great war, which spanned an unknown number of main material worlds, is far from over.

After winning the victory of Kala planet, Dragon Clan located in Kala planet does not mean that you can settle down and stay away from the flames of war.

Especially the True Dragons on Legendary.

Don’t look at the ordinary Legendary creatures that can only be supported in Galleon’s hands for a few seconds, but no matter which battlefield of the main material world, the Legendary creatures are the mainstay of combat power and have the power to decide the direction of the battle. strength.

There are quite a few Legendary giant dragons on the Kara planet.

After experiencing the tempering of the war, most of their branches choose to go to the rest of the world War Zone, to help their kin who are still in the war mill, of course, a small part needs to stay in the Kara planet, responsible for guarding This just recaptured world.

After spending some time in the Southern Hemisphere.

Galleon has returned to the Dragon’s Nest in the Northern Hemisphere.

After the war, Urbis followed the Galleon and went to the Galleon’s territory.

As a follower of Galleon, this serpent dragon mainly fought with the main force of the elf army in the southern hemisphere before, but before the return of Galleon, it had already made a name for itself, and came to the northern hemisphere with Galleon. At the same time, it has also been recognized and respected by many True Dragons.

“As expected of a creature that follows the Lord of the Dragon Court.”

“Completely different from other snake-dragon species.”

“Ordinary Immemorial Dragon It doesn’t seem to be its opponent.”

Some True Dragons, who were constantly in the mountain range, looked at Urbis and thought to themselves.

At the same time.

Urbis, who was winding his body, looked at the surrounding environment and whispered to Galleon: “Sir, I will live in your territory, and then I will protect this world for you. territorial.”

The Serpentis does not have a territorial concept like other True Dragons.

It is happy to live in Galleon territory.

Galleon bowed his head to Galleon, and said, “You can find a suitable place to build your own.” When he got to the ground, he began to look for his favorite environment. This guy didn’t have high requirements for the dragon’s nest. He liked to live in the dark and damp underground. Just a moment later, he began to burrow into the ground in a forest. The huge dark green silhouette is very beautiful. soon disappeared on the surface.

Although Galleon led the Dragon Clan here in a long war.

But he didn’t feel the slightest sense of fatigue, his spirit was still strong, his eyes were bright, and his Platinum Dragon pupils were shining brightly.

In the absence of the same level of combat power.

Afterwards, the elf garrison stubbornly guarding the planet of Kara is no different from a mantis trying to stop a chariot. Galleon just casts giant god, and then breaks the opponent’s mystical defense with three or two blows, which severely damages and mystical locks. After connecting the high elves, the Dragon Clan army will suffice to do the rest.


Galleon returns to the silent dragon’s lair.

The silver giant dragon closed his eyes slightly, and his body stood on top of the overlapping stacks of gold and silver gems.

But Galleon’s vision was bright.

At this time, his attention was focused on the strands of strange energy that were like white threads.

Hundreds of these energy threads emerged from the void, submerged in Galleon’s body, and the other end extended beyond the naked eye.

In addition to these hundreds of condensed threads, there are more, more illusory stars of the same kind of energy entering Galleon’s body in a dispersed form.

These are Power of Faith to Galleon.

Connecting Galleon, and the believers who believe in Galleon now.

A belief that can be condensed into a solid thread-like clear cohesion shows that the other party’s belief in Galleon is quite devout, and it is not a random belief. As for those scattered beliefs, it means that the belief in Galleon is still Not religious enough.

And with the passage of time, the number of threads of faith is slowly increasing.

Galleon feels the Power of Faith more and more.

He tried to focus his thoughts on one of the threads of faith.

In an instant, a picture of another place appeared in Galleon’s field of vision.

Here is the inside of a volcano, Galleon can see gu lu gu lu bubbling lava, and the red dragon slumbering under the lava pool.

In the steaming dragon lair.

Galleon could clearly perceive everything in this Red Dragon at this time.

Including its mental state, general strength, and what’s thinking in its mind at this time.

“Through the thread of faith, you can clearly understand the state of your own believers.”


There is a clear comprehension in Galleon.

If the Power of Faith he possesses is so thick that it can be turned into an extraordinary Divine Force, then he can descend to his own power through this thread of faith, and let his will possess the believers who are connected to him. body.

