Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 5 - Inquire

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

The roads in the slums were dirtier than imagined. The black sewage was everywhere. Flushing frowned, wearing a robe in one hand to avoid the sewage from staining his clothes, and the other hand was holding a handkerchief to cover his nose. In order not to step on the sinkhole, Faras walked very slowly and had fallen behind the line.

Reid followed Faras and helped her to prevent her from stepping on the messy things on the ground.

Alina, who is also a lady, didn’t care. She strode on the sewage and seemed to adapt to such an environment. The others walked to the front under the leadership of Alina.

Most of the miners living in the slums bent over to reveal the vicissitudes of their faces, and there were some women with dark bodies carrying large wooden barrels. The wooden barrels did not know what was contained in them, and gave out an unpleasant smell. Here, they quickly hid in the low room, seeming to be very scared, seemingly frightened by the recent continuous disappearances.

There are only a few children who are not afraid. They look at the members of the Rex team from afar to see what they are doing.

Seeing the people here seemed to be afraid of their own line, Alina stopped and pulled out her purse and took out a lot of silver coins. She said aloud to the surroundings: “Who will answer my question, one question I will give a silver coin.”

The people around didn’t make a sound, just stared at Alina vigilantly.

Elena saw a little boy close to herself, and she walked over with a smile. The little boy’s face was frightened, his body shrunk, and he squatted on the ground, but his eyes stared at the large silver coins in Elena’s hand, revealing a longing look.

Alina was n’t very old. She stood beside the boy as if she were his sister. Elena slowly said in a soft tone: “What’s your name?”

The little boy was shocked, obviously obviously a little scared, but the charm of the silver coin overcome the fear in his heart, he said softly: “My name is Jim”

Elena put a silver coin in the hands of the little boy Jim.

Jim quickly grabbed the silver coin with both hands.

Elena asked again: “How old are you this year?”

Jim glanced at Alina, who was not much taller than herself, and said in a childish voice: “Is this the second question?”

Jim’s words immediately aroused the kind laughter of the other members of the Lace Squad. Elena took out another silver coin. Jim quickly took over and said, “I am twelve years old.”

Ryan looked at Jim inconceivably. The boy in front of him was 15 years old? But for many years he could not eat enough to make him look like a child under ten years old, and when he grew up, he could only repeat what his father and grandfather had done, and if he still With the next generation, it is impossible to jump out of this quagmire.

Ryan was filled with pity, he took out a gold coin, walked up and handed it to Jim.

Jim’s eyes showed a glowing light, and he took Ryan’s gold coin with a trembling hand and put it on his body.

It ’s not just Jim. Everyone present showed the same look.

Many here are people in their tens of years, but they have never really owned a gold coin, even if it is only for a short while.

Jim gently stroked the gold coin and handed it over to Ryan. Ryan didn’t ask for it, but said softly to Jim: “You take it, this is from me. You are like my brother. He should It ’s about your age. “

Ryan was afraid that Jim would n’t want to, and deliberately compiled a story.

Jim looked at Ryan. The latter’s eyes showed goodwill. Jim withdrew his hand holding the gold coin and said to Ryan, “Thank you, sir.”

Elena stroked Jim’s head and said softly, “Do you know a girl named Jessie?”

Jim nodded, pointed to a low house in the distance and said she would live there.

Elena nodded and said, “Thank you, Jim, you are a kind and good boy.”

According to Jim ’s instructions, the team of Lace squad found Jessie ’s house, and Elena stood at the door and said aloud, “Are anyone at home?”

The door was pushed open, and a thin little girl came out. The hair on her head was messy, and she didn’t know what she was wearing. She was dark and only had big eyes.

Elena asked, “Is there Jessie, little girl?”

The little girl looked at Elena timidly with big eyes and said, “I am.”

Elena crouched down and said to Jessie with a smile: “Jessie, don’t be afraid, we are not bad guys, we are here to catch bad guys.”

Jessie said, “Sister, I’m not afraid.”

Elena touched Jessie’s hair pityfully and said to her: “Jessie, we are here to investigate the disappearance. You once said that it was the demon who took them away. Can you tell us the specific situation?”

Hearing Alina talking about the demon, Jessie’s eyes showed a look of fear, and her body was trembling slightly.

Reed saw Jessie’s appearance and quickly cast a blessing.

The blessing technique flashing white light enveloped all the people present, and a courage that could despise all the evil in the world sprang up in everyone’s heart.

Jessie was no longer afraid, she said to Elena: “Jessie is telling the truth, but they don’t believe me.”

Elena said: “Sister believes you, tell your sister.”

Jessie said: “Once I was playing outside the city, there were piles of useless slag. I was going to pick up some copper sand in the slag. They can exchange copper coins with those who come in a carriage. I found it. They did n’t know a place. There was so much copper sand there. I did n’t pick it for a long time. Then it was dark. I wanted to go home, but I saw a few people in black, each carrying a big one. Came over. “

“Man in black?” Elena asked

Jessie said, “Yeah. The pockets on their backs are still moving.”

“What about later?” Faras asked.

Ryan heard Farath ’s words and remembered the scene with Farath last night. His face was red. Jessie ’s next words were unclear. He knew that it was not time to think about them. Listen to Jessie.

“Suddenly a terrible demon was drilled out of the ground, and the flesh on it was rotten. I could smell the smell so far away, and bones were exposed in many places.”

Elena said: “Jie Xi, you say slowly, tell all the scenes at that time. This is the key.”

Jessie said, “The demon looks two people tall, big, and has four hands … By the way, it holds a huge axe in each hand. I was so scared, I was hiding in the ore Behind the pile, he didn’t dare to move. The demon spurted into each pocket, and those pockets stopped. Then a few piles of bones were drilled on the ground. “

Reid suddenly asked: “How many bones?”

Jessie said, “Yeah, they do n’t wear clothes, they are all bones, they do n’t even have any flesh. They picked up those pockets and drilled back, and the demon went back. I waited for those in black to leave. Only then came out quietly. I was terrified and ran home. Then I realized that my brother was gone. I told these things to the adults, they did n’t believe them, and they said that my children lied. Jessie It ’s an honest kid who does n’t lie. “

Elena said: “Jessie is good, Jessie is an honest child and doesn’t lie.”

Faras took out two gold coins and put them in Jessie’s hands, and said to her: “This is my sister’s reward for honest children. Please put it away.”

Jessie didn’t dare to ask for it. She had only seen such shiny gold coins among the soldiers who defended the city. Knowing that this thing was very expensive, she was afraid that she would not be able to make a lifetime of copper sand.

Faras said: “Honest children deserve to be rewarded if they don’t tell lies. You hide it and don’t let others know.”

Jessie said: “Got it, sister. Others will steal it if they know it.”

Faras nodded with a smile, she was impressed by Jessie’s innocence, it seemed that the smell was not obvious.

After Reid heard Jessie’s words, his face was wrong all the time. He saw Faras gave the gold coins to Jessie and said to everyone: “Now that we understand the situation, let’s go back first.”

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