Celestial Mage

Chapter 12 Death's 'Commendation'

Chapter 12 Death's 'Commendation'

In the room, Rosen of course didn't sleep.

At the age of exploding energy, I have enough food, drink and clothes, and only painted a few paintings. How can I be tired?
Lying on the carpet, after concentrating for a while, he summoned the desktop, opened "Rosen's Spell Book", turned to the first page to meditate quietly, and clicked to run.

The next moment, the murmur in his ears subsided, and he entered a state of deep meditation again.

This time, with no one to disturb him, he was able to meditate wholeheartedly.

At the beginning, I felt the warmth in my body getting stronger little by little, and I felt very happy.

But gradually, a doubt emerged in Rosen's heart.

'According to common sense, the mana must be as deep as possible.Since resting meditation can strengthen mana, wouldn't it mean that the longer you meditate, the deeper the mana will be. '

'However, Cyrus didn't seem to do that, instead he was busy running around all day long. '

'Could it be that there is a limit to silent meditation, and it doesn't mean that the longer the better? '

Thinking of this, Rosen's mind shook slightly, and he withdrew from the state of deep meditation.

As soon as he left, he felt that something was wrong.

My mind was unusually excited, and all kinds of thoughts came and went, and I couldn't suppress it.

Feeling consciousness has become a boiling pot of boiling water, bubbling like crazy.

This is not a good thing.

Rosen felt a dull pain in his head, his heart was beating violently, and his breathing became very rapid.

His body was desperately trying to provide energy for his extremely excited brain, and he seemed to be a little overwhelmed.

He was startled, but luckily he had a similar experience in his previous life.

It may occur when the brain is overused. Various thoughts come and go, and the brain is so excited that it can't sleep all night.

The way to deal with it is to empty your mind and let the thoughts pop up, but never think deeply to strengthen the thoughts, but let the thoughts die naturally.

Don't know if it will work, but it's the only thing he can do right now.

He tried hard to clear his mind.

Gradually, it really worked.

The boiling water cooled little by little, the turmoil in the sea of ​​consciousness gradually calmed down, and the internal organs that provide energy for the restless brain also gradually quieted down.


Luo Sen let out a long breath, and said in his heart: "In ordinary meditation, there is such a risk hidden."

He felt that if he continued to meditate regardless, what greeted him might not be a pot of 'boiling water', but a 'burning flame'.

At that time, his body may stop working directly because he cannot bear the huge pressure, and he died suddenly.

'But why? '

Rosen couldn't help asking.

There was no answer, and no one would give him one.

But it doesn't matter, he can find the answer by himself.

Concentrate on summoning the desktop again, open "Rosen's Adventure Journal", and locate the moment when he copied the portrait for Cyrus yesterday afternoon.

At that moment, Cyrus was flipping through his spell notes, and Rosen focused on Cyrus' spell notes.

Soon, Rosen saw the contents of the note.

"The elementary standard spell 'Missile Combo Triple Strike'? It should be the dark red light ball that blew up Wald's hands and feet that night."

"Spell structure, mana movement route, spell points. Why are there so many weird symbols? I can't understand it at all!"

The content of this page of official spells is very cumbersome.

Luo Sen feels like, elementary school students can read advanced mathematics, Chinese characters can be recognized seven or eighty-eight, but there are many proper nouns with unclear meanings, and special symbols that do not know the specific meanings at all.

It's almost like a bible.

After watching for a long while, Rosen had to give up understanding the content of 'Missile Strike Three Combo'.

A missile can blow off a limb, if you mess around without understanding, I'm afraid it's your own limb that's broken.

He didn't want to be disabled for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, although Cyrus has been studying missiles, when he first turned the page, the contents of the previous notes flashed quickly.

If you don't stop reading, you can't see the words on the page at all, but the adventure log can pause, and you can change the angle freely, and even zoom the angle of view to a certain extent.

After some attempts, Rosen finally saw the contents of the previous pages clearly.

