Chaotic Nights

Chapter 19 - Meeting (5)

Chapter 19. Meeting (5)

Yongi paced anxiously in the front garden of the courtesan house. Yongi fiddled with her delicate fingernails and adjusted the scarf she wore around her neck. Her mind was about to explode with so many thoughts and she hadn’t felt like working last night.

It was because of the news about Eunha. A day ago, a man from the town claimed to have seen her. He swore that he saw her leave Young Master Shihoon’s house and run towards the bookshop.

So Yongi sent someone with a message to the bookshop owner. She should have already received a response…

At this moment, Chunhee approached her and asked,

“Yongi, what are you doing standing there in the cold?”

“I heard news from Eunha. I sent someone to find out.”

“Eunha? Is she in town?”

“It seems like someone saw her. I’m not sure either…”

“Oh, that person must have seen wrong. If the mistress catches her, she will definitely turn her into a courtesan.”

At those words, Yongi glared at Chunhee,

“Turn her into a courtesan…? How can you talk about it so lightly?”

“Uh, what did I do…? I only said what could happen.”

“I don’t care!”

Chunhee was dying to say it, barely able to contain herself. Yongi still didn’t know the details of what happened that night. It was all because the mistress had ordered everyone to keep their mouths shut.

Because of Eunha there was a horrendous bloodbath, and she felt as if she had aged ten years while helping to clean up the mess. Then Eunha left on her own and there had been no news from her until now.

Chunhee didn’t know if she would have preferred to hear that she was dead, or that she had become food for tigers.

When Chunhee saw the decapitated guards that day, it was the time in her life that she cried the most and was shocked. She had lost the only man in the world who put flowers in her hair and told her she was beautiful.

Fortunately, there was still no love, so she was quickly able to cheer up and let go of the man who had already left this world.

“Well, I came to say that you have to get ready for tonight. It’s an order from the mistress. There’s a meeting in the East Tower. Okay, Yongi?”

Once Chunhee did what she had to do, she left.

As Yongi bit her lip without taking her eyes off the main door of the courtesan house, a man handed five tael coins to each of the guards there and entered. As soon as he saw Yongi, he approached and gave her a letter with a happy face.

“Young Master Shihoon sent it.”

Then he bowed and left the courtesan house at a brisk pace.

‘Why would he send me a letter…?’

Yongi was puzzled.

But when she opened the letter and read it, her expression turned serious.

She took a deep breath and hurried back to her room. She burned the letter in the brazier for fear that someone would see it.

The reason Eunha had been locked up was because of Young Master Shihoon. If it became known that Shihoon sent a secret letter, there could be real trouble this time.

Yongi, who was sitting in her room in deep thought, called her maid Seohee.

“I’m here.”

“Seohee, today I have to make sure the mistress is satisfied. So please, dress me up as splendidly as you would for a banquet. Can I count on you?”

“Of course.”

Seohee responded with a smile.

Yongi took off her clothes and put on her most beautiful dress. The lustrous, alluring red silk matched well with her fair skin.

If she lowered her head and dedicatedly served those who would come to the East Tower today, the mistress could turn a blind eye to her leaving later.

Yongi, who was sitting in front of her mirror, had a feeling that today would be a very long day. She also believed that if Shihoon really cared about Eunha, he would definitely be taking good care of her.

As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, her pale lips were the first to be painted red.


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