Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

Chapter 94

At dinner time, Quan Zhisui rummaged through her room and found the old rice bowls she used to use, handing one to each of the three.

“I forgot to tell you to bring your own rice bowls. The Martial Arts School is different from Liang Secondary School; you need to bring your own.”

The three rice bowls varied in size, each representing a different stage of Quan Zhisui’s childhood, growing larger as her appetite increased with age.

Zhuge Ying, holding the smallest bowl, laughed delightedly: “It’s so cute!”

Her appetite was the smallest among them, but she hadn’t expected to be matched with the portion size of Quan Zhisui’s early childhood.

Wei Shixu and Kong Mingze received bowls of similar sizes, both adequate for their appetites.

As for Quan Zhisui herself, she had dug out Senior Brother Zi Yin’s rice bowl—an enormous one!

Kong Mingze was stunned: “Is this a rice bowl? Or… a washbasin?”

Wei Shixu offered a precise comment: “It’s more like a basin for pickled fish.”

Zhuge Ying’s pupils contracted in shock: “Who used this? It’s so big!”

Quan Zhisui replied, “Senior Brother Zi Yin’s.”

Zhuge Ying was even more astonished: “What?! Your fairy-like senior brother doesn’t look heavy, but she eats this much?!”

Her idealized image was shattered!

Quan Zhisui’s expression turned peculiar: “She’s not heavy, but she burns a lot of energy. She’s the head instructor of the Martial Arts School! The most skilled one!”

Wei Shixu chuckled: “You can’t beat Senior Brother Zi Yin?”

Quan Zhisui shook her head: “Of course not. She’s a genius, the kind everyone acknowledges!”

Zhuge Ying exclaimed in surprise: “I thought you were already a genius!”

Quan Zhisui smiled: “I’m a minor genius, but Senior Brother Zi Yin is on another level. She’s a prodigy, a freak of nature!”

Kong Mingze couldn’t believe it: “Wow! How amazing is she? She looks so gentle! You’d never guess she’s the most skilled fighter! She’s like the girl next door!”

Quan Zhisui looked smug: “That’s the point. That’s part of her genius. As our master says, it’s the effortless grace of her spirit—a perfect blend of talent, insight, and mastery. We can’t compare.”

Wei Shixu asked, “What rank is Senior Brother Zi Yin?”

Quan Zhisui lowered her voice: “She doesn’t have a rank. She’s very low-key, but she once defeated a world Martial Champion. Oh, and that world champion later pursued her, and now he’s her husband!”

Wei Shixu’s smile blossomed like fireworks in an instant.

The four of them walked to the canteen next to the large courtyard. It was dinner time, and the students of the Martial Arts School were rushing in with their rice bowls. The coaches and teachers, Quan Zhisui’s senior brothers, were also rushing in, their bowls equally large.

But none could compare to Senior Brother Zi Yin’s.

The four of them queued up for food—four dishes and a soup, a balanced mix of meat and vegetables.

They sat wherever they pleased, and everyone ate heartily, as if mealtime was the happiest part of their day.

Quan Zhisui hadn’t eaten the Martial Arts School’s food in a long time, and she was filled with nostalgia.

After dinner, it was time for meditation. Quan Zhisui then led them through a session of kneeling in the “diamond posture.”

Zhuge Ying, being naturally flexible, had no trouble.

Wei Shixu succeeded after two attempts, though he frowned slightly, clearly in pain but unwilling to admit it.

Kong Mingze struggled all evening, failing repeatedly and nearly crying out in pain.

By nine o’clock, it was time to sleep.

The Martial Arts School, located in the mountains, had no heating, and the nights were bitterly cold. Quan Zhisui prepared hot water bottles for Zhuge Ying and herself.

Zhuge Ying, exhausted from hiking all afternoon, fell asleep quickly after the kneeling and stretching session.

Quan Zhisui, however, lay in bed staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. The familiar surroundings and the warmth of the night made her reluctant to close her eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, she quietly got up, put on her coat, and stepped out of the room.

She walked into the small courtyard.

