Comprehensive Manga: Uchiha Dimension Restaurant

Chapter 1026

1024. Itachi God Is Crazy

In the game, Mikoto’s base was directly pushed away by Madara’s team.

She is also preparing to compete with Accelerator in this game to compete with game skills.

[The people who will be eliminated next are: Obito, Shisui, Madara, Ahri]

“How… how could this be?”

Faced with the existence of these four monsters, Menyaishi’s team was naturally powerless to fight back, and in the end they could only be destroyed by Accelerator’s team at the speed of light.

“At this rate, a lot of people will be eliminated in the next round.

After all, the three of them did not perform very well in the game, and they were all tricked by the opponent.

In this match, no matter what Mikoto and the others want to do, whether it’s catching someone or stealing a dragon, Itachi can immediately notice.

Followed by Ahri, she was also deceived by Shokuhou on the opposite side, causing the bot lane to almost collapse across the board.

Log in to your League of Legends account to create a custom room.

Seriously, the speed of killing people is too fast! I didn’t expect the system to be so strict this time?

“My God, in this entire team, only Itachi was promoted, and the rest were eliminated.

Because Kuroko believed that the reason why she would lose this game was that she had to bear the cauldron.

As for Obito, Shisui, and Ahri to be eliminated, this is also reasonable.

Although Itachi’s game skills may not be as powerful as Mikoto and the others, Itachi’s consciousness is definitely far ahead of Mikoto and the others!

Yes, you heard that right, it’s over.

First of all, Accelerator needless to say, he is definitely a proper boss in the game field.

In the beginning, Mikoto was racing to win the championship.

Only Madara had a gloomy face, and there was no joy in his expression.

And the team he was about to face might be the strongest team among all the teams, that is, Accelerator’s team.

Not long after, Mikoto sighed helplessly and couldn’t help but sigh.

(Team 4: Yuandagu, Sakata Gintoki, Katoya Shi, Mature Xiaoming, Joban Shuanggo)

29 found that Mikoto’s face was ugly, and Kuroko quickly apologized to Mikoto.

(Team 3: Accelerator, The Last Work, Tony, Peter Parker, Tanjiro)

“Hey, as expected of Mr. Itachi, his consciousness is not at the same level as ours.

On the other hand, Shisui and the others are also celebrating the victory and defeat.

Because in the next round of PK, it was his team’s turn to appear.

However, just as Obito and the others were celebrating for Itachi, the system’s beep sounded.

Sakata Gintoki showed a surprised expression, feeling incredible.

Then, the second round was quickly over again with 220.

Good guy! This ending is a bit different from what she imagined!

“I’m sorry, Ernesa.””

“Amazing Itachi! Thanks to you! We won!”

Until now, the last work can still manage the entire Misaka network, just like opening a link.

After calming down, Mikoto had no complaints against Itachi, and she was convinced that she lost.

The first is Obito and Shisui, who were deceived by the extra individual and Misaka No. 10032, and brought a big rhythm.

But what Mikoto never expected was that she was eliminated in the first round!

After all, Accelerator’s team is basically filled with monsters.

Because of this game, Madara simply won by lying down, without any gaming experience at all.

[Although Team 1 won the victory, many people in this team performed very poorly]

To tell the truth, she never thought that she would lose, and she still lost to the badass Madara!

At about ten minutes into the second round, Accelerator’s team had defeated Kadashi’s team and pushed the opposing base in a single wave.


Obito also gave Itachi a thumbs up, and then clapped his hands.

Because the system has said it before, if you don’t perform well in the game, you will be eliminated even if you win in the end.

If it wasn’t for Itachi in Guy Rui, everyone would have been forced to die by Madara’s pit!

“Good boy! It’s up to you to beat me!”

Menyaishi crossed his arms and said expressionlessly.

Without Itachi’s top consciousness, Madara and the others would not have been able to defeat Mikoto and the others.

All in all, Madara is the first to burp no matter what.

Next is Tony and Peter Parker, who are also very good at games.

As long as there is the blessing of Misaka Network, the game technology of the last game can almost rival that of Accelerator.

[The second round of PK competition will be held next, with (team 3) versus (team 4)]

Itachi’s every prediction can be accurate, completely different from Madara’s half-hearted.

【Let’s enjoy the next wonderful performance of these two teams!】

Madara will be eliminated, everyone has long expected, because Madara is a dish.

As the top scientists in the Marvel world, things like playing games are simply a piece of cake for them.

[The first round of PK competition is over, congratulations to team 1 for winning]

After the whole game, Madara was either caught to death, or on the way to being caught, or he was instantly killed when he started a group.

Soon enough, the second round began.

However, don’t look at the calm and comfortable appearance of Men Yashi on the surface, but in fact, his heart has long panicked.

[So the system decided to eliminate those who performed poorly]

It is no exaggeration to say that with the plug-in of Misaka Network, the computing power of one person in the last work is already equivalent to the computing power of all Misaka sisters combined.

I saw Shisui smiled and hugged Itachi, shouting happily.

After the sound of the system ended, the members of the two teams got on the plane one after another.

If it wasn’t for her insisting on choosing Katarina as a jungler, maybe this game would not have been lost.

Mikoto believes that if he is not the first, he is definitely the second.

Therefore, the three of them were eliminated, which is completely normal.

But to be honest, the reason why Mikoto and the others lost the game was really not because of Kuroko, but because of Itachi.

Mikoto stared at the computer screen with an expression of disbelief that he couldn’t believe his eyes.

But, it’s actually normal.

After the sound of the system ended, everyone was not too surprised.

In the next second, the system’s prompt sound resounded throughout the hall.

Including the last work is also very powerful, after all, she is the former commander of the Misaka Network.

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