53: Quadruple Intersection (1)
The anxiety creasing Tsunade's eyebrows slowly started to fade as the Sannin pressed her healing palms over Dan's wounded waist.
Her two comrades to either side - Tajima on the left and Funai on the right - supported Dan's shoulders, holding him up. All three men gazed at Tsunade patiently, letting her concentrate.
Dan had tried to talk to her, but she barely listened, hyper-focused on treating him instead.
Her whole body shuddered as tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. Her whole body except for her forearms and hands, which were as steady as steel - the firm control of an experienced doctor.
The warmth of Dan's blood against her skin made Tsunade terrified that she would lose him, but she stemmed the flow with speed fitting of her reputation. It was... going to be alright. He wouldn't die on her watch.
Only once she was sure that Dan's injuries were stable, that the wound wasn't fatal, did she cancel her technique. It only took the renowned medical kunoichi a few more moments to ascertain that her lover was only weak from exhaustion and blood loss. She'd already closed the wound.
Only after did she allow her arms to tremble with the fear and nervousness wracking her.
"Tsunade... how am I? I won't die today after all, eh?" Dan, the man she loved more than anyone, smiled at her despite it all. A tender grin, a gaze full of love and gratitude, yet still calm and alert. And with that gaze she couldn't hold herself back anymore.
With tears pouring down her face, Tsunade pulled Dan into a gentle embrace, arms completely wrapping around his back, her face pressed into his shoulder. Tajima and Funai released Dan's arms and let him return the embrace, let him caress the back of Tsunade's head as he consoled her.
Tsunade wept openly and quietly, beside herself with innumerable tears of relief. Her voice croaked with concern, her weeping leaving her words unsteady,
"Yes. Yes, you're going to be alright..." She shuddered more. Tightening her embrace while still minding his wound, she whispered into his ear, "Really... you fool of a man, how could you end up like this? You know I would rather die than lose you - lose the only ones I love again."
"What you said was right, all of it, and I know." Dan's deep and mellow voice whispered back, acknowledging her turmoil with the gentle reassurance she had come to depend on, "I found myself filled with endless thoughts of you as I fought here. You've always been right, always. I will never tire of telling you this, hah."
Tsunade nodded wordlessly, her head still pressed against Dan's shoulder. She couldn't even be angry at him, hearing his calm chuckling as he repeated the first words he had ever said to her. Her love for him was too deep, and those words stirred up her most treasured memories.
"I won't die here, in a place like this, with so much left to do. And that won't happen, because you were there for me - by my side when I most needed it. In thanks, I can only offer you the rest of my life. A promise I pray you will never tire of receiving from me." With his index finger, Dan slowly raised Tsunade's chin up so she would face him, brushing his lips to her forehead.
Tsunade blushed heavily, nodding again as she stifled tears now pouring from joy. She returned Dan a kiss, but to his cheek, flashing him one of her gladdest smiles.
To the side, Tajima looked away awkwardly, fiddling with the contents of the massive supply pack he carried on his back. Funai suddenly found a lot of interest in inspecting the handle of the long Ōdachi1Longer, usually two-handed curved sword. Comparable to a broadsword or zweihander in the west. Comparison chart for blade names and sizes: blade hanging from his shoulder.
"But Tsunade, right now I have another to thank as well." Dan spoke up once more, after clearing his throat and pointing to the corpses behind him, "Only thanks to another was I even alive to say these words to you."
At a motion from Tsunade, Funai went to inspect the bodies while Tajima unpacked an autopsy kit.
"What, who?" she asked, only partially paying attention. Her mind was much more focused on feeling the reassuring beat of his heart, on knowing he was still alive.
Tsunade was sure as hell not leaving her lover's arms yet, not if she could help it. Not after something like this, being so close to losing him. Her comrades doubtless understood... Tsunade half suspected they might even be grateful to be freed from witnessing the couple's mutual affection.
But Dan's words stole her attention from these embarrassing thoughts,
"The young girl you sent flying, she saved me from those three before you arrived. I fear you may have injured her, so if that proves to be the case, I beg that you find it within your heart to treat her as well."
"What? T-that person did?!" Tsunade bit her lip regretfully, finally retreating from Dan's embrace, "I understand. I- I didn't attack in earnest, but with my strength, who knows. I was only trying to clear away potential threats."
Dan sighed as he lay back down, but he kept hold on one of Tsunade's hands,
"What's more, I fear you may have done harm... to your own kin. That girl's chakra - your gift to me, your grandfather's relic reacted to her chakra like I've never seen." He lifted the crystal necklace and draped it between his fingers, "I mean it! She even... wore your clan's emblem on her hairpiece, and I suspect that it may also be a relic, since it reacted as well."
