Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 8 - Lure the enemy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan listened to Ellendo’s words and was very inspired. He thought to himself: “I learn from Teacher Caleb and Teacher Dranai, isn’t it to change my life one day? Now I have started to change, Walking out of my hometown is the first step. Can I walk out of my hometown and change my life just because I have magic and martial arts? And my friend Nemo can only repeat the experience of his ancestors in Thick Fog Town. I was not strong enough to take risks, so I adapted to my life in my hometown; and I was reluctant to continue the kind of life that has never changed in thousands of years, so I came out to find my own way, and I believe I will definitely walk out of my own road!”

Thinking of this, Ryan’s doubts were all gone. He secretly vowed to himself that he must be strong when he is in trouble. He has already had two weak performances in front of Flanner and Ellendo, and there will never be a third time. !

Seeing the lightness of his friend’s face, Elendo was also happy for him from the heart. Ryan has a friend of his own, but it will be fine after a while, but what about himself? I was confused for three months!

“It’s still good to have friends.” Allendo could not help sighing secretly in his heart.

Ryan dropped his mind and became very flexible. He said to Ellen: “Can we still do this task?”

Ellendo said: “Of course. I don’t think this matter will be that simple. Jeremy will not find a group of thieves to grab their own things. What plan must there be? There is no plan we don’t know.”

Ryan nodded and said, “Let’s go back. Azim is dead. This matter won’t be hidden for long. I guess I will know the answer tomorrow.”

The two discussed and decided to return to Claw Town immediately to monitor Zhelile outside the town.

Allen made a wolf noise, and after a while, the three wind wolves ran back. It turned out that Ellendo kept the wind wolf watching near the thief camp.

The two rushed through the night, and when they saw Yangjiao Town, the sun had risen.

Ryan and Allen chose a lush grass to hide in, and the three wind wolves lay quietly beside them.

Because Ellendo hadn’t rested for two days, Ryan decided to monitor himself and let Ellendo take time to sleep.

Allen hadn’t fallen asleep for a moment, a loud horseshoe sound came, and the thieves headed to the horn town with thirty thieves on horseback.

Outside the town of Giethoorn, the leader of the thief waved his hand. The thirty thieves behind him took the reins of the horse together. The horse’s front hoof was sitting in the air, making a long hiss and stopped neatly.

Ryan admired the thief’s hand very much. He knew that this level of uniformity could not be achieved without a long training period. It’s a pity that Ryan and Ellen don’t understand military affairs. If a war-torn general sees all this, he will be very surprised. This group of thieves has camped, sentry, horse-riding, and formations. In other words, such training is conducted only in the military. From their expressions and actions, they can see that they are covered with blood, which is by no means what ordinary thieves can do.

Ryan did not expect that the thieves did not directly attack the town of Giethoorn, but just rode on the horse and silently waited for something.

Ryan was very suspicious of this behavior by the thieves, and he had to whisper to discuss with Ellen who was just awake.

Soon, the answer was revealed.

A black eagle fell from the sky and landed accurately on the shoulder of the burly man on the left side of the thief leader. This burly man is a person called “left hand” by the thief leader.

“Left hand” took a wooden block from the iron tube in the eagle’s leg and looked at it carefully. Then he came to the thief leader and whispered a few words.

The thief leader made a smug laugh and pointed his hand at the horn town.

Seeing that the leader had issued an offensive order, the thieves pulled out their long swords neatly, and issued a “hey” shout, spreading a murderous voice.

The village of Giethoorn was unexpectedly very quiet. No one walked or cried. If the gate was not opened slowly by the mayor of Zhelile, it would be like an empty town.

The gate of the town of Giethoorn was opened, but the thieves were unmoved and did not rush in. They just controlled the horses to go around in place.

After a while, another team of thieves was chased by a group of knights, and ran quickly from a distance.

The thieves chased by the knight were in ragged clothes and even had blood stains on them, and the horses under the seat were very tired.

Behind them are desperately chasing a large group of knights wearing golden yellow body armor. Every knight has a very obvious gold lion logo on the chest. All the knights are under a pure white horse. Each of the war horses is wearing golden yellow armor.