The title is "Knowledge and Key Points of Meditation".

It was the knowledge Rosen wanted the most at the moment. He was breathing heavily with excitement, but he was still a little worried and couldn't help praying secretly.

"Sanqing Buddha Haotian God, all the gods of the earth, bless and bless the prodigal son who traveled through another world! This time, please write more straightforwardly, and don't mess up the symbols!"

After some prayers, I continued to look down.

See the first sentence.

"Meditation is a basic course for mages, and it is the only way to improve mana. A powerful mage must have profound mana and a solid foundation in meditation."

"Well, okay, I can understand that."

Next is the second sentence.

'There are three basic quantities of mana.The first is the total amount.The second is intensity.The third is polarity. '

For Rosen, who graduated from science, this sentence is simple and straightforward, very easy to understand.

The third sentence follows.

'Spells are powered by mana.For a given spell, its power is closely related to the mana consumed, and there is a very strict quantitative relationship among them. '

Seeing this sentence, Rosen's scalp was a little numb, and he had a bad feeling: "Don't use symbols!"

Look at the next sentence.

'As far as low-level spells are concerned, their power basically conforms to the following calculation formula.That is, mana power = mana constant * mana consumption * strength * standard polarity value. '

There are a lot of weird symbols in this sentence, and Rosen couldn't understand it at first, but after careful study, he actually understood it.

Although the form of expression is different from that of the earth, it should be a mathematical formula.

Although I understood it, my scalp felt a little numb.

"It's a square and a cube, and there is a mana constant. No wonder Cyrus said that magic is a rigorous force."

This is so closely integrated with mathematics, can it be less rigorous?

After seeing this information, Rosen was first surprised, then joyful.


Because he was also a hot-blooded boy in his previous life, and he wanted to become a scientist.

For this dream, he studied the unpopular major of basic science of mathematics and physics in university, and his grades were quite good.

It's a pity that something happened at home later, and in order to make money, he had to go into business.

I recall learning all kinds of knowledge in college, such as mathematical analysis, advanced algebra, analytic geometry, functions of real variables, functions of complex variables, and so on.

Rosen felt a little numb in his head, and at the same time, he was deeply lucky.

He has been in business for more than 20 years, and he has almost forgotten the specific knowledge. Fortunately, the adventure log can view all his previous life experiences, allowing him to relive his college days.

He continued to read the next sentence.

'For beginning apprentices, resting meditation is the foundation, but resting meditation can only increase the total amount of mana, but it has little effect on the strength and polarity of mana. '

This sentence is understandable, continue to read.

'So, on the basis of quiet meditation, the sages explored a higher-level meditation method, namely: visualization. '

'Visualization, using specific imagery as a meditation guide, can simultaneously increase the three basic quantities of mana.But pay attention to two points. "

'First, visualization can impart specific polarities to mana, but unexpected conflicts may arise between different mana polarities.So, be extremely careful when choosing specific images to visualize! '

'Second, the stronger the visualization imagery, the closer to the origin of the world, the faster the mana will increase, but at the same time, the more dangerous it is.For the sake of life safety, one should carefully choose the image to visualize. '

These are also easy to understand, Rosen continued to read.

"Different visualization images have different mana polarities. To be precise, there is no mana with exactly the same polarity in the world.

'According to the method of distinguishing visualization images, mana can be divided into two categories.One is to observe things, and the other is to observe gods.The former becomes a mage, and the latter is a servant of God. "

This is very detailed, and Rosen looked more intently.

"The sun, the source of the flames, is me, the visualization image of Cyrus Gogril.

'After many years of practice, I have the flame polarity, and when driving fire spells, I can get the greatest spell power bonus.It's a pity that the talent is not good, the resources are not many, and the growth of mana has stagnated in recent years, so I have to choose another one. Hey~~~~"

This is the end of this page of notes.

Rosen turned back subconsciously, but found that several pages were linked together and turned over, so naturally he couldn't see the content.When you can see the content, it is already a book from heaven.

