Chasing You Like a Tenacious Falcon

Chapter 86

Returning to the Zuo household, Quan Zhisui noticed that Zuo Zhiyu, who had been absent for a long time, had finally come home.

She almost immediately glanced at Zuo Zhiyu's face, but unfortunately, his facial nerves had recovered, and there was no twitching.

During dinner.

Xu Zhiyi, dressed beautifully, sweetly called Zuo Zhiyu "husband" repeatedly, making him very happy.

Zuo Zichen was also delighted. His father hadn’t been home for many days, and it was rare to see his parents so affectionate again.

With Zuo Zhiyu’s return, even Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang had come back to the Zuo household, and the family of five was happily reunited.

Only Quan Zhisui’s gaze lingered on Zuo Zhiyu with a hint of amusement.

Oh, so he’s finally willing to come back?

Zuo Zhiyu liked to put on airs. During the meal, he alternated between giving instructions to Xu Zhiyi and lecturing Zuo Zichen, both of whom nodded respectfully.

Zuo Zhiyu instinctively pointed at Quan Zhisui, but before he could speak, he quickly withdrew his hand.

Forget it. After hiding outside for several months, he still felt a bit intimidated by his own daughter.

Quan Zhisui pretended not to notice and focused on her meal.

Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang were clearly dissatisfied, snorting sarcastically from time to time, but neither of them spoke up.

They were afraid Quan Zhisui might flip the table again.

Zuo Zichen, oblivious to the subtle tensions, happily said, “Dad, don’t fight with Mom anymore. And grandparents, don’t always run off outside. And sister, our family should stay together! Every day!”

He missed the days when the family of five—now six—used to be together.

As soon as he finished speaking, the dining table fell so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Zuo Zichen: “…”

What had he said wrong?!

Quan Zhisui almost couldn’t finish the second half of her meal. She had no idea how hard she was trying not to laugh.

Zuo Zichen had been enlightened by Zhuge Ying, but he was still so clueless.

How could he not notice the different undercurrents at the table?


Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang were also acting strange. They only returned home when Zuo Zhiyu was around, and at other times, they used traveling as an excuse to stay away.

Were they avoiding Quan Zhisui?

It wasn’t that simple.

As for Xu Zhiyi, she clearly knew something but chose to keep it to herself.

She was, after all, a woman who had risen from being a mistress. She knew how to endure.

Zuo Zhiyu had even more problems. With Fang Yue’s real-time reports, Quan Zhisui knew that her scumbag father had enough women outside to form a basketball team.

This was such a mess that Quan Zhisui didn’t even know where to start criticizing!

After observing and analyzing everything, Zuo Zichen truly seemed like an idiot in the Zuo family.

The key was that this idiot was completely unaware. After dinner, he cheerfully knocked on Quan Zhisui’s door again.

Knock knock!

“Sister, I’m coming in!”

Zuo Zichen entered with his English vocabulary book, kneeling on the floor while reciting words.

Quan Zhisui: “…”

She was beginning to realize that her younger brother was as dumb as Kong Mingze.


Do idiots all have a thing for high-IQ types like Zhuge Ying?

The law of attraction, intellectual crushes—it all made sense!

The room was quiet. Quan Zhisui did her homework while Zuo Zichen silently memorized words. It was oddly harmonious.

On the third floor.

The newly renovated study had regained its former grandeur and luxury.

Zuo ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​‌‌​​‌​‌‍Zhiyu sat on the sofa.

Xu Zhiyi stood beside him, massaging his shoulders. “Husband, don’t stay outside anymore. It’s not clean. Home is more comfortable.”

Her words carried a hidden meaning.

Zuo Zhiyu thought for a moment and said, “Your cousin…”

Xu Zhiyi was startled. “What about Xu Kuang?”

Zuo Zhiyu frowned, clearly displeased. “He’s not a good driver. Let’s replace him.”

