Capture Target

Chapter 6 — Training begins!

Thanks, everybody, for your comments!  I'm really glad to hear that people are liking this; it helps motivate me.

Oh thank fuck that was good!

Sorry about that~  I just get so worked up thinking about that incident that I just needed some good fucking to focus, you know?  I hope you don’t mind~

Anyway~  Now that I’m refreshed and thinking clearly~

The roper tentacles were only that intense during that one, single time slot.  Though it certainly had fun effects on my dreams, they did calm down from the ‘rape every hole for hours and hours and hours’ mood that it was in before.  So when I woke up, there were no tentacles molesting me, and no tentacles wrapped around my body, either.  Just a lot of tentacle goo, and a burning sense of arousal.

Which I focused very hard on ignoring, as I went to determine what exactly it was that I made the previous night.  I extracted the, thankfully, still-glowing liquid into a vial, and set it onto the analysis pad.

[Permanent Hermification Potion: Rank S]
[This accidental work of alchemical genius has only a small set of confirmed ingredients that were used in its creation, including the Long-Dong Banana, Pig Iron, and Tentacle Cum.  The remaining ingredients are unknown.  Upon being drunk by a female, they shall gain a potent shaft and a pair of balls to go with it.  There are unknown side effects, but they are guaranteed by the gods to be ‘approved’.]

So, there are two important things about that description.

First off, that is the first time I heard tentacle goo being called tentacle cum.

It… well, it explained a lot, really, and at the time I was still too aroused to really worry about it.

Second off, anything that’s ‘approved’ by the gods is guaranteed to be perverted.

No, I’m not joking.  It’s a rule laid down by the head honcho.  He refuses to let anything be ‘approved’ by the gods unless he can wank off to it somehow.

And frustratingly… the potion was too good.  I couldn’t justify getting rid of it, and selling it would mean it would go out on the market.  Even in-game, if you just sold something with a permanent transformative effect, there was a better than even chance that another character would buy and use it.  And though at the moment I was pretty sure that the result would be very hot, I also knew that my judgment couldn’t be trusted at the time.  So I locked it into a small container that kept my ‘royal jewelry’ for the time being, and changed up my wardrobe.

See, the tentacles, I could never be certain when or if they’d start acting up.  And a miniskirt… a miniskirt is not optimal for hiding tentacles escaping your snatch.  So I looked in the wardrobe, and found a super frilly, layered, long dress.  There were even some enchanted inscriptions to ensure that it ‘poofed’ out optimally.  It was of a similar color set as our uniform -- bluish-green with red and white as highlights -- and it made me look ready for a fancy ball.

…Oh, um, no, I didn’t even think about doing that.

Because it has unknown side effects!  Sure I’d get a cock back, but who knows what else would happen to me if I drank that potion?!

…No, there -- okay, fine.  Fine.  There was another reason I didn’t drink the potion.

I was getting used to my new body.  In a lot of different ways, actually.  Sure, I had to sit down in the restroom and I had to be wary of my tits when doing stuff, but it just felt -- better.  I had eyes on me every day.  Whatever I wore looked amazing.  And a massive dong would get in the way of how skirts looked on me when it rose up.

I wasn’t aware enough of my reasoning at the time -- I was too busy dealing with an overactive hormonal system -- but I could piece it together afterwards.

I like being pretty, okay?  Can we just… thanks.

Okay.  Okay.  Right.  Roper tentacles.  Constant arousal.  Hotness.

…So.  I was dressed in my new poofy, pretty dress, and my entire body constantly felt -- odd.  Like every heartbeat was pushing against my erogenous zones, pushing blood into them, and away from my head.  It took a fair bit more focus to even explain some of the situation to Shimizu.

I think I told her… ah, right.  I told her when we met up that day, while we were taking a short break to eat at a bakery, “...I’m going to be a bit… distracted, for the next several months.”

She frowned at me, her nose wrinkling up slightly in confused distaste at my statement.  “What does that even mean?  Princess --”

“Don’t call me that!”  I obviously snapped out at her without a moment's hesitation.

And she had the gall to roll her eyes at me!

“Fine.  Lady Ambrosia.  Are you certain that now is the right time to take a break?”  She took a moment to take a bite out of a baguette, making a pleased noise as she did so.  “You’ve --”  I glared at her, and she rolled her eyes again and said, “Fine, we’ve made good progress so far, but if we fall behind others will catch up.  And they will be aiming to take us out.”

I corrected her idly as I thought over her words with, “Take me out, you mean.”

Shimizu looked like she was on the verge of laughter and tears at the same time.  “So all of the progress is something we’ve done, but all of the danger is due to things that you’ve done?”

I still don’t get why that’s so hard to understand!  Honestly!

Still, I couldn’t exactly tell her that I had a roper infestation in me.  There are some pretty potent laws about that; if you get caught, you’re tossed into isolation until it dies out from you.  That would kill my progress here.

Mind, in retrospect, it would have been a smart idea to tell her anyway.

But I was distracted by how she was brushing crumbs off of her breasts and had to bite my lips to avoid making a squeaking, needy noise as tentacles started to slowly reverse-fuck me from my womb.

“...I-it’s -- ah -- not something I can really choose,”  I explained to her, squirming underneath my dress.  “It’s just… a thing, you know?”

At that point, she eyed my dress, and got a gleam in her eyes as she misunderstood everything about the situation.

“Oh!  I understand perfectly, my lady!”  She didn’t.  “Don’t worry, I’ll help you out!”  She made it worse.  “Just count on me for once, okay?”  I did, but I really shouldn’t have.

