Circle Warlock

Chapter 16 - There is power to do whatever you want

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

“Hey! I’m going to be carried away by a lizard. Try to find a way, Penny!”

Everything Ozmat did was clearly seen by the two people in the inner world. Ozmat thought he was very well concealed. In fact, from the moment he appeared in the far corner of the field of vision, his figure was captured-although Penny has little power now, her experience has not degraded-mimicry disguise this No trick can fool her.

Not only that, Penny swept at random, and Ozmat ’s strength was evaluated at a rate of nine out of ten — so the Lizardman Ranger did n’t know that he had been hung on top of his head. Only Shen Yan and Penny could The large blue marks (Shen Yan and Penny ’s agreement), red is the enemy, blue is uncertain or neutral, and green is the friendly army, with a large number “8” written on it. This is the challenge level, which means that if Shen Yan now has level 8, you can try to challenge the lizard ranger.

The effect looks like “One Knife 999”, a page game dedicated to defrauding money.

Mark and evaluate the surrounding targets in advance, this is the way Penny came up with to help Shen Yan. Shen Yan’s pitiful, only 4 perceptual value left, only one poem can describe his current state-“Blind man rides a blind horse, he faces the deep pool at midnight.”

The answer to death is known, and when to die is unknown … if Penny did n’t help.

But the current situation is that there is a level of divine power outside the hall of soul, and Shen Yan’s soul is trapped here and can’t get out.

The amount of magical power transformed by a dozen or so strange creatures is still too large for Shen Yan and Penny now. Even if a part is intercepted by Penny first, and then a part is consumed by system initialization, the submagic power is still in an overflow state, just Not so much as harmful to itself.

Before those divine powers had been digested, Penny could not send him out. Of course, everything is under the control of Penny, and the remaining divine power cannot hold Shen Yan for too long. Even if left unattended, half an hour is enough to disperse.

Besides, what Ozmat said was not understandable, but Penny could understand it, she just didn’t translate it well.

“Relax, reassure, there will be no problems, you can go out in at most half an hour.” Even with such a thing, even Penny couldn’t help crying or laughing. “You have to see the good side and find that you are a lizard man and nothing else. He looks like he doesn’t eat raw. Instead of wolves, tigers or something, you are now eaten.”

“Which is the good side?” Shen Yan still couldn’t accept the fate of destiny. However, since this lizard man was wearing clothes and armor, he was obviously civilized. “In case he takes home to eat with his wife!”

“That means …” Pan Ni said brightly. “He is a good husband?”

Shen Yan flutters the street, “We are at stake, you can give me some seriousness!”

Honestly, since he knew what Penny had done for him, he couldn’t breathe at all for Penny, but there was always an urge to do something.

“Haha, haha ​​~ I’m kidding, it’s really a joke.” Pan Ni just couldn’t help her serious look, she couldn’t laugh, she always laughs like that. For a while, Penny calmed down. She was very accustomed to grasp Shen Yan’s cheek, comfortably. “Oh, don’t be stubborn in your small words, it’s really okay. You think about it, you always say that your life is going to be implemented too fast or something, do you really think those are coincidences?”

“Ah? No?” Penny’s memory, Shen Yan stopped seeing the awkward episode of adolescence, and did not know what happened later.

“Little fool.” Penny raised his finger to help him count. “Look, you obviously have a good academic record, but the college entrance examination failed because of food poisoning, and only admitted to the Agricultural University. Is this normal? Taking the civil service exam, thousands of troops passed the Dumuqiao exam, you graduated from a second-rate university But it is normal to win the prize in one fell swoop? Is it normal to take the first place but was assigned to a cold bureau like the quarantine department? Is this normal? After entering the cold bureau, it happened to happen to the burning site and then get the much-needed energy … If you put All this should be a coincidence, then I must look down upon it. “

“I knew it!” Hearing Penny’s words, Shen Yan jumped up in excitement, he couldn’t even care about the outside! “There has always been a big invisible hand manipulating me in the back! I know!”

“It’s not that exaggerated, it’s just the effect of the wishing technique, which can lead your destiny in the” right “direction. Now there is a little left in the validity period, so it is natural for you to be taken away by the lizardmen. The result It should n’t be too bad. ”Penny said, she said, and she looked up and down, with a look of“ look at how smart I was at that time, come and praise me ”.

“How can this be? How can … how can … Listen, Penny, I know you have been taking care of me, just like a mother. But in our society, even parents can’t control the child’s life, let alone manipulate Destiny … it makes me, makes me … what awful. “Shen Yan is really entangled, I don’t know what to say.

