Circle Warlock

Chapter 21 - Soul shooting moon

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That kind of fire?

Shen Yan suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence, she said “incendiary technique”!

Burning bones, Shen Yan has always been cautious, but he did not know that the person with the damaged facial features in the same car could still perceive what happened outside. He even distinguished that his “Cinder Burning Technique” not only burned flesh and blood, but also burned soul! This reminded him secretly. This is a magical world. Any magical thing can happen. It can no longer be judged by past experience.

But thinking of the effect of “Cinder Burning”, and then thinking about her situation, Shen Yan took a breath-he seemed to understand what she meant.

The reason why she still hangs her last breath and does not leave is because her soul was rejected by the Kingdom of God. Once she died, the body would come alive and become a disgusting undead creature. That was unacceptable to her, so she would rather continue to endure suffering and humiliation than to live! However, her body is weak every day, and she wanders every day.

Just when she was desperate, Shen Yan appeared.

Shen Yan not only feeds her food, but also helps her clean up her body, doing pickles that no man in this world would do for women. All this has moved her so that her soul is shaking, and later Shen Yan still reads books for her, which completely shattered all her. If she is the original one, she is willing to give herself to this young man as a gift! From that moment on, she regarded Shen Yan’s warmth as the last gift the world gave her. She greedily drew his breath, leaned against his arm, felt his temperature, and didn’t want to leave for a moment.

When Milton brought someone to the car and said she wanted to leave her, she felt the fear again! The howling of the dead soul wandered not far from her, and the black tentacles extended from another world to drag her into the abyss.

Then, Shen Yan once again stood in front, let her world reappear bright! Except for the name, she did n’t know what the young man looked like, she did n’t know how tall, short, fat, and fat … she could n’t feel it anymore. But she knew that the man must be extremely beautiful, with the warmest body temperature in the world.

When Shen Yan cast the “incendiary technique” to devour the flesh and soul, she felt the kind of fluctuation from the lower plane. Ordinary people can definitely not do this, but her family has a history, and she even knows the specific details of this lower-level plane ability. After knowing, she became extremely happy! This is an evil spell for others, but for her, it is the only light in the boundless darkness! And he can be one with the young man after his death, and live in that kind of warmth forever, which is even more unquestionable happiness.

So at this moment, she is not talking with her throat and half tongue, but with the whole soul exchanging and begging Shen Yan-“Kill me, and let my soul be destroyed!”

Her life was a little bit fluorescent, as if it would dissipate when the wind blows. But her will was harder than diamonds, staring at the last light, rushing towards the flame desperately. That strong desire even shocked Shen Yan!

“Is there really no way to save her? Penny? Can’t I do it after upgrading?”

“To tell you the truth, I have seen this curse.” Penny sighed in his heart. “This curse comes from a certain evil god. The ritual sacrifices the most beautiful and noble virgins in the most vicious way to the evil god. In exchange for your youth to live forever, the age will not decrease.

This curse is guaranteed by divine power, and unless you are stronger than the evil **** who cast the curse, it will never be solved. But obviously the person who held the sacrificial ceremony also knew nothing about it, and she should not let the sacrifice go out. Because once the sacrifice cannot be successfully transformed into the bride of the evil god, the curse will fall on the sacrificer, and she will be dragged alive into the kingdom of the evil god.

The original ceremonies reached this level, and it could not be interrupted … but there was no way, who let her happen to meet you. “Cinder Burning” can take away the believer’s soul from God’s hands, and of course it can also take away the soul of the evil **** before it is taken away, which is equivalent to helping her revenge indirectly. “

“Is that true?” Shen Yan immediately approached the living dead’s ear and told her the “good news”. The corners of her mouth twitched, slowly pulling a scary smile.

“…Thank you.”

Immediately, he exhaled gently, and Xiangxiang was cut off.


Shen Yan had a sour nose, and two lines of tears came out of her eyes.

For the first time, a familiar person died in front of him. Although it was only a person who had been in the same car for more than ten days, although she had only said two sentences from beginning to end, she was the first “acquaintance” after she said to a different world. . And later, her attachment, Shen Yan can be seen from some subtle movements.

Shen Yan thought that she could calmly send her away, so she should raise a dead animal. However, he couldn’t do it, and a sorrow came out of his heart, which could not be cut off.

He turned his head and couldn’t bear to look at it again, only putting his hand on the body that was still warm.

A moment later, a red light emerged from the petite body, turning the broken half-body from the inside to the ashes.

The night wind blew through the forest with a sob. The crow flew across the wilderness, singing a harsh soul song.

The ashes fluttered by the night breeze from the interlayer of the cloth pile and from the gap between the wooden carriages. Flowing like water, flying like gauze, and gradually condensing into a fabulous and beautiful woman above half of the carriage. At this moment she was finally complete. The translucent body without the thread is displayed in front of Shen Yan without reservation. Even if Shen Yan couldn’t see clearly, the slender body and the iconic ears were still told that the woman in front of him was actually an elf.

