Come to Daming with military supplies

Page 25

Third, when capturing Ryukyu Island, you can use both civil and military skills.That is to use force to deter people. For example, when attacking Chixian City, cannons and modern firearms can be used to attack there with lightning speed and shock people.Afterwards, the political teachers began to work, focusing on persuasion and persuasion. In addition, various factories began to be established one by one. The water conservancy was greatly promoted, the cement horse ranch was built, and prosperous business was created, so that everyone would have things to do, food to eat, and Silver is available.

When a person is full of food and drink, he will get used to this kind of peaceful life, and the thoughts of rebellion and rebellion will be much lighter, which is more conducive to management.

As for the problem of eating enough for everyone, Yang Chendong has already made related arrangements.He took out a lot of potatoes from the warehouse and prepared to plant them on Ryukyu Island.The yield of crops at that time was extremely low, only two stones (each stone is equivalent to about 188 catties today), but potatoes could reach as low as fifteen stones and as high as twenty or thirty stones.With this thing, it will not be difficult for the common people to fill their stomachs.

It is also easy to solve the problem of everyone having a job.Ryukyu Island needs to build roads and build new-style concrete houses, all of which require a lot of men.Moreover, a glass factory will be built in the future, and a granary will need a lot of manpower.

As for women, they can work in garment factories, educated ones can be teachers, they can also learn new songs and join the propaganda team, or they can enter the health center after learning, whether they serve the army or the common people.As for those who have no culture and can't learn, they can work as cleaners to maintain the sanitation and cleanliness of the entire island, and even serve as female militiamen to contribute to the protection of the island.

Even the children, Yang Chendong has made arrangements, they can go to school and join the children's regiment at the same time. When the Security Bureau gets the news, they will be caught by the female militia and the children's regiment first.

This is to plan ahead. When many people are still excited about attacking Chixian City and occupying Ryukyu Island, Yang Chendong has indeed come up with sufficient solutions to the problems that will occur in the future.

Of course, the reason why Yang Chendong is so cautious is that there are too many Han people in Ryukyu Island, but they are his compatriots, and they must not be killed casually. Of course, the Han people can live one by one, the more exciting the life good.On the contrary, if it is the Japanese country, I am afraid that there will only be horizontal push, and those who refuse to accept should be killed to avoid future troubles.

After working out various attacks and solutions, and even making arrangements for the specific person in charge, the awarding ceremony officially began.

11, orthodox 28th April [-]th.

On this day, the wind is sunny and the sky is clear.The beach in front of the black pier was crowded with people, and there were many people.

The soldiers and civilians from the entire Black Dock were all present.Elderly people over 60 years old, down to infants who are only one or two months old, have all been mobilized here, and the population has reached nearly [-].

This was specially emphasized by Yang Chendong. How solemn and formal the conferment ceremony is, it naturally needs a lot of attention.There are still very few people under him now, so all the members must be mobilized. It should be enough to mobilize the elderly and children when the next title is awarded.

Even the common people, under the semi-military management, stood neatly, no one made a commotion, except for a few babies crying because they were hungry, there was no sound at all.

At [-]:[-] a.m., on the temporarily built cement awarding platform, Yang Chendong in military uniform was the first to step onto the stage, and walked up to a vertical microphone brought from a large warehouse, connected to four huge speakers. Enough to ensure that his every word spread to everyone's ears.

Yang Chendong, who was dressed in a military uniform, was dressed in a marshal's uniform (Okura's souvenirs were found).

The generalissimo epaulettes are golden yellow with red sides, 14 cm long and 58 cm wide; the epaulets have a circle of silver-white pine branches around them, the two national emblems on the epaulets are pure gold, and the star emblem and pine branches are made of silver. It is thread embroidered, and the golden layer on the epaulette panel is drawn out of pure copper wire and then plated with gold.

The cap badges, star badges, symbols, etc. of the Generalissimo uniform are also made of pure copper, the golden areas are plated with gold, and the silvery white areas are plated with silver and then painted.The generalissimo's chest is decorated with golden ribbons and tassels, the cuffs and collar are embroidered with golden trimmings, and the hem of the trousers is decorated with golden yellow and bright red stripes, all embroidered with pure gold silk thread.

Wearing the blue military uniform on his body, Yang Chendong's tall and straight figure appeared even more.Paired with shiny leather shoes and a majestic big cap, it immediately gives people a feeling of looking up.

