Circumstances of a Fallen Lord

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

Carlton jumped from the tree to the terrace. Luisen looked up in surprise–a person just popped up in front of him. He frowned like a wary cat before smiling happily when he realized that the person before him was Carlton.

Carlton thought, ‘whoops.’ He was avoiding running into the young lord, but he was so dumbfounded at Luisen’s behavior that he couldn’t help but approach the young lord immediately.

‘You never noticed that I was chasing you, right?’ Carlton thought. But, instead of that sharp question, he bluntly asked, “What in the world are you doing?”

“Ask questions later–can’t you help me? I’m starting to get tired, hm?” Luisen tearfully begged. His arms shook like a newborn deer.

‘This is why I can’t help but be anxious; I can’t tear my eyes away from him.’ What would have happened if the mercenary had left earlier? Carlton sighed inwardly, but stood in front of Luisen.

“Give me your arm.” Carlton grabbed Luisen’s arm and placed it around the mercenary’s neck; Carlton then lifted the young lord as the young lord climbed firmly over the railing. Then, as simply as if he were crossing a small puddle, Carlton leaped with the young lord to the next terrace.

After landing stably, Carlton placed Luisen down on the solid ground–the terrace. However, Luisen did not loosen his hold; instead, he went up on tiptoe and hugged the mercenary with all his might.

“You can let go now,” Carlton said.

Luisen shook his head; his malleable cheeks and soft hair brushed against Carlton’s neck. Carlton’s heart was weakened by that sudden childish show of affection; this was a man he had dearly missed that was now right before his eyes. Luisen, who was warmed from the warmth of the banquet hall, could even heat Carlton’s cold body, which had grown icy from being outside during the entire banquet.

“What’s wrong? Hm? Did something inside upset you?” Carlton asked in a much softer voice. Luisen felt tears surge forth when someone he had been concerned about since last kindly soothed him.

‘The man doesn’t show up when I’m searching for him, but he shows up the minute I give up and attempt to focus on something else? Furthermore, isn’t it cheating to suddenly appear like a hero in my moment of crisis?’ Luisen embraced Carlton even tighter.  He had a separate reason for exiting to the terrace, but now he didn’t want to be separated from Carlton, whom he had a hard time meeting. Though his heart felt utterly happy–elated–he also felt equally melancholy for some reason.

“If I release you, won’t you escape to someplace else?”

    “No–why would I do something like that?”

“You were avoiding me.”


“Then, where have you been all day? Do you know how long I’ve been searching for you?”

Carlton knew–he had been watching. And, even though he knew, Carlton asked, “You searched for me? Why?”

Although he himself thought his question was a bit decietful and hypocritical, he wanted Luisen to confirm his thoughts out loud.

“You left so suddenly yesterday. ‘What happened?’ and ‘What did the Eastern Great Lord say to you,’ these sorts of thoughts swirled around. Do you know how worried I was?” Luisen said.

“That’s… Nothing my duke should be concerned about.”

“Why would you say something so upsetting?”

‘Now, after all that happened, he’s saying he doesn’t want to look after me?’ Luisen leaned his torso back and angrily looked at Carlton. Though the young lord thought of grabbing the mercenary by the collar, he paused since the mercenary’s face looked unexpectedly melancholy.

“My Duke doesn’t need someone like me anymore, correct? You have knights and servants.”

“There’s no way that’s true.” Luisen carefully cupped Carlton’s cheeks with his hands. Carlton placed his hand on Luisen’s wrist but did not push the young lord’s hand away. The way the usually fierce and powerful man lacked strength tugged at Luisen’s heart.

 “Why would you compare yourself to others? You’re special to me–I’ve said this before,” Luisen said.

“Is that so.”

Carlton’s ambiguous answer ran close to denial. Luisen had clearly only said good things to him, but why did Carlton have a hurt expression that mirrored last night? Luisen stared at Carlton with a stifled and heavy heart.

Then, Carlton slowly began to speak his innermost thoughts, “…It’s just as you said last night. My duke will return to the duchy, and I’ll stay in the capital. You so certainly confirmed our farewell–how could I be a special person to you?”

“Uh….What?” It was only then that Luisen finally came to a realization–the misunderstanding that lay between them since last night. Luisen had thought Carlton was worried about how to establish himself after they had returned to the capital, and the young lord, in turn, was determined to keep the tragedy from the previous timeline from repeating itself.

However, Carlton had, instead, been worried about their future together. Last night, Carlton’s question wasn’t regarding his ambitions. In retrospect, Luisen’s answer was the absolute worst.

It was as if one person in a couple asked, ‘We’re going to keep seeing each other, right?’ and the other responded, ‘No? Of course we’re going to say our farewells!’ And then, that same person asked their partner to drink alcohol and tried to seduce them. Of course that kind of person would be seen as utter trash!

‘I’m that trash!’ Luisen hurriedly denied, “That’s not what I meant! My answer simply conveyed my desire for your successful future–that’s what I thought you were talking about. I had no idea you were inquiring about something different. You know it too–you know I’m not as perceptive or thoughtful as you are. If you speak in circles like that, I can’t understand…”

At the end, the young lord’s voice shrank in volume and sounded almost tearful. That sight was just so pitiful that, for a moment, Carlton wondered if he had done something wrong. For example, his question may have been too complicated for a simpleton like Luisen. Perhaps he should have paid attention to how distinctly different their personalities were.

