Cat on Water

Chapter 2 – Cat and Dog fight like, well, Cats and Dogs.

Chapter 2

Yoruichi stood on the beach of this apparently not so deserted island, staring off to the side at a man who looked like he was about to actually catch fire out of pure anger. And she had no idea why. She didn’t do anything, only kicked him in the face. She guessed that would make someone a bit mad, but not kill you, desecrate your corpse, kind of mad.

She turned to look at the detective man off to her right, now with his sword up in a guard, and his mini- *cough* friends, behind him shivering. Looks like they know something she doesn’t. Wonder what.

She turned her head back to the fuming man, who started stomping back towards her like an enraged rhino.

“You- You destroyed them..” he growled, sounding much more like she did in her cat form than an actual human. “You DESTROYED MY CRACKERS!!!” he roared, literally shaking the trees with his voice.

While she was too busy reeling from the events of the last 5 seconds, the old man disappeared from his spot by the edge of the now nonexistent treeline, using something that was kind of similar to shunpo, but not quite. She sensed him appear to her right, in between her and his friends, with- ‘WTF IS THAT A TREE??!!’ she screamed in her mind, as she twisted her body to get her hands up to take the blow that was no doubt going to send her flying. ‘Where the hell did he get a tree from?’

She bent her body slightly back, as the tree came screaming towards her, trying to mitigate the blow. It still hit her, as she definitely was not expecting a human to start using trees of all things as weapons. She felt the weirdly hard bark of the tree smash into her forearms, which she had barely managed to get in front of her face before she was sent sprawling across the sand, down towards the water.

She bounced and skidded across the sand, but thankfully by reinforcing her body with Reiryoku she was able to get away with nothing but minor scratches. Getting hit through sand at those speeds would have been terrible.

She came to a stop right at the water’s edge, with the water lapping at the crown of her head.

‘Damn, I don’t think I’ve had a human hit me that hard, since, like, ever’ Yoruichi thought, a tad dazed. She sat up on her elbows and looked at the still literally steaming man. Before she could say anything, he disappeared.

‘Oh shit.’ she thought, and flash-stepped to the right, dodging the large old man’s fist that completely shattered the ground where she was just standing.

In the moment it took to look at him, she noticed something. ‘His entire arm is black. I wonder why. It seems to do the same thing we do with our Reiryoku to dense up our Reishi, but somewhat different. I wonder why.’ she was a bit curious. You don’t stay friends with people like Kisuke and Tessai without picking up some sort of curiosity. Yoruichi happened to get interested in fighting techniques, and how people use them. She figured it would make her a deadlier assassin, if she could know exactly how her enemies’ abilities worked.

She shook her thoughts away. That hit had woken her from her angered stupor. She needed to end this fight fast and figure out where she was.

“Hey old guy, I know I’m pretty and all, but I am not sure I like what you’re trying to do” Yoruichi said with a hand on her hip. That seemed to stop the old man. Seriously, how old is he, he looks almost as old as the Captain Commander.

That seemed to knock him out of his rage. He looked at Yoruichi weirdly, then started blushing. Again.

“Girl, y-you are like 40 years to young for me.” He said sputtering a bit. She didn’t know why what she said would knock him out of his rage, and then started feeling the bare skin on her hand.

“Oh right. I'm still naked aren’t I. Hoped you like the view old man, you won’t be seeing much of it again.” Yoruichi said, turning around and walking back to the satchel. He seemed to calm down enough, and she thought he would be honorable enough to not attack her in the back. Not like she wouldn’t, but you exploit who you can when you can.

Walking back up towards the rest of the men standing in the treeline, some trembling, sweating, and the whole nine yards of fear.

‘Looking closer at them, they seem to be ‘Marines’. Wasn’t that a military group back in the material world? I don’t think they dressed like that though.’ Yoruichi pondered, finally back at the satchel. She knelt, and pulled out a black bodysuit, along with an orange coat to go over it. Lastly, she pulled out some tan pieces of material.

‘Ah. How nice of him.’ she thought sarcastically ‘He included my scarf and bandages in here.’ She slipped the clothes on, wrapping the bandages around her arms and legs, and her scarf around her neck. Once she was done, she looked back at the satchel, almost hesitantly.

‘Eh, might as well share the misery with someone who would somewhat understand.’ She thought, reaching down again and pulling a plain Japanese Wakizashi blade, which she then strapped to the small of her back.

When she had it strapped on properly, all she heard was incomprehensible grumbling in her mind.

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, you big lump. I’ll have a chat later. Got something to deal with here.’ She spat at her Zanpakuto spirit. Her spirit, Rainzupuraido (Lion’s Pride) was a lazy, prideful, and arrogant bastard, even at the best of times.

She turned around to the large man who she had just got into a little scrap with, as he finished walking to her. When he stopped, he stuck out his hand.

“Monkey D. Garp.” He smiled; a big D shaped one that seemed to turn his aura from that of an enraged beast into a jolly old grampa. She wasn’t fooled though. Retsu Unohana did the bipolar thing much better.

She reached out and gripped his hand. He shook her hand tightly, one warrior to another.

“Yoruichi Shihoin. Though some call me the Flash Goddess” she replied, smirking. The man, Garp, let go of her hand, and pointed to the people behind her.

“That’s my crew over there. We are Marines, and it is our job to help people like you, among other things” he said, muttering the last bit to himself. She could still hear him though, but he might not know that.

“Why don’t you come back to our ship, and we can get your questions answered. I didn’t see a ship when we docked, so I would assume you are stranded?” he asked curiously.

Not surprising, they all probably heard her screaming at that damn green hat man, heh, as they came to her.

“Yeah, my friend kind of left me here. I have no idea how to get off this godforsaken place.” She spoke. “Well, I suppose I could walk, but I would have no idea where to. All I see is water, water, and surprise, more water.” She added as an afterthought.

Garp gave her a weird look, something between an eyebrow raised ‘seriously’ and a ‘is this girl serious’ face. He didn’t say anything though. Probably remembered her little outburst at the beginning of all this.

Garp started walking to his men, beckoning her to follow, saying something about more rice crackers.

She watched for a second, thinking about her situation. She eventually shrugged, and followed, making sure to grab the satchel and put it over he shoulder.

‘Well, it can’t get any worse, then stranded on an island, can it? All I got to do it get a boat back to Japan so I can beat Kisuke’s ass.”  She said to herself, following them to the other side of the Island. “I cant wait”

Edit Log: Apparently I forgot a lot of punctuation in this one, and more fixing of spritual name stuff. Also removed some sentences I felt didnt fit.


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