Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 49: Okita Souji

Okita Souji was nervous, and to be fair, she felt like she had every right to be. The Master of Chaldea has called her to his room, to his private quarters. Every Servant in Chaldea, nay, every woman in Chaldea knew what happened in the Master’s quarters. How could they not? They were all at least somewhat prone to gossip, so of course it got out exactly what Shigure and any girl lucky enough to catch his eye got up to in there.
The thing was, while Okita was a master swordswoman, a Captain of the First Unit of the Shinsengumi, who had been a public order group active during the end of the Edo Period, she was… also a virgin. So, at the end of the day, it didn’t matter that she had all the confidence of a cool-headed man-slayer when it came to wielding her blade, because none of that confidence translated over into the bedroom.
She was, in the end, just a woman… and she knew what the young Master of Chaldea did to women by this point. There were too many rumors for it to just be rumors… not to mention that she, much like practically every other living being in Chaldea, had ended up laying witness to one of her Master’s more public trysts at this point.
In that way, Okita supposed she should be grateful. If her Master truly was going to… going to take her and claim her for himself, the swordswoman would indeed prefer that such events take place behind closed doors, away from prying eyes. She wasn’t one of those women who enjoyed being paraded around in public to begin with, so she was quite confident that she wouldn’t enjoy being FUCKED in public either.
Still, that didn’t really help with the trepidation, as she finds herself approaching the Master of Chaldea’s quarters. With butterflies in her stomach, Okita presses her lips thinly together as she stops right outside the door. She raises her hand to knock, hesitating for a moment too long, and the door slides open all on its own, as if her presence was detected and admittance was given without her even having to ask for it.
Which kind of sucks, she was really hoping for at least a little more time to collect herself! Still, she must remain professional. Wiping the pout trying to form from her face, the swordswoman steps into her Master’s quarters with her head held high and her spine as straight as an arrow. Her hands are clenched into fists at her sides, though not from anger or fury… more anticipation and trepidation and worry. She’s nervous, not upset. Is that odd? Should she be mad that she’s about to be used by her Master in the same way she’s heard he’s used countless other women?
And yet, perhaps part of Okita is excited for it to finally be happening to her. Or perhaps part of her, the part that knows her duty and has honor, knows that after all the Master of Chaldea has done for them and for the world, they all once lived in, it’s only fair that he get something back in return. Shuddering, Okita takes a deep breath and shunts all such thoughts aside. She’s being rude to her Master by not actually acknowledging him or focusing on him until now. She’d just been scared of exactly what she’d see waiting for her.
What she DOES see waiting for her, when she finally deigns to look over and take in her Master and what he’s carrying… confuses her. This is understandable, because rather than sex toys or rope or some other kinky thing, the thing Shigure is holding in his hands is a woven basket… filled with various footcare items. There’s a footbath, a file, a few different cloths, even some bottles that might be perfume or even soap.
He also has a pleasant, completely platonic smile on his face, not a single hint of lewdness in his entire body, from what Okita can see. Obviously, the swordswoman knows better. She knows just how lewd her Master is. But… right now, there’s not an ounce of sexual tension in the entire room, save for what’s coming off of her.
Freezing up and just sort of staring, Okita ends up forcing the Master of Chaldea to speak up, Shigure chuckling as he places the basket down on the bed behind him and gestures her forward.
“Okita, welcome. Thank you for coming. I’ve taken notice of all your hard work… and I’ve decided that you’ve earned a reward.”
Okita blinks blankly at that, prompting another chuckle from her Master.
“Come on over and take a seat.”
He gestures towards a nearby chair, which she just now notices is sat off to the side, not really at a table or anything, just… there. Slowly, the swordswoman makes her way over to the chair. Removing her sheathed katana from her waist, she sets it against the chair and then sits down, not daring to take off anything else, lest she rouse her Master’s legendary libido and provoke him into jumping her when perhaps, that’s not why he called her here after all.
She’s still not fully sure what’s going on, but if she can get out of here with her chastity intact, then she has to try, right? But then, why does that thought fill her with such… disappointment? Regardless, once she’s sat down in the chair, Shigure grabs the basket of supplies and moves over to her, kneeling down in front of her and taking things out of the woven basket, one by one.
The footbath comes first, and he places it under Okita’s feet, causing her to lift them up a little bit hesitantly. He then reaches up and takes hold of her left foot, and begins to unwrap and untie her footwear, which also doubled as her leg armor. As soon as he pulls it off, he carefully sets it aside and then repeats the motion with her right foot, until both her feet and her pale, creamy legs are bared.