“Then, I’ll ask you clearly, this time.” Carlton mustered up his courage. No matter how perceptive the mercenary may be, only Luisen knew the matters of his own heart. “Then, does my Duke believe a future for us is possible?”

“That’s…” Luisen couldn’t answer easily.

‘I’ll only travel to the royal palace once or twice a year. Additionally, there’s no guarantee that Carlton will be in the capital at those times…’

At best, they could meet once a year; at worst, they’ll go several years without seeing each other. However, what if Carlton followed him? As someone who initiated conquest against the duchy, he could not be accepted as a knight of the estate. Furthermore, Luisen could not give him a noble peerage or land–that fell under the king’s authority. If the mercenary followed Luisen, his destiny would be to become a mistress.

On the other hand, if Carlton remains faithful as the first prince’s hands and feet, he’ll continue to be given opportunities to earn victories and remain in the royal family’s service. Alongside a noble peerage and land, he may very well rise to the position of the kingdom’s general.

Of course, there would be no problem if Carlton was granted a title and an estate close to the Anies duchy.

‘But, it’d be difficult for him at this rate…’

The southern region of the Kingdom was very stable due to Luisen’s active efforts after the regression; there were no abandoned territories that had lost their ruling lords. Moreover, the Southern region of the country had arable land that grew crops well. Many eyes coveted this land, and there was no reason nor guarantee that, if a vacancy appeared, such prime real estate would be granted to the mercenary.

In the end, the best way forward for each person, independently, lay distant from each other.

“Still, I don’t want to part from you,” Luisen whined as he leaned his head against Carlton’s chest.

Carlton, in contrast, smiled brightly. ‘He didn’t want to leave me. He wasn’t thinking of me lightly or casually.’

Carlton forgot about all the practical problems that lay between them; he was elated by the fact that Luisen wanted to be with him. The mercenary kissed the young lord on the cheek out of sheer joy.

Luisen looked at Carlton, wondering if the mercenary had been driven insane. “I’m being serious right now.”

“That’s what I’m happy about.”

Luisen looked at Carlton, wondering what he was talking about, and blinked his eyes. He sighed, “…Occasionally, I have a hard time understanding you.”

“It’s the same for me.”

“I see…”

Conversation and communication. How important those things were… The Saint always emphasized that fact. Time and time again, Luisen admired the one-armed saint’s wisdom.

“In any case… I’ll take some time to think about this matter. When I reach the capital, I’ll stay there for a while; there are still demon-worshippers to consider as well. It’s not yet time to agonize over farewells.”


“I won’t ask you to pretend as if we don’t know each other when we reach the capital. Besides, you’re sure to have subordinates there; you won’t have to walk on eggshells and fight for your life as you did in this group.”

Luisen kissed Carlton sweetly on the lips, trying to soothe the man. Over and over again, clearing away the misunderstandings with each lip smack.

After embracing the young lord for a while, Carlton asked, “By the way, why did you want to cross the railings and climb over to this terrace?”

“Ah! That’s right!”

Because of Carlton’s sudden appearance, Luisen had briefly forgotten why he was here; Luisen had a separate motive than to search for the mercenary. “I was trying to sneak out of the banquet hall without alerting anyone else. No matter what, I believe Viscount Boton is suspicious, and I wanted to investigate.”

Luisen was always in the spotlight; if he tried to leave the banquet hall to complete his own business, the young lord was bound to stand out. Therefore, Luisen excused himself to the terrace by saying he’d like a minute to rest alone. His plan involved climbing to the next terrace without anyone’s notice, hiding behind a pillar, and exiting through a nearby passage used by servants.



Regrettably, the young lord did not include his physical limitations in his calculations, but that meant that this matter was even more urgent to if it could frazzle the young lord into making hasty plans. Even if he had to push himself, it was necessary to investigate Viscount Boton.

“He certainly is quite suspicious.” Carlton, from afar, had also watched Luisen deliver the knights’ keepsakes to the Viscount. At that time, Carlton also thought that the Viscount’s reaction was unusual.

“Right? That’s not all.” Luisen had kept one eye on Viscount Boton throughout the banquet. Now that he had the luck to serve two Great Lords, the Viscount acted suitably aristocratic and courted the attention of these influential nobles and the others in his court. At first glance, nothing was off. However, another noble approached Luisen when they noticed the young Great Lord paying attention to the Viscount.

“Are you talking about the man who was flirting with you, my Duke?”

“That’s right. How did you know?”

“…Anyway, what about him?” Feeling various emotions stab into him, Carlton quickly changed the topic. Luisen’s social dullness was of great help in these situations. Without any lingering doubt, Luisen continued to speak.


TL: Communication, guys, Communication is KEY to a relationship.

Also, lmao I see you there Carlton. Trying to be nonchalant over your jealousy with the noble that flirted with Luisen. Not smoothe~ but Luisen is too dense to notice.

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