Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 87: Real Fear

The day flew by for Laz, but he never saw Malene. Although he didn't know what was happening with her, he also didn't feel as concerned about her as Kennedy. Kennedy had been in his life for a few weeks now as a close friend and then some. Malene was just a passing accident. After spending a bit of time with her, he didn't hate her. If one were to ask, he would even consider her to be a friend. But at the same time, she was no where near the level in his heart that Kennedy was. Because of his feelings, he couldn't stop himself from feeling nervous about the meeting. Laz really didn't want the day to end, knowing they would be saying a last goodbye. But it seemed like time would only go by quickly when the thing you didn't want to do was close at hand.

When the final bell rang, Laz calmly got up, packed up his books and headed to the door. Walking down the hall way, people were still talking about nothing but the freaks and what should be done. Everyone had an opinion. In an age of keyboard cowboys, everyone would just say whatever the hell they wanted without a bit of concern towards those affected. It was the normal way of life. Normally, Laz wouldn't find anything wrong with it, but now that it directly affected him and was even driving away a girl that he really started to have feelings for, Laz couldn't help but feel angry, frustrated and a bit sad. Because of these emotions, he failed to notice a pair of eyes that were still coldly following him.

Although Tommy had some thoughts, for the moment, they were just thoughts. He briefly debated having someone follow him, but gave up the idea. More than once, he had investigated the people in the school around him to get an idea of who might be useful, so he knew for a fact that people like Laz were practically useless. They couldn't even play the role of muscle for him considering how thin and small he was. As such, Tommy decided to just follow along with Annie and Jesse with their plans and didn't mention anything about Laz to them.

When Laz finally got to the Golden Panda, he was welcomed by the familiar smells and sounds and felt a bit more relaxed than before.

"Hey little man, have a good weekend? Finally get yourself a piece?" Uncle Chu came out from the back wiping his hands as he greeted Laz.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Laz sighed, walking around the counter to hang up his jacket and grab his normal hat and apron.

"Oh, ho, what's this? Didn't this little guy finally punch his V card?" Uncle Chu pushed, trying to get the whole story.

"Nope, I'm still as celibate as your love life." Laz responded back, looking up.

"Them be fighting words boy. Who says I'm still a monk lately?"

"Well it's about damn time then. I was beginning to wonder if you had a problem with it and I should call a doctor." Grandpa Chu came downstairs from the apartment and walk over to wash his hands and sit down.

"Really dad?" Uncle Chu was feeling a bit stung with his fathers words.

"Really what? I've told you before I will be fine if you decide to go off and get married and settle down. Why stick around here with this old man holding you back?" Grandpa Chu shot back while glaring at his ambition lacking son.

"Come on dad, I've already made plans to..." Uncle Chu cut off quickly as he stopped speaking while looking at Laz. Laz hadn't really been paying attention, but something about the conversation suddenly struck a cord.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing to worry about little Laz," Uncle Chu reassured him. But Laz didn't believe him as the wheels in his head started spinning. It was at this moment that Laz noticed the red jade bracelet on his arm. The light bulbs and warning sirens had finally went off.

"Your leaving too, huh?" Laz asked after coming to a conclusion.

"I uh..." Uncle Chu didn't know how to respond and turned towards his old man. Grandpa Chu just sighed.

"Just tell him. The boy isn't stupid and would figure it out sooner or later." Grandpa Chu advised while shaking his head.

"Yeah, little buddy. I'm heading out. How did you know?" Uncle Chu asked a bit curious.

Laz shrugged his shoulders and pointed to Uncle Chu's bracelet.

"I guessed. From what I know, around a dozen kids have withdrawn from school and their families are moving." Laz answered..

"Really?" With no kids, Uncle Chu wouldn't know what was going on in the school district unless Laz said something. So although a lot of kids were talking about it, most aduŀts and parents in town probably had no idea.

"Yeah," Laz nodded, looking a bit downcast.

"Someone you know as well?" Grandpa Chu asked.

"Someone close."

"Hmm... Well, the best advice I can give is that the saddest goodbye can lead to the best hello's."

"That's not very helpful grandpa."

"I know. But that's life for yah." Grandpa Chu got up and walked to the kitchen, leaving Laz alone with Uncle Chu.

"Laz. You should probably get out soon too. If you need a place to stay, just let me know."

"Thanks uncle, but I can't leave my Grandpa alone by himself." Laz rejected the offer. Although he was a bit worried about things, he couldn't just leave his grandpa alone. His Grandpa had been the one to take care of him these last two years and Laz felt like he owed him. Plus, since his parents weren't around, his grandpa was pretty much his only family. He wanted to take care of him as long as possible.

Uncle Chu wanted to say more, but gave up in the end. He was really worried. Although he was leaving as a precaution since his dad told him too, he knew that things were going to start getting sticky. He felt like Laz didn't understand this and that's was why he was shrugging it off. But since Laz was still so young, there was nothing he could do unless he planned to kidnap him.

