Capture Target

Chapter 3 — Finally! Tentacles!

What, did you seriously think I was the only isekai character in this eroge?  Ha!  …I mean, you’re half right, but still.

Shimizu is, canonically, from ‘Japan’; She’s an expert at Kendo, which translated into a rare B-grade talent.  She was summoned due to an accident in Alchemical Corruption 9, where the protagonist accidentally created a hole in the dimensional fabric -- wait, no, you know what?  Not important.  What is important is how I got raped by tentacles.

So, there we where, Shimizu and I, and out of nowhere came a tentacle monster -- thick vines pulsating with aphrodisiac goo, and --

-- eh?  No, not in the school.  This was in the hidden cliffside area by the ocean… how we got there isn’t important!  What’s important is that it was hot and --



I’ll do it in order, I guess.


Where was I…?  Right.  Talking to Shimizu.  See, the thing about all of the people that sometimes crop up in this world now, is that they’re all told by Chastity, the goddess of humiliation, that they need to keep their origins a secret.  …Specifically so that when they learn that they do not, in fact, have to do that, she can get off on their rapidly dropping opinion of her worth.

I really wish I was kidding.  It’s not one of her brightest plans to indulge in her kink.

…Don’t tell her I said that, she’ll want me to explain what I mean in detail and we’ll never get done.

So!  Shimizu was told to not tell anybody that she was from another world, and, like she did in the game, she panicked when she realized somebody had found out and nearly cut off my head.  Fortunately, I was aware of this reflexive response, and quickly ducked as I backed away.

The conversation that followed was… complicated, convoluted, and required a lot of insistence on my part that no, I wasn’t lying, and yes, there is a book that’s in the library that will say the same thing.

Talking down a stubborn person isn’t hot, so instead I’ll describe Shimizu’s appearance.

Unlike myself, whose new body was a mere five feet tall if that, Shimizu was closer to five six, maybe even five seven.  She was easily taller than most of the other girls, and her lean body with her muscled limbs took excellent advantage of that.  Her breasts weren’t as big as mine, but, hey, it’s an eroge -- they were certainly larger than average.  Lovely handfuls that jiggled amazingly as she tried to cut my head off.  Her hair was long, and a turquoise-ish blue that matched our uniforms jackets.  It was perfectly straight, reaching about to her waist.  Her features were elegant, sharp, and focused.

I was incredibly jealous.

I looked like a short grope-magnet, and here she looked like a tall goddess!  …I did take some comfort in the fact that my tits and ass were better, before immediately telling myself I didn’t care.

Regardless, I managed to get her on my side when I told her about my plan for the first day of the land grab:

The Potential-Freeing Elixir.

The Potential-Freeing Elixir is a rather rare alchemical concoction; it can only be created with extremely rare and valuable ingredients.  And if those rare and valuable ingredients start being mass produced, then they lose the rarity required to make them.

Which I still say is bullshit.

On top of that, you can only have any particular version of this elixir once!  Any more means you need an entirely new recipe!

In the game, you can make a total of three of them, each of which requires a different core ingredient.  The Golden Apples, the Pure Lotus, and the Yggdrasil Twig.  Each of which are only available to collect on certain days over the next five years.  The Pure Lotus is available only in the third year onwards, and only on the nights of the full moon.  The Yggdrasil Twig is only available on the fifteenth of the third month, starting from the fourth year.

The Golden Apple is available every Sunday starting in the fifth year… and, if you really know the game well, during the first day of the first year.  It’s a little secret for those that like to replay the game, if you want to give yourself a little boost.

This elixir is incredibly valuable.  If you don’t ever take one, then your talents are fixed -- but once you take one, not only can some evolve, you can also gain new ones.  If I could upgrade my Fire talent to rank B, or even A?  Then I knew that I could manage whatever this game threw at me.

But gaining and ranking up talents is really rather difficult… unless you get them through some very rare events.  But if you get those events without freeing your potential, well.  Then your chance is wasted.

That’s why I needed to make this potion as soon as I could.  The path is dangerous, so I needed Shimizu’s strength to manage it safely.

There was only one problem.

Shimizu’s [Lewd Luck] blessing.

How did the shopping go… ah, yes, I remember now.

“Okay.  So,”  I told her, as we walked through the shopping district.  “We’ll need some rope for the path, as well as some extra rations due to how far away it is… and we should have just enough left over to buy a couple of -”  At that point, a wind blew through the pathway.  This had already happened four times, so I was well prepared to dart my hands down to my frilly little skirt and keep from flashing the street.

Shimizu was not.

Her panties were striped, by the way.  Blue and white.  Adorable.