Okita suddenly has this intense urge to cover her face with her hands as he seems to… to study her feet. Still, the Master of Chaldea doesn’t seem to have a single ounce of amorous intent in his entire frame. Is it all in her head? Were the rumors all just rumors? N-No, that couldn’t be true… her Master’s taste for feminine flesh was legendary, it couldn’t all be lies.
But then… but then why? As he dips her feet into the footbath and begins to wash them both with a washcloth, Okita’s breath hitches. Not from arousal, though she is slightly embarrassed… but from astonishment. She’s… she’s not above the Master of Chaldea in any way. In terms of pecking order, it should NOT be he who washes her feet.
Truth be told, she would likely raise some protest if she were ordered to wash his feet as well, given that that wasn’t supposed to be their relationship… but all the same, it would still have made more sense to have their positions reversed rather than this… this perversity of the natural order of things!
Okita manages to refrain from covering her reddening face with her hands, but only just. And she can’t do a damn thing about her deepening blush, even as her Master finishes washing her feet and moves on to filing her toenails, which is then followed up with smoothing out her soles using a pumice stone. He takes his time with each and every act, not half-assing anything, not hurrying along any particular task. He cares for her feet in a way that’s gentler and tenderer then even Okita has ever treated them.
And then, as if her embarrassment wasn’t already bad enough as it was, he finishes everything up by giving her a foot massage, his dexterous fingers and rough palms moving over her freshly cared for feet and his digits pushing in deep in a way that has her biting back more than one groan as she squirms in the chair.
Throughout the entire process, in fact, Okita has been blushing and squirming from the fondling of her sensitive feet. Honestly, she’d never known her feet to BE so sensitive, but it had to be something to do with the care he’d given her. He’d gotten rid of some of her callouses with the pumice stones, and even managed to extract an in-grown toenail before prettying up all of her toenails and fixing them all.
It was, without a doubt, the most anyone had ever done to her feet, so maybe that was why she didn’t know to expect them to be so sensitive, or for the whole experience to… t-to feel s-so good… clearly though, it was all on her. She was the one making this perverse, she was the one making this something sexual. Her Master didn’t mean anything, by any of it… right?
And then, of course, the Master of Chaldea has to go ahead and flip that whole thing on its head. Having noticed all of Okita’s reactions to what he’s been doing, Shigure decides to take things a bit further. Smirking wickedly, he brings her feet up to his face, and then, starting with her left, leans in and begins to swirl his tongue around and between her recently cleaned toes.
Okita immediately begins squeaking in embarrassment at the sudden lewd contact, and for the first time since this all began, she both covers her face with her hands AND speaks.
Her startled exclamation only serves to provoke a little chuckle from her Master though, even as Shigure moves onto her right foot, repeating the gesture of licking and playing with her toes using his tongue. This causes Okita to squeak all the more, as well as whimper and squirm a bit, though his grip on her feet, while gentle, is also ironclad. Eventually, Shigure pulls back a little and smiles up at her brightly, though with just a hint of a wicked edge to his grin.
“I’ve always thought your feet were so cute, Okita. And your toes are so tasty~”
And then, as if to accentuate his point, he sucks on them some more, eliciting moans from the Shinsengumi Squad Captain as she pants heavily from her sensitive feet being played with. All of the rumors, all of the gossip… it was all true! The Master of Chaldea was… he was a b-big fat pervert, a-and a meanie to boot!
Something was coming, and Okita couldn’t quite figure out what it was. But it was building within her the more that her Master played with her feet, the more that he toyed with and sucked at her toes. She gasps and moans and tries to tell him to stop, that something is wrong, but before she can get the words out, the swordswoman is arching her back in the chair and shuddering her way through an honest to god orgasm as she’s brought to climax by nothing but him playing with her feet.
Incredibly embarrassed, Okita can do nothing but hide her face in her hands, at this point. She can’t believe she would… that she would j-just cum like that, from something so… so lewd as foot play. She wasn’t that kind of girl! But then, how would she know? She was a virgin, wasn’t she? Inexperienced in all forms of sex… so of course she couldn’t have guessed that this would be her weak point. But obviously, the Master of Chaldea had noticed. Obviously, her Master had seen right through her, right into the deepest parts of her soul, and discovered her foot fetish.
In the same way that Okita would expect a lesser skilled swordsman to submit to her for training, she finds herself submitting to her Master’s expertise on this matter, namely sex. While part of her wants nothing more than to flee before things go any further, a much larger part of her wants to see what else her Master has managed to figure out about her.
