Chef Wushuang of the Three Kingdoms

Page 1095

There are too few people.

Unable to satisfy some people's pursuit of interests.

As a result, many tools have been created.

So having said so much, why couldn't Huaxia be born?

Huaxia, there are too many people...

In the Ming Dynasty, there were more than 6000 million.

By the time of the Qing Dynasty, several hundred million.

Is there a shortage?

No shortage.

Then what kind of industrial revolution will develop?

Smallholder farming is enough.

Chapter 897

Of course, it's not that simple.

The reason for the industrial revolution is not only because there are not enough people, but also because of the decentralization of some things.

Let's put it this way, those emperors in the West were almost exhausted, and they were all about to be crushed to death by the Holy See and other people.

There is the whip of God in front, that is, the existence of the Golden Horde, which constantly imposes heavy taxes on of the ten taxes.

You know, starting from the Han Dynasty, in fact, the taxation of the common people has only become one of the thirty taxes.

Under such circumstances, how can they develop?

The only two developed, one is the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, this one is because it is only a dependent country, has a certain degree of autonomy, and has opportunities for development.

The other one is because of helping the Golden Horde to collect taxes.

If one were to say who is the successor of Da Yuan, then there are two.

One was Huaxia, which would later become Daming.

The other is Russia.

When the Golden Horde began, the Grand Duke of Moscow was hired to collect taxes.

All fools know that if there is oil in their hands, there is a certain chance that some oil and water will fall into their hands. It may not be too much, but for most countries that have no way to develop, this is a kind of opportunity.

Therefore, part of the Mongolian Yuan was overthrown by the appearance of Zhu Yuanzhang.

The other part was overthrown by the Grand Duchy of Moscow at about the same time, at most about 100 years away.

Immediately after, there was Ivan II and III, and after that came Tsar Ivan IV, that is, Ivan the Terrible.


In those countries back then, one vampire after another had actually made them have no money at all, and those emperors were about to become poor and crazy.

At that time, what should they do?

Apart from reform, there are few possibilities.

England carried out the Puritan Reformation, that is, to drive away the blood-sucking Holy See at that time, and then the sun never sets.

Other countries have also made some similar changes, but more changes are actually a little bit of decentralization.

In other words, things that originally belonged to the imperial power were gradually placed in the hands of certain people.

In this case, capitalism was born.

One capitalist after another, with something almost like imperial power, developed and expanded itself, but instead of giving back to one empire after another, they chose to use parliament to check and balance the emperor.

Then, under this kind of reform, all kinds of changes will exist, and the most common ones are all kinds of revolutions.

On that land, revolution after revolution gradually broke out.

As a result, the population has plummeted.

The population is shrinking sharply, and capitalists still need to develop, so they can only find ways to create faster things, and then speed up the industrial revolution.

The steam engine appeared, the train appeared, the internal combustion engine appeared, and everything began to appear.

There is really no need to myth the Industrial Revolution, there is no such need.

Speaking of which, this kind of thing is just a coincidence.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Russia has always been in Europe, it might not be able to develop, because this is also a country without much territorial waters.

Why is this so?

This point has something to do with the imperial system.

Just like China.

China's monarchy almost means that it doesn't need much territorial waters, and it doesn't need many ideas, as long as it sticks to its own locality.

Actually, just think about it.

If it were you, if you traveled through a certain era, let’s say it was the Qianlong period.

At that time, reforms in the West were in full swing, and how do you want to change?

You will not change!

The 72nd concubine of Sangong Sixth Hospital, her subordinates are obedient and obedient, traveling around every day is so fun and exciting.

Also reform?

Change hell!

Therefore, they fall behind, and if they fall behind, they will be beaten.

It's just a matter of coincidence.

For example, the pyramids were also due to a coincidence, and the terrifying project of the Babylon Gardens was also a coincidence, and even Qin Shihuang's unification of the six countries was also a coincidence...

Everything is just a coincidence.

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