This is called the incarnation of the will.

Galleon opened his eyes after scrutinizing his Power of Faith for a while.

“I need an Avatar to carry the Power of Faith.”

“Believe again in times of war. If things go on like this, it’s not impossible to get a god Avatar.”

Galleon thought to himself.

“Just, will the dragon gods tolerate my behavior of gathering faith?”

Galleon fell into deep thought.

A few minutes later, he shook his head slightly, thinking that the Dragon God would probably not care about his plan to become a god.

In the final analysis, it is because of the Dragon Clan cake that the existing dragon gods cannot eat at all. Although True Dragons respect the dragon god and are under the protection of the dragon god, they believe in the dragon. The number of God’s True Dragons is pitifully small.

In this case, Galleon can gain Dragon Clan’s Faith, and has no effect on the rest of the Dragon Clan.

Because even without him, the dragon gods can’t gain more faith.

If Dragon Clan’s beliefs are saturated and he is robbing beliefs from other dragon gods, even the dragon gods who are treating Galleon well now may not be able to ignore his behavior in the future.

Faith is the most important thing to God.

A believer is God’s bottom line.

Time flows quietly.

Galleon glanced at the long river of time that was calm and composed, then lifted the dragon claw and rolled it gently, causing a circle of ripples in the river of time.

A lot of river water is collected by Galleon.

In the end, under his will, the power of time led the river of time to condense into an illusory giant dragon with the same shape as Galleon, but much smaller.

A lifelike, phantom giant dragon spins in circles under Galleon’s control.

At the same time, the threads of faith began to move towards this illusory giant dragon and connect to it.

Galleon’s face became solemn and solemn, concentrated attention completely on what happened at this time.

Under his careful control, the thread of faith sank into the illusory giant dragon.


In his vision at this time, Avatar, the power of time penetrated by the threads of faith, was reflected. These threads of faith circled in a circle and returned to Galleon’s body, completely ignoring Galleon’s use of An illusory giant dragon created by the power of time.

“It seems that an Avatar is just fabricated with the power of time, and cannot carry the Power of Faith.”

Galleon shook his head slightly.

But he had expected it, so he did not show disappointment.

After all, the illusory giant dragon he created was not so much an Avatar as it was a model composed of the power of time, which was not the same as an Avatar in the true sense.

He kept trying, trying to carry the Power of Faith in different ways.

It’s just that time passed, but Galleon never succeeded.

But he didn’t get anything either. Galleon found that it was just a simple Divine Force that could not become a container of Power of Faith.

“I need a solid Avatar.”

After studying for a while, Galleon thought silently.

Thinking like electricity, Galleon’s brain spins rapidly.

A picture after another flashed in his mind, and he organized his memory, thinking about how to find the right Avatar.

Suddenly, Galleon’s expression changed slightly and he stopped.

The last conversation the Dragon Mother had with him appeared in his mind.

“The evil of time, Fianni.”

The silver giant dragon narrowed his eyes and whispered.

The evil of the gods is the creation of the gods, and the generation of the evil of time is also related to the gods who have the vocation of time, and they also have a certain time ability.

Gods, time, gods

“The gods of time are sealed in the main material world.”

“The main material world is my home, with my The current semi-Power of God, should not be afraid of any ambush.”

Galleon needs time.

He wanted to try and see if he could use Time God’s Sin as his Avatar to carry Power of Faith.

At that time, Avatar, the god of time, and his Divine Force-like Eternal Dragon will join forces, and they will definitely get an explosive increase in strength.

Just, what is the purpose of the dragon mother?

Although the Dragon Mother saved Galleon once, Galleon does not believe that the Dragon God will really give him such a benefit that does not require any return. ‘s collectibles.

“It looks like I need to have a good and honest chat with the Dragon Mother.”

Galleon thought with a calm gaze.

He didn’t want to keep guessing the purpose of the dragon mother, it was meaningless.

Now that his wings are growing, he has become the Galleon of Demi-God. As long as he doesn’t go to the outer planes to provoke the body of the gods, he can walk unhindered in the main material world, walk upright, and do whatever he wants. How to go.

And even if there is a Demi-God who is stronger than him in the main material world, even if he can’t beat him, it is always possible to escape.