As such, Okita is completely unmoving when Shigure eventually pulls back from playing with, licking at, and suckling on her feet and toes. Pushing her feet together, the young Master of Chaldea whips out his cock and without any warning, pushes it forward between her soles and begins thrusting. Okita’s eyes snap wide open at that, and she peeks through her fingers down at where he’s fucking her feet like… like it’s n-normal, or something.
… It feels good. Really good, truth be told. Okita whimpers as she finds herself being used as a sort of sexual aid by her Master. And not any normal part of her body either, but her oh so sensitive f-feet. It’s embarrassing, to be sure… but it also feels way too damn good. The Master of Chaldea seems to think so as well, because he groans as he thrusts in between her soles, and after tossing his head back, he actually cums, much to Okita’s surprise. He cums, just from fucking her feet.
The strength of his cum-shot is such that it launches all the way up the length of Okita’s body, and ends up splattering across her face, with the rest of his load landing on her chest and abdomen, soaking into and defiling her shirt. Some of it even manages to get as far as her hair, but Okita doesn’t pay that much mind… she’s too busy unconsciously licking at her lips, lapping up the semen that’s landed on them and swallowing it down as she finds the taste to her liking.
Shigure, meanwhile, is just getting started, as evidenced by his big fat cock, still fully erect between his legs. Maintaining his grasp on Okita’s ankles, the Master of Chaldea stands and at the same time lifts them up. Okita’s eyes widen as she’s slowly tilted back in her chair, but thanks to Shigure, it’s a controlled fall. Soon enough, she’s on her back and he’s towering over her, with her body somewhat folded into such a position that her crotch and thus her soaked-through panties are right in front of his dick.
Pushing her panties aside is easy enough, as is sliding his member into her cunt, even if she is a virgin. She’s already so damn wet from all the foot play at this point, and his member is nice and lubed up from the precum that came out of him fucking her feet. There is still her hymen to contend with though… but Shigure pushes right on through that, breaking her hymen and taking her purity right then and there, just as Okita had feared might happen when she’d originally been summoned to her Master’s Quarters.
And yet, like so many reluctant female Servants before her, at this point that fear seems almost laughable to the swordswoman. As Shigure’s meat-sword fills her cunt and stretches her nice and wide, she’s too busy moaning happily to really mind that he’s fucking her, or that he’s taken her virginity. Of course, then he has to go ahead and make it embarrassing again when he goes right back to sucking, licking, and lapping at her toes and feet.
Okita covers her face in embarrassment once more, even as she blushes deeply, all the while whimpering and moaning from the pleasure. Shigure fucks her slowly at first, but soon picks up speed, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her with every thrust, all while suckling at her freshly washed toes. It’s all too much for the swordswoman, and it’s not long before she’s climaxing again, shuddering around his cock, even as Shigure fucks her harder and faster than ever before.
On her third orgasm, on her third time cumming from the pleasure of having her feet played with and her cunt fucked, Okita manages to milk Shigure of his own orgasm, causing her Master to go right ahead and fill her to the brim with his seed, pumping a nice, thick load of white, hot cum deep inside of her pussy. It’s all just too much for Okita. She might be a master swordswoman… but in the end, she’s still an inexperienced virgin. Back arching from that last explosive orgasm, Okita’s eyes flutter and then roll back in her head as she passes out from the pleasure.
Afterwards, they both move to the bed. Okita can still feel her Master’s cum inside of her, filling her womb, warming her belly. It feels… it feels good. It feels really good. Almost as good as the fact that their legs are entwined right now and they’re playing footsie, their toes intertwined with each other and massaging one another.
THAT feels best of all, though it still leaves Okita blushing red, and more than a little embarrassed as the Master of Chaldea leans in close and nibbles at one of her ears.
“You know, I think you might just have the sexiest feet in all of Chaldea, Okita. Mm, I think we’re going to have to make rewarding you for all of your hard work a regular thing, going forward.”
A-Ah, why was her Master so damn embarrassing? Okita covers her face with her hands again, unable to help herself. But also, while she’s blushing profusely beneath said hands… she’s also smiling a small little happy smile. Maybe… maybe being one of her Master’s many, MANY kept women wouldn’t be so bad after all. It was nice to be wanted, nice to be desired, really.
Not having it in her to respond verbally, Okita responds to her Master’s suggestion by squeezing down on his toes with her own, prompting him to squeeze back and use his slightly larger, more masculine digits to cover her toes and massage them, basically embracing her feet with his feet, while at the same time actually embracing her full body with his full body. Melting into the lover’s embrace, because what else could it be called, Okita just lets go and lets herself be happy.


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