Capture Target

Chapter 16 — Sub Versus Sub!

Okay… I looked over your notes, and… haaaaa… you were right.  This is only the sixteenth time we’ve talked; we’re nowhere near twenty.

As an apology, I’ll let you… punish me.  You can do whatever you want.

Whatever you want.


You -- terrible -- you prude!  Repressed school teacher!  Fun police!  You -- you -- moralistic righteous chaste no-fun killjoy!

When I said you could punish me, I didn’t mean this!

These clothes don’t even cover my body!  It just makes me look like a box!  There’s nothing sexy about this!  Not unless you find terrible clothing to be sexy, and if so, I should find somebody else to talk to!

I can’t believe you used this as a chance to make me wear the most horrible clothing of all time!

And worst of all?!

It’s so comfy!

How dare you!  How.  Dare.  You.

You will not tempt me from sexy clothing!  You can’t!  No I am not done ranting get back here --

…Okay.  Okay.

I’m calmer now.

…Do I really have to keep wearing this?

Fuck.  Not even the fun type of fuck, just -- fuck.

Urgh.  Fine.  Where were we -- ah, right, thanks.

So.  I had already figured out that Sumiko was procrastinating -- and, possibly, already had a solution to Shimizu’s ‘unable to masturbate’ problem.  I realized that the moment that I saw her catsuit had nipple-bar-piercing-shaped protrusions.  That said, I was willing to let her take her time on this, because… well, frankly, as far as I was concerned, things were going great!

Not only was I having a lot of awesome sex… though at the time only Shimizu could get me to admit that was part of my reasoning… but the breaks that Shimizu was forcing me on actually improved our rate of land acquisition.

I know!  A good mental health is better for long-term productivity than working yourself to the bone!

What a shock, right?  You never really think it’s true until you do some studies and look at the numbers, and it still doesn’t really feel ‘right’.

On top of that, I had managed to find several areas in the caverns I was exploring that are normally meant to be mutually exclusive.  In the game, every time you travel in that area there’s a ‘random chance’ of finding a random one -- and once that triggers for any exclusive cavern, the rest are never found in the entire game.  But when the world was ‘real’, apparently that wasn’t the case.  So I managed to find both the Yin and Yang pools of purity, and the five elemental lizard nests.  With all seven of those locations under my control, my prodigious lead in the Land Grab turned into a ‘what the fuck how’ lead.

I was very happy with this.

Achieving a ‘what the fuck how’ lead came with a viserall satisfaction.  It’s not as good as being fucked senseless over your own work desk, but it still fills you with good vibes all the same.

Now, there is something I should note about the land grab.

Claims need to be contiguous.

What this means is that, essentially, you can only claim a direct neighbor or any area you’ve already claimed.  Your first claim can be anywhere attached to the Kingdom, but after that, neighbors are required.

That was one of the main reasons why I went for the underground caverns first; they spread everywhere under the island.  The rare resources they’re full of were just a very, very nice bonus.

That said, there was one specific location that I desperately wanted, and I had just about narrowed down how to get there through the caverns.  It was on the far right side of the new landmass -- or ‘upper right’ if you’re orientating a map with the Kingdom on the bottom.  See, that spot is the best location to jump off of for when the second land mass comes at the start of the second year, where things get weird.

Nope!  No spoilers, you’ll learn later~

Hey, you wanted my full history, you’re gonna get it the way that I give it!  Unless you’re willing to accept my offer now…?

Tch.  Fine.


Regardless.  This particular beach had almost nothing of interest on it beyond annoyingly strong monsters that don’t give enough experience or materials to be worth the fight.

And Takeo managed to grab it first.

I admit that I had forgotten about Takeo for a while; the last interaction I really had with him, personally, was back when my roper seed was starting to train me.  I knew he was the reason Shimizu drank the hermification potion, but I hadn’t actually seen that conversation.  So he had been out of my mind for literal months.

And then, out of nowhere for me, he claimed the beach that I was days away from reaching myself.

