Comprehensive comic group chat: Yanqing template, sister Sagiri?

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

When I came to the class, the classmates were still very enthusiastic.

“Class elder, good morning!”

“The class elder was so good yesterday! Sing well! ”

“I didn’t expect that the class elder was so artistic! It’s outstanding! ”

“I like the class elders more and more!”


In the face of the praise of her classmates, Yanqing is used to it.

However, when Yanqing came to her seat, she opened the drawer.


Full of love letters erupted directly at this moment!

Yanqing was buried in the pile of love letters, looking confused.

Looking at Yan Qing’s confused appearance, the class suddenly burst into laughter!

It was the first time they had seen Yanqing show this expression.

Since I had been dumping those love letters in the trash, fewer and fewer love letters were sent later.

But I didn’t expect that this time it was actually a blowout outbreak ??

At this time, Shizuki Hiratsuka also walked into the class.

When she saw Yanqing, who was buried by the pile of love letters, she held her forehead and her face was full of helplessness.

After looking at the time, Shizune Hiratsuka spoke.

“There are still five minutes to class, Yanqing class leader, trouble to deal with your personal affairs.”

“I… I know! ”

Yanqing quickly agreed and began to pack up these love letters.

“I’ll help you.”

As a fellow tablemate, Mio Akiyama didn’t say a word, and helped Yanqing pack up these love letters.

The same was true of other students.

“Class elder, I’ll help you!”

“I will come too, and I will also come with my “four one zero”! ”


Suddenly, more than a dozen classmates came to help Yanqing pack up her love letters, and in less than two and a half minutes, they all threw them into the trash.

Looking at the scene of “mutual help and love” in the class, Hiratsuka nodded.

Although things are a little strange, this also proves that Yanqing is liked and respected by many students in the class.

Thinking of this, Hiratsuka Jing had dispelled the idea of removing Yanqing as the temporary squad leader.

Soon, the bell for class rang.

Hiratsuka coughed and began class.


Time passes like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, the time for a lesson passes like this.

Before the end of class, Shizune Hiratsuka announced something quite important.

“Students, this is a good time to review what you have learned and prepare for the exam next week.”

“Those who fail will be punished.”

Listening to Hiratsuka Shizune’s words, the classmates were suddenly afraid.

After announcing this, Shizuki Hiratsuka left the class.


Meanwhile, the other side.

Kanna Police Department, Criminal Police Team.


As the captain, he is sitting at his desk, and his eyes fall on the photo on the desk, full of nostalgia.

And the content of the photo is exactly the photo taken by him and Maori Kogoro when they were still in the police academy.

But in the blink of an eye, things are people.

Maori Kogoro’s smile is forever preserved in the picture frame.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

“Please come in!”

Unbreakable put away his sad expression and returned to his serious face again.

The office door opened, and a familiar figure walked in.

And this person is none other than Kiyoshi Matsumoto.

Looking at the unbroken advice, Matsumoto Kiyoshi smiled.

“Captain Bu Broken, are you nostalgic for your Maori seniors again?”

He did not respond, but spoke.

“Vice Captain Matsumoto, is there something going on?”

Yes, during this time, Matsumoto Kiyoshi has been promoted from a small police officer to the deputy captain of the criminal police team, which is highly valued by the director.

And the reason for this is that Matsumoto Kiyoshi has successfully solved several cases of monster injuries.

This relieved the director of enormous pressure to go up.

That’s why we get this attention.

If he doesn’t break the advice, he can even feel that he can’t sit in the position of criminal police captain for long, and he has to change people.

At the same time, it is also very confusing not to break the advice.

The monster that the entire criminal police team could not handle before, but Matsumoto Kiyoshi was able to stop it perfectly like a prophet.

These unbreakable feelings are as if… Same script?

But the unbroken advice does not say it explicitly.

The first is to solve the monster, which everyone wants to see.

If you stand up and oppose it when everyone feels right, this is obviously not a wise move.

Second, this guy is currently valued by the director, and even his own authority has been provoked.

Hearing this, Matsumoto Qing showed a relaxed smile.

“Unbroken captain, Mr. Chief is ready to hold a celebration banquet this evening to celebrate the perfect resolution of the recent major cases, you…”

However, Matsumoto Kiyoshi has not finished speaking, and it is the way without breaking the advice.

“I won’t participate in my words, I still have business to do.”

“Ahhh… This way… If you don’t break the captain, it’s really a big deal. ”

“Okay, if it’s okay, you can leave first.”

“…… Obey the order, do not break the captain. ”

Matsumoto put on a smiling expression and left the office.

Looking at the back of Matsumoto Kiyoshi leaving, it was very unpleasant not to break the advice, but he was helpless.

And Kiyoshi Matsumoto who left the office.

Looking at the closed office door, Matsumoto Kiyoshi smiled dangerously.

Keen intuition told him that he seemed to have begun to doubt himself.

It seems that I have to think of a way to make this guy disappear…

Inside the office.

Just when he didn’t break his face and looked sad.

Suddenly, there was another knock on the office door.

The bastard Matsumoto Kiyoshi, who did not break the advice, went and returned.

So he said directly.

“I said, I still have something to do!”

But the sound of the word fell, and the door of the office opened directly.

A slender and capable female figure walked in.

Looking at this voice, he was first stunned for a moment, and then he was stunned.

“Are you…?”

The woman immediately introduced herself.

And took out the documents.

