Circle Warlock

Chapter 10 - I\\\'m used to getting dizzy

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The sky in a different world seems to be no different from the earth. The same blue sky and large white clouds are also sunny and rainy.

The low, dull thunder rolled in cumulonimbus clouds, and occasionally flashing electric lights shone through the sky.

The sparse woods spread over the connecting belt extending from the hills to the plains. Up is the snow-capped mountains high above the clouds, and down is the endless green fields. The meadow that can’t pass the calf fills the traveler’s vision day after day.

And the rusty rain swept through the forest, across the green grass, and the small hillside where there was a lot of corpses.

The rain also hit Shen Yan’s cheeks, and the cold and moist feeling made him slowly wake up from the coma.

“Um ~ money …”

At the moment, his limbs and bones were all painful, and his head even felt like it was about to split, but it was not as painful as the lack of money … The beginning of this trip was really unhappy. If he could choose one more time, Shen Yan would rather choose to die and not want to get into that crack. It is too painful! He is not rolling all over now, not because he has enough endurance, but because he is so painful that he loses his strength to roll all over.

Now he can only lie on his back in the sky, looking through the tree hole that he smashed through to the flickering sky. The rain showered on him through the tree hole, plopping and talking, and the lying words lying like a corpse.

“Hi ~” She waited until Shen Yan woke up, and then she came up again, carefully saying hello to Shen Yan in the spiritual world, because she was completely aware of Shen Yan’s feelings.

“You have to understand that it is not as comfortable to walk through a portal as it is from a crack in space. And you have to see the good side … you are the record-breaking, the only one who dares to pass through a gap in space without protection, People who can survive intact. Are accidents not unexpected? Surprise not surprise? “

After a period of communication, Shen Yan has adapted to this method of communication in the spiritual world. Perhaps his talent is strong enough, Shen Yan can not only see the shadow of himself and her through his spirit, he can even imagine the realization of some “things”. So Shen Yan said that she didn’t want to talk to you and threw a lot of flying towards you.

Huh, someone swiftly avoided the helix that is bigger than the mountain, very unhappy-diversified universe, no one has done such a thing for me, and can live next winter! Well, since you are ruthless, you are cruel, you make trouble unreasonably; then don’t blame me also ruthless, I am also cruel, I also make trouble unreasonably!

“Shen Yan, look at your left.” The voice is so gentle, so considerate. So much so that Shen Yan twisted her head to the left even though her neck was stiff. Then he saw the body of the leader in black-lying side by side with him, face to face with him, and his gray eyes stared at him like a dead fish!

“Ah ~!” Shen Yan was terrified, and his stomach was tangled together! He tumbled under the tree, shouting a few words loudly. “Fak, Fak!”

“Hahaha ~~” She in the spiritual world began to thrash with a laugh. “Oops, I laughed to death! Oops, I really can’t do it anymore, I’m going to laugh to death.”

Remembered, remembered! Shen Yan ’s part of the sealed memory began to awaken-sure enough, people will beautify their memories! He really thought of this woman so beautifully. He only remembered that the voice that appeared once was the softest and kindest voice in the world. But he forgot to cheer him up. This voice actually directed him to dig out a dead cat in the rubble!

You know, he was still a kid back then!

Do you know how terrified Shen Shen was when she finally dug out the cat? Let’s put it this way, fifteen years later, Shen Yan’s memory is still blocked, and he knows how big his psychological shadow is.

“You, you are not afraid to scare me into a neuropathy ?!” Shen Yan felt that he had a neuropathy in his head!

“Relax, I am decent. You are her successor, and your nerves cannot be so fragile.”

“What inheritor! Who’s it? Explain it to me quickly! Also, who are you? Men and women, what should I call you? Where is this? Really a different world? I see no difference from the earth What’s all this about ?! You told me all well! Don’t play and disappear again! “Shen Yan is like a spring that is suppressed to the extreme, asking a series of questions like a cannon.

At this time, we must first talk about his environment.

Shen Yan traverses the top of a small hillside. The big tree above his head can temporarily block the rain, and the view from the top and the open sky makes him very broad. Although he still can’t stand up, he can only see the distant place clearly by relying on the big tree. He observed that there was neither human smoke nor any signs of animal activity in the field of vision, indicating that the surroundings were temporarily safe.

