One year has passed, Sense the passing of king kaimanny,So the people came together to Honor him and everyone that died. They lit there floating lanterns. Then Kenif address them. My people today we gather, to honor our fallen Loved one's. It has been a long and challenging time, however we pulled through the storm and we are stronger then ever. We have signed a peace treaty with the kingdom of Nobelist, and from this moment on, they shall be a subservient nation to us, It's War respirations for there King. Kenif said with tears in his eyes. Now Everyone on the count of three, release your lantern's, simon said. 1,2,3 NOW!Kenif shouted.Then All at the same time, the lantern's took to the sky. Father, king kaimanny and everyone else you can rest now. We shall take it from here. Kenif said. As if the wind was responding. The lanterns flu higher in the sky and Glowed brightly .Now we leave Grasslands, and head over to a dark cave deep in the mountains. Were A man is lying on the ground asleep, but suddenly he a woke. Good your awake dragon eye, how do you feel. A voice asked. Dragon eye stood up looking around. Who's, speaking show your self. Dragon eye shouted. I'm over to your right. The voice said, then the sound of a clap could be heard and the cave was lit up. Dragon eye looked over to his right, and saw a young man dressed in all black like an assassin. But his face was not covered. Oh! AC It's you. Dragon eye said with a relaxed face. Humph! How dear you look relax, in front of me after you failed. AC said then he Rushed forword and grabbed dragon eye by the throat. I told you to, destroy the neighboring kingdoms, and not even something that simple You could not handle. Let go of me, have you gone mad you are my servant. Dragon eye said shaking in fear. Ac started laughing. You pitiful Foolish creature, what made you think that. You would ever be worthy to have a servant as powerful as me? I am the one, who gave you the power you have now. Yet you still failed. Give me a reason, as to why i shouldn't kill you right now. AC said with a Cold face. Because you need me. Dragon eye said. Don't make me laugh, i could kill you right now. Let me fill you in on something, you have been in a coma for one year, your kingdom is now a subservient Nation, and The only reason you are still alive, is because i still have a use for you. AC said with a snear then he let go of dragon eye. Give me a nether chance, this time I shall not fail. Dragon eye begged. Very well, they are five people in red robe's heading to our current location. If I am not mistaken, they are from the vampiric high order. They have been looking for you, even though it's been a year. Now what i want you, to do is kill them and all will be forgiven. AC said then he snapped his fingers, and he and dragon eye teleported on to the forest. Remember dragon eye I will be watching from the shadows, this is your last chance remember that. AC said then he disappeared.DRAGON EYE! At long last we found you. One of the red robe men shouted. you dear speak my name, but I do not know you. Dragon eye said with a snear. In a instant all five of the red rope men stood before Dragon eye. Permit me to introduce myself. I am known as jenton and these are my brothers, max,rex, Tifton, and yoton. We are from the vampiric high order. It doesn't matter to me, where you are from all I see before me are five dead bodies. Dragon eye said then he rushed forward with a sword made of light, killing four of them in a instant. The only one left standing was jenton. That's four down one to go. You haven't won yet, come to my aid shadow guard. Jenton shouted then out of no where five hundred shadow knights, came out of the ground and all of them rush at dragon eye to attack. Jenton then pick this moment to flee, but he was subdued By AC. Then AC snapped his fingers and all of the shadow knights vanished. That's enough dragon eye, you have done well. All that is left is this one. AC said with a smile. Noooo! it can't be, I know who you are. Jenton said with a face full of fear. AC had a sinister smile on his face. If you really know, who i am then tell me.

you're..... you're, (A****C*****) the learde of. But before jenton could finish speaking, AC stabbed him in the heart with a sword of light turning him in to ashis.Just who are you AC? Why was he so afraid of you. Dragon eye asked. AC just smiled. Tell me dragon eye, have you ever heard of the organisation known as trefectaus. AC asked with a cold smile. I have heard of it, but there is not much i know about it. Dragon eye said with a confused face. (Side Note: Trefectaus is , is an assassin's guild. No one knows where they came from. They just appeared out of nowhere, and there primary objective is to destroy high house. It is Said the leader of trefectaus is Named, (A****C*****) and that is all that is known about them.) Wait don't tell me, you're..... you're..... you're... A member of trefectaus. Dragon eye said with a face full of fear.That's right dragon eye I am, and not only that but I am also the leader. My Name is Alexis Century.

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