Changying the Lady

v7 Chapter 151 - Theme

Biquge, the latest chapter of your daughter-in-law will be updated as soon as possible!

At the end of July, Mo Binwei arrived in the southwest and began to gather the disabled soldiers to plan to rescue the holy car.

At about the same time, the concubine Shan’s small birth.

At this time, Shan’s pregnancy has been six months, and the child has taken shape. It is indeed a male child. After being pregnant, Shan Guifei has not made a statement. She can’t hide her recklessness to guard against the vengeful Queen and Liu. Gong Feiyu, just engraved the words suspecting that someone would murder the emperor.

Such carefulness, but still no children, both inside and outside the palace are ready to welcome the news that the single concubine is in trouble.

What is strange is that after being cried, Shan Guifei didn’t fret, and began to take care of herself quietly.

She is light and windy and does not look like a mother who has no children at all-such an anomaly is inevitable.

Li Meiren, who was also pregnant, suddenly sent a letter out of the house and asked the Shen family for help.

“What is Li Meiren afraid of? In the first place, she wasn’t as treacherous as Shan’s; in the second place, she was pregnant with a princess.” Wei Changzheng told the people, “As long as you are safe and secure, Shan Guifei is pregnant. How could there be bad news one after another? “

Li Meiren got this word, and then she was in her heart. But when you think about it, you feel confused: “Do you want me to not offend the Queen of Enemies? Is the concubine’s pregnancy the queen’s act? How could the queen be so bold?”

Li Meiren was born from a descendant, because she looks good, and was settled by her parents early to attach wealth and wealth. Seeing that her face started in elementary school. She looked more complex, and she was a bit more accurate.

How could that queen have such courage? !!

If not for the Queen, who is it? Shan Guifei received a lot of support from the Duanmu family, and she also favored the sixth house … Li Meiren thought about it here and there, but Zhao Ye and Yu Jiechi came to see her together.

These two grades are higher than Li Meiren. When they heard that they were here, Li Meiren rushed out: “Two sisters are here?”

“Don’t be so polite, you now have a body, just sit and wait for us to come in. The imperial emperor is the most important one.” Belle, she is not tall, petite and exquisite, and her face is not beautiful, only her facial features are beautiful, but her skin is more delicate and fairer than many concubines. When walking under this summer sun, she is a jade statue.

At this moment, she wore a primrose-colored embroidered branch mandala pattern on the wide sleeves, and the emerald skirt was tied all the way to the underarms. The garnet red tie tied a wishful knot on her chest, and she drew long spikes, revealing the delicate Cute and pretty-but what she said in these two chilling words is not very appropriate-Zheng Sanpin Jieyuan is one level higher than Sanpin Jieyuan, and these words should actually be said by Yu Jieyuan.

Even though the three of them are similar in age and age, they are relatively invisible to each other, they are all sisters, and rarely mention their position … but it is not good to take the position seriously.

Li Meiren couldn’t help but look at Jade Jade–this Jade Jade’s appearance is actually no worse than Shan Guifei, just because of sex. His son is far from Shan Jieyu’s treacherousness and is a beautiful and gentle woman. She is one year older than Zhao Yan, this year is eighteen. She wears a lotus-colored palace dress, holding a silk fan with an ivory handle in her hand. The fan is painted with a picture of a beautiful woman. The jade gourd falling from the fan is the same as a bunch of bright red palace ears. It is scattered on her wrist and lined with Hao. Wrist like snow.

Zhao Jie was robbed of what he said, but Yu Jiechi just smiled and had no dissatisfaction.

Li Meiren muttered the intentions of the two, and let them all the way into the inner room. They took their seats on the Jinta, and ordered people to present Wumei drink to relieve the heat.

After taking a few sips, Zhao Yan drank with Wumei: “Wumei drink here is still delicious, but my Wumei drink is not right!”

Li Meiren smiled and said, “Then I will ask the cook here to go to my sister to serve some days?”

“Can’t!” Zhao Yan waved his hand. “You have a body now! I can’t give you anything ashamed. How can I still ask someone for you?” And smiled slightly. “Furthermore, it’s late summer and early autumn.” Even if it’s still a little hot, this black plum drink will not be able to drink for a few days. “

Li Meiren casually said: “Yes, in autumn, I still drink the lotus room drink and lemongrass drink …” After talking about it, I saw Zhao Yan frown slightly, and realized that what Zhao Yan really wanted to say was not a drinker–Li Meiren It is also a person who has been educated to attach wealth to a small person. Naturally, this obedient ability is also available. After a moment’s thinking, it sounds like a temptation, “Sister Zhao is right, Wumei drink … It is not interesting to drink now. I was lazy and didn’t take it off. “

Seeing that she understood the key points in her sentence, Zhao Minfu smiled and smiled: “So-called precautions, can Sister Li consider autumn matters?”

“Please ask Sister Zhao for pointers?” Li Meiren kept silent when she saw Yu Jiechi beside him, and concentrated on picking the fruit from the plate. She realized that the two were afraid to say it already. Now they are convinced together. I’m too lazy to ask for advice.

