Capture Target

Chapter 22 — Meet the Family

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#5c472977 and User#646966cb !

...If either of those latter two want me to put in a different name, please let me know and I shall do so post-haste!

You know, I would love to say that even in a porn game, life was all about getting corrupted further.  Having sex with new people and creatures.  Having my brain warped by hypnotic tentacles from the stars and having my very past rewritten to ensure I would never escape subby slutdom!

I would love to say that!

I can’t.

Which sucks.

By the time I had my first ‘bimbo’s day out’, it was… I think it was nearly seven months into the year.  Just a little more than halfway through it, and the next four months were fairly mundane.

Well, as mundane as my life could be, at that point.

Let me go through my average weekday.

Morning:  I’d get up and get ready.  Ensure that I have my heeled sneakers on that match whatever outfit I’m wearing that day, match the stockings to the skirt, ensure the bra fits and isn’t too tight, do my makeup, fix my hair, etc.  Things like that.  Then I went off to explore.

Mid-day:  Now is when I’d explore as many territories as possible.  My claimed land was a massive mess -- a forest, a cavern system that went all throughout the new land, and a thin trail of land that went to a beach.  There were tons of areas left to claim… and frankly, looking at the daily map of territories made me wince at the border gore I was causing.  So I was trying to fix that.

Afternoon:  It’s time to do alchemy!  It was a game of figuring out how many valuable items I could make in this single time slot.  I needed to both earn money and make items in order to gain more land.  If I was particularly lucky, then after selling them, I’d be able to make a claim on another piece of land.

Evening:  My favorite part of the day!  It was time for fucking.  Or for being fucked, to be more precise.  Sometimes I had to drag Shimizu away from Sumiko, but usually she found me and we spent a nice, long, leisurely timeslot where I sucked her off and she fucked me into my bed.  It was a great way to wrap up the day!

Night and midnight were spent sleeping, of course.

And I just did that.  For four months on end.  My weekends were more interesting, but there still wasn’t anything worth going over individually.

I typically spent my weekends with either Sumiko or Shimizu.  Shimizu would generally take me out on a date, whether due to a failed dare or due to just dragging me away from my cauldron, at least once a week.  Our dares had slowed down by then, as our collective imagination was running a bit dry.

I was already wearing shorter skirts, high heels, doing makeup, painting my nails, wearing perfume, doing my hair, and ensuring everything looked attractive at all times.  We didn’t know where else to go after that!  We were so young.  We had no idea how deep our depravities could reach~

As for Sumiko, she regularly needed help with her four massive cow-tits.

Funny thing we found out:  Cowgirls can’t milk themselves.  That wasn’t even mentioned in the game!  So Sumiko created an industrial milker just for her own personal use, to help keep her drained.  Whenever her tits got full she became… very distractible.  And while it was amusing seeing a super-genius having a hard time understanding a sentence, it slowed down her work by an unacceptable amount.  We needed her to work on new recipes and alchemy to claim more land!

So every now and then I would come down to her lab on my own, and make sure she was either wrapped into her machine, or was empty enough to not be affected by her constant, bovine desire to be milked.  

Actually, while I’m on the topic, she’s a lot more honest when being drained!  Something about it just calms her down and locks away her usual endless denial of her masochistic nature.  We had some really lovely chats while I was there with her.  About Shimizu’s cock and cum, about how fun it is to be dominated, about how wet we got when called on our denials… mind, I was only so honest at the time because I was certain that she didn’t remember our little chats.  She never showed any impression she did, after all.

…I was wrong, but oh well~

She even thanked me for turning her into a cowgirl!  She said, “Even when I’m not being milked, I’m thankful~  I have this lovely new body, and the milk causes all kiiiinds of funny stuff to happen when used in alchemy~”

She’s such a good cow.

A much more likable cow than a person, that’s for sure.

And all throughout this time, I basically just… did my thing.  I explored the lands, I did alchemy, I got my brains fucked out of me, I got ever more addicted to herm-cum, got new heels… you know, girl stuff.  And time passed.

Until the end of the eleventh month, and the last month of the year started.

And that’s when I finally met my family.

So, before I get into my family, I’m going to talk a bit about incest.

Or, as I like to call it, ‘So you want to fuck / be fucked by your sister / brother, except not really’.

There’s a reason incest as a kink shows up a lot more often than incest as… actual incest, and it boils down to humans having an instinctive aversion to it.  It’s not taught.  It’s innate.  Maybe it’s pheromones, maybe it’s genetic, who knows, but it’s an innate instinct that almost every human has.

There’s always exceptions, but I’m not getting into those.