Walking in unison to the microphone, Yang Chendong, wearing white gloves, solemnly raised his right hand and saluted a very standard military salute.Then he put it down decisively, looked at the audience, and said in an excited voice, "Today, all of us will be here to witness the arrival of a sacred moment, that is the ceremony of conferring ranks on soldiers."

"Soldiers take it as their duty to defend the country. Their existence is to protect the lives and property of all of us. In order to accomplish this mission, they need to sacrifice their youth and even their lives. Therefore, soldiers are glorious and even more sacred."

"Soldiers take care of everyone and forget their little ones. They cannot be desecrated. But since ancient times, no country in history has had a festival about soldiers. This is unfair and unjust. I, Yang Chendong, declare here, to express Respect and gratitude to the soldiers, August [-]st every year will be the Army Day, this is a holiday for soldiers, it is their unique festival, that day belongs to them, and the glory and brilliance bloom only for them!"

"Long live the Sixth Young Master!"

"Long live the Sixth Young Master!"

It was the first time that the status of a soldier had been elevated to such an extent. For a while, the excited soldiers below all began to shout loudly, roaring with all their might, expressing their feeling of dying for their confidants.

In the crowd, Xiao Yu was also tearing up at Yang Chendong's words. Seeing everyone's morale soaring, she had an idea when she was excited. Yang Chendong, he is for the people"

As soon as Xiao Yu started singing, the singing sounded loudly immediately. The other fifty teachers who were singing this song all sang excitedly and loudly at this moment to express their feelings.

As for the other soldiers, at this moment, they could only stare wide-eyed, unable to speak, for nothing else, they haven't learned this song yet?But even so, the singing of 51 people, no!There should be 54 people, as well as Qiaoyin, Yang Er and Yang Si who also came from Jianning Mansion.

54 voices yelled loudly, but with a lot of momentum, they sang the first time smoothly, and the gist of the lyrics was also heard by other soldiers.He Yang, Song Dacheng and other five instructors felt the meaning of this song from it. They made up their minds that they would go to Xiao Yu and the others immediately after the conferring ceremony, and they must learn this new song first.

After Dongfanghong finished singing, the scene became quiet again. Yang Chendong's eyes sparkled and he said in a loud voice: "Next, please come on stage, the awarding ceremony will officially begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of neat footsteps on the awarding stage. Headed by Hu Mang, followed by Gao Xiong, Leng Song, Yue Guang, Teng Shan, and Xiao Feng, six people also came in neat uniforms.

Among them, Humang, Lengsong, Tengshan, and Xiaofeng are all covered in pine green, which is more calm and solemn.

Kaohsiung and Yue Guang are dressed in white navy uniforms, which are so dazzling and radiant.

Six sets of neat military uniforms are worn on people, and they look so neat and straight.Paired with the big cap already with the Bayi cap emblem, it looks even more energetic and temperamental.

On the feet are uniform black leather shoes that everyone has never seen before, and a pair of clean white gloves look so capable and imposing.As soon as this outfit came out, many big girls and young daughters-in-law in the audience stared wide-eyed, and some bold ones had blushing expressions on their faces, and they didn't know where to put their hands.

Chapter 36 Soldiers New Army

At this moment, the Humang six were also very excited.Especially Xiao Feng, he was not well-known at first, he was just an old team member of Leng Feng, but because of his outstanding performance, especially in the recent naval battle, he cooperated with Yue Guang to snatch the largest horse boat so far. He was the first to board the boat, and controlled more than [-] people on the boat with one eight-one bar, which was recorded as a great achievement afterwards.This time, Yang Chendong directly wrote it among the six officers who participated in the first batch of awarding ceremony.

The Humang six excitedly came to Yang Chendong who was wearing a handsome uniform.Then there was a gorgeous elongated military rank on the blank epaulets.

Just now everyone always felt that there was something wrong with the six Humangs. After waiting for the military ranks, collar flowers and Bayi emblems to be worn one by one, the spirit suddenly rose again, giving people the feeling that they are perfect , is impeccable.

Among the six, Humang was awarded the rank of captain, which was also the highest among the six.

Kaohsiung and Leng Song were awarded the rank of lieutenant, and the other four were awarded the rank of second lieutenant.These are the six officers in Yang Chendong's hands.

After being awarded the title, the six people neatly paid a military salute to Yang Chendong, and at the same time declared their allegiance to the sixth young master and the people.Then a large number of soldiers who had passed the cold front training came onto the stage.There are a total of 320 people, including five teachers including He Yang and Song Dacheng.

