Capture Target

Chapter 26 — Family Dynamic Developments

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

...If any of those last three want me to put in a different name, please let me know and I shall do so post-haste!

Okay, okay, incest is wincest, incest is wincest, incest is… eh?  …Okay, yes, you’ve got a good point.

I’m going to go back a bit to the age system in this setting, and about age differences when it comes to relationships.  Because, like you said, we’re at the point where my younger brother is taking advantage of me, sexually -- and he is my younger brother.

Before that, though, I should mention why age difference is something to consider in relationships.

It has to do with power dynamics.

You know, that thing where it’s super fun to be the weaker one?  Yeah, that thing!

It’s similar to how a high school teacher should never, ever, get romantically entangled with one of their students.  There are no exceptions, and that’s due to the difference in power.

A high school teacher is older, has more knowledge, is more mature, and can change a student's grade.

All of those things are a form of power imbalance.

A high school student, even if they are legal to have sex with, is not going to be mature enough to separate those facts from their romance.  Even adults have a hard time with it.

…Okay yes there are exceptions, there are always exceptions.  Some people mature faster than others, and girls are on average a year or two ahead of boys in terms of emotional development, but you don’t count on exceptions when it comes to accidentally coercing a student into sex and messing them up.  Possibly for life.

No, I am not exaggerating there.  That kind of dynamic isn’t healthy, and it’s why fucking students in general is a big ‘no no’.  In college it’s only very slightly better, and I’d only feel comfortable if the student in question was the same age as the teacher.  Then they might be able to manage it properly, and keep their school and sex lives separate.

Now all that said:  The age system, for all its idiocy, manages to mostly circumvent that.

So long as two people are in the ‘legal to fuck’ category, you can safely presume that they have equal enough levels of maturity that it won’t mess either of them up in the future.  You can even have people one level older fuck them, and things will, most likely, be fine.

Again, there are always exceptions, and one should always make sure, but if you live your life based on the worst possible scenarios then where’s the fun?

I shudder to think what kind of neurological hacks the chief god had to do in order to make it work, but it does.

This means that being ‘younger’ or ‘older’ than a person by a set number of years isn’t really… a concern.  Oh sure, siblings and the like tease each other, and people keep track of birth dates and birthdays, but when it comes to sex?  What really matters is the age tier.

So the fact that my younger brother was abusing my tits wasn’t a big deal.  If anything, I was more flustered about the age because being flustered by it made it hotter for me~

Hack!  Haaa.. ptew!  Okay.  Throat clear, time for the cool voice~

Day 5 of 14, I finally get to cum

This day was an exciting one~ it started the same way as the past few have, with my little brother having fun with his hypnotically-created blackmail.

This time, though, as he was groping my breasts, the situation and the heat from the regular aphrodisiac I’d been taking combined.  Sure, I regularly came from Shimizu -- whether we fucked or I blew her -- but that wasn’t much, all told.  Enough to stop the ‘itch’, but not enough to really sate me.  And Shimizu had been… uh… well, bluntly, she found the entire situation hilarious.

So she hadn’t been going out of her way to make sure I was calm.

…So when Ryan groped me that day, I, to my complete surprise, realized that I was reaching the point of orgasm.

My eyes widened as I looked down at my little brother, who had a dopey look on his face while toying with my breasts.  I was kneeling on the sofa, with him lounging in the next seat.  I squirmed a bit, trying to divert my thoughts from the pleasure, trying to clamp down on the rising tide, trying to stop it from happening…

…Which, naturally, did not work.

I bit down on my lip hard, and managed to let only a few whimpering noises escape, my body quivering a bit as I came.  In retrospect, I’m pretty sure Ryan noticed… but at the time, as I was panting, I was convinced I had gotten away with it.

That said, I was still feeling dizzy by the time he was done.

After all, I had just orgasmed from my brother mauling my tits!

He wasn’t skilled at all!  It was like he was playing with bread dough!  And yet that, combined with the situation I was in, led to a very pleasurable experience.