Thinking of this, Galleon took a deep breath and began to call out the name of the Dragon Mother in his heart.

Gods cannot be called by name.

Under normal circumstances, you can’t even think about it in your heart.

Because it will be sensed by the gods.

It would be fine if it was a good god, but an evil god like the Mother of Dragons living in the abyss, when she is in a bad mood, quietly planted some kind of god curse, watching small creatures suffer. Suffering is used to please yourself, and it’s not something that hasn’t happened.

As the Dragon Mother said.

Galleon just calls to him, and he doesn’t just sit back and watch.

So Galleon was quick to respond.

A wisp of supernatural Divine Force descended, and with Galleon’s permission, it conveyed to him the magnetic, lazy and seductive voice of the Dragon Mother.

“Galleon, my best child, you can call me, which makes me very happy.”

Since Galleon is born of the White Dragon who belongs to the five-colored dragon, this Time The Mother Dragon still calls Galleon his child. The Mother Dragon is gentle and friendly, which makes Galleon feel like a spring breeze.

It’s just that the Evil God is very good at disguising.

Galleon never fully trusts the Dragon Mother, even if he saves him once.

No way, there are too many creatures in the Dragon Mother’s pit, even the Heavenly God has a headache for the cunning and cunning Dragon Mother. say.

Able to gather several powerful Divine Force and powerful Divine Force-like creatures and convince them to ambush the Elf Lord God.

This is not something ordinary gods can do.

“Dragon Queen, I have a question, I hope I can get your answer.”

Galleon said in a calm voice, slowly.

“I’ll be happy to explain my child.”

The Dragon Mother continued to reply Galleon with gentle words.

Galleon’s expression remained unchanged, and his voice said solemnly: “I wonder if the gods who attacked me were Goddess of life?”

paused, he continued: “I hope the dragon mother Tell me the truth.”

The news of Galleon being attacked by the living Goddess came from the immortal dragon queen after he fell into the vortex of time and space.

“The truth?”

“The truth is that life Goddess wants to kill my Dragon Clan’s Time Dragon, but didn’t expect that you can escape alive under the attack of the mighty Divine Force.”

Dragon The mother’s tone changed.

“Now, the elven pantheon must pay for this.”

“My children, I will make them a debt of blood must be paid in blood, and I will make all God knows that you have my protection, and whoever wants to kill you wants to be my enemy.”

His words suddenly showed off one’s ability and seemed to be full of rage.

Galleon fell silent.

He is not like Yuna, he has elders, and there is a powerful Dragon Clan group of Legendary who can call for help.

On this dangerous world, from start to finish, he is the only one who can protect him.

And due to some bad tastes of Galleon in the future, Time Dragon countercurrent is sometimes not so reliable. Many times, Galleon trembling in fear, feeling that he is going to get cold before he can get a response.

Now, when he heard the sincere words of the dragon mother, Galleon had to admit that he was a little moved.

He shook his head slightly and stopped asking about it.

“I remember you saying that if I want to be a god, you can help me,” said Galleon.

Mother Dragon smiled slightly and said, “It’s natural.”

“I know, my reputation outside is not good, but I am the Guardian God of Dragon Clan anyway. , In my opinion, the dragon god of my clan is of course the more the better.”

He said in an expectant tone: “And you, my child, you have the potential to become a dragon god. “

“I have seen that you have convinced many of the people of True Dragon to gain their faith.”

The Dragon God knows almost everything about Dragon Clan .

The fact that Galleon gained faith was almost immediately noticed by the dragon gods.

Afterwards, the Dragon Mother told Galleon that the Dragon God doesn’t care that other dragons can gain faith, the reason is that it is similar to what Galleon thought. At this time, the Dragon Clan has almost 90% The above do not believe in gods.

The belief that Galleon has gained is not a grab for the belief in the Dragon God.

So the dragon gods don’t care, and even expect Galleon to become one of the dragon gods.

“Faith needs to be accumulated, and it is destined to take a long time to become a god only by faith.” To condense into an extraordinary Divine Force, it is better to obtain a Divine Spark first, and after becoming a god, directly use the extraordinary Divine Force to gain faith.”

Hearing the Dragon Mother’s words, Galleon was slightly taken aback.

Get Divine Spark first?