“- to buy a couple of Tentacle Repellants,” I finished.  “It will take all of our combined money, but if we’re careful, it should be just enough.”

Shimizu, who I was worried would fall down due to how all of the blood in her body seemed to reside in her cheeks, was determinedly holding her own miniskirt down with her hands.  “Wait -- sorry, go back a moment.”  She forced herself to breathe until her blush faded.  “Why, exactly, do we need two Tentacle Repellants?  Some general-purpose ones would make more sense.  And they’d be cheaper.  We could get ten of those, instead.”

At that, I paused for a moment.  And then I turned to look at her.  “...Shimizu, the wind has managed to be perfectly angled to cause our skirts to flip up.  You’ve flashed the entire street five times.  I might not know what blessing you got at the ceremony,” I lied, “But I bet it has something to do with your luck, and I would really rather not get raped by tentacles on day one of the land grab.”

Shimizu, at first, looked frustrated… then thoughtful… and finally worried.  “...Do you really think that could happen?”

It absolutely could.  Tentacle monsters can always be found at their nest, but beyond that, they roam the map.  Fortunately, the chance of meeting one is so tiny that you might encounter them only once over the course of the five-year game.

…Unless you’re with a character that has [Lewd Luck], which enhances the chance of all lewd events occurring… sometimes drastically.

It still was only an increase of a tenth of a percent to two percent.

But I really, really, really didn’t want to risk getting raped by tentacles.  That was one of the worst things that could happen if you wanted a girl to remain ‘pure’ and ‘not a lewd bimbo slut’.

“I think that I don’t want to find out,”  Is what I told Shimizu.  I had a firm tone, to make sure she understood that I wasn’t joking.  …Despite being shorter than her, I was from a noble family; she was very much not, and had no name to stand by.  It helped me be ‘in charge’ of her, at least for a while.

Shimizu relaxed, and let go of her skirt with a frown.  She clearly wasn’t happy about it, but… “I understand, Ambrosia.”

And that’s when the wind rushed by to show off Shimizu’s panties again.  I was done with that nonsense by then, so I just held my skirt down while rolling my eyes, and spun towards our next shopping destination.

The ceremony took up the morning; shopping took up mid-day, and I knew that gathering would take up the afternoon.  I know that because, canonically in the game series, the ‘head god’ is a lazy bastard that couldn’t be assed to bother with linear time.  So things took place in ‘Linear Event Time’.  The day is sliced into six pieces -- morning, mid-day, afternoon, evening, early night, late night -- and you can do ‘one event’ in each slice.  No matter how long it takes, so long as the gods consider it ‘one event’, it takes one slice of time.

I should note… because this is very, very important… this does not actually make things happen faster.  So the trek to the secret grove of golden apples?  On the top of a cliff on the opposite side of the added landmass?  It took us ten hours to get there.  Primarily because we were going incredibly slowly, and being incredibly careful -- we wanted to avoid any of the monsters roaming around.

We were, uh...

Stupidly under-equipped for where we were heading.

Thankfully, the few times that we did come into trouble, Shimizu could easily take care of it.  I saw her cut a gorilla’s head off!  It was badass, and we got some ingredients from the body, too.

Seriously, B-rank talents are a cheat.

After our third, long rest, we finally edged around a steep hill to find the grove of apples.  By then we were both far too relieved to remain cautious, so we only took a quick glance of our surroundings before we gathered what we needed.

The Golden Apples were required, of course, but we also needed some other ingredients.  Some Tenacious Vines for their Wood to feed the apples Fire, and some Succulent Peaches for their Water.

I’ll get more into the alchemy later, but suffice to say Shimizu and I were very busy.  We managed to get a total of five Golden Apples that could be used, and enough ingredients to bring out the properties that we wanted.  Shimizu was actually a bit giddy, while I was just relieved.

Which is, of course, when the tentacles showed up.

Hehehe, finally, to the hot stuff!

Let me see… ah!  Yes.  It started, from my perspective, with Shimizu shouting, “Ambrosia!”  In a somewhat panicked tone.  I was closer to the edge of the cliff, carefully grabbing some flowers for later alchemy, when I turned my head and saw Shimizu just barely fending off a massive number of writhing tentacles.  Don’t misunderstand, a B-rank combat talent is incredible, but tentacle beasts are late-game bosses.  They don’t kill you, but that wasn’t what I was worried about.  With only our starting equipment, Shimizu can, at most, fend it off long enough for an escape attempt.

It was hard to tell whether the tentacles were flora, fauna, or some kind of weird combination of the two.  Each tentacle was long, veiny, and seemed to excrete some kind of mostly transparent goo.  Their thickness varied, the beast able to control their circumference, and there was no clear weak point.

I knew, of course, that they had a ‘core’ in the middle.