…If I had known that they were feeding me aphrodisiacs with my meals, then it wouldn’t have affected me so much.  But I didn’t, so it did~

I stumbled on to my elder brother's room, next.  After all, my bets with Anthony were happening pretty regularly now, and I was deeeeep deep down into the gambler's fallacy.  I was convinced that I would win this coin flip any time now, and I could have my revenge!

…Come to think of it, that was probably the hypnotism, too.  I’m normally less prone to gambling away my freedom.

…Huuuh.  Well.  Anyway!

I’m sure you know how it went.  I agreed to the terms, I bet tails, and it landed heads.  Again.  …Next time I’m home I’m going to swipe that coin from him somehow…

This time, however, I was still in a daze from earlier.  And I was keenly aware I was wearing a skimpy maids outfit as I pranced around… uh… that day I think it was the library, actually.  It was Anthony’s turn to clean it.

…Yes, we did have maids, but our parents made sure we weren’t raised spoiled.  So we helped out around the mansion.  Not much but enough to appreciate the work that went into it.

Back to the hot stuff.

So there I was, trying to focus on dusting with a useless feather duster in a skimpy french maid fetish outfit, my thoughts scattered in a dozen different directions… when my brother said, in a firm voice, “Focus.”  And as he said that, he slapped my ass.

…And I came.  Again.

I’m still not sure how that happened.  I was building myself up, yes, my arousal was rising, and sure, my body was slutty enough that multiple orgasms a day was really no problem, but… that easily?  To being spanked?

…In retrospect, it probably had something to do with the hypnotism.  Hrmph.  I probably won’t be able to notice it, so let me know if you figure it out?


I didn’t quite manage to stifle my moans that time, due to how sudden the surge of pleasure came.  I writhed a bit as I stood, legs shaking, and needed to grab a nearby shelf to support myself.  I did manage to get out, “Y-yes sir~”, if barely.  And I just knew that my tone had him adjusting his pants.

I spent the rest of the day in a haze.

I finished cleaning the library, and just reread the same page of a book until it was time to eat.  Then, it was time to sleep.

Day 6 of 14

I hid in my room under the blankets, and nothing happened.

Day 7 of -

…Really?  You want more details?

…If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you weren’t a pervert.  Fine.  Fiiiine.

Day 6 of 14, Apparently

So.  The core issue was that my family had pushed me a bit too far, a bit too fast.  So I was hiding in my room as I was trying to process that.

I mean, sure, I was orgasming from giving Shimizu blowjobs, but that was different.  I was trained first by a roper, then by Shimizu herself, for that to happen.  Further, her cum was literally addictive.  And if that wasn’t enough, we both had blessings that basically amounted to a divine decree stating ‘herm is trainer dom, women is trainable sub’!

So cumming from giving her a blowjob?  That made sense.

Cumming from my younger brother inexpertly mauling my tits?  That did not make sense.

Cumming from my older brother spanking me while I was in a french maid outfit?  That made even less sense!

So with the benefit of hindsight, I can tell that they just -- pushed too far, too fast.  Thankfully mom came up and we talked a bit to help calm me down, but -

…I don’t remember.

No, wait, stop.  I know that’s weird. I should remember what we talked about, or at least know the general gist.  All I do know is she came up, we talked, and I calmed down enough to come down for dinner.  Things resumed the next day.



Why is my ditzy gold digging mother such a good hypnotist?!  Was I just weak against it, or what?!

Don’t answer that!

We’re moving on!

I said don’t answer that!

Day 7 of 14, the halfway point, were things get spicy

So this was a fun day~

Today I was ‘punished’ for failing to show up for my blackmail session, and for my maid duties.  …Not that I had actual maid duties, mind, but still, it was important that I show up for them and I --

…Fuck.  Yes.  You’re right.  Thank you.

I’m just going to whine in the corner for a moment, bashing my head against the wall.  Give me a few minutes, okay?  Thanks.