In addition, although a lot of minced meat and broken limbs fell around, it looked **** and really disgusting. It was as if the people in black who jumped down were all shredded and thrown into the world. But in any case, they have become dead bodies, and the dead are nothing terrible. The poorest man in black was lying next to Shen Yan with his eyes wide open. His upper body was here, while his lower body was still hanging on the treetops. The cut was smooth and neat.

The pistol that was tied in black by the man in black was lying at Shen Yan’s feet. He picked it up and held it in a decent way. Shen Yan’s more familiar pulley bow is still hanging on the branch, but it is also close at hand. The two weapons and the quiet surroundings gave Shen Yan a great sense of security.

Therefore, he wanted to take this opportunity to understand everything before deciding where to go next.

Now Shen Yan is a little bit unclear. Is he pursuing the mysterious world, or is an invisible big hand controlling him to do so … For Shen Yan who lived independently since childhood, the taste of being blindfolded is not Feel good. Especially when the disaster happened last time, the voice appeared and disappeared suddenly, and the doubt left tormented him for fifteen years.

How many fifteen years are there in life?

“Oh ~ Oops, Xiao Yanyan shouted at me again like last time, not at all cute.” She seemed to be able to arouse Shen Yan’s anger now.

Fortunately, she felt Shen Yan’s anger and quickly switched topics. “Okay, do n’t be mad. This time I promise you to tell me what you ask. I wo n’t hide it, and I wo n’t leave you to sleep. But did you deal with the surrounding bodies first? Your wild Too little experience, and the young people do n’t even pay attention to Bey ’s show? Watching that kind of film every day can hurt your body. Let your sister tell you, do n’t watch it is safe now, the **** breath will soon be all predators Attract you, then you are in danger. “

Alas, my left hand always talks about topics like Teacher Cang and Master Bei, what should I do? Waiting online is quite urgent.

“But what should I do with the body? Ah, what kind of ritual are you talking about?” Speaking of the second-second ceremony, even he felt embarrassed himself. Shen Yan stretched out his left hand at the corpses and opened his fingers. He was clearly alone at the moment, and only one “she”, who didn’t know whether it was a ghost or a grandpa with him, watched in his heart, but he still felt ashamed of this action … even when Ni Yun was not so strong when he was beside. “Dust, dust is dust … wait, there is no fire and no gasoline, how can I burn?”

“Oh, it’s not seen as a good show.” She said a pity in regret, and she began to go up in a huff.

Fortunately, a mysterious message appeared in Shen Yan’s spiritual world.

“It turns out … is it used that way?” Shen Yan couldn’t take his anger, and was fascinated by the magical information he just got. That is the principle and model of a spell. Shen Yan still can’t tell whether the type of spell is magic or divine. He hasn’t even been exposed to this mysterious knowledge at all. But the moment he touched the memory, he already knew what to do, as if he had done it thousands of times.

Shen Yan’s stiff fingers drew a symbol in the air, and a stream of heat flowed from the heart to the left hand with the action.

“Incineration,” he said in a low voice.

He saw white silk steam suddenly rising from the eyes of the leader in black. Immediately afterwards, the eyes began to collapse inwards, and then from the eyes and other facial features, one after another glowed like a coal-like red light. The same is true of the corpses distributed around the hill, whether it is a torso or a hand, it ignites a pile of coal inside the flesh and then spreads outward. There were no open flames, only red light and translucent lines of fire, and these bodies were turned into ashes in a blink of an eye, even the splashes of blood did not fall.

A gust of wind blew across the hillside, and the gray embers rose with the wind and flew away from the hillside.

After a few seconds, there was nothing left except a few small metal objects, such as lighters and knives. The man in black who had chased him into heaven and had nowhere to escape, disappeared into the world completely silently.

The dead were worthless, and in the end no corpses were left.

“Is this … magic?” The surging power, everything that happened, the fatigue and accomplishment after the spell cast off the uneasiness and confusion in Shen Yan’s heart, leaving only the deep touch!

“No, that’s your blood power. It’s a simple, but omnipotent power that only you can cast.” When her voice said that, the power of feedback after the body turned to ashes began to sink into the sink. Word body. The passively received Shen Yan looked like a fairy like a medicine, and tortured his limbs, and the pain faded like a tide. Even the bullets stuck in the chest muscles were pushed out by the healing wounds.

“My name is Pan, you can call me Penny.”

This is before getting lost, Shen Yan heard the last voice.

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