Chronicles of the True Wizard

Book 1: Chapter 7

Two days of training later Felix was rudely interrupted by a message from The System.

Tutorial Announcement

Tutorial Grace Period Ending.

In one hour the level of the beasts in the tutorial will begin to grow. They will become more aggressive and increase in level as they fight and gain experience for themselves throughout the rest of the tutorial. You have been given 10 days to get situated, don’t get too comfortable though, or else your level will fall behind the beasts.

Oh goody, more deadly enemies… I guess I wouldn’t want them to all stay low level though, then what would I fight? Not like I am doing any fighting now, but I will need to go gain experience soon.

Felix was about to go right back to training when he decided enough was enough.

I really gotta go gain some experience. I am sitting here casting spells at targets day in day out but I feel like without any combat experience I am gonna end up weak in some aspect I never thought of.

Felix headed out of the town and into the plains. It took almost an hour to get to where he wanted. Close enough to a boar so he could fight them while far enough from others so he wasn’t fighting multiple at once. Also, far enough so that if they when berserk in a few minutes when The System removes the grace period, he should be able to get out.

Felix waited a few minutes, then a few more. Nothing perceptible happened. Felix decided to just start fighting and see what happened. He fired a Mana Bolt at one of them about a hundred meters away. He missed. The boar didn’t even notice. Frowning, Felix carefully skulked closer until he was only fifty meters away then fired another Mana Bolt and began preparing a Fire Bolt as fast as he could.

This time the spell hit, and the boar definitely noticed. The boar raised its front legs into the air and squealed a battle cry. Luckily none of the other boars seemed to care. The raging boar turned to face Felix and began charging. Felix managed to hit it right in the snout with the Fire Bolt he was preparing then dove to the side to dodge the incoming charge.

Felix quickly stood up and began preparing another Fire Bolt. He figured the extra mana that went into it hopefully meant more damage. He had to dodge another charge before firing again. After the second charge, the boar decided to change tactics and tried to gore Felix with it’s horns. Felix dodged back and fired his finished Fire Bolt right into it’s face.

The boar, clearly very upset by this, then tried to jump onto Felix who barely managed to dive to the side. Felix rolled away then to pulled himself up as fast as he could and pushed mana into another Fire Bolt. At this point the boar seemed to have had enough as it tried to run away. Felix just barely managed to hit it in the rear, which was, thankfully, enough.

Ding You have slain [E - Common] Boar (Lvl 6)

Ding You have gained a level in [E - Common] Caster

Free points into Perception. That should help my aim, hopefully.

Felix stowed the body of the boar in his inventory and filled his mana pool using a battery. He found another boar and hit it with a Fire Bolt.

After a handful of boar slain, the fights had started to get too easy. Now that he knew they would either charge, gore or jump he could easily predict their intentions based on body language and simply avoid them. He managed to finish off 5 boars with the highest being Lvl 9, one at six, two at eight and one at seven.

Felix also willed the notifications to be more compact so he didn’t have to scroll through so much useless information.

Ding You have slain 5 [E - Common] Boar (Lvl 6-9)

Ding You have gained 4 levels in [E - Common] Caster

Five points in vitality and seven in endurance.

The biggest limiting factor for Felix at when he fought the boars was endurance. He had to stop for an hour to meditate before the could finish off the last boar. After besting 5 of them, the limiting factor was their levels. They were simply too low or too stupid to be worth it. If he had an area attack he could group them up but as it stood he doesn’t even know where to begin looking for one.

Name: Felix Kade FREE 0

Level: 3 STR 16

Class: [E - Common] Caster (Lvl 7) DEX 26

Race: [F - Common] Human AGI 16

Profession: ??? PER 29

Health: 200/200 VIT 20

Mana: 400/400 INT 40

Energy: 193/220 END 22

Not bad. It does seem like working out had an effect. Unless something weird is happening with the stats per level, it seems like I gained 1 strength, 2 agility and 1 endurance. Guess I’ll keep working out then. Maybe I should try wrestling with a boar. Also it seems like my race Level, is just half of my class level. Maybe it’s a combination of my class and profession. That seems most likely. I really need to find a profession. Until then, I need to find something with a higher level than these stupid things.

Felix decided to open his map. This was the first time he had opened it since before claiming the fort, doing so had revealed a large part of his map around it. To the south there was another dungeon. To the north a big red skull in the mountains. Now that the grace period had ended, there were also level indicators on the map. The plains outside of the fort indicated levels 5-9. The mountains just behind and around the fort were only 6-12.

I really do not feel like climbing a bunch of mountains just to fight something that’s only level twelve at most. Guess I can check out the dungeon, if it’s another puzzle dungeon I’ll save it for when I have a profession.

With a plan in mind Felix went back for a full nights rest before setting out.