Xu Zhiyi’s expression twisted slightly. “My cousin doesn’t have many skills. He’s only good at driving, and he’s not even driving for the kids—just for the elderly. You can’t take even this job away from him, can you?”

Zuo Zhiyu: “I’m not kicking him out. He’s just not good at driving. How about this? There’s a security position open at my company. He can do that. It’s easier—just monitoring the cameras.”

Xu Zhiyi gritted her teeth. “But he’s been driving for years!”

Zuo Zhiyu’s face darkened. “You’re being a bit too bold. Don’t forget how you got everything you have now.”

Xu Zhiyi suppressed her anger and said, “Understood. Can we have your parents move back in?”

Zuo Zhiyu: “In a while.”

Xu Zhiyi’s expression was grim, but she didn’t dare press further.

Why had Zuo Zhiyu been staying away for so long? Why had Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang been living outside? What were these three waiting for?

And now, they were becoming more and more blatant, even disregarding her as the lady of the house.

That night.

Lights stayed on late in several rooms of the Zuo household. Four people were lost in their own thoughts.

Only Quan Zhisui and Zuo Zichen on the second floor slept soundly until dawn!

Every morning, practicing martial arts and standing meditation had become Zuo Zichen’s routine, perfectly synchronized with Quan Zhisui’s schedule.

The next day, Zuo Zhaoyuan and Zhang Liufang left again, and a new driver suddenly appeared at the house, replacing the one who used to chauffeur the elderly couple.

Zuo Zhiyu stayed at home for a few days, as if putting on a show, and then left again to live outside.

Xu Zhiyi’s temper grew increasingly volatile. She occasionally lashed out at Quan Zhisui, only to be swiftly put in her place.

Soon, finals arrived.

After three consecutive days of exams, Quan Zhisui walked out of the exam hall feeling dazed.

The finals in Su Province were truly difficult!

The exam environment, invigilation, and strictness were all modeled after the college entrance exams.

It had even made her nervous!

Wei Shixu, as usual, finished early and waited outside Quan Zhisui’s exam hall. When she walked out, he approached her.

“Want to get hotpot?” he asked.

Quan Zhisui nodded. “Sure.”

She took out her phone to inform Zuo Zichen. Her younger brother had recently learned to throw tantrums—if she didn’t tell him in advance, he would sit on the stairs, refusing to eat or drink, waiting for her.

Just then, a message from Fang Yue popped up, containing the location of a hospital.

Coincidentally, Zuo Zichen’s message also came through, filled with nonsense.

Quan Zhisui’s eyes flickered. She deleted the text she had originally typed and sent a new message to Zuo Zichen.

[Quan Zhisui: You were too nervous and didn’t do well on the exam. You’re feeling heart palpitations and need to go to this hospital for a check-up.]

[Zuo Zichen: ???]

[Zuo Zichen: I don’t have heart palpitations! And I did great on the exam!]

[Quan Zhisui: Third floor, VIP maternity ward.]

[Zuo Zichen: !!!]

Soon, Zuo Zichen called.

Zuo Zichen: “Sister? What are you talking about?”

Quan Zhisui’s voice carried a hint of pressure. “Two key points.”

“One, you’re sick and need to go to the hospital, but you got lost and ended up in the maternity ward.”

“Two, this is a test. You know the drill—don’t expose me. If you can handle it, go. If not, don’t call me sister anymore.”

Zuo Zichen panicked: “I’ll go right now! I promise I won’t expose you! I’ll delete the chat history!”

Zuo Zichen: “But… why the maternity ward?”

Quan Zhisui: “Don’t ask. Just do it.”

After hanging up.

Wei Shixu glanced at Quan Zhisui’s eyes and smiled faintly.

Some old grudges were still unresolved, especially those involving rival forces from another city, which were tightly guarded.

Not only that, he had also uncovered two overseas leads—one from 17 years ago and another from 10 years ago.

The complexity was indescribable!

But for now, Zuo Zhiyu’s mess in Liangxi Town didn’t require his intervention.

She wasn’t just skilled in martial arts.

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