And i may sound like the villain but,Before you judge me Remember to keep and open mind because there is always two sides to every story, and nothing is what it seems . I am not a bad guy, but everything that happen was my fault. kingdoms fell due to my influence, and yes it was worth it. I bet you are wondering, who I am. Well that will be my secret for now. But you will know soon enough. Now then let us go to where it all began, in a Kingdom, by the name of Novelist, It was a harsh and very cruel place due to the tyrant that rained over it, his name was dragon eye Cronextis. He was known for starting wars and plundering other Nations but now he had set his sights on grasslands. One of the four Great kingdoms that didn't fall victim to his tyranny, so he was plotting and attack. However the king of grasslands was a very kind man by the name kaimany E-mete, and he was not a fool, he was well aware of dragon eye, and knew that he was a big threat. But He was not afraid of him however he feared for the safety of his people, so in Desperation,he called a meeting with his hight council. which entails six royal advisers. His five bodyguard Platinum armored knights, and the twelve Nobles of the kingdom, after everyone arrived the king tapped his Sceptre on the ground for there attention, now that everyone is here we may begin. General Kenif come forth, he signel for someone to step forword from the shadows and speak. It was a young man wearing shiny golden Armor. Greetings to you most honored guess , Some of you may not know who i am, but my name is Kenif Malleocrotus and i am The general of the knight's.Now what I'm About to tell you, is very disturbing. I have recently discovered, that Dragon eye has taken up arm's, against the other Great Kingdoms and he has. CEASE YOUR.... TONGUE THIS INSTANT! One of the King's Platinum bodyguard shouted his name was kenyo Malleocrotus.. do you have any proof as to what you speak? Kenyo asked. But Kenif just smiled at him and said. Yes i do, i sent out scouts the Copper . (BANG!) But before he could finish speaking, kenyo Rush forward in a flash and punched him, knocking him to the ground then he spat at him. You f**king half blood bastard, you dear to smile and act without the approval of the king, who told you to act ? Tell me now and I shall make your death swift . kenyo Said. But before he could move again. The kings shouted for him to stop. That is enough kenyo calm yourself, for i am the one that granted him, permission. So Then Kenyo turned to face the king, Forgive me your highness, for i was un a where. I acted without knowing so i ask that you forgive me. The king stood up and walked towards kenyo (WACKS!) he slapped him in the face. You Stupid son of a b**ch. Your son is the one you should be seeking forgiveness from and not me. The king said then he returned to his seat. So kenyo then turned to face kenif and reach out his hand to help him up. but kenif just glared at him with malist, then he slapped his hand away, and stood up on his own, wiping away the blood that had ran from his nose and mouth. The king just shrugged. Kenif would you like to have your father punished for what he did perhaps a public flogging are a whipping? No your highness, there is no time for that. He responded. Very well then, you may continue with your report. The king said. Kenif then clapped his hands twice and a man appeared, wearing a long black robe. His face was covered in scars, and a patch was over his right eye. this is Darwnd and he is one of the ten scouts I sent out to gather intell, and He is also the only one who came back alive. After hearing that, The Nobles began Mumbling amongs there selves. But the King raised his hand for silence then he spoke. On your feet young Darwnd tell us what you saw. With tears in his eye he stood up and spoke. Dragon eye is coming, and he has some how gane control of the goblin clan the ogre tribes and dragon kind. Everyone Gasped and all eyes were on darwnd.

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