Luckily, halfway to the dungeon, there was a stream. Felix bathed and filled his canteens as he passed. There were a few boars drinking from the stream a few dozen meters out, but they didn’t seem to even notice the bathing human.

Felix continued to travel south, running while practicing his spell form construction and aim of course, until once again he found a large rock. Once again there was an arch engraved around the doorway but this time, instead of geometric patterns, it depicted many carvings of different creatures in battle. Felix smiled.

This seems like exactly what I am looking for.

Felix walked up to the door and was greeted by a system screen.

Combat Dungeon C

You have found a dungeon. Would you like to enter?




Felix instantly found himself in a cubic room with walls, ceiling and floor made of some indistinct mostly grey but slightly blue material. The light in the room seemed to come from everywhere evenly as Felix cast no shadow.

Combat Dungeon C

Choose your difficulty.

-5 ~ -2 Lvls

-1 ~ +1 Lvls

+2 ~ +5 Lvls

The highest.

Combat Dungeon C

Would you like to claim your reward in this dungeon?

Note: You may claim the reward in this dungeon once. The maximum reward tailoring level is 19. This level increases based on how many Combat Dungeons you have completed and claimed.




That implies I can repeat this dungeon right? I might as well only claim at Caster Lvl 19 then.

A few moments later the wall in front of Felix disappeared and he walked out into the large circular floor of an arena. The arena was a large circle hundreds of meters in diameter. The circular bounding wall seemed to be made of the same indistinct material as the room he had just walked out of and the floor was made of what looked and felt like packed sand. The circular arena ended with a uniform ceiling a few hundred meters up. There was no one in the entire arena except him. Felix spent the time before something appeared preparing a Fire Bolt and failing to prepare a second. After a few moments the wall across from Felix disappeared and five spotted dog like animals started slowly walking out of the opening.

Felix looked at one of them and to his surprise managed to identify it.

[E - Common] Hyena (Lvl 10)

Looking around he found them all at levels nine or ten. Before they could approach him he fired off the Fire Bolt he had prepared. The Hyena he aimed at dodged quickly to the side but luckily the Fire Bolt had managed to hit the one behind it. The Hyenas sped up to a jog and split up to his left and right trying to surround him. Felix prepared a Mana Bolt, being a much faster projectile he hoped it would be nearly impossible for them to dodge, and pulled out a dagger from his inventory. He had 26 dexterity and he planned on using it, just in case.

He managed to get off two Mana bolts by the time they started to circle him. He took out the one he injured earlier and managed to injure another. It seemed he was right about using the faster Mana Bolt, they didn’t even have time to react when he shot the spell.

Felix turned and began running left, where there was only one more hyena left, and to keep his distance from the larger group on the right. He fired off a Mana Bolt at the only one left on that side. He hit it right in the head and it tripped and fell over. Felix dashed towards it as fast as he could to finish it off with his dagger. He looked over his shoulder as he ran to the other group of three hyenas and realized he wasn’t going to make it before they cut him off.

Felix decided to go for a long shot and threw his dagger at the downed Hyena. He astonishingly, managed to hit it and it stopped moving. Felix replaced the dagger with another from his inventory and ran away from the other three as fast as he could. He managed to fire off and hit two Mana Bolts at two separate Hyenas in large part because they ran in a straight line at him.

Felix prepared a Fire Blast but before he finished it the uninjured Hyena reached him and tried to bite his leg. He yanked his leg away as fast as he could almost tripping himself and earning himself a gash on his thigh from the Hyenas teeth. He returned with a stab of his dagger that the Hyena easily dodged.

At this point his Fire Blast was ready so he pushed his mana into it and fired it right at the Hyena as it went for his other thigh. A large fiery explosion blasted the Hyena in the face causing it to trip over its own legs.

The other two Hyenas had caught up and were just a meter away. Felix didn’t have time to prepare another spell so he summoned another dagger into his other hand. He threw one dagger at the Hyena on his left and met the one on his right with the other. The Hyena managed to bite into his thigh but before it could rip the flesh away Felix drove his dagger into it’s neck.

Ding You have slain 5 [E - Common] Hyena (Lvl 9-10)

Ding You have gained 2 levels in [E - Common] Caster

Put them all in agility. These things were almost too fast for me.

Felix sat down and gritted his teeth through the screaming pain coming from his bleeding thighs and began meditating.

You know what might have saved me decent amount of health there? Pants.

Combat Dungeon C

Round 2 will begin in 30 minutes.

Start now?




When thirty minutes had passed Felix was not fully recovered but in a better state than before. He meditated for the health regen, less for the purpose of gaining health and more for the purpose of closing his wounds. It worked and he was no longer at risk of bleeding out.

Felix quickly scampered around the room and retrieved his daggers and stored the Hyena bodies in his inventory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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