Zhao Yan smiled gently: “We have always been sisters, and I haven’t gotten around: the concubine has a small birth, do you know why?”

Li Meiren’s heart was stunned, and she touched her belly subconsciously before she said, “It is said that I accidentally fell.”

“The one who loves herself is just arrogant. She just said she suspected that the queen mother would murder her. With such carefulness, how could she accidentally fall and fall into a miscarriage?” Zhao Yan sneered. “The one who has a very good body As for a fall, what happened? Besides, she has been for six months, and the fetus has been stable for a long time! “

“Sister means …?”

“Before King Ning left Beijing, the one who listened to the wind was raining, and ran to the queen’s maiden to make trouble.” Zhao Yan picked up a date, but didn’t eat it, just playing around in his hands, She looked up and said, “It’s not like she was so troublesome once or twice! We all know the queen’s temperament, and there is no way to get her. But that time, she touched the nail! It was ashamed by an aunt who followed her He left Weiyang Palace and returned to his own palace with a pale face! “

Li Meiren entered the palace for a short time, plus she was a member of the Shen family. In order to avoid taboos, the Shen family kept telling her not to stretch her hands too long. Ever since she was pregnant, she has put her mind on the abortion, and Jane has reached the point where she can’t hear anything outside the window, so she has n’t heard much about Miyazaki. This was a matter of two months ago, but she only knew Silhouettes. This would surprise: “Where’s the aunt so powerful?”

“It was said that it was recommended by the queen and his grandfather Sun from outside the palace. It was originally a wealthy wife. Six relatives died in the soldiers’ house. “Zhao Xuan said lightly.” It turned out that I was waiting for the Queen Mother now-who knows where it is coming from? “

Yu Jiechi only spoke at this moment, saying, “Shan Guifei didn’t say anything this time. So we are worried for you.”

Li Meiren couldn’t help but shake her sleeves and said, “I’m pregnant with a princess …”

“But some people don’t think so.” Zhao Yan reminded. “You have been shrinking here and not going out. Do you want to come and not know any rumors outside? About your baby!”

Li Meiren was startled: “What ?!”

“Externally said that your baby is out of all odds. Nine is a prince!” Zhao said, “I was afraid of being inexplicable like Shan Guifei, so I deliberately said to be a princess!”

“How is this possible !? This is the result of some doctors!” Li Meiren hurried.

Zhao Yidao: “This is for a reason. If we don’t make good with you, knowing that you won’t lie to us, we all have to believe this-you think you are sent to the palace by the Shen family. Ji Shenyi’s only Heir, the eighth daughter of the Duanmu family is the righteous daughter of the Shen family! Using Miss Duanmu eight’s medical skills to do something casually and mislead the Taiyi, what is the problem? “

He smirked and looked in the direction of Yongxin Palace. “Speaking of that, there is no connection with Miss Duanmu Ya. It’s just that the one behind her is from the side branch and has no respect for this case. So Miss Duanmu Ya is annoyed with them, usually No more exchanges, it is impossible to rely on this phase! “

Li Meiren changed his color and said, “There is no such thing! The two sisters are not unaware. Although the Shen family sent me to the palace, they usually do not care much about me-slowly, please ask Ms. Duanmu Ya to help me cover up my belly.” It ’s a man or a woman. I have no blessings in my life, so I have to ask Ms. Duanmu Ya face treatment! “

She frowned. “Shan Guifei only gave birth, and if something happens to me, do people in this palace really not have the word” scared “?”

“You misunderstood, we are not only worried about the production of your baby.” Yu Jiechi shook her head and said softly “Because Shan Guifei didn’t have any trouble this time-what do you think she thought?”

Li Meiren froze.

Zhao Yan reminded: “Shan Guifei City is not shallow, her child is gone, and now Her Majesty is not in the palace, she will make trouble again, once the child can’t come back, and secondly, she can’t get the Queen-can Her Majesty still Regardless of the major events in the southwest, would you come back and give her an explanation? So she is not troubled now, I wonder if I have to wait for my Majesty to come back with a good complaint? “

Li Meiren was furious: “Does she doubt me? I haven’t even been to her Yongxin Palace twice!”

“The complaint is one and the other, and Shan Guifei’s own child is gone. Will she hit her on your own ?!” Zhao Zhengzheng said, “I have nothing to do in the past few days. The palace rules are inherited from the pre-Wei era. Do you know that there is one, but the top of the third grade can be the main position … the most important difference between the main position and the non-main position? “

Li Meiren felt so ominous that she took a deep breath and asked, “What is it?”

“It’s not the theme, so you’re not qualified to raise the emperor! Whether it’s a prince or a princess!” Zhao Yan looked at her swollen belly with pity, and sighed. “The main theme in the palace, except the queen mother, is Shan. Consort, Deng Shufei and Sister Jade! “

Li Meiren paused and looked at Yu Jiechi!

Yu Jiechi shook her head and said, “Sister Li, don’t get me wrong, we definitely don’t want to grab your child!”

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