Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 82: Why Does This Keep Happening

Laz had returned to the darkness yet again. This time though, it didn't come with the lost and drifting feeling or the light and picture show. In fact, he thought he could feel his body. As he heard a gentle noise, like a small breath of air, Laz moved his hand towards the noise and felt that it was quite fluffy. Realizing this, he was able to weakly open his eyes.

The room was nicely and modernly decorated, but looked clean to the point of making one wonder if it had ever been lived in. The only light was from a small lamp on a desk, several feet from the bed. As Laz came to more, he looked towards where he felt the fluffy feeling and noticed a small, black and furry body was sleeping soundly on him.

This was the small wolf, Vivi.

'Is she back to normal size now? Or is the other size her normal size?' Laz couldn't help but ponder a moment while he continued to absentmindedly stroke the amazingly soft fur.

'Ah well, guess it doesn't matter since it seems like she's on my side.' Laz wasn't going to spend too much time thinking about things with no answers. He was basically under the mindset that no one around him was normal anymore, so he should just assume everything was going to be weird.

Since his whole body felt stiff, Laz slowly sat up, realizing that he didn't have a shirt on.

'Ah! That's right. What happened?' Looking down, he could see that his chest showed not even the slightest scar from being broken open and rammed through. Looking over, he noticed his destroyed jacket and shirt laying on the back of the chair in front of the desk.

He gently moved Vivi off to the side of the bed before swinging his legs around and setting them on the floor. Although Laz didn't know where he was, it wasn't hard to guess.

"Malene?" Laz called out a bit, before trying to stand up. Vivi, having lost her soft, warm cushion, burrowed farther into the now vacant bed, not wanting to wake up in the slightest.

Suddenly, a tiny, blue dressed spirit flew in from the slightly ajar door before stopping in front of Laz.

"You're awake? Hot damn... Not even a scar kid? What the hell is up with your body? And your taste in tattoos?" Aqua couldn't help but exclaim and question. As a spirit, if his physical body was destroyed, he only needed to wait for Malene to reform it for him. He wouldn't actually die thought as he was nothing more than a ball of sentient source essence. But for a human, when large things skewer them, they don't generally recover so quickly.

"It's a long story... wait, what's wrong with the tattoo?"

"Nothing, nothing. You're just a bit young to be getting something so permanent, don't you think?"

"Who are you, my dad?"

"Depends. How hot is your mom?"

"Fuck off you little mosquito. Where is Malene?" Laz decided to end the conversation considering this probably wasn't the right time for bickering.

"Uh... Yeah... About that..." Although he might have been mistaken, Laz thought he sensed a weird tone in Aqua's voice.

"What is it?"


"Is she ok?"

"Yes? I guess? She's not hurt if that's what you mean." Aqua actually slumped over a little, as though he had just gotten really tired all of the sudden..

"Alright, well, it's probably better if you go see since I don't know how to explain it. I have to go rest after taking care of both of you for the past several hours. I'm a spirit, not a maid." Aqua started to, for lack of a better word, shimmer brightly, before starting to fade away.

"Look kid, whatever you do, don't untie her. And in the future, keep your blood to yourself." Aqua popped out of existance, back into whatever space he normally occupied when he wasn't in physical form.

'Hmm, guess he ran out of energy. What did he mean, don't untie her?' Lately, especially that last several weeks, Laz felt like a boat being tossed around on an ocean where he had no idea what was happening.

Getting up, Laz opened the door and moved into the hall. He couldn't help but admire the newness of the house and the gentle decorations. Although he knew nothing about home design or decorations, he felt like someone put in a bit of care with dressing up the house.

The hallway wasn't big as there were only three doors. The one he was in, one across from him and one a little ways down. Of course, as he looked, he noticed that the end of the hall wasn't really an end as it came out to a giant open area with stairs to go down before moving further on to where there seemed to be more bedrooms. Truly, it was a house that screamed well off.

Turning his attention back to the two doors on this side of the upstairs, he noticed one was mostly closed while one was wide open. The one that was wide open looked to be a bath room which meant the other one was probably another bed room.

Sticking his head inside, he noticed a nicely decorated area with a large queen size bed, rustic wooded dresser and lots of stuffed animals. The walls were a gentle shade of blue that seemed to give it a feeling of a sky in an enclosed area. Laz thought that the room was empty, but noticed the TV was turned on. Opening the door a bit, Laz walked in to turn it off, thinking that maybe Aqua had been watching it. It made since considering how fast Aqua had come in when Laz first woke up.

After he stepped inside the room, Laz walked over to the TV, grabbed the remote that was in front of it and turned it off. As he set the remote down, he turned around to exit the room, before freezing in place like a deer in head lights.

As it turned out, Malene was actually in this room, Laz just didn't notice her at first since she was behind the door.

Of course, that's not what surprised him. What surprised him was that she was tied down to a wooden chair that matched up with a desk next to it.

And she was in only her underwear.

As Laz blanked, sadly the first thought that came to his mind was that she wasn't even close to being big like Kennedy. To be fair, Kennedy had a few years on Malene, but Malene looked to have a lot of catching up to do.