Now, this is for a very good reason.  Incest and inbreeding tends to result in babies with genetic deformities.  The longer this goes on, the worst it can get.  If you’ve ever wondered why the idea of European nobles being hemophiliacs, or bleeders where their blood won’t clot, came from… well, this is where.  Too much inbreeding.

So why is incest so fucking hot?

The obvious answer is because it’s taboo.  Breaking norms, degenerating into a rutting animal, becoming so sexual that not even your family can escape your perversions -- it’s a hot idea.

The other answer, and the one I personally prefer, has to do with relationships.

See, if it’s incest, you already know the person.  And you can have so many hot dynamics here!  An older sister looking after her younger brother, a younger brother flipping the tables on their mother, a father punishing their daughter, a daughter corrupting her mother… it’s so fun!

Now, to roll it back to the world of Alchemical Corruption.  See, the instinctual aversion for incest is left -- mostly the same.  It’s tamped down a bit, but not by much.  That said, once broken, it stays broken.  No last-minute guilt that results in confessions to the police or asking for punishment from moral authorities.  Just hot-embarrassed-guilt-shame.

However, the genetic reasons for incest aversion was stripped out wholesale.

This was… not, actually, optimal for human development in this world, but the chief god didn’t care about that.

He just wanted to see sisters and brothers fucking because that was hot, so he made it so they could have kids without worrying about a baby growing up without a hand or something.

Now, that said, incest is still incest.

If you want to?

You can treat my entire family as being adopted and non-related.  Step brothers, step sister, adoptive mother, adoptive father.  I really won’t be offended if you do!  I mean, I don’t kinkshame, so I don’t… uh… no, wait, I do prudeshame… uuuuuum…

Wait wait wait, I should be clear!  I prudeshame for fun!  If you’re asexual or anything like that, good for you!  That’s fine, it’s just that I like kinky things, and -- aaaargh, why would you even be listening to me if you’re asexual -- well, there are many different kinds of asexuality, but --


I’m going to shut up about this now and talk about my super-hot family!

So!  It was the start of the twelfth month of the first year, and the start of a month-long holiday.  In game, this usually means almost everybody not seduced into the protagonist's party leaves to go home and spend the month with their families.  Actually progressing on the land grab wasn’t allowed; the last month was, officially, reserved for final tabulations and calculations.  Making sure that everybody earned what they earned and no cheating or lying was involved, along with noting things down for the records.

The market remained open, but that was about it.  Almost everybody went home for ‘this is totally not Christmas’.

I was among the home-goers, and was frankly quite relieved to get away from the craziness of the land grab for a month.  …Though I did bring a slice of it with me.  Namely, Shimizu.

Remember how Shimizu was from ‘earth’?  Well, that meant that she didn’t actually have any family here.  She had friends, yes, but for the most part, she was on her own.  As her now technical-liege-lady, it was well within my rights, both cultural and moral, to bring her to my house for the holidays.

Well, I say ‘house’.

I mean more ‘mansion’.

I was rich, after all, and the mansion reflected that.  Three stories with a basement, several wings, plenty of maids and butlers to keep it all clean, and far too much space for a family of six.

My family consisted of my father, my mother, my older brother, my younger brother, and my younger sister.  Or, as I called them in my head… ‘Moneybags, golddigger, arrogant jerk, immature jerk, cute flighty youngling’.

I mean.  That’s what I called them, in my head.

If you call them that, then forget my offer for fun, I’m just going to skin you with a rusty knife.


Like when I first arrived into this body, merely seeing them slotted them into my hazy memories.  As if they became ‘real’ the moment I interacted with them.  It was a strange sensation, but a convenient one.  It helped avoid any ‘who are you, again?’ moments.

The person to meet us was, naturally, my mother.  Lady Liliana Ambrosia.  She was, to my eternal frustration, taller than me, at a little over five feet tall.  Her curves were ridiculous -- I had a thigh gap, she had a thigh cavern.  You could fit a hand through there!  Her tits were large enough that with her arms down, you could see them from behind her.  They’re bigger than mine, even when taking into account the size difference!  And she adored her high heels and skimpy dresses.

She was a great mom, but put far too much emphasis on a healthy sex life.

She was also borderline infertile.

And yet she had four kids.



She was the one who met us when we arrived, and her first words were, “Oh my god!  Elizabeth!  You’ve finally gotten fucked!  Congratulations!”

Yes.  Those were the first words that my mother, who hadn’t seen me in person for nearly a year, said to me.