Unfortunately, to get to that core, you needed to blast through what came out to be miles of individual tentacles that wrapped around it.  As they tried to grab and rape you.  You know, normal tentacle stuff.

Shimizu was strong, but we both knew that she couldn’t last against this monster.  I quickly dug through my pack for one of the tentacle repels that we purchased, grabbing the wax wrap that surrounded the squishy orb.  I glanced up and saw that one of Shimizu’s arms already had a tentacle wrapped around it, and didn’t even think as I unwrapped and tossed the orb in one smooth motion.

The scent of raw sex flooded the area, and I let loose a gasp of surprise at how potent it smelled.  Normally, such a sudden assault on one's olfactory senses would result in some form of gagging, or nausea… but in this world, in this body, it only made my pussy drench itself in liquid heat.  My legs trembled a bit as I stared, eyes wide, watching as the tentacle beast suddenly seemed to lose interest in Shimizu, and instead started writhing around where the orb landed.  My temporary partner fell on her rear and panted as the beast accidentally slapped the ball away, and ended up chasing after it.

…Right over the cliff that I was just gathering flowers at.

We both stared at it, and Shimizu giggled a bit, helplessly.  “...Okay.  Okay.  You were right.  The repells were a good purchase.”

I smiled uneasily.  “...Yeah, but now we really need to get going.  Like, now.”

Shimizu could tell that I was serious, so although she was visibly confused, she quickly forced herself onto her feet.  She checked to confirm that her sword was properly sheathed and affixed to her uniform as she asked, “What’s wrong?”

I laughed.  Nervously.  I pushed my arousal aside and stood up.  “Well, um.  The tentacle repel only works by attracting tentacle beasts.”

Shimizu pauses.  “...So you’re telling me that the thing that saved us from one of the most infamous monsters of known raping us… draws more of them to our location?!”

She, smartly, didn’t wait for a response.  Frankly, I couldn’t give her one; I was too embarrassed at the time, and we needed to leave.  We needed to leave right then.

Thankfully, we were not, in fact, fast enough!  Remember, the path to the clearing required us to go around a steep hill.  Tentacle beasts, with their great many number of strong, sticky limbs, had no objection to steep terrain.  They could just go over it.  Which they did.

By the time we were back on a regular path, we could already hear them.  We sped up, and Shimizu dug through her own supplies to dig out her tentacle repel -- unwrapping and tossing it behind her.  We could hear the sounds of tentacles slapping against each other… which meant that there were at least two beasts behind us, instead of one.

We shared a worried glance and doubled our speed.

Which was a mistaaaaake~

See, we didn’t really have the best stamina at the time.  So we could only run until the beasts we were aware of were out of hearing range before we collapsed a bit, panting.  Even Shimizu couldn’t keep on running, given she was the one who had been fighting all the monsters we’ve been encountering; our short breaks during our trip hadn’t been enough to fully recover her.

We both rested, on our backs or leaning against a rock, attempting to gulp air down like water to get it back into our lungs faster.  We both knew we weren’t out of danger yet, but we needed the time to breathe.

…Now, if you didn’t realize it, I should reiterate that of the three beasts we had encountered so far, the first one snuck up on us.  Shimizu didn’t realize it was there until it was too late.  These beasts do not make a sound if they’re not rushing.  You need to be close to them, or paying very sharp attention, in order to catch them when they’re ‘walking’.

Which is how it managed to grab Shimizu before either of us knew what was going on.

She yelped in a quickly-muffled panic as a tentacle wrapped tightly around her torso, dragging her into the forest, leaving her pack.  A mere moment later, another one did the mentioned muffling by slamming into her mouth.  Her eyes widened as she started to struggle, which only drew out more tentacles to keep her bound.

Now, I mentioned before that I’m not bad in a crisis.  And I wasn’t joking; I immediately realized I had two options.  I could run.  Shimizu’s pack was right there.  I could grab it, high tail it and get out of there.

Or, option two, I could take her place.


We couldn’t take the beast, but I bet I could use enough fire magic to make it release Shimizu just long enough to jump in front of her.

I didn’t think; I just knew that if I moved, right then, that it was possible.  And I knew that Shimizu would take this much, much worse than I would.  I knew more of this world, and knew more about how rape worked here -- she did not.

So I moved.

I’d be lying if I said that it was a logical thought process.  Most of my thought process I reconstructed in the aftermath.  All I knew was that I had dropped my own bag and was darting forward, earlier exhaustion forgotten.  I rushed forward, and it was only the tentacles slow, controlled pace that let me catch up to them before Shimizu was covered in them entirely.