As if hearing the doubts in Galleon’s heart, the dragon mother said: “This Divine Spark can be taken from the camp of our enemies, the elf gods at this time, without dying a few elf gods, this game will be taken away. The war is impossible over.”

The words were casually, but Galleon heard something cruel.

Galleon thought for a while and said, “It’s just that I want to become a god with Avatar, and the deity is only a time-type Divine Force.”

Dragon Mother lightly said with a smile: “This is not a conflict.”

Without waiting for Galleon to ask about the God of Time, the Dragon Mother took the initiative to say: “The gift I once gave you, the God of Time, Feani, will be the best The Avatar that’s right for you.”

“With the Time God, and a suitable Divine Spark, you can instantly get a god Avatar.”

Galleon gently Nod.

Immediately, he said to the mother dragon in a serious and solemn tone, word by word: “Dear Dragon Queen, I know your kindness to me, but I don’t believe in gifts without cost. “

Galleon said calmly: “I want to know, what exactly do I need to pay to get the Time God?”

Facing Galleon’s words, the Dragon Mother fell into silence.

But after more than ten seconds, the mother dragon rang with a chuckle.

“My child, it seems that you don’t believe me.”

His voice seemed to be filled with sorrow, which made Galleon feel guilty.

In the dragon’s nest, the silver giant dragon suddenly shook the head, his thoughts returned to calm, and he remained silent, waiting for the dragon mother’s next words.

“Ai, that guy in Bahamut must have said bad things about me, but how could I hurt you?”

Galleon remained silent.

After that, there was a sigh from the Dragon Mother’s side.

He said: “Well, since you want to know everything, then I will tell you.”

paused, while Galleon was waiting, the Dragon Mother continued: “You should I heard that the first-generation Ferrite Dragon King, the powerful and arrogant Divine Force-like Iron Dragon Overlord.”

Galleon nodded and said, “Know something.”

The dragon The mother said: “But what you don’t know is that after this daring Iron Dragon King offended Bahamut, he offended me again, and I led his family to the point of being seriously injured and dying.”

silver The giant dragon is slightly startled.

It turned out to be really done by the dragon mother. The metal dragon god once hinted that Galleon, the first generation iron dragon king died at the hands of the dragon mother, and now it is spoken by the dragon mother, which answers Galleon’s inner feelings. A doubt.

However, Galleon soon noticed a blind spot in the Dragon Mother’s words.

The first Iron Dragon King was seriously injured and dying.

“Could it be that the First Iron Dragon King is still alive?”

Galleon’s eyes widened.

Dragon Mother said with a smile: “Yes, it is alive, hiding in a realm formed by the evil of time, in a world of prime matter struggling on whilst at death’s door.”

Galleon slowly put out a breath.

He said: “You mean, the evil of time is actually under the control of the first-generation Ferrite Dragon King?” During the battle, it was seriously injured and fled to the main material world. I ordered the family in the kingdom of God to chase and kill it, but didn’t expect it to have time.”

“It uses time. The power of the god’s sin has formed a domain barrier in the main material world, making it difficult for my family to break through.”

In the main material world, although the Ferrite Dragon King was seriously injured, he could still play a very strong role. The battle strength, and there is still time, the dragon mother is unwilling to risk the risk of being backlashed by the ferrous dragon king to come to the main material world, but her family has not been able to defeat the ferrous dragon king in the main material world.

So he needs Galleon to go.

Next, the Mother Dragon said sincerely to Galleon: “My child, the evil of time has long been washed away by the Ferrite Dragon King and has become its tool.”

” If it is you, the evil of time cannot affect you.”

“Also, the Ferrite Dragon King, who is seriously injured and dying, is not your opponent in the main material world.”

Listening to the Dragon Mother’s words, Galleon fell silent.

After a while, he said: “I defeat the Iron Dragon King, and I can get the Time God’s Sin, what about you, what do you want?”

For the Dragon Mother’s The purpose, Galleon had already vaguely guessed, but he still asked.

The dragon mother said in a magnetic voice: “My clever child, you should have guessed it.”

paused, he continued: “What I want is the first generation. Ferrite Dragon King.”

After he finished speaking, his voice softened and said: “You get the Time God’s Sin, and I get the first-generation Ferrite Dragon King, this is a win-win for us, Isn’t it?”

(End of this chapter)

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