The thief leader saw the knight chasing his companion, and his face showed the joy of victory. He led the thirty thieves around him to slowly meet the last time and took over the thieves who were pursued.

Seeing the thieves and reinforcements, the headed knight raised his gun in his hand. The whole cavalry team immediately heard the sound of horses screaming. The knights ’horses raised their front hooves. The people stopped neatly from the thieves.

The headed knight has blonde hair. He is about thirty years old. He saw the thief leader, and a smile of joy appeared on his slightly tired face. He said aloud: “Senat, you traitor, I finally caught you today.”

The thief leader Xenat gently took off his mask and showed a handsome face. He smiled and said, “Captain Bacon, you can follow me closely for half a month, but your subordinates It seems to be less. “

The knight leader Bacon had an angry look on his face. He took a deep breath and lived word by word: “Sennat, where they died. Today, I will avenge them!”

The thief leader Sainat said, “Bacon, is it up to you?”

Knight leader Bacon said firmly: “Justice will defeat evil, and the light of God of War will bless us!”

Sainat said: “I am not interested in the God of War, I prefer the underage girl. Bacon, I’m going to cool now, would you like to come together?”

After that, Sainat drove into Clawhorn Town, and dozens of thieves rushed in.

Bacon shouted angrily: “Senat, your opponent is me, don’t hurt innocent civilians.” As soon as he pulled the horse’s reins, he was ready to rush into Giethoorn.

The knight beside Bacon reminded: “Captain, we have been chasing for two days in a row, and the consumption of people and horses is very large. And the space inside is narrow, I am afraid that it is the trap of Sainat.

Bacon said firmly: “Our duty is to protect the weak. No matter what traps are ahead, we will eventually be protected by the God of War!”

After saying this, Bacon raised his gun in his hand and shouted, “God of War!”

A pure white light emanated from the bacon held high in the air by the bacon, covering his whole body.

All the knights also raised their guns and shouted with Bacon: “God of War!”

A white ray of light permeated among the knights. Suddenly, each knight’s chest was filled with unprecedented pride. Their fatigued body also seemed to regain their energy. The slightly haggard face became firm, and a feverish light was emitted from his eyes.

Bacon’s war gun lay flat and led more than 60 holy knights into the horn town.

However, Bacon immediately discovered that this was a trap, and the town was filled with hay bales laid by dead sheep and herdsmen’s fire, and there were many wooden piles. These things were even mixed with a lot of animal traps. This obstacle prevented the Holy Knight’s most threatening charge from being able to play its full role at all.

After all the holy knights entered the town of Giethoorn, the big wooden door behind them was slowly closed by the thieves.

Bacon made a decisive call and shouted, “Dismount. Ready to fight!”

More than 60 knights immediately jumped off the war horse, inserted the war gun into the ground, then pulled out the long sword in the right hand, and removed a shield from the back with the left hand.

Sennat stood relaxed in the open space in the middle of the town, surrounded by dozens of thieves with long guns. Seeing that Bacon could respond so quickly, Sainat also secretly admired, and couldn’t help saying: “Captain Bacon, in this situation today, I’m afraid you can’t go out. Why not join my army.”

Bacon shouted: “Senat, you don’t think about it. Today, our Golden Knights will fight to the last person. Lord Orlando will avenge us. Want the life of the Golden Lion, exchange it for 10 times as many lives.”

Senat shook his head, disappointed with Bacon’s words. He reached out and made a cut in front of his neck. The thieves around were given orders to attack and immediately rushed towards the Holy Knight.

Seeing that the holy knight who had been chasing himself for many days was finally surrounded by himself in Giethoorn, Sainate couldn’t help but feel very proud. He gathered more than 300 people this time, almost all of his hidden power in the Southern Taryn Prairie. For this blow to defeat.

He wanted to let the world know that even if he was defeated by the Golden Lion King Orlando, he would be able to win a game in a short time. What’s more, he Sainate is about to become the first person to destroy the Golden Knights on the Eslar mainland in two hundred years!

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