Ow… okay, bad news, headache.  Good news, I’m good to continue!

So!  Both of my brothers, probably on their own, decided to punish me.  And they both gave me the same punishment.

It was something that I had been expecting, but didn’t think would happen so soon.  I was thinking… or maybe hoping, I’m not sure… that if it happened, it would happen near the end of my stay back home.  So it wouldn’t escalate from there.

But nope.  They wanted blowjobs, and I couldn’t find it in myself to say ‘no’.

…Okay yes that could have been the hypnosis, but I’m pretty sure it was just because the thought was super hot.

Hehe, yeah, I know.  I am a natural slut~

Regardless, two blowjobs, one while being groped and one while in a maid outfit, and that was the highlight of the day~

Day 8 of 14, in which I talk to my sister

Remember her~?  I mentioned her the other day, Jessica Ambrosia, the youngest of us four siblings.

I mean, I could just skip day 8 instead, as it was basically the same as day 7, but considering how you wanted the details of day 6 for some reason…

Anyway~  On day 8 I spent most of my time chatting with Jessica.  Though it… uh, well.

It basically turned into me giving her a… crash course on sexual relationships?

Which, no, I did not expect.

But she just kept on asking!

She asked about my relationship with Shimizu, about if I had sex with any other guys, with any girls, about how it felt, about how it went, about what I wanted to do with them later…

…Looking back on it, I’m pretty sure that Jessica was convinced that I, her elder sister, was a massive slut.  And that clearly, I would have the answers to all of her sex-related, and sex-adjacent, questions.

…I mean.

She was right.

But still!

I think she finally stopped after I gave her a thirty minute long lecture on the importance of consent and when it might not be valid, particularly when one considers the power dynamics involved, before she finally had no more questions.

…She also seemed rather sleepy, for some reason.  She must have stayed up late last night.

But beyond that and the blowjobs, really, day 8 wasn’t that interesting at all.

Day 9 of 14, where I cum again

This was where things started to get really fun~

Sure, it started the same way as the other days.  I went over to Ryan for my daily blackmail session, and he wanted another blowjob.  I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes, because this was the third day in a row he’d asked that of me.  But as far as I was concerned at the time, that would just make it easier to get through this until I could return to school.

So I got on my knees and started to suck.

I was well practiced now, so I knew just how to get him hard in moments.  Hard enough to make him grunt in pleasure he failed to restrain, and he hissed to me, as his cum entered my mouth, “Don’t forget to focus on my taste, sis.”

-- and then I came.

I have, and had, no idea why.  But I did.

Yes, giving blowjobs excited me a fair bit by now.  I was conditioned to link them with pleasure, after all.  But the only person that gave me an orgasm just from giving a blowjob was Shimizu.

…and now Ryan.

I didn’t quite understand why as I, almost shakily, stood up and moved to go about my day.

…And then it was time for my shift as Anthony’s maid.

And he wanted a blowjob, as well.

I was nervous and anticipatory, now.  After what had just happened with Ryan, I could already feel my pleasure spiking as I gave him a slower, more lingering blowjob.  Gently cupping his balls with my hands as I smirked up at him.

And then, when he was about to come, he said, “...D-don’t forget to ensure that you focus on pleasing me.”

And then I came.


At that point, I was in something between a panic and a daze.  I didn’t understand what was going on, or why; all I knew was that I had cum twice from giving blowjobs to people that weren’t Shimizu.  Did I only cum from them?  Would I cum from anybody if I gave them a blowjob, now?

The thought of that -- at the time, I’d claim it disturbed me.

But now I can state with absolute certainty that it, in fact, excited me.

Phew... Got this out!  This is the penultimate chapter of... year one!

Up next comes year two~  We get to learn what's up with the hero, we finally introduce parasites, and things start ramping up!

Now, my writing thoughts this chapter, as one person has said they're interested and nobody has said they're not.  Thoughts are in the spoiler, and they're on motivation!


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