Well, I mean, I’m more than happy with the results, but still!

I was not obsessing over Otsuka Takeo!

Thus began her crusade to hook me up with my crush, as I was dealing with constant tentacle-rape coming from my very womb.

It was a fun three months!

I’m going to start with the first two weeks.  These were the first two weeks that I existed as a roper, but the second and third weeks of the game.

The first thing you need to understand is that progress did slow down, just not by as much as I feared.  The biggest problem wasn’t exploring and gathering items -- it was crafting them.  For some reason, the smell of a cauldron bubbling sent my roper tentacles into overdrive.  I could maybe craft one or two potions, but after that, I couldn’t be certain what I would make, if anything.  Once the tentacles even added in items on their own initiative!  I finally understood why, in the game, roper-girls had a very high tendency of ‘random creations’ when doing alchemy.

So I left most of that to Shimizu; we swapped cauldrons, and I focused more on exploring the wilds and gaining materials for her.

This worked well enough for the time being.  I rapidly got used to having conversations and staying quite as I was being raped by tentacles… mostly.  It could still overpower my restraint, and did so liberally.  But at least we were still making progress with the land grab; we managed to get started on that cave I wanted, and we were renting out the forest to other claimants who needed materials from it.

The second thing you need to know is that I was rapidly realizing I was getting addicted to pleasure.

It’s hard to describe what it’s like.  Have you ever experienced a runner’s high?  When you just run, and run, and run, and eventually your body feels amazing, rewarding you for your hard work?  It was like that, except with, uh… constantly being raped.

A constantly-being-raped-high?  I’m not sure that works… I’ll think on it.  Anyway, it was like my body's capacity for orgasm and pleasure was exercising.  My body felt sore, but in a good way, a way that felt oddly wholesome for, uh, you know.  Tentacle rape.

This is about when I realized how slutty my body was.  A wholesome, pure, workout-feeling from being forced into ten orgasms a day?  That’s not normal.

…It is hot, though.  Very hot.

And then.  Then!  On top of all of that!  Shimizu kept on trying to have me meet up with Otsuka Takeo!

Whether it was selling what she made, planning expeditions, or even just running into him at the school library -- I saw him at least three times a day.  In retrospect, he was as annoyed as I was at the constant meetings, but at the time I didn’t realize that it wasn’t his fault.  I didn’t realize it was Shimizu manipulating things in the background; I couldn’t spare the brainpower to think things through to that degree.  I was convinced it was Takeo himself doing this, and it made me paranoid.

So there I was, maybe, oh… twelve, thirteen days after my roper seed ‘woke up’, and it decided to take a different tact that day.

It didn’t let me cum.

That sounds ridiculous, I know, but it didn’t!  It worked me up the entire day, slowly teasing me, but whenever I tried to touch an erogenous zone, it would rapidly extend a tentacle and reached up through my dress to wrap around my arm, freezing it in place.   And with my thigh gap I couldn’t just squeeze my legs together in hopes of gaining some friction on my clit!  Bouncing my tits wasn’t enough for my nipples and it stopped me from grinding on things, so I was just left getting… increasingly frustrated.

This lasted for another four days.  Four.  Days.  Of constantly being teased.  Of constantly reaching near the edge, but never being allowed over it.  I was going insane; my productivity had all but tanked, my every thought was dripping with desire, and I could barely keep my wits about me long enough to have a single conversation.

It was only then, only after going nearly insane, that I finally chanced upon what it wanted from me.

During another unfortunate incident with Takeo, we ran into each other as we were each turning at a corner.

Stupidly cliche, I know, but Shimizu planned it out and the world was literally designed to make things like that happen more often.  Probability was tuned towards ‘anything that leads to sex’.

I ran into him, my tits squishing against his hard chest, and ended up falling on my ass.  I made a pained squeak, and Takeo said, “Oh!  I’m sorry, here, let me help you get up.”

I didn’t realize at the time that his words were spoken out of automatic habit, and he didn’t even realize who I was until I, in my dazed, constantly-horny state, grabbed his offered hand.

The moment I touched his skin, the roper seed made me cum.

I moaned loudly, and Takeo jerked his arm back in an automatic motion, leaving me to stumble into his chest.  My lower legs trembled underneath my long dress and I had to grip his shirt in order to keep myself upright.  I was panting, face a vivid red, as I looked up into his eyes.  He had an expression on his face that I couldn’t place at the time, though he later told me it was ‘resignation’, and after a second or two of panting I realized what, precisely, my position was.

…I gave an embarrassed squeak and rushed away.

This did not help Shimizu’s delusions, but I had finally figured out what the roper wanted from me.  It took a bit of testing to be sure, but it wasn’t just focused around Takeo, thank god.

It wanted me to touch men.

My brain short-circuited when I realized that.  Ropers aren’t supposed to be that smart!  They’re supposed to be dumb, pleasure-focused beasts that rape the girl they’re attached to until satisfied every day during a randomly-selected timeslot!  There are parasites in Alchemical Corruption 12 that can ‘train’ girls, but they’re all smarter than Ropers, or are, well… mutants.

I then remembered the remnants that were in my Potential Freeing Elixir.

[Slight Mutant]

[Curse: Insatiable]

I got the effects of the elixir itself… but I didn’t take into account anything else that might have been affected by it.  The remnants had a better than even chance of infecting the roper within me, and given the past week, I was certain it had.

My roper was smart enough to train me, and getting me to touch men to get some release was only the start.

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