Tsunade sat up fully now, her senses fully returned as she paused and listened to Dan's recount.
"Kin of mine? Grandfather's relic did?" She murmured uncertainly, "A member of the Senju clan? But... everyone has been accounted for long before I took charge as the clan head. That goes for the tools and relics, too. And everyone of my parents' generation has been gone since the first war... there shouldn't have been anyone like that?"
It was a bit mournful to think about, but the Senju clan had shouldered many burdens throughout the years of war that defined Konoha's early history. And consequently they suffered many losses, particularly in the ranks of strong shinobi. Even... even Tsunade's own younger brother Nawaki - and it was Dan who had saved her from the grief of losing him.
There weren't many Senju left, and none who lived up to the legacy of the First and Second Hokage brothers. That role had fallen to the Sarutobi clan.
However, Tsunade knew Dan would never say it if he didn't believe it. He was not the kind of man to make rash judgements. But... chakra that reacts to her grandfather's relic was something she absolutely had to investigate.
As she pondered, Tsunade caught sight of the sigil adorning the back of Funai's flak jacket from where he crouched a distance in front of her. The symbol of friendship between the Senju of Konoha... and the Uzumaki of Uzushio.
With a gasp, she looked back at Dan, "But I'm only thinking about my father's side of the family. If it were my mother and grandmother... the Uzumaki often have matrilineal marriages. It is possible..."
Lifting a handsign, Tsunade focused on sensing with her chakra. Thoughts of her esteemed grandmother prompted Tsunade to recall dozens of other matters from the last few years, forgotten in favor of war preparations and her growing relationship with Dan Katō. A young woman only has so much time to spare minding old history, she couldn't be faulted for having her own priorities.
Whipping her head to the side, Tsunade drew in a stunned breath as she felt a new and yet uniquely familiar chakra presence. Fluctuating, intense, but familiar all the same. As she gazed into the settling dust cloud in the presence's direction, the silhouette of a smallish figure drew closer.
"This presence - Dan, you're right! This is definitely a mix of Senju and Uzumaki chakra. Familiar, yet distinct. But who-?!" she exclaimed under her breath, eyebrows knitting together in concern.
Kana had watched and listened from a distance for a while now, rubbing her bruised shoulder as she gradually drew closer. It didn't hurt, but it might be sore later. Better to stretch it now than let it get stiff. That was her final conclusion from inspecting her body. Nothing else was of concern. She was pretty durable after all.
Kana took one step at a time, waiting for the squad from Konoha to return their focus to her. Slowly so she wouldn't appear threatening. Even now Kana could feel she was being watched, vaguely hearing another of the Konoha squad lurking around the rocky clearing's perimeter, patrolling.
But she'd halted when she saw the so-called Legendary Sannin burst into tears and hug the man Kana had assisted.
The words those two whispered to each other, Kana could still barely hear them, and it made her feel very strange inside. This woman with monstrous strength and a dangerous aura became so utterly distraught, so unabashedly tearful that it gave Kana pause.
The Legendary Sannin, a war-hero and a formidable killing force, a threat to Kana like few others... was so palpably vulnerable, merely a person in the scene before Kana's eyes.
The girl couldn't help but feel her perception of the woman changing, her fear abnormally waning. It left her feeling somewhat... hollow, at a loss.
After all, Kaoru had cried like that for Fuzō.
Had Michiko... cried for Kana this way, during those nights? Hadn't Fuzō looked at her with similar eyes? There was something about it all that Kana was coming to understand, even if just a bit.
And it made her heart ache with a pain like suffocation. It sapped her energy and focus, leaving her feeling hazy again.
So... tired.
Though Kana's heart wrenched, she could not bear to look away from the two locked in an embrace. Though she somehow felt as if she were intruding, she listened to the words they spoke to each other. Words of promise and gestures of affection.
But from those sentiments, the man called Dan directed attention to Kana and what happened with the necklace.
Kana had not forgotten the stunned words he muttered in surprise from before.
Senju. First Hokage. Relic.
All things apparently tied to Kana's past. And she suspected it to be true, from the moment that crystal amulet began to glow. It felt familiar in a new and different way to anything she held felt before, a domineering presence and sensation emanated from it.
Of course it intrigued her! It intrigued her to no end, but it scared her, too. Fear and Curiosity, their scales shifted and balanced with each passing moment.