Laz got busy and for a Monday, it was pretty steady. Soon, 7 pm came around and it was time for Laz to leave. Without saying much, he got his stuff and walked out the door. As he turned his head, he noticed a familiar head of blonde hair turn into an alley a bit down the road. Without hesitation, Laz followed after.

Laz had never considered himself a brave person. Despite the things that recently came about, being shot at, fighting other people and even fighting a monster, Laz had never spent much time considering the danger he was in. Up until he almost died, he never stopped to question his own mortality. Even that ended up seeming like more of a dream than being a real life changing event. Maybe it was his age or lack of experience, but he still felt like he had his whole life ahead of him. Therefore, he didn't understand what it meant to feel fear and to be able to overcome it. Only once you felt fear and still acted, could you consider yourself to be brave. Even so, he never felt like he was a coward either.

That is, up until he turned around the corner. Once he set his sights on what was standing there, he immediately froze up like a deer in headlights. His mouth even dropped open at the sight. For the first time in his life, Laz knew what real fear was.

Standing in the small alleyway between two brick buildings was Kennedy and Malene, both looking straight at him.

"Uhhh...." That was the entirety of what Laz could vocalize at this moment.


"Hello, pervert."

The two girls voiced their greetings.

'OMFG,' was the only thought running through his head. Even he could tell based on their looks that they had clearly talked a bit among themselves. He might not know what was said, but none of it could be good for him.

Taking a deep breath, Laz steeled himself and walked over to Kennedy and grabbed her into a hug. At first, she tried to resist him, but then just settled down and hugged him back. He held her for a good several minutes before breaking the hug. Then, without so much as a word, he walked over and hugged Malene. She backed away from him rather quickly, clearly surprised. But he just sped up and caught up to her before she could turn around and run. Although he tried to fight him and was even about to bite him, she finally stopped and just hugged him as well. Her face was a bright red when he finally backed off.

"Your both leaving?" The only plan Laz could come up with was to ignore the problem and just act like there was nothing wrong, praying they would go along with it and not ask any questions.

Malene and Kennedy just looked at each other for a quick second before turning back to Laz, seeing right through his plan.

Malene was dressed nicely in her signature leather jacket with a puffy blue skirt and stripped thigh high socks along with knee high black boots. Kennedy was dressed rather simply in blue skinny jeans with a white blouse and a red felt petticoat jacket. They were both top level beauties on a normal day. But when you put them both together, the sight was almost too much for one man. Each girl had their own, different kind of charm. Sadly for Laz, there was no way he was going to allow his eyes to feast.

"Alright, look. I'm sure you both have something to say and I'm not about to make excuses so just say it."

"Nope. Just wanted to say goodbye before I left. I just happened to bump into Malene while I was waiting. She looked like she was waiting for someone to and we just happened to chat a bit. That's all. Why little boy? Feeling guilty about something?"

"Mmm, I have to agree with big sister here. I just wanted to let you know that after the mess we made in the woods next to my house, my parents got freaked and decided we needed to leave. Since I didn't have your number, I figured I would wait for you after work and say goodbye. Is there a problem or something?"

Laz wanted to bang his head against a wall. Perhaps if he knocked himself out, he could avoid this awkward situation. He didn't for a moment believe that they didn't talk to each other about him. He also knew he couldn't escape. Instead, he just buried his face in his hands for a brief moment while trying to come up with something.

It was strangely quiet while he thought. Removing his face from his hands, he noticed both girls were just quietly standing there, looking at him. Laz could almost feel himself turning into stone from their glares. While he was weighing the pros and cons of just turning around and running like a chicken, he noticed a drop of water coming off a gutter and hitting the ground. Suddenly, he had an idea.

"How much time do you two have?"

Both girls then gave him a death stare as though wanting to melt his eyes out.

"It's nothing bad, I just want to take you both somewhere and show you something before you leave. Please?" Laz looked at both girls, but mostly at Kennedy. Malene was a bit colder to him, so Laz knew he had to break the ice with Kennedy before getting Malene to agree. He couldn't help but give her the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. He face finally relaxed as she let out a giggle.

"Kennedy sis??" Malene looked at her with accusingly. The goal was to make him squirm a while before letting him off the hook. But Kennedy couldn't fake mad at him with those eyes. Laz finally turned his puppy dog look towards Malene who couldn't help but laugh at the ridicules way he was acting.

"Oh fine. I've got some time."

"Me too, where are we going?"

"To my place."



"WHAT? No... I just need to get Vivi and then we can walk over. It's close by to where I live. What? Did you think I wanted a threesome or something?"

Both girls couldn't help but blush as his accusation. In truth, he didn't even say anything dirty, they just took it that way. Even if he made it sound bad, they were the ones who had the naughty thoughts. They were both pretty embarrassed at their own jumping to conclusion and were going to reply, until he spoke again.

"Wait wait wait!!! Was that an option?"


Laz felt himself get hit in the head by two rather heavy handbags.

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