The moon was bright that night, hanging high in the sky.

At the stone table in the courtyard, a figure sat quietly.

Quan Zhisui approached and asked, “What are you doing sitting here in the middle of the night?”

Wei Shixu’s voice was soft: “I don’t want to sleep.”

Quan Zhisui: “…”

She walked over and sat down, studying his face.

The usual sharpness and ferocity in his expression were gone, replaced by a gentle, smiling demeanor, as smooth and warm as jade.

This surprised Quan Zhisui.

Wei Shixu seemed… happy?

Quan Zhisui scrutinized him: “I only gave you the prescription. You haven’t even started taking the medicine yet. Why do you look like you’re already cured?”

Wei Shixu lowered his gaze: “I suddenly feel like telling you about my past, the parts Kong Mingze doesn’t know.”

Quan Zhisui gestured for him to continue: “Go on.”

Wei Shixu looked up at the moon and said, “I really couldn’t forgive them, couldn’t overcome my inner turmoil, which led to some extreme reactions. For example, I hated it when people liked me, despised my own appearance, and loathed others touching my things, especially my clothes.”

Quan Zhisui suddenly recalled: “That day you threw away your school uniform because a female classmate grabbed your clothes?”

Wei Shixu’s mood suddenly shifted, and he laughed: “Female classmate… That was Zhou Chun. You’re something else.”

Quan Zhisui: “Oh! So that was Zhou Chun.”

Wei Shixu was amused.

Zhou Chun had fought so hard, but it turned out she was battling alone. The person she was fighting against hadn’t even noticed, let alone cared who she was.

Quan Zhisui asked, “So what caused these extreme reactions?”

Wei Shixu: “The first time I was kidnapped and locked up, they treated me well, feeding me good food. I escaped, and my parents contacted them, using me as a bargaining chip. That’s when they realized I was someone they could trample on.”

Quan Zhisui propped her chin on her hand: “Then came the second time you were locked up. Kong Mingze said you were beaten badly.”

Wei Shixu’s gaze deepened as he looked at her: “Beaten… What do you think evil people would do to a pretty little boy?”

Quan Zhisui froze, then asked after a long pause, “You were…?”

Wei Shixu’s mouth twitched: “No, I escaped again quickly, didn’t I?”

Quan Zhisui: “Oh…”

Wei Shixu whispered, “I felt so disgusted.”

Quan Zhisui’s expression darkened: “I can imagine.”

He was only ten at the time. Such an experience would undoubtedly leave deep psychological scars!

If it were her…

Quan Zhisui couldn’t help but imagine. Well, she’d probably react even more extremely than Wei Shixu—for a lifetime.

If someone so much as tugged at her clothes, she might kill them!

So, considering that, Wei Shixu was actually handling it quite well.

“I wish I had met you sooner,” Wei Shixu said, looking at her.

Quan Zhisui: “Why?”

Wei Shixu: “Back then, I didn’t think about flipping the board. I just went on a rampage.”

His tone was light.

If only you had been there back then.

Quan Zhisui’s heart sank as she met his gaze.

He was smiling, but his dark eyes seemed mysterious and sorrowful under the moonlight.

Wei Shixu wasn’t an orphan, but he was profoundly lonely.

Quan Zhisui, though raised as an orphan with limited material comforts, had a childhood filled with joy, color, and even humor.

Finally, ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​‍she spoke earnestly: “Those destined for greatness often endure a period of darkness. All the isolation, betrayal, and pain are the nourishment for rebirth.”

“It’s hitting rock bottom before rising again. The greatest trials forge extraordinary destinies.”

“You’ve crossed the threshold of suffering. Congratulations, Wei Shixu.”

That ordeal at ten was dangerous and agonizing, but from now on, your life will be smooth sailing, prosperous and fortunate!

And at twenty, your love star will stir…

She had seen his fate in the stars.

Wei Shixu didn’t know any of this. He simply smiled and replied, “Yes, it’s all in the past. I like Wudang Mountain.”

Your domain makes him feel safe.

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