Comprehensive Manga: Uchiha Dimension Restaurant

Chapter 1024

1022. Itachi’S Top Consciousness, Shokuhou Is Ambushed

Twenty minutes into the game, there was a small-scale team battle in the bottom lane.

Since Itachi is in the lower half of the wild area, even if Itachi comes to support the bot lane, Itachi will definitely come from the lower half of the wild area, and will never appear in the river channel of the bot lane.

As long as Shokuhou’s enchantress restrains Itachi’s mantis a little, the mantis cannot support Obito and others.

When Ahri realized this, she immediately regretted it and hurried to the bottom to support Obito.

By the time Ahri came, Shokuhou had already caught Obito and Shisui to death.

That’s right, Shokuhou’s conspiracy has long been seen through by Itachi.

Faced with Obito’s questioning, Ali was also confused.

“Nani? Itachi… Mr. Itachi? Why are you here?”

After seeing this scene, Shokuhou was instantly startled.

Shokuhou showed a smug smile and mocked Ahri recklessly.

Because a minute ago, Ahri had crippled Shokuhou’s enchantress in the middle.

Because the game skills of Fanwai and Misaka 10032 are better than Obito and Shisui.

“Only come to support now? Do you think it’s still too late?”

However, just as Shokuhou was triumphant, an accident happened.

Itachi finally came to a conclusion through empathy.

Itachi answered Shokuhou with an expressionless face, pretending to be a big guy invisibly.

At that time, the enchantress was beaten with one-third of her health remaining, and then she returned to the tower, and she never appeared again after that.

No one would have thought that Yaoji did not go home at that time, but secretly went around to Xiaolongkeng and hid, preparing to go down the road to arrest people.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if she died because she was forced to fight the line, it would only be a small loss.

After being ambushed by Itachi’s mantis, the bee-eater’s enchantress was already low in health, and even her clone was beaten out, so she could only flee in a hurry.

……..for flowers….

“Sorry, it’s my problem, I’ll go to support you right away.”

Although the enchantress at that time had residual blood, she still had plenty of blue.

Some viewers may wonder, why Itachi can instantly conclude that Shokuhou is going to the bottom?

Since Itachi was in the lower half of the wild area at the time, he was closer to the bottom lane, which allowed him to reach the bottom lane river first.

The next second, the mantis jumped directly to the face of the enchantress, and released a set of EQW combos at the enchantress.

After all, there are too many soldiers in Alitun, if Yaoji gave up this wave of soldiers, it would be a big loss!

But at this moment, Shokuhou’s tricky enchantress suddenly appeared in the bottom road, and it won’t take long to reach the bottom road-.

It won’t be long before the extra individuals and the others will naturally be victorious.

“What the hell! When did the demon girl come to the bot lane? Why didn’t the mid laner give a signal!

But now, itachi’s mantis did not come from the lower half of the wild area? Instead, it ambushed in the grass in the lower road in advance! What is going on?

Obviously, she didn’t expect this situation at all.

At that time, the mantis was rushing to the lower half of the wild area to brush the wild.

After learning about Shokuhou’s plan, Itachi rushed to the bottom of the river in advance, planning to ambush Shokuhou.

If it is replaced by Itachi to choose, Itachi will definitely not go home.


If the enchantress gave up this wave of soldiers and chose to go home, it would definitely be a blood loss.

It didn’t take long for the bee-eater’s enchantress to come, and then things turned into what they are now.

There is no doubt that whether it is Ahri or Obito, they have been calculated by Shokuhou.

“Ah le? Did the opposite mid laner go to the bot lane? She was crippled by me before, and went straight back to the tower, and then she didn’t show up for a long time. I thought she was going home, so I just went back to the tower. Leave her alone.

Because after Ahri had beaten the enchantress, he set up a large wave of troops in the middle road, ready to push the tower and eat the plating.

Even if he hides in the distance and secretly hears the experience, he will not go home.

Due to the fact that the extra individual pressed the line too deeply, Obito and Shisui directly asked the jungler to come and catch people.

The reason is very simple, because Madara who was on the road had already been caught to death by Kuroko, so Shokuhou had to go to the bottom road!

For him, there is only one situation where he can give up so many lanes, and that is to support his teammates.

Although the bot lane had already fought, Itachi did not rush to support immediately, but lurked in the grass, waiting for Shokuhou’s enchantress to pass through the river.

With the level of flexibility of the enchantress, she can definitely eat this wave of troops.

Ever since becoming the LV5 psychic of Academy City, Shokuhou has always been the only one who counts others.

“I’m here because I’ve already seen through your plan.

But it doesn’t matter, even though Shokuhou’s enchantress is crippled, she is no longer eligible to participate in team battles.

And now, she has been tricked by others!

At this moment, Shokuhou’s enchantress has successfully reached the bottom road.

So Itachi firmly believed that Shokuhou must have gone to the bottom of the road to do something.

But her teammates are on the dominant side in the bot lane matchup.

The mantis only took this second to beat the enchantress into blood.

When she was in the middle lane before, she actually saw the mantis through the eyes of the wild area.

“Shout, as expected of Mr. Itachi, you really put it together.

On the only way for the enchantress to move forward, a praying mantis suddenly popped out of a bush.

After seeing this scene, Obito was dumbfounded and began to question Ahri beside him.

It was because Shokuhou knew this that he dared to pass the river with confidence.

After all, with the blood volume of the demon girl at that time, she was not qualified to arrest people at all.

It seemed that Shokuhou should have gone to Xiaolongkeng to eat some fruit and replenished his blood.

And this mantis is the ferret’s void predator!

But the bee-eater’s enchantress gave up this wave of troops without hesitation, which was simply too suspicious.

As early as a minute ago, when the demon girl disappeared in the middle, Itachi sensed something was wrong.

And they are also trying to keep people, try to keep the extra individual and Misaka 10032.

At this moment, Shokuhou in the internet cafe frowned and glanced at Itachi who was sitting in the next machine with a complicated look.

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