On the one hand, he knows that without Penny ’s wishing technique, he is likely to go to a good university, find a high-paying job after graduation, and then live a peaceful life for all his life; but conversely, it also means that he will work with The magical world passes by. Unconsciously spent a lifetime, after the death of the lady’s divinity changed host …

“It’s still that sentence. If you don’t want to be manipulated, get stronger soon!” Penny seriously changed into a preaching mode, just like when she was taught in a dream. “Even if you are, it is simple to change the fate of an ant, as long as a straw stick is placed in front of it; but it is not that simple to change the fate of an elephant. You have to think of many ways.

In the world I am familiar with, the fate of mortals is never in their own hands, either in the hands of the devil or the god. Only gods and legendary strongmen have independent fate! So do n’t complain about it unless you become a real powerhouse who can control your destiny. “

“Could the fate of the weak be trampled on by the strong? What about human rights? What about the law? How does God love the world?”

“The ones that don’t exist, they are the illusion of deceiving the weak.” Penny said indifferently. “Sorry, there is power to do whatever you want.”

Shen Yan will understand the cruel truth of the world sooner or later. The peaceful world outside is not like the drawing room. Exploitation and oppression do not need any cover, it is naked weak meat and strong food!

In the world she experienced, the strong never fell in love with ordinary people as in the novel, why? Because the strong cannot determine whether this ordinary woman really loves him, or whether he leaked an experiment and accidentally created an RBQ. Even if it’s not, when you have a thought that can distort her worldview, let her worship you like a god, or make her think that she is a dog, what else do you love her?

Love also needs to be equal.

“Can you still have a good chat like this?” Shen Yan said sorrowfully, like a student who had been taught by the teacher. I know that the set you said is correct, but I am not convinced. “Okay, forget about this. What should I do next? Do we have to talk crosstalk here for half an hour.”

“I have an idea.” Penny called up Shen Yan’s property page and pointed to the 5 units of sub-power he was already full of, and pointed to the “exchange list” at the back. “Since you can’t upgrade now, why don’t you want to exchange something useful?”


Second-level divine power / required secondary divine power: 5/5 (not yet employed, unable to upgrade)

Divine convertible list: perfect healing (5), perfect rest (2), language mastery (3), language proficiency (5), strengthening strength (5), strengthening agility (5) …


Penny was right, Shen Yan also calmed down, and first consulted Penny with the exchange items. He did not know that this system was compiled by Penny, but simply believed that Penny had hundreds of thousands of years of experience. Penny also only answered what he asked, just like a fish-lipped ancient man.

Shen Yan currently has very little inferior divine power, only 5 points. Although the convertible list at first glance has dozens of items at first glance, if you carefully screen it, you will find that almost all of them are used to strengthen your own words. There is only one “Sunny (5)” option that can affect the outside world, consuming 5 units of second-level divine power to disperse the rain cloud that is raining outside.

There was no one who could attack, and Shen Yan wanted to give the lizardman who carried him like a sack outside to do nothing.

No way, he can only analyze and strengthen his part first.

First of all, there are a bunch of physical qualities that enhance physical fitness, reflex nerves, hematopoietic function and so on. The cost is the same, but the strengthening effect varies with the base value, which means that the worse the base, the more strengthening. There is even a longer and bolder one … It really shocked Shen Yan. Well, this item must be written down quietly first. Anything else, it’s useless for the time being! Strengthening is linked to the basic value of physical fitness. Instead of rushing to strengthen now, it is better to exercise the sub-health first.

So this part can be directly excluded.

Followed by some one-time effects. For example, the perfect recovery, this is used for the treatment of dying serious injuries; and the perfect rest, everyone who has played the game of the dragon and the dungeon knows. Since the caster casts spells through magic nets and spell slots, it is important to sleep, and the caster in the team never has to stay vigil. A perfect rest is equivalent to restoring all the spell slots with light. This is still awesome! However, Shen Yan has confirmed to Pan Ni that first of all, the world cannot feel the existence of the magic web. Secondly, even if Shen Yan becomes a warlock, he is also different from ordinary casters.

The magician around the city is a classical profession, just like the wizards before the advent of the magic net, he is a blue bar caster.

At this time, Penny’s eyes dodged a bit of contemplative eyes. Because of her previous operation, although the system was successfully initialized, after all, the system was in Shen Yan’s body, and the magic power absorbed by the system was also in Shen Yan’s body. Therefore, Shen Yan ’s body may be paralyzed for a period of time due to the impact of divine power … This one will not cure even if he chooses the “perfect recovery”. Because in theory there are no problems with his legs, but his body has not fully digested the divine power.