And then she was promptly attacked, giving her no time to spare it any more thought. But now it was once again brought to her focus. Those metaphorical scales in her heart resumed their shifting, fueling her considerations.
From her position a few meters away, Kana looked askance at Dan's necklace once more, trying to suppress the confusion it caused her.
"This presence - Dan, you're right! This is definitely a mix of Senju and Uzumaki chakra. Familiar, yet distinct. But who-?!"
The enigmatic Sannin stood and strode in Kana's direction, a curious and sobered tone now filling her voice, "Whoever you are, we won't harm you again, so please show yourself!"
Behind the woman, Kana saw that Dan wore a somewhat conflicted expression as he shook his head slightly.
Kana sighed, not feeling very reassured, but what else was there to do? Fleeing seemed impossible. She would have to do her absolute best. And so Kana prepared herself, taking that step forward. Who could say where this encounter would lead.
Tsunade watched closely as the girl staggered forward step by step.
As the childish silhouette emerged from the dust cloud and her figure became clear, Tsunade saw how the girl seemed to hesitate before raising her empty hands placatingly.
With a disheveled appearance, outer cloak covered in dust and dirt, the girl stopped about three meters in front of the Konoha group. The cowl of her cloak had been torn and thrown back, revealing similarly dirtied, yet still profoundly red hair. Concealing parts of her face were the remnants of a cracked porcelain ANBU mask, and not one of the Konoha style either.
Tsunade grew suspicious at the sight, shooting Tajima a signal with her eyes.
"Two snapped necks and a stab through the back of the heart. All instantly fatal." he mouthed to her from where he stood over the corpses behind Dan.
So this person could fight, Tsunade mused. And using brute strength in their combat style... that sounded like her family, all right. This had to be confirmed.
Glancing at this byplay between Tsunade and Tajima, the girl soon let out a beleaguered sigh, one hand removing her cracked mask and discarding it wearily. Thus peacefully revealing her face. An adolescent and charming face, yet one with impressively discerning violet eyes.
Tsunade decided to take the girl's ease of compliance as a good sign.
"Come closer." she ordered, "You're the one who helped Dan, right? If you're hurt because of me, I can treat you right away."
The girl hesitated once more, only taking a step forward towards Tsunade. Her expression was mostly impassive, but it held a distinctly troubled impression.
Despite having her guard up, Tsunade thought it rather childishly cute. Nawaki... used to make a face like that when he was trying to put up a brave act. She'd loved to tease him for it, but...
Come to think of it, the girl before her... was almost exactly Nawaki's height from back then.
Raising a palm before her face, it was now Tsunade's turn to wear a troubled expression. Her lover's recent brush with death must have stirred up old sentiments. Fortunately Dan was paying close attention, and noticed her struggle,
"Child... thank you again for helping me. I apologize for the... eagerness of my companions here and also our late introductions. We truly mean you no harm. I am Dan, Dan Katō of Konohagakure. Might we have your name, or perhaps your affiliation?"
"Kana." her soft and melodic voice responded, but she added in a downhearted tone, "I don't know how to answer... for affiliation."
The look in the girl's eyes seemed almost forlorn to Tsunade, who snapped out of her memories at the sight. She was once again glad Dan was by her side. She wasn't great at dealing with children after her brother's passing, especially out on missions.
"Ah- I am Tsunade of the Senju, one of Konoha's Sannin." she said, bowing her head slightly, "Those two are Tajima and Funai." Both men nodded as their names were called before returning to their work examining the fallen corpses.
"Kana-san, please tell me: have you ever seen this symbol before? Do you know what it signifies?" Tsunade said as she knelt and indicated the Senju emblems carved onto her armor. She could see recognition instantly flash in the girl's neutral expression.
The Sannin's excitement grew internally as the girl reached behind her head and undid the ornament tying up half her hair.
While a gust of wind causing her freed hair to flutter, the girl called Kana held aloft the silvery metal ornament, muttering with a quiet voice, "I've seen it all my life..."
Tsunade inched herself closer, eyes wide at the exquisite craftsmanship, "Worthy of my clan, all right. Kana-san, you wear the emblem of the Senju - of my clan. This is not something I can just ignore. We-"
But before she could continue her explanations, Yasushi Inuzuka appeared behind her, returning from his patrol. The fourth member of Tsunade's platoon rode his ninken2Ninja canine companions of the Inuzuka clan battle companion, Kiimaru.
"Captain, I've secured the perimeter." The man's gruff voice grunted, "We found more of these dead robed guys, but none living. But now Kiimaru detected a different unknown group approaching, so we came back to warn you all. Your orders, Captain?"