Conan’s Strongest Inspector

Chapter 553

Chapter 551 Amuro Tooru’S Conspiracy! 【1】

Conan was stunned, why did Antoushi say nothing when Officer Mu Mu asked him just now, and when he came, he would say such a thing?

Is it!

Antoushi despised himself!

After watching Antou leave, Conan stood on the spot and suddenly thought: This time Antou may be the enemy, and the enemy’s enemy is a friend. Maybe this time, he can cooperate with Director Mu Mu!

In the luxury car, Mu Mu was surrounded by three beauties.

Xiao Ran suddenly asked at this time, “What should Big Brother Mu Mu do now?”

Mu Mu looked at her with deep eyes and said, “Don’t worry, I will find a way. Since I said I would keep Mouri Kogoro, I will definitely do it!” When he said this, he was full of incomparable confidence and momentum. .

Let Kudou Yukiko startled, put his arms around his neck and said, “Mr Mu Mu is very confident!”

Mu Mu smiled and didn’t say much. Instead, he waved to the two wives and Xiao Ran. The three of them couldn’t help but blushed, and they came to him skillfully.

In the luxury car of the famous Qiushan, Mu Mu and three women started racing again…

At this time, Feng Jianzheng took the mobile phone and said, “It’s a pity, it’s just what Mr. Furuya expected. If we could find out sooner, our fellow police officers wouldn’t be able to…”

“Ah, I didn’t expect it to explode before the summit!” said a man in a white shirt in a secluded phone booth in the suburbs.

If Mu Mu was present at this time, he would have recognized at a glance that it was not someone else who was on the phone, but Antoushi, who was injured with Fengjian.

“At present, we are all on the list of the Ministry of Public Security, investigating all domestic radicals and international terrorist organizations, but I don’t know about Mr. Furuya…”

“I’m investigating the communication to the gas hydrant at the explosion site, and it seems that a special system was used. According to the results of the investigation, I will notify the Metropolitan Police Department!”

In the luxury car to the villa in Mingqiu Mountain, Mu Mu pressed the two wives under him, and let Xiao Ran sit and watch. Xiao Ran’s face was red with his racing pomp, and he lowered his head and glanced at Mu from the corner of his eye from time to time. Mu.

Mu’s complexion is a little dark, belonging to the kind of very healthy and attractive wheat-colored complexion, with solid muscles and resolute lines that women like at first sight.

“Brother Mu Mu, you, you are amazing!”

“Yeah~ Yes, Mu Mu is getting better and better!”

Hearing the cheerful calls of the two wives below him, Mu Mu smiled proudly.

Recalling that the days of racing all day and night are all derived from the super police system. If it is upgraded, will there be other windfalls?

Thinking of this, Mu Mu is even more looking forward to upgrading the system.

At this time, Xiao Ran, whose cheeks were flushed, suddenly lowered his head and asked, “Director Mu Mu, when, when will I be able to rescue my father?”

Now she’s still worried about Mouri Kogoro’s safety.

Sitting in the car, Mu Mu said confidently: “Soon, but it depends on your performance!”

At this time, Kazami was talking to Antou, who was aliased as Furuya, and seemed to want to get a clue from Antou.

At this time, Conan was extremely disappointed. Even when Uncle Mouri Kogoro was not there, Xiao Ran and Kisaki Eri were by his side, and now he was left alone.

So he could only play with the group of kids at Dr.’s house. When the Dr. saw that he was very upset, he asked him, “Why doesn’t Conan go out with them?”

Conan said listlessly, “I was thinking about Uncle Mouri.”

“The matter of Mouri Kogoro has nothing to do with you. In fact, I am also worried about Mouri. Now it is up to Director Mu Mu. Director Mu Mu will surely prove that Mouri Kogoro is innocent.”

Conan rolled his eyes and complained wildly in his heart: Uncle Mouri is now a green-hatted turtle, but with the help of Director Mu Mu, even if he became a green-haired turtle, Uncle Mouri doesn’t seem to have any reluctance.

Conan is also speechless about this.

In fact, what he was worried about was not Uncle Mouri Kogoro, but the Director White Horse, who was ruthless and targeted Director Mu Mu everywhere.

The matter of Director White Horse was also what Xiao Ran and others were worried about, so Kudou Yukiko in the luxury car suddenly asked: “Brother Mu Mu, what about Director White Horse?” what impact.

Mu Ze smiled and said indifferently: “I said that I must prove it to White Horse, Mouri Kogoro is not only innocent but also has evidence of his alibi!”

After hearing this, Kisaki Eri asked unexpectedly, “Brother Mu Mu, are you…” She covered her mouth in shock.

“It’s a secret.” Of course he didn’t want to tell others that he had a super system, after all, it was his private weapon.

After listening to Director Mu Mu’s words, although he didn’t know what he was going to do, it also made several other people feel as if they had taken a reassurance and put down their hanging hearts.

“Yukiko, how did you do last time?” Mu Mu looked at the ruddy Kudou Yukiko.

In the past few days, Kudou Yukiko has made Mu Mu more and more satisfied. As expected of Kudou Shinichi’s mother, she has high attainments in detective disguise, and what she lacks is only reasoning.

If he can nurture her in the future, he can enjoy life well.

Kudou Yukiko smiled and said, “Okay, there is a new discovery.”

After a pause, Kudou Yukiko continued: “There is another name in Antou’s room named Furuya, I installed a bug on him before this, according to the news from the bug, today he was in the suburbs. The phone booth had a private conversation with Fengjian.”

Then Kudou Yukiko played a recording, after which Director Mu Mu frowned slightly in thought.

“Brother Mu Mu, what should we do now, Mouri’s green turtle is still locked in centimeters!”

Kisaki Eri asked anxiously, although she is with Mu Mu now, she still has feelings for Mouri Kogoro.

And the reason she was with Mu Mu was because she didn’t want Mouri Kogoro to be locked inside.

Having just listened to this recording, it seems that both the Metropolitan Police Department and the man named Amtocha are looking for evidence against Mouri Kogoro.

The key is that the other party is two people or a group of people, and Mu Mu is one person, as the so-called outnumbered

“But Mu Mu and them…” Kudou Yukiko also asked worriedly.

Mu Mu comforted indifferently: “Don’t worry, it’s just a few little police officers. I’ll fix it soon.”

In fact, as for this matter, he doesn’t want to continue to delay it, but according to the development of the plot, it is not yet time for him to solve the case.

Although he came through time, some things cannot be changed and can only be done according to the plot.

Now all he can do is wait!

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