Your a fool Yontin someman, to be this loyal to the Wolfect Family for nothing. When one can offer you so much more. But it would appear one does not want my kindness. Very well you may die now, and you should be honored to know. I Alexi centry The leader of trefectaus, is the one who killed you. That is my gift to one. Alexi said to yontin then he broke his sword. He then shouted Air Palm pass. As he struck Yontin in the chest, Yontin was knocked back twenty feet. As He struggled to stand up, Alexi slowly Walk's towards him. This is Pathetic, i bearly touched you, and you're already at deaths door. I don't even feel like killing you anymore. Alexi said rolling is eyes. Yontin vomit out a mouth full of blood and looked at Alexi Fairlessly. Like one said I would rather die Then, to serve someone like you. So if you are going to kill me then do it already. I have nothing left to live for.Yonton said with tears in his eyes. Alexi then snapped his finger and said. turn back time, and The kingdom of grasslands was restore to the way it was. You say you have nothing left to live for, how about i make you a deal. In one minute i will destroy this Kingdom again. But if you manage to protect it, then i well not pursuit the matter of killing you and the people of this kingdom anymore.But remember you only have one minute. I do wonder, will you be able to save the kingdom, are will you just save the ones who are dear to you. Alexi said then he and dragon eye flu up in the sky. Yontin was stunned as he watch them disappear, then he ran in to the gates of the kingdom. I have got to hurry. He thought to himself. Meanwhile in the sky dragon eye and Alexi were talking. It's been a minute already. Dragon eye said with a sinister smile. No matter let him reached there meeting hall then i will destroy them. Alexi said with a board expression. In grasslands Simon, kenif, jamia and joss were in the meeting hall, discussing future plans for the Kingdom. Then suddenly Yontin burst and true the door looking disheveled He shouted. Everyone we are in danger. Kaboom the kingdom exploded again.How Unfortunate, i would have spared them if he had try to put up a shield. Alexi said with a sigh. I wonder what was his plan? Because there is no way he could have warn them in time. But i guess he thought, he wasn't strong enough. Dragon eye said with a confused face then he and Alexi flu away in a flash. In the Rubble a golden light who was present, it was a barrier that yontin was able to put up. I made it in time, thank goodness you are all safe. Yontin said then he collapse to the ground. Sir Yontin! what has happened to you? Jamia asked with a worried expression. A bigger question is what happen to the kingdom. Simon said then they all looked around at the destruction of Grasslans. A look of shock and horror was on there faces. Joss put her hand over her mouth. Who could have done such a thing.Yontin started coughing up blood. It was dragon eye, he and his accomplice are the ones who did this. Stay still sir yontin, i will heal you. Joss said but no matter what she did yontin was not looking any betterPerhaps I can be of some assistance. Said a man who was dressed in all white like a noble. Who are you how did you get here .Kenif asked then he rushed at him but the man disappeared, and then reappeared next to yontin. Calm yourself down my name is Alun Bloodlan, and i am from the out branch of the military of magic. You may know my brother, his name is dacardly bloodlan. Wait did you say Master bloodlan is your brother. Simon asked. Yes he is, i was on my way to visit him and give my reports , when i saw the destruction of your Kingdom. So i came over to help, now let me take a look at him. Alun bent down next, to Yontin to examine him. Hmmmm. He appears to be dying, however there is away to save him. But i can only do it if you all agree to become my disciple's. Alun said expressionlessly. We don't know you, and we don't trust you. But if you can heal him, then i will agree to serve you on behalf of everyone here. Jamia said with tears in her eyes. No Mother! you cannot do that. We know nothing about this man . Kenif said fearfully. My dear boy, i have to do this. Sir yontin has done so much for me already. Jamia said. She is right, and i all so agree to this. joss said. I also agree to serve you. Simon said. You are all foolish but i guess i have no choice in the matter. I also agree. Kenif said. How foolish can these people be for putting there trust in someone they don't even know. Even though he is not evil SMH . The writer said breaking the fourth wall as he continue to write this story.Now that, that has been settled. I shall save him now. Alun said then he snapped his fingers and a red portal appeared. So They all walked in to it, and was transported to Alun's outpost, he then put yontin on a bed and took off his armor. then he bit him in the neck. Hey what the f*ck are you doing? Let go of him. Kenif shouted

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