Chapter 1041: Charged
Chapter 1041: Charged
Both Colonel Norrett and Miss Christen understood Major General Arngan's vague statement but took it differently. The Colonel was obviously glad to be on the same side as the General, but Miss Christen only saw that her problems had multiplied.
"Major General," Miss Christen called, still hoping for a peaceful resolution. "I assure you I bear no ill will. The Nognes family sent me here as a potential contingency, not an assassin." "What you were doing to Mark looked pretty ill-willed," Major General Arngan pointed out.
"It was merely a restraining measure," Miss Christen explained. "It wouldn't have hurt the Colonel in the slightest."
Major General Arngan didn't really believe Miss Christen, but there was no point in doubting her. The issue was with the message hidden behind her explanation. Since she was willing to do that to Colonel Norrett, the General now faced the same danger.
Even with a limited political disposition, Major General Arngan understood the situation's nature. Colonel Norrett's short explanation had been enough to provide a mostly complete picture. Miss Christen wanted to resume her task, but being spotted forced her to take care of the witnesses first.
Meanwhile, Colonel Norrett was still recovering from and studying the previous exchange. Miss Christen had easily overwhelmed him, and Major General Arngan's arrival could very well change nothing about the battle's outcome.
Nevertheless, Colonel Norrett suddenly noticed something odd. Miss Christen didn't bother to dodge his previous spell but avoided Major General Arngan's violent landing.
That could have simply been out of habit or comfort. After all, Miss Christen didn't strike the Colonel as a woman who liked getting dirty or enjoyed being stepped on by a burly giant. However, there could be more to the matter.
The most positive guess was that Major General Arngan could hurt Miss Christen, hence her decision to dodge. That would show hope in winning the fight, but Colonel Norrett didn't dare to grow complacent and reviewed every possibility.
Habit and weakness aside, Colonel Norrett could only think of a third option. Taking control of another soldier couldn't be easy, even for an evolved warrior. Moreover, the Colonel was close to the superior realm himself, so the effort might have lowered Miss Christen's defenses, forcing her to dodge.
That third option wasn't as good as the second but was promising nonetheless. It suggested that Miss Christen couldn't use her dangerous, hypnotizing ability while fighting against two opponents simultaneously. Colonel Norrett and the General could gang up on her, probably forcing her to use actual attacks.
Of course, the idea of facing the attacks of an evolved warrior was scary, but Colonel Norrett wasn't only betting on the General and himself. Miss Christen's cloaking ability had to have a limit, and forcing her to take the battle seriously could be a way of breaking it.
"General," Colonel Norrett called once his thinking session ended, "How charged up are you?"
The question surprised Major General Arngan, but he didn't let it freeze him. It seemed Colonel Norrett had decided to fight, and he was a better strategist than the General, so the latter didn't hide any information.
"I haven't been on a battlefield for a long time," Major General Arngan revealed, not daring to divert his gaze from Miss Christen. "I'd say twenty percent."
"And how much of that can you use?" Colonel Norrett asked.
Colonel Norrett didn't need to explain himself further so that the General could understand what he meant. Everyone with some level of authority in the Global Army knew what Major General Arngan's problem was. His missing arm had blocked his path toward the evolution, and his current artificial limb could still be a long cry from his former power.
"Fifty percent?" Major General Arngan wondered. "Maybe more if that Sen-nu is as good as he claims he is."
"Then," Colonel Norrett nodded, stepping out of Major General Arngan's shadow to stand side by side with him. "This might work. I'll play support while you take the vanguard."
"Do you have to do that boost thing?" Major General Arngan questioned.
"My failed evolution changed my element a bit," Colonel Norrett explained. "It's better if I stick to offensive abilities for now."
"Suit yourself," Major General Arngan exclaimed, bending his knees and getting ready to launch himself forward. "I hate interferences anyway."
"Gentlemen, please," Miss Christen stated. "There is no need to resort to such measures." Major General Arngan didn't wait for Miss Christen to finish her line. He shot forward, reaching unfathomable speed while charging directly at the evolved warrior. He didn't even slow down to perform attacks. The General simply planned to run Miss Christen over. However, the General's reckless charge stopped anyway, followed by the rest of Miss Christen's line. He found himself before her, towering above her by almost half a meter, and his situation left him speechless.
Miss Christen had only needed to lift an arm to stop Major General Arngan's charge. Moreover, her slender palm on his chest felt like an unmovable wall. She didn't deploy any spell, meaning she had blocked him through mere physical prowess.
The event looked impossible and almost hilarious. Miss Christen wasn't exactly short, but Major General Arngan could make any human look small. Also, the size difference was immense. Miss Christen's slender and graceful frame couldn't possibly carry the strength to stop the mountainlike General, but she did anyway.
Major General Arngan didn't let the shocking event freeze him. He lifted his arms, planning to hammer them down on Miss Christen's head. However, her palm suddenly pierced his uniform, seamlessly digging through his skin and ribcage to reach for something ethereal inside him.
The technique immobilized the General, who tried to shout, only for a weak groan to escape his mouth. Nevertheless, Colonel Norrett didn't stay still during the exchange, and a yellow- green dart flew straight at Miss Christen's face, crashing on her cheek.
The dart touched Miss Christen's pure skin, only to immediately explode into a greenish cloud. That poisonous gas seemed alive, splitting into tiny strands that flowed into Miss Christen's orifices. That half-transparent fume entered her mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes, hoping her internal defenses wouldn't be as firm.
Yet, Miss Christen didn't show any change after absorbing all the poisonous gas. She turned to her right, glancing at the slightly distant Colonel as if to warn him that Major General Arngan wasn't much of a distraction.
"Wait your turn, Colonel," Miss Christen announced. "I'll be with you shortly."
Colonel Norrett didn't let the threat scare him and summoned more mana, but Major General Arngan's groan suddenly grew louder, becoming a proper shout. He released a wild battle cry, and his arms finally descended.