The five people were not selected as officers this time, which was a lesson Yang Chendong wanted to teach them.Such a punishment is not too much for underestimating the importance of cultural lessons.It's just that the five of them really regret it. If they knew this before, they would never have taken the cultural class lightly. But it's too late to say anything now, so they can only perform well and hope that they will be able to have them when they are awarded the title next time. up.

320 people came on stage.Already changed into a uniform. Although it is a soldier uniform, it still gives people a new look. If it is not for the lessons learned by Humang and other six officers, their appearance in this way will definitely attract attention. There were bursts of screams.

But even so, there are still many young men and women in the audience with envious looks in their eyes.The Sixth Young Master has said that not only men can serve as soldiers, but also women, and there are even some special military branches, so girls can do better?

The other nearly 320 auxiliary soldiers are the reserve soldiers. After seeing the [-] soldiers standing neatly on the stage, they are all looking forward to when they can also be recognized, pass the assessment, and finally get a set of clothes like this Come on, what kind of fanfare that will be, presumably at that time, you won't have to worry about asking for a wife.

320 people, some wearing white navy uniforms, some wearing green army uniforms.They walked up to Yang Chendong one by one, and were given collar flowers, cap badges and epaulettes of privates.

It is a symbol of identity and status.

In addition, everyone can also get a set of combat training uniforms under the 07-style military uniform, a pair of combat boots, a beret, and a belt.The army is dominated by camouflage uniforms, while the navy has white upper body and darker lower body.

The weapons included a Type [-] assault rifle, a Sansuo army thorn, a combat shovel, and several grenades.

The 32 ten people passed the assessment of physical fitness, military quality and culture.The score has reached the ability of the elite veterans of later generations, and the only thing lacking is fighting.Once a hundred battles are over, it will definitely be an invincible division.

320 people are also assigned to the army and navy as the backbone. Depending on their performance in the future, I am afraid that many officers will appear in the near future.It's just that next time, Yang Chendong might not be able to confer the titles one by one in person.

From the beginning to the end, the awarding ceremony was carried out under the thunderous applause.Whenever a soldier is crowned with the rank of first class soldier on his shoulders, it will attract fierce applause from below. These people seem to see themselves tomorrow. This applause is not only support and envy, but also encouragement and self-awakening.

This awarding ceremony has greatly enhanced the status of soldiers and increased their sense of honor and belonging.Facts also proved that after the ceremony, more and more people signed up to join the army, and even some old people and women asked to sign up to join the army.Later, it was only after Yang Chendong personally expressed his opinion that the incident was put to rest.He assured that every industry is making contributions, not just soldiers, as long as they have made outstanding contributions, the effect will be the same.Next, he will prepare enough medals to reward those who have made outstanding contributions, and the distribution of these medals is not limited to soldiers, workers, farmers, even teachers and businessmen are members of the Children's Corps , as long as the outstanding performance can also get a medal.

Medals are also graded, which means that glory can also be exchanged for money.In other words, even if it is a symbol of status, it can also be used to supplement the family.Of course, in the future, whether someone will use the medal to make money is another matter.Unless it is impossible to live, no one will do this.

After the conferring ceremony was over, Yang Chendong stayed at the black pier for five days, watched the progress of some factories, put forward some valuable opinions, and then listened to the detailed plan of Kaohsiung and Leng Song to jointly capture Chikan City and occupy the entire Ryukyu Island Just got up and left.

There was no way, it was difficult for Yang Chendong to spend more time in the Black Dock in his current capacity.Once someone goes to Yangjiazhuang and cannot find him, unknown problems will occur.

Before he has enough strength, Yang Chendong is still cautious in doing things.He bid farewell to Leng Song, Kaohsiung and others, and also bid farewell to Xiao Yu and others who were crying so loudly. After he repeatedly promised that as long as Xiao Yu made meritorious service, he would personally award the title, he finally got into the carriage and headed towards Jianning. Return to the government.

In the carriage, Qiaoyin thoughtfully placed a thick cushion behind Yang Chendong to ensure that he would be more comfortable when leaning on it.

After watching Qiaoyin finish all these carefully, she bowed her head and remained silent.Yang Chendong saw that she was worried, smiled and moved his head closer, "What's the matter, Yin'er, but is there anything unhappy about it?"

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