Chapter 84: Stop Bleeding Around Women
Laz absentmindedly walked back to the room he woke up in. Vivi was still laying there asleep, as peaceful as ever. Apparently, the noise of the screaming wasn't enough to cause her alarm. Or she didn't care, one of the two. As he sat down however, he noticed Vivi sniff a bit in her sleep and turn away. Laz, noticing this, sniffed himself a little and figured out what the problem was. Since he was still naked, why not go take a shower?
Laz got up and made his way down the hallway, finding the bathroom empty. Turning on the shower and hopping in, Laz had to admit that he was finally feeling a bit refreshed. Taking a moment, he worked over everything in his mind that had happened so far since he left on his bike with Malene from the fight with the demon beast, or so Aqua calls it, to dying and meeting his own personal demon to waking up alive and getting busy with Malene. It was one hell of a ride from start to finish.
For a youth who wanted to be ignored, he found that he was getting more and more dragged into things. And honestly, he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would. Sure, he would like to avoid dying anymore, but for once, he was interacting with people outside of his norm. And girls on top of it all. It felt a bit surreal, but he felt like he had connected... to at least one of them.
'I wonder what Kennedy is doing right now?' Laz thought to himself. Of course, he started feeling a little guilty considering he was having this thought in another girl's shower, but sometimes life happens like that. Laz didn't think of any of this as cheating, since he and Kennedy didn't really have one of those types of relationships, but he was forced to ask himself what he would do if this kind of thing happened when he was in that kind of relationship? He would want to be loyal... but could he be?
A simple answer would be yes. But for anyone who has ever been there, they know there is no such thing as a simple answer. Since Laz didn't have one, he just figured he would address it if it ever came to that. Afterall, most of his encounter's seem to be girls who have lost their minds. Kennedy seemed to be the only one who came on to him while sane. It was actually a somewhat depressing thought.
Laz decided to stop with shower philosophy and just get clean and get out. Using whatever soap and shampoo was available, Laz cleaned himself off, got out and dried off with the towel that was there. Some people might feel weird, being in a stranger's shower, using their stuff and their towel, but for Laz, it just reminded him of when he was younger.
'I wonder where they actually are...' Laz thought for a moment before stopping. Thinking about this was a slippery slope and he didn't want to go down there again.
After hanging up the towel, Laz made his way out of the bathroom and headed towards Vivi's nap room. As he was approaching Malene's door, he heard it open as she and Aqua made their way out of it. Malene seemed to freeze up and she came face to face with Laz. Laz noticed she had changed into a light blue cotton sundress with white stockings. Although the dress highlighted her curves, it also was rather covering and didn't show too much. If anything, she looked like a proper young lady who was meeting with a boy for the first time. Of course, there were still images that Laz would never forget that totally ruined this image.
At the same time that he was noticing her dress, she was noticing his lack of clothes. Her face couldn't help but turn bright red as she peeked a bit at his body. Now that she was in her right mind and calmed down, she was a bit mesmerized by Laz, and with good reason.
Laz, despite looking thin while wearing clothes, was actually really solid. His body looked as though it had been chiseled from stone, with well defined abs, muscular, but not bulky, arms and no body fat in the slightest. On top of that, due to a few changes that had taken place, Laz was also better equipped in another area than most other guys. Over all, with his still wet hair and slightly reddened skin from the hot water, Laz looked basically like everything a girl could want from eye candy
Laz just walked by without stopping and entered his room. At this point, he didn't care that he was naked. After all, it wasn't anything she hadn't seen before.
Malene hesitated for a bit and then followed him in with Aqua following close behind. Laz had begun to put on his boxers and pants when she came in and started going for his shirt. He then noticed the big hole in it along with the dried blood. There was also a large hole in his padded jacket as well. As he stood there holding it, he debated on if he should put it back on. Although he didn't really care about walking around Malene's house like this, he didn't think it would be a good thing to go outside in it.
Malene, noticing his internal debate, quickly stood up.
"Wait a sec," she said as she rushed out the door and went down the hall. Laz separated his shirt from his jacket and started to look it over.
"Yeah, there is no saving this," Laz said with a sigh. He remembered it was the one his dad used to wear back when he used to ride. Now though, it was destined for a garbage can.
Malene came back with a faded gray shirt and handed it to Laz.
"It's just one of my dad's old ones," she mentioned.
"Ah. Thank you. I was wondering why you would have spare guy's clothes..." Laz asked a bit mischievously.
"Ha, ha. Funny. Anyway, Aqua has something to say..." Malene's voiced trailed off as she sat down and started petting Vivi. Overall, she seemed pretty down and out of it.
"Just me? Weren't you going to say something?" Aqua looked at Malene and couldn't help but ask.
"Was I?" Malene looked at Aqua with a glare..