Compared to the benefits gained, this is a trivial price. As for the trouble caused by the paralysis of the legs … I believe Shen Yan’s little cleverness is better.

After excluding the above two types of options, the remaining options are not many, but these are truly miracles!

Language mastering (3), through memory instillation, let Shen Yan master 13 common languages ​​of the multiverse, including Dragon, Common, Elven and their variants.

Language proficiency (5), deluxe version of language mastery. Not only the 13 commonly used languages ​​of the multiverse are instilled, there are dozens of small languages ​​and some fragments of incomplete languages, and even some mysterious words on the slate of fate. In addition, Shen Yan can gain stronger language learning ability, even if he encounters a new language, he can learn and master more easily.

The second-level legend (5), to understand some basic information of the world.

Identification technique (1), to obtain information of unknown items.

The most valuable are the first three.

“Why is the Legendary Master Edition a secondary version, and the Language Mastery is the full version?” Shen Yan asked inexplicably. The value of the two looks too different, but the value of the consumed magic power is the same.

Penny gave him a dissatisfied glance and pointed to the word “memory instillation”, “because this is not to give you language ability out of thin air, but to instill the language ability I have mastered. Do you understand? 5 The unit sub-magic power is just the consumption of memory transmission. To achieve a true language understanding, you have to pay another 10 times the price. “

Why is Penny not satisfied? Because this is a gift she carefully prepared for Shen Yan, this is Penny ’s hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation of language and knowledge, which is definitely several times stronger than the original effect of the “speaking language” divine magic! Shen Yan hesitated, how could Penny be satisfied. “The bigger the little words are, the less cute they are, and obviously listened to me as a child.”

“Then this, know the language!” Looking at Penny’s face, Shen Yan made a decision immediately. Let’s talk about a discount sale, is it still a person if you don’t chop hands? When he comes to a different world, he doesn’t know how to speak the language. He is not bald. It is impossible to go all the way!

Shen Yan has always felt that language is more powerful than swords. If you ca n’t communicate, then there is only one option: “Ca n’t do it”; but if you can communicate, you can very arrogantly take out the card and say “MotherFuaker!” (Friend, come to Kunt! )

Then the other party will say, “Fuakme!” (Not a dog!) Readily agreed to come down.

What kind of grudges can’t be resolved after playing a Quint card? The final ending must be beautiful …

(Shen Yan, you must be a dog in CET 4)

Shen Yan still believes that cleverness cannot solve all things, but can solve most things.

The process of instilling memory is very smooth, just like when he accepted the memory of “Cinder Burning”, he almost finished without any feeling. The stored divine power returns to zero at a time, and then Shen Yan has a kind of enlightenment in his heart-you understand it, you do n’t understand it-like I know it now!

The lizardman Ranger’s nagging nagging, which was originally a murmur of whispers, suddenly became an intelligible language …

“… When I go back, the stupid big guy will surely jump out and say, Lizard head, what garbage did you pick up again? Other people are okay, even if he seems to hate me in particular? But if he provokes again, this time I Just rushed up and kicked a flying foot on his face! Then a whirlwind cut and shredded all his clothes! Finally, he used a sword to pump his **** fiercely, poked his chrysanthemum, and poked him for mercy For that! Then I stepped on him with my feet and said aloud, ‘I see who dare to call me the lizard head again!’

… handsome, I also feel very handsome. Then Catherine will come out to ease the atmosphere, and Milton will apologize to me on behalf of Tiger … By the way, what will this little guy do when I fight? What should I use to throw him aside to look cool and handsome … Hey, what grew up eating this kid? Why is my body so weak? Looking at the big one, it didn’t have any weight, and it was all soft. In this way, dare to go to the wild? I can play twenty of these little white faces, no, fifty, no … “

Shen Yan’s face was green and white, “So you’ve been listening to this? Can I turn this breaking ability off?”

Penny shook her head happily.

“Fak … Penny, you can’t if you can’t, what do you flash?”

“I didn’t …” Pan Ni’s voice became blurry, like a radio with a bad signal, and began to intermittently, even the picture she saw began to distort.

“What are you talking about?” Shen Yan said loudly, and he returned to his body in the next moment.


PS: Another 8k. Today’s paragraph … Today’s novel is here, to continue tomorrow. Welcome to vote.

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