My face burned at that as I just covered my face, Shimizu laughing loudly at my moms antics.  “Mom!”  I shouted out.  “That’s not -- how do you even know?!”

I shouldn’t have asked that.

I mean.  I’m glad I did.  But at the time, I quickly came to the belief that I shouldn’t, as she answered my question.  In detail.

She talked about how I seemed more relaxed than before.  About how my tits seemed a bit bigger.  About how I was finally dressing up properly.  About how my hips moved with that ‘I know what it is to be fucked by a cock’ sway, which is apparently a thing she can notice.  About how my lips shone with the light of somebody who regularly did blowjobs…?

I’m pretty sure that last one isn’t actually possible, but apparently that’s not even a speed bump for my mother.  I mean, I am now literally one of the sexiest people from that world, one of the most experienced and debauched individuals around, and I still can’t see this supposed ‘blowjob shine’!

I tried and repeatedly failed to stop her babble as my older brother came down the stairs

Lord Jonathan Ambrosia was tall, and lean, like Shimizu; though he ended up a bit shorter than her, as he only stood at five foot eight.

Yes, I’m glad you remember; Shimizu used to be ‘round five foot six.  She’s grown taller~  I’m still not getting into that, so moving on!

My older brother was the firstborn, and thus, he was an arrogant bag of trash.  …An annoyingly hot arrogant bag of trash, not that I admitted that to myself at the time.  He was laughing as he came down the stairs to meet us as mom continued to blab.  “Well, sis, it seems like you take more after mom than you’d like to admit,” he said after mom calmed down.

…I’ll admit.

That got me, a bit.

My face turned a hot red as I glared at him, and then just -- gestured at our mother, who blinked cluelessly.

He took a moment, thinking it over, before nodding with a chuckle.  “Yes, fair point.”

Mom whined a bit about how she didn’t get what we were saying, but it was obvious what I meant.  Just by looking at her body and clothes you can tell the difference between us.

While Mom introduced herself to Shimizu, Jonathan walked towards me and continued talking.  “We’ve been getting reports on your progress in the land grab.  You’ve done quite well -- though some of your choices seem a bit… odd.  Well done on increasing the families standing.”

I nodded up to him with a slight smirk.  “And how has your progress been going, brother?  I believe you were investing in a new kind of brothel…?”

Jonathan grimaced.  “...There’s no need to get into that!  We’re all family here, let’s just relax and get your luggage to your room.  I believe that your, uh… guest… will be distracted by mother for a while yet.”

I glanced over at Shimizu and my mother, and I had to admit, if only to myself, that he had a point.  I didn’t realize it, but mom had immediately picked up on the ‘heat’ Shimizu was packing, and she was intensely curious as to how it felt.

No, I found out that little detail later that night, when I wandered over to Shimizu’s room to find her fucking my mom.

If you think that sounds like an abrupt transition, think about how it feels!  The first day was all ‘hi bro, haha, we hate / love each other, stop teasing me and help me unpack’, and then at night I went over to my girlfriends room and saw her fucking my mom.

The worst part about it was that I wasn’t surprised, and I wasn’t sure why.  I couldn’t tell if it was because Shimizu was becoming increasingly shameless in gaining her desires, or if it was because my mom was… my mom.

Either way.  I saw them doing it.  I paused for a long moment, then went back to my room.

I would have plenty of time to think on it that night~  It set the mood for the entire month!


And now we get into:  Incest!

Protip:  Do Not Fuck Your Sister.  Or Brother.  Or.  You know.  Literally anybody closely related to you.

I’ve seen all kinds of ‘incest excuses’ before, but my favorite was probably from the game Snow Daze, in which everybody is step-related.

Yes, the main character, and all of the women near his age, had their mother give birth to them.  Their step-mother.  And yes, they had the same father.  Step-father.  But they were step-siblings, and therefore, it wasn’t incest!


Because fantasy incest porn land.

Gotta love it.

As an aside, while I'll try to avoid poking you all about Subscribestar too much, I'd appreciate it if those of you who can't or won't write some comments or review.  Back on Friday we actually got to the front page of Scribblehub!  ...And promptly got double our previous max in daily pageviews!

So that was nice~  But seriously, any sorting algorithm worth its code weights things like comments and reviews so much more than ratings, which count so much more than just views.  And thus, I'd really appreciate the boost.  For 'blah blah' money 'blah blah' more effort 'blah blah' reasons.

I've mentioned it all before, I don't want to shove it down your throats.  There are much more fun things to shove down throats, after all!

...Mind, uh, no pressure.  ...Really.  I've read dozens of these 'please review' messages and tend to ignore them all, soooo... uh... well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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