I didn’t bother with a chant to help focus my magic.  I just overloaded my C-grade fire talent as much as I could, letting loose a wave of heat and fire.  The tentacles were more startled than actually hurt, and instinctively retracted from the dazed Shimizu, who needed a bit of time to recover from the drugged tentacle goop.  Time that we didn’t have, so I simply jumped in front of her, shouting, “Take our stuff and go!

By then, the tentacles had already realized they weren’t in any real danger.  As if to make up for their earlier cowardice, it looked like a wall of them rushed forward.  I squealed in instinctive shock as I felt their slimy appendages wrap around me; One for each of my legs, keeping them spread, while my arms were wrapped up together and held above my head.  I could feel the goo starting to trail down me, sending electric tingles through my skin.  I squirmed and tried to retreat, but I was held too tightly!

I didn’t learn this until later, but Shimizu actually did what I told her to, and grabbed our stuff and ran.  She didn’t like it, but she did.

I, however, was not aware of that, so I was terribly embarrassed as I started to moan.

My body was pent up.  From the realizations about my new life and world, to getting dressed, to the panty-revealing wind, to the scent of sex from the repels… even though I managed to calm down after each one, it built, and built, and built.  And my new body was slutty.  So slutty.

So I couldn’t fight back a surprised gasp of pleasure, as I felt a tentacle slide underneath my jacket and blouse and wriggle itself so it’s wrapped around one of my tits.  Its twin soon took over the other one, and before long I felt them start to molest my massive breasts.

All the while, there was a tentacle in my mouth, simply pouring down its goo into me.  I tried to bite it off by instinct, but that didn’t work.  My stomach was rapidly filling up, and I needed to breathe.  It didn’t even get to the point of the edges of my vision going dark.

That earlier gasp of pleasure was enough, and the goo poured right into my lungs.

I panicked, and coughed, trying to get out, but to no avail… and rapidly found that I didn’t need to.  I still don’t quite know what’s in that goo, but you don’t need to breathe so long as the supply remains fresh.

Which was quite fortunate, as my focus was suddenly torn from petty matters of ‘survival’ and onto much more important concerns, as I felt the twin tentacles that held my legs apart spiraling up my thighs.  I shivered as I felt them reach near my crotch, eyes wide as I instinctively squirmed, trying to get away.

By now my face was flushed.  Not only were my tits being groped with tentacles spiraling up over them, writhing over their entire shape, but the goo that was now coating me inside and out was making me shiver with heat and lust!  It was like the goo turned my nerves from mere ‘pain heat pressure’ sensors, to ones that could send ‘pleasure’ as well.  Or perhaps only.  I was having a hard time thinking at the moment; everything was covered in a haze of lust.

I weakly tugged at the tentacles, but my body was betraying me; my hip bucked beyond my control, legs trying to spread further, as if inviting something to come inside.

And the tentacle beast was quite a gentleman and gallantly fulfilled my minor request.

I heard a tearing sound, and realized shortly afterwards that it was my panties being ripped as a tentacle plunged into my depths.  I only had a moment, a mere moment, to exult in the sensation of being nice and full before my body was wracked with my first ever female orgasm.

If you think an orgasm feels good, you should really try it in the body of an eroge target.  It was like all of my worries had fled; not that the pleasure was more important than them -- though it was -- but like my brain only had so much capacity, and it was all taken up merely processing the sensations I was going through.  I would have screamed were my mouth not full of tentacle.

And the best part?  It didn’t stop there!

It just kept going!

By the time my first orgasm was calming down, it had gone from ‘filling’ me to ‘fucking’ me.  And the aftershock of the first pleasure-blast was expertly triggered by a small tentacle that rubbed its goo against my clit.  Again, my back arched, and my eyes crossed, as thought again fled my mind.

I slumped afterwards, trying to regain my bearings, as I was fucked in two holes… as two holes became the full three.

I came again.

I heard the sound of more clothing ripping, knowing that the beast was ripping off either my jacket or blouse.

…I came again.

And again.  And again.  And again!  It was glorious!

I knew, in the back of my mind, that I would never forget this moment.  It was like an epiphany, a crystalized realization of purpose and clarity.  It was so good!

By the time I reached maybe four or five orgasms, I had lost count of how many I had and how long I had been fucked.  I was completely lost in a haze of pleasure.  I only became aware for a short period of panic as I felt my womb get pumped full of tentacle goo… before that worry, too, was washed away by another orgasm.

The goo kept my energy, arousal, and health up until the beast itself was satisfied.  It left me there, covered in its goo, eyes wide, on the forest floor.  I couldn’t think but I still felt energized enough to head home.  It was this bodies first introduction to real sex, and I couldn’t have asked for a better --

-- Sorry, what?


No, virginity does not work like that!

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