Conan’s Strongest Uncle

Chapter 67

Chapter 0067 The 1 Confrontation Of Ailan

Song Qi Yayan looked at his younger sister and didn’t seem to refute a guilty plea at all. He still didn’t give up and asked, “Then Detective Mouri, why does Xiaochun do such a thing, it doesn’t make sense, Gui and Zi will be hers in the future. Sister-in-law, why is she doing this?”

Mouri Kogoro smiled, showing the demeanor of a life mentor: “As I said, love can make people blind, and it is because Takako is about to become Miss Xiaochun’s sister-in-law, so I have to start immediately.”

“In my opinion, Miss Xiaochun probably has an unspeakable affection for Mr. Yayan. Although you two are brothers and sisters, but you are in the same grade, and Mr. Yayan has not stayed in the grade, it is very likely that the two of you are composed of two. The family consists of siblings with different surnames, so it makes sense.”

“However, even if you are burdened with a taboo emotion, Miss Xiaochun, you are not qualified to take someone’s life at will. If Miss Guihezi was not rescued, then Miss Xiaochun, you would be a murderer.”

Matsuki Masahiko looked at her silent sister, who didn’t know the truth was what Detective Mouri said.

He lay anxiously on the edge of Guihezi’s bed and said, “Guhezi, Xiaochun, she did something wrong for a while, Guihezi, can you forgive her? We won’t tell the police about this. I will definitely take good care of her in the future, so just let her go!”

Masahiko immediately interceded with Gui Hezi on behalf of her younger sister. Gui Hezi saw this scene, her face seemed to be crying instead of crying, laughing instead of laughing.

Mouri Kogoro said to the silent Song Qichun: “Miss Xiaochun, although it is not allowed to fall in love with your brother, although the two of you are brothers and sisters, they are actually not related by blood. Instead of doing such despicable things to deprive others of their lives, the final result is unknown. After all, Mr. Masahiko may also have a good impression of Miss Xiaochun that he does not dare to be polite to outsiders. ”

Song Qichun’s eyes lit up immediately, she looked at her brother who kept begging for her, yes, he always protected me like this.

In the end, Song Qichun couldn’t help but say, “Enough, brother, I admit, I did all this! I just don’t want my brother to marry Guihezi as his wife, brother, you don’t need to help me, no matter what. I am willing to accept punishment.”

“Brother, no, Masahiko, you always stood in front of me before, you have been taking care of me since the first time I saw you, and when I transferred to another school, the only warmth I could get was from Yayan, A person as good as Masahiko is not something a woman like Guihezi can have, what qualification does she have to test you.”

Yayan glanced at her sister: “Xiaochun, shut up, Takako, Xiaochun’s nonsense, don’t take it to heart.”

At this time, Gui Hezi, who was lying on the hospital bed, spoke up: “Song Qi-jun, don’t worry, I will not pursue this matter any more. To be honest, Song Qi-jun seems to be more concerned about Xiaochun than me. I have never seen Song Qi-jun so excited for me.”

“Actually, I have a feeling in my heart that maybe the person Song Qijun really likes is not me, but Xiaochun, so even if I want to marry Song Qijun, my heart is still beating. !” Kazuko shook his head.

“I’m so stupid, I use lies to test others, and all I get are lies, Song Qi-jun, let’s stop our marriage first, Xiaochun, I can forgive you, but I hope the three of us clean up ourselves properly. No matter what, I still hope that everyone can be happy!”

Mouri Kogoro couldn’t help frowning when he heard this, Song Qichun almost killed Xiao Ran, and Gui Hezi didn’t plan to call the police, so he couldn’t help but say: “Miss Guihezi, this is an attempted murder, it’s a criminal case, don’t you think? Did you let it go so easily?”

At this time, Xiao Ran behind him reached out his hand to stop Mouri: “Dad, this is someone’s private business, you can leave it alone, and Miss Xiaochun looks very pitiful, falling in love with someone who shouldn’t have made her so painful. ”

Now that even his daughter Xiao Ran has begun to plead for her, Mouri Kogoro can only give up in secret.

Seeing this scene, Itoyo and Kawajin Bangsheng didn’t know how to deal with it, so they could only say haha: “It’s best for you to deal with it like this, Takako. After all, this is Hawaii. If you call the police, maybe Xiaochun won’t be able to return to the country.”

Kegui and Zi obviously don’t want to talk anymore: “I want to rest, you all go out.”

The patients said so, and everyone came out of the ward. Songqi Yayan took Xiaochun and went to a place where no one was there.

While Haibara walked with Xiao Ran, Haibara said, “Xiao Ran, let me see your thigh.”

“Xiao Ai, this can’t be done, you have to call Sister Xiao Ran.”

“Xiao Ran, let me see your thigh.” Xiao Ai repeated.

“Really, it’s so rude, Xiao Ai, there’s nothing to see in my thighs, I just fainted from fright at the time.”

Haibara glanced: “Really? Just passed out from fright, does Uncle Mouri need to lie down between your thighs, make an M shape, put his head on it, and still lie on his back for a few minutes, isn’t it Uncle Mouri? Are you looking for something? But there’s nothing there but pee?”

Xiao Ran’s face immediately turned red when she heard this, and heat came out of her ears. She quickly covered Haibara’s mouth: “Xiao Ai, you, please keep your voice down, do you want the whole hospital to know about it? ?”

Xiao Ran began to think hard about how to get rid of the past, and now, the child is easy to deceive: “That’s because Dad is helping me check my body, yes, it’s just checking my body, this kind of thing is very common in our neon, Xiao Ai you Don’t care.”

When Haibara heard these words, countless grass f*ck galloped through her heart: Cheer, check your body, you might as well give you an injection, you can’t fool a child like this.

She took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and continued to ask: “But I saw Uncle Mouri suck out the red, red and black things from Xiao Ran, and then spit it on the beach, and even his mouth became swollen. already.”

Xiao Ai immediately put on a shocked look: “Hey, did Uncle Mouri drink Xiao Ran’s urine? Xiao Ran, is your urine poisonous? Why is it black? No, I need to find a doctor. Ask.” After saying that, Haibara wanted to run to the doctor.

Xiao Ran’s blushing began to spread down his neck, and he even screamed. Xiao Ran, who has always been gentle and calm, is no longer calm: your urine is poisonous, and it’s black, where does it come from? Girl, why is the mouth so poisonous, it must be abandoned because of this, I’m going crazy, how can it be so difficult!

But Xiao Ran couldn’t ask Haibara to ask the doctor, and that wouldn’t explain why Dad was so embarrassed that he was lying between his legs. Even this is Hawaii, which belongs to the United States, so don’t let Dad get caught. go to jail.

Xiao Ran hugged Haibara and headed towards no one.

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