The ghost of the female elf smiled, she bowed deeply to Shen Yan, thanking him for his help at the last moment. Despite being naked, she still did not damage her perfect manners. When the female elf raised her head, she changed her color instantly, with anger in her anger!

An equally unreal elven bow appeared in her hand. She pulled the bow away and shot a fierce arrow toward the silver moon in the night sky!

The arrow flew out of the cloud, and the smoke disappeared.

Only one arrow mark pointing to the silver moon in the sky hangs in the sky and stays between the stars for a long time.

He knew that in this world, the elf’s main **** is the silver moon, one of the three bright moons at night. Silver Moon shelters the entire elven race, and almost all elves have worshipped the only elven **** from birth. Her arrow meant to express anger, hatred, or blame? What is her identity? What is her name? Everything went out with that arrow.

Shen Yan looked at the night sky like this, completely insomnia. He didn’t control the divine power pouring into his body, and ignored Penny’s call, so he stared blankly at the sky and thought. It wasn’t until Skyrim became white, that he fell asleep when the sleepiness struck.


[The system around the city has detected that a complete blood vessel has been obtained … The magic concentration meets the requirements … Since the host has insufficient blood vessels and has not been employed, is it absorbing new blood vessels? 】

[Please confirm within three hours, the three-hour countdown begins …]

[… After three hours, automatic confirmation, absorption begins]

[The absorption is over, the warlock profession is officially employed]


[Agility 8 + 2] [Physique 10-2]

Feature 3: [Moon Elf], Agility +2, Constitution -2. Slight illusion resistance, low-light vision, good at bows and arrows and swords.

Occupation: [Warlock] (Elf)

Level: 0

Current mana / max mana: 50/100


Ring 0: Adhesion (15)

Second Divine Power / Second Divine Power Required for Upgrade: 4.5 / 5

Exchangeable list of divine power: perfect rest (2), identification technique (1), magic recovery (1).


Calling Shen Yan Shen Yan did not respond, Pan Ni watched the system automatically complete the step-by-step inauguration, only helpless to watch. The characteristic of divine power was originally to do whatever you want, to do what you want, to achieve an impossible miracle. The system initialized with divine power has also become part of Shen Yan’s will, and Penny can’t control the kernel.

“That woman is actually a moon elf? Well, the moon elf bloodline is actually not bad … it is better than ghouls. In the medium magic world, you can’t force too much.” In fact, Pan Ni wanted to grab a dragon for Shen Yan to suck! How good is the Dragon Warlock! Helpless in this world, is there any other dragon, another said, level 0 Xiaomeng to go to the Dragon Slaughter is to deliver food to the door, there is no return.

Moon elves are also a kind of high elves, but compared to warlocks, it seems that this bloodline is more suitable for rangers. Bows and arrows and swords are the usual weapons of the Ranger. This unknown woman seems to have quite pure blood. She not only provided Shen Yan with all the racial characteristics of the Moon Elf, but also provided a maximum unit of 100 units of magic and 50 units of magic, and 4.5 units of sub-divine power-that is to say, the essence she provided by herself was almost equivalent to that day. Down the pile of people in black.

not bad.

But … Penny feels some toothache, what the **** is this “adhesion technique”? Is it used to make up windows? Where did the dragon killing route designed by the old lady go? Will my dream of killing dragons with level 10 small words be so broken?

I always feel that the systems of other people’s homes are various and tall, and my own homes are not expected at all.

“Forget it, wait for him to wake up and see for himself.” Penny chose the dog leash.


The convoys walking in the wilderness temporarily isolated from the outside world do not know what is happening in the world.

That day was deep in the jungle and mountains hundreds of kilometers northwest of the convoy, the capital of the Kingdom of Stonehaven. A horrible plague suddenly broke out in the mansion of the elven ruler Kelleborn! Huge black tentacles poured out from the depths of the mansion, as if weird vines were growing wildly, and this gorgeous mansion was finally turned into a dirty place!

The whole mansion except the Archbishop Kleinborn himself-he is meeting with representatives of the Kingdom of Penglin on the border, all the others are killed! These people were resurrected into horrible and disgusting creatures. They still preserve the appearance of their lives, and even have some consciousness and memory. But the body is covered with carrion, and within a few meters of them, they will be infected with the plague, and the land they walked on will be corrupted.

The Kingdom has exhausted all methods to eliminate these sources of pollution. However, fire, freezing, and corrosion could not be eradicated, no matter how thorough it was at that time. When night comes, these creatures will be resurrected again. Fortunately, these creatures could not stay away from the mansion, and did not let the plague spread. Otherwise the kingdom will have to bear the second disaster after the war.

Legend has it that Archbishop Kleinborn secretly studied malicious magic in the mansion. Although Kleinborn strongly denied this, the elven race’s control of the Stonehaven Kingdom has been shaky.

Every night from the mansion, the horrific wailing and cursing of the wife of the consul seemed to be hitting the face of the elves.

Yinyue Langlang, indifferent.

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