"Oh, right. No. I was. My mistake." Aqua then fluttered over to Laz and sat down on the desk where Laz was still standing.
"Alright. So you probably noticed how there are times when females react very strongly to you, right? " Aqua started off asking because if Laz didn't know, he would just be wasting his time.
"Yes?" Laz responded, not sure what he was getting at.
"Ok. Good. You're not completely dense."
"Anyway, long story short, your blood contains a huge amount of source essence, a very pure source essence. For some reason, that, when mixed with your blood, has a certain effect on people," Aqua started to explain.
"I didn't make the connection at first, but I got a first hand look at what it does last night. Now normally, neither your blood or your source essence could cause this. But for some reason, your blood is pretty special. Once it's loaded with essence and seeps out, it has a very strong effect on the people who either smell it, or come into contact with it."
"An effect?" Laz seemed to be a bit stunned by this. But then he couldn't help but think that it did make some sense.
"Yeah. How to put it?" Aqua laid his head on his arms as though he was thinking.
"Ok, the easiest way to say it is that it makes people's blood go crazy."
"Their blood?" Laz asked.
"Yeah. It's like a blood stimulant. A person who is affected will feel their entire body heat up as their heart rate increases. The increase in heart rate mixed with the fast flowing blood flow causes people to feel a sense of euphoria that doesn't stop. That euphoria quickly becomes a basic feeling of horniness that takes over. After all, your dick getting hard is nothing more than an increase in blood flow."
"Really?" Laz and Malene asked at the same time.
"Do you two even pay attention in your classes? Even I know this and I had to learn about human anatomy online." Aqua said, looking a bit frustrated.
"Then... what about me?" Malene asked. Aqua had told her that she wasn't to blame for her actions and neither was Laz per say, but he never explained why. This was the first she heard about all this.
"Same thing, increased blood flow to your naughty bits. You humans really are not that different than animals you know." Aqua said, finally done with his explanation.
"So... She got super horny because she got my blood all over her?" Laz, although a bit slow, figured it out finally.
"Bingo, fleshling. She probably would have been ok with just the smell since she is like you and has source energy circulating in her. But since she ended up covered in it while we were trying to help you, she went into heat. Hence why I had to tie her down in her own room."
"So, if the person is like us, they should be ok with just the smell. But if they are normal, then even the smell of my blood can cause this?"
"That's right. No matter guy or girl. Girls would be more attracted to you as the source where as guys would just get horny and fuck a cow if there was nothing else available. But... that's only in a general sense. As with all things, there could be outliers. Oh, and one last thing." Aqua flew right up in front of Laz's face.
"Stop bleeding on women, or even around them. It might seem like fun at first, but I have no doubt you will probably make one pissed off enough to actually kill you one day," Aqua informed Laz as a matter of fact.
Laz couldn't help but look over at Malene with a guilty look on his face. It was obvious that she didn't want anything of what had happened last night, but it still happened. And Laz didn't exactly do anything to stop it either. Although not directly, he was to blame.
Standing up, Laz walked over to Malene and bowed his head.
"I'm really sorry. About everything."
He stood there and didn't move for a bit. Malene, surprised about the cause of this and what it all meant, didn't say anything at first. She just looked at Laz as though evaluating him.
He almost raped me.
But he saved my life.
He took advantage of me.
And yet he was the only one who believed me.
Thoughts raged back and forth in her head, but she stayed silent. Malene finally looked towards Laz who was still standing there with his head down and finally said in a slow and low voice,
"I'm not going to say it's ok or that you are forgiven. Instead, just promise me that if I need you again, you will come?"
Laz stood up straight and without hesitation, told her yes.
"Don't forget, cause if you do, you can kiss your little friend goodbye," Malene threatened while looking at Laz's pants.
"Uh... right." Not sure how to respond, Laz could only nod his head. He was just about to ask Aqua something when he heard a noise coming from Malene's room.
"SHIT." Malene bolted for the door and quickly grabbed her phone. She then ran back into the room in a bit of a panic.
"My parents are on their way home and will be here in ten minutes. You need to get out, NOW!" Malane said as she picked Vivi off the bed and started pushing Laz out the door.
Knowing that things would get really sticky if he was seen here, he hurried up to put on his ruining coat, get on his shoes, grab Vivi and get out the door. Luckily the knapsack that they brought Vivi along with was with the bike. He got her secured, got on and started it up before making a break for the road.
Laz only looked back once at Malene who was standing at the door, staring at him. He smiled and waved before turning the corner and escaping from view.
"Everything ok?" Aqua asked as he looked at Malene still staring off at the corner Laz just turned.
"No. But..."
"But what?"
"In the end, he didn't... he could have, but he didn't."
They both knew what she was thinking, so a few words was all that was needed. They didn't even need that, but sometimes, it is better to hear a voice in your ear instead of just in your head.