From the now three real-life girls Laz had encounter, if you only count the ones who were awake and not tortured, Jade stood at the top with the biggest top. Those mounds were massive in a way that defied explanation while not being so huge that they weren't within reason. With her mature look, it was enough to cause any man to fall to her if she wanted, unless they had a strange fetish.

Kennedy was a strong second that still had room to grow, in many ways. If you wanted to describe Jade as the mature woman in her twenties, then Kennedy was the big-chested, big sister that guys would kill to get close to. While her assets weren't as large as Jade, they didn't lose out by much. And Laz, having handle both, was in a good position to judge.

Then we come to Malene. Malene being closest in age to Laz, was the youngest of the bunch and also the smallest. That didn't mean to say that she didn't have something to be proud of, it was just that he competition stacked up on a different level.

As these thoughts ran through Laz's mind, he couldn't help but admire this young and somewhat fiery girl. Her slightly tanned skinned looked firm and supple against the pale pink lace of both her bra and panties. Although everything was were it was suppose to be and therefore could be compared to looking at a girl in a swimsuit, Laz still felt a bit of red creep up on his face at having seen something he probably shouldn't have. That didn't mean he was going to look away though, especially when he saw that she was gagged.

'What the hell did that little spirit do?'

Malene, for her part, was making noise after seeing Laz come in the room. At first, she had been quiet and trying to undo the ropes, but after seeing him turn around and look at her, she started to squirm around, trying to get his attention as he blanked out.

Although Laz couldn't understand her, he figured she probably wanted to be untied and totally forgetting what Aqua had said, moved over and started to untie her legs and arms. Luckily the rope used was a nylon cord like the kind of rope used in camping and besides being stretchable, was also pretty gentle feeling and could be undone quickly if you could see what you were doing. As such, Laz was able to make quick work of the ropes which freed Malene from the chair. As she ripped the gag out, she glared at Laz and almost shouted,


Laz, already a bit embarrassed by this whole deal and kind of scared of this girl's apparent mood swings, did as he was told. Very quickly though, a thought came to mind.

'Why didn't she yell at me to get out?'

No sooner had that thought appeared did he find something had jumped onto his back. Crashing forward, he caught himself by bracing up against the now closed door until he was able to find his footing.

What attacked him felt like a smooth and soft body that was able to successfully wrap it's legs around his waist while its arms wrapped around his neck. Surprised, Laz stood there for a moment before feeling a pleasant sensation of of two, decent sized lumps pushing into his back. Then, to further stimulate the moment, he suddenly felt something hot and wet start attacking his neck with the occasional bout of a stinging sensation.

He quickly realized that Malene had jumped on him and was alternating between kissing and biting him. Before he could shake her off, she used her arms and moved his head around, while attacking with her lips. Caught up in a kiss, she would at times stick her tongue in his mouth while at other times she would bite his lip.

At first, the whole thing was a bit awkward and uncoordinated, as though she was clueless as to what she was doing. But Laz, having finally responded in the only way he knew how considering the situation, took the lead with kissing which she imitated quickly. Knowing that he shouldn't Laz couldn't help himself. When a tasty meal presents itself at your door and even begs you to eat it, why wouldn't you?

At some point, Malene had managed to swing her body in front of him while using her hands to caress and claw his at his back. Laz, feeling a sense of deja vu, responded in kind by holding her youthful body to him with one hand and pinching her nippŀes with the other. He was surprised since it almost sounded like she was purring with the stimulation.

Laz, getting into the moment, moved her away from the door and towards the bed where he fell down first, allowing her to land on top of him. Despite a quiet voice in his head telling him to stop, Laz couldn't help but feel his manhood stand up at attention, ready to invade Malene's territory. For her part, Malene had already removed her underwear before she had attacked him.

Like a tiny kitten, she moved down his body, ŀicking and biting him in various spots, even his nippŀes. Although Laz didn't know what to make of this, he didn't seem to hate it as his already large member seemed to stand even higher. She finally made it to his pants which she took off, releasing his monster which actually hit her in the face.

Eyeing it like a beast would it's next meal, Malene adjusted her position so that she could lay across his body while eating her fought for reward. As it just so happened, her smooth thighs ended up wrapping around Laz's head, giving him a close up view of her pink little lips. Laz, not one to be passive, brought his hands around her thighs and using his fingers, gently separated her moist lips before sticking his tongue in for a taste.

Never having felt this sensation before, Malene couldn't help but moan as her body started to quiver. Taking Laz's rod in her hands, she started ŀicking the tip before working her way down, as though enjoying her first taste.

Showing his years worth of quality porno watching, Laz's tongue moved like a pro, working its way from the bottom of her juicy pussƴ, straight on to the top, spending extra time focused on her love button before going around again. In only a few moments, long before Malene had even began to really work on Laz's manhood, her entire body stiffened as though an electric charge ran though it, causing her gush all over Laz, completely covering his face and head in her sweet love nectar. After almost two whole minutes, her body finally went limp and she passed out.

Laz, laying there soaked and dazed, finally started to snap out of it. As he woke up from this dream, his head finally cleared up enough to understand what had just happened and he couldn't help but think,

'Again? Are you fucking kidding me?'

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