Comprehensive comic group chat: Yanqing template, sister Sagiri?

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Soon, Yanqing finished all the meals.

When he returned to the living room, Samisu was on the sofa, sitting well, watching TV.

Looking at such a well-behaved yarn, Yanqing smiled.

“Sawu, the meal is ready.”

“Do you want to eat with me, or go back to your room?”

In the face of Yanqing’s inquiry, Shawu was slightly entangled for a while, and then boldly chose to dine with Yanqing.

For the choice of yarn fog, Yanqing was a little surprised.

Sawu hadn’t eaten with him in years.

The most recent memory was from when he was a child, before Sagiri suffered that momentous event.

But for the change of the yarn fog, Yanqing is also very happy.

“Then go wash your hands, and come to eat after washing.”


Samist replied quietly, tiptoeing to the bathroom.

When she returned after washing her hands, Yanqing had already served all the meals on the table.

Samisu took his seat and took his job.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Eat a little more, see how thin you are.”


Under the chattering concern of his brother, Sawu began to eat.

Although Sawu also wanted to eat more, the size of her stomach limited her mobility.

Without eating much, Sawu felt that his stomach was already particularly stretched.

The lower abdomen bulged, as if she was pregnant.

“If you can’t eat, go watch TV and drink some water to relax.”

Listening to his brother’s words, Sawu nodded, and then came to the living room and sat on the sofa.

Yanqing then solved the meal on the table.

But after a while, the meal was eaten by Yanqing’s windswept clouds.

Since having the Yanqing template, plus those few enhancements, Yanqing has not felt hungry.

Eat now, that is, because of the mist and satisfy your own tongue desires.

After dinner, Yanqing cleared the table and washed the dishes before coming to the living room and watching TV with Sawu.

This picture is unusually warm.

Time passes imperceptibly.

Until it was completely dark outside.

Seeing that the time was not early, Yanqing just remembered to get up.

I saw that I was already leaning on the sofa, hugging the pillow tightly, and sleeping with the past mist.

Even if he fell asleep, he still hugged the pillow tightly, indicating that the veil fog still did not fully adapt.

It’s like animals in unfamiliar environments and always like to stay in small corners.

Looking at such a veil fog, a trace of distress flashed at the corner of Yanqing’s eyes.

Then, he slowly picked up the mist.

Weak and boneless, light as white paper.

This is the first feeling after holding the yarn fog.

Holding the veil, Yanqing came to the bedroom on the second floor and opened the door.

Because the light was not turned on, the room was very dim, even the curtains were drawn.

However, the room is clean and tidy, exuding a faint, girlish fragrance.

Yanqing carefully placed the veil on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Looking at the quiet sleeping face of Sha Wu, Yanqing smiled gently.

After a gentle stroke on Samist’s face, he tiptoed out of the room and closed the door.

But what Yanqing didn’t expect was that as soon as he closed the door, Sha Wu opened his eyes.

In the beautiful and delicate pupils, you can see obvious shyness.

Quickly grabbed the quilt and covered himself inside.

Through the trembling futon, you can see what kind of mood Samisu is at the moment.


After leaving Sawu’s room, Yanqing returned to the living room.

Looked at the chat group.

Nothing happened today, and the group members were still blowing water and chatting, chatting about their own daily routines.

Yanqing closed the chat group, then picked up a change of clothes, and was about to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

But at this time….

“Jingle bells—”

The phone that came with the phone rang unexpectedly.

In the quiet environment, Yanqing was slightly startled.

Pick up the phone.

To get some human reality, it is the bird swimming six flowers.

Yanqing was a little puzzled.

But it was still connected quickly.

However, as soon as it was connected, the phone rang, and the little bird You Liuhua’s somewhat anxious voice!

“Captain Yanqing! I have found the traces of evil in the invisible realm! ”

“Those nasty guys are …!”

Hearing this, Yanqing was suddenly shocked.

Hurriedly spoke.

“Don’t act without permission, you must wait for me to come!”

After that, Yanqing hung up the phone, opened the door, and left home.

As soon as Yanqing left, the bedroom door on the second floor opened.

Sawu looked at Yanqing, who left in a hurry, and the change of clothes that fell on the sofa and did not have time to tidy up, and was a little puzzled.


Meanwhile, the other side.

A street in Kanna City.

It’s already surrounded by several police cars!

The red-blue police lights flashed constantly.

Fortunately, it is located in a remote location and not many residents live there.

The few households were evacuated by the police.

In the center of the police car blockade, there are five strange-looking Zerg monsters, roaring at the police who are besieging them.

The police, even the SWAT, used police cars as cover and pointed their guns at these monsters.

Even if you don’t get closer, you can hear the roar of these policemen.

“Oh my God! What the hell are those monsters?! ”

“The bullet can’t penetrate at all!”

“We need the help of the army!”

“Are they the culprits who mutilate the citizens?!”


Anxious shouts, accompanied by endless gunshots!

But after such a long confrontation, their bullets could not cause any damage at all except to slightly block the progress of these monsters!

And just around the corner of an alley not far away.

Little Bird You Liuhua was nervously watching the battle situation over there.

In the past few days, more and more reports have successfully made the righteous heart of Little Bird Yuliuhua burst, and he decided to find out which monsters to destroy and secretly protect the safety of the citizens.

Of course, with the power of the little bird You Liuhua, how can the search speed be faster than the police with high-tech equipment?

As soon as Little Bird You Liuhua heard the movement on this side, the police had quickly surrounded the Zerg monster.

Seeing that the police could not deal with the evil of this invisible realm, Little Bird You Liuhua immediately contacted Yanqing.

However, as soon as Little Bird You Liuhua put down the phone, there was a fierce battle sound from the battlefield over there.

The policemen kept pulling the trigger, and the bullets came out with the sound of the gun, hitting the monsters.

But these monsters have a high defense and can’t do any damage at all.

These monsters, under the rain of bullets, instantly killed into the police pile.

From time to time, stump and broken arms flew up, and blood stained the streets red!

The bird You Liuhua who watched this scene was very anxious.

She wanted to help, but with her strength, she was also delivering dishes.


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