“Hello, Captain Unbroken, my name is Blade Wea, I am an agent of the National Transcendent Phenomena Response Bureau, and this is my certificate.”

“Extraordinary Phenomena Response Bureau??” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Bu Bao looked puzzled, but still took Jian Weia’s documents and checked them.

After looking at it repeatedly, there were no problems either.

The steel stamp is also completely correct.

It shows that this mysterious, unheard of institution does exist.

Also, light in terms of level.

The detective named Blade Weia in front of him was actually bigger than the chief of the local police station.

“No problem with the documents.”

“But, Sir Blade, what are you looking for me for?”

I still have doubts if I don’t break it.

I’ve never been in contact with this organization.

At this time, Jian Weia sat upright in front of the office, and his eyes full of heroism looked at Unbreakable.

“Captain Unbreakable, I came this time to invite you to join the Transcendent Phenomenon Response Bureau.”

“Although our organization has been around for a long time, its operators lack experience in dealing with extraordinary phenomena.”

“You led a team to fight those monsters not long ago.”

“That’s why I’m here.”


Listening to Blade’s voice, Unbroken fell silent.

In his mind, he remembered that scene.

Twenty-five colleagues, hard to sacrifice in front of themselves, but they could not do anything, they could only be incompetent and furious.

This kind of thing does not want to happen a second time.

After pondering for a long time, he spoke without breaking the advice.

“Do you have a way to deal with those monsters?”

Hearing this, Blade Weia smiled, and then opened the safe that he had been carrying.

With a click, the safe opens.

A strangely shaped belt that seemed to be filled with some kind of green liquid appeared in front of him.

“This is the belt created by the current chief doctor of the Transcendent Phenomena Response Bureau based on the power contained in the corpses and blood of those monsters.”

“Use it to gain the power to fight those monsters.”

“Just this belt?”

Unbroken look incredulous.

This belt, how to look at it is ordinary, right? How do you give users great power?

Thinking of this, I subconsciously wanted to pick up the belt and study.

But Blade Weia squeezed his belt and showed a smile that was neither humble nor arrogant.

“Unbroken Captain, this belt can only be used after being a combatant of the Transcendent Phenomenon Response Bureau obtains permission.”

“How, how did you think about it?”

Facing the swift press of Blade Weiah.

Unbroken fell silent.

But soon, he figured it out.

“If this belt really gives me the power to fight monsters, then I agree to your invitation to join you!”

Hearing this, Jian Weia smiled.

He handed a document that had been prepared a long time ago to Unbreaking, and stretched out his hand.

“Unbreakable agent, welcome to join us!”

Not broken, a little surprised.

Okay guys, you guys already guessed I’d be joining, right?

Blade Weia smiled, undeniable.

Although this feeling of being eaten by others is very uncomfortable, I do not regret it.

As long as he has the power to fight monsters and avenge his former subordinates, what if he gambles his life?


Another universe, the Zerg parent planet.

With the passage of time, the wormhole located at the boundary of the universe was once again repaired and stabilized by the worker insects.

This time, the teleportation limit has been greatly increased!

The Zerg Empress ordered again and sent a hundred Zerg pioneer officers to assist Matsumoto Kiyoshi, who had mixed into the human forces in the other world and became the deputy captain of the criminal police.

The Zerg pioneer officer said that he was just a big-headed soldier.

How much the empress wants, there is no distress at all.

As long as it can conquer the other world, it will bring respite to the few living spaces of the Zerg.

Then everything is worth it!

So, one team after another of the zergs came to the other world through the wormhole.

Yan Qing, who was in this world, did not know it at all.

At this time, he had just finished his morning class and came to the time for lunch.

These days, Yanqing seems to have become accustomed to going to the rooftop for lunch.

And Yanqing had just taken lunch and was about to leave the classroom and go to the rooftop.


Two abrupt figures appeared at the door.

Yanqing looked up, and one of the figures was Ying Li.

The other, who looked very quiet, wore a white headband and black silk pantyhose, and looked like a rather quiet beautiful girl.

But this beautiful girl, 3.6, was looking at Yanqing with incredulous eyes at the moment.

As soon as Ying Li Li saw Yanqing, she immediately spoke.

“Yan Qingda… Junior, are you free at noon? ”

After Yanqing came back to his senses, he looked at Ying Lili.

“It turns out to be Senior Sister Sawamura, do you have something to do?”

Ying Li Li looked at the students around him who were stunned in place, and immediately said.

“There is just one thing I want to discuss with you.”

“So, of course there is time.”

“That’s great, please come with us!”

Saying that, Ying Li Li patted Kasumi Hill, who was still looking at Yanqing a little stunned.

Kasumigaokaoka This is the coming to his senses.

Then, Yanqing followed behind the second daughter and left the classroom together.

After the three of them left, a fierce sound erupted in the classroom!

“I lean! What do I see?! ”

“Senior Sister Sawamura and Senior Sister Kasumigaoka, the two beautiful girls of Toyonozaki, actually came to our class to find the class leader of Yanqing?!”

“I’m going, it’s big news!”

“I kind of understand now why the class elder threw away those love letters…”

“I know Senior Sister Sawamura and Senior Sister Kasumigaoka, and the other crooked dates naturally can’t look at them!!”

“Woo hoo… My class grown… My beautiful love was stillborn before it even began, woo-woo…”

“Can you please stop crying?”


“Because you’re going to cry again!”



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