There is no way but to exit the adventure log.

He opened his eyes, looked blankly at the flames jumping in the stove beside him, and asked himself.

"So, what is my visualization image?"

Sellers said that the more powerful the visualization image, the closer to the source, the faster the mana will increase, but the more dangerous it is.

He is not afraid of danger, because he is already in danger.

He needs strength!
So what is the most powerful and closest to the source?

For mortals, it is indeed infinitely strong, and it can also be called the source of flames.

But to Rosen, a traveler who has experienced the baptism of science, the sun is just a very ordinary yellow dwarf.

In front of the Milky Way, and even the universe, it is a great exaggeration to say that it is a drop in the bucket, and a drop in the ocean is a big flattery.

'The supernova explosion? '

'The black hole at the center of the Milky Way? '

'This galaxy cluster? '

'No, no, these are not enough.If you want to come, come directly to a big one, and I will directly visualize the creation singularity of the Big Bang! '

'It's not right either.I have never seen the singularity, it is just a scientific hypothesis.Things that may not exist on the other side of the earth, is it useful to come to this different world? '

'How to do? '

'Whatever it is, imagine it if you haven't seen it, try it and you won't die. '

'What if it works? '

So Rosen began to imagine.

In the void where all meaning does not exist, there is an infinitely tiny point, which contains the energy of the entire universe.

Due to some tiny disturbances, this singularity erupted in a very short, very short moment, creating an entire universe!

After that moment of creation, time, space, energy, laws, etc. all have meaning.

Immediately after the creation of the universe, the extreme high temperature erupted, so that atoms could not exist, and the entire universe was a pot of quark soup concentrated to the extreme.

Ten billion years after the Big Bang, the echoes of the Big Bang are still echoing in every corner of the universe.

Everything created by the big bang turned into stars, emitting an almost eternal brilliance in the night sky.

In the 'image' that Rosen can deeply imagine, no, to be precise, in the 'concept', there is no more powerful and original existence than the singularity of creation.

But this is not enough.

In order to assist in more precise and in-depth imagination, Rosen opened the adventure log.

He read past life memories, and even went back to class to watch the creation moment of the universe deduced by mathematical logic.

Just as he was trying to visualize the purely logical concept of the creation singularity in his brain, a stream of information flowed through his mind.

'Whether to use: Creation singularity as the visualization image? '


'"Rosen's Spellbook" has been included in Meditation: Creation Singularity. '

Rosen immediately summoned the desktop, opened the corresponding page in the spell book, stared at the page for 2 seconds, and jumped out of the running option.

'Is it running? '


A moment later, Rosen felt an extremely small, but extremely bright, extremely hot, and extremely dense original existence appear in his mind.

After another moment, he felt the faint warmth in his body growing at an incredible speed, and it became extremely hot, as if it was going to burn his body to ashes!

After less than 1 breath, and less than 2 seconds before and after, Rosen felt that he couldn't stand it anymore, and desperately withdrew from the meditation state.

'I'm going, the other world is also useful, and it's so useful! '

Another happy thought flashed through my mind: "It's great, the laws of this world are not much different from those of the earth." '

In a short period of time, he was panting like a cow, his heart was beating like a drum, his whole body was hot, and he was sweating profusely, so that white water vapor rose from his head.

What was even more frightening was that his consciousness turned into scalding boiling water again.

No, this time it's bursting magma!
Rosen had a splitting headache, and every thought that popped up was like a sharp knife condensed by flames, piercing his brain fiercely.

He tightly covered his head with his hands, trying to clear his mind and calm his thoughts.

This is very, very difficult, many times more difficult than the last time.

In many moments, Rosen almost thought he was going to die.

But in the end, he survived!
When the volcano in his mind stopped erupting, and when everything returned to calm, Rosen clearly felt a condensed warmth emerge from his body.

The mana has really improved.

Many times stronger than before meditation!
Wandering on the edge of life and death several times, his courage was 'rewarded' by the god of death.

(End of this chapter)

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