I remember staring, blankly, at the daily ‘claim update’, and saw how Takeo had created a smooth.  Starting from the bottom right of the new land, all the way, now, to the upper right.  Perfect for stopping anybody else from getting a reasonable path towards the upcoming second island.  The amount of spaces left to grab that would be connected to it are… rather slim.

Even if he managed to block us off entirely, we’d still manage to get around him in the third year, after the third land mass appears, but by then Takeo would have his run of the second island!  I knew this quite well, because when playing the game myself, this was one of my go-to tactics!  Block off the paths to future land, do not let people cross your territory, win.  It was fun cheating the AI out of even having a chance.  …Using it on me, however, sucked.

I needed to move fast to counter this.  And that meant that I couldn’t be wasting time with Shimizu’s libido any more than necessary to keep both of us level-headed.

…Unfortunately, while my libido could stay down for a full day after a quick session, Shimizu’s sometimes came in unpredictable spurts.  She needed a way to easily cum to clear her head while working.

Which meant it was time for Sumiko to pony up and do what we told her to.

Shimizu and I had been playing our ‘game’ for around a month by then -- a bit more, actually.  It was nearing the sixth month by the time this went down.  And while I had managed to win more challenges than I lost… well.  In retrospect, some of Shimizu’s self control problems were probably due to me.

The day of the claim update, I ordered Shimizu to wait in her dorm room until I returned.  There must have been something that betrayed my mood, because Shimizu didn’t even argue -- she just nodded and quickly jogged off.  Meanwhile, I was pacing towards Sumiko.

Well.  First I needed to make sure that my basic makeup was still properly done up on my face.  Some light lipstick, some minor blush, some foundation, eye highlights… basic stuff, really.

After that, I didn’t even notice how my skirt was a full inch shorter than the normal school uniform.  Normally the looks I got embarrassed me, but I was too focused today; I didn’t even let my four inch heels slow me down!

Well, more than they did by being ‘heels’, anyway, but I was getting better at that.

The only real irritation I had was when I was pressing the button on the elevator to get to the club rooms.  My nails were longer than before, and had a proper shine to them; I had to press the button with the flat of my finger instead of the tip of my nail if I wanted to avoid damaging their coat.

…Embarrassingly, I hadn’t even realized how much my habits had changed.  That would take a while yet.  By then, I was still convinced that I was ‘the same as ever’.

Yes, see, teasing me like that is a proper punishment!  Not like these clothes -- ugh, fine, I’ll carry on.

So.  I stalked over to Sumiko’s lab, and didn’t even bother knocking as I pushed the door open.  I heard the sound of something squelching.  I just rolled my eyes and said, “Stop playing with yourself, Sumiko, we need to talk.”

Did I somehow know she was masturbating?  No, of course I didn’t.

Was I right?

Fuck yes I was.  I heard an embarrassed squeak, followed by both a person and a chair falling over.  And the sound of glass being cracked.  Not that I particularly cared as I stalked forward, finding Sumiko, face flushed, wearing naught but her catsuit as she very firmly forced her hands to stay by her side and not. Move.

And then she lied to me, because she was a subby sub slut~  She said, in a surprisingly clear tone of voice, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I didn’t even dignify her with a response, and just raised an eyebrow until her blush slowly grew and she started fidgeting.

I wondered, at the time, if that’s what I looked like when embarrassed.  Because if so, it would explain why Shimizu kept on teasing me.

After letting her suffer in silence, I continued by saying, “I know you haven’t been focusing on solving Shimizu’s problem, Sumiko -- no, don’t talk right now.  I said no.

That kind of blunt order wouldn’t have worked if she wasn’t so eager to be dominated.  I could hear her breath catch as she heard my tone, and how her mouth snapped shut, seemingly without any conscious thought to the matter.

I glanced around for a particular vial as I continued with, “So I’m going to give you an incentive.  One that’ll actually motivate you.  Get the job done, and I’ll help you get fucked by Shimizu.”

When I heard Sumiko take in a sharp gasp of breath, I knew I had her.  And it was around then that I found what I was looking for.

A vial of Shimizu’s cum.  Stored to keep it fresh, for analyzing.  I held it up and smirked as I said, “And to make sure you’re nice and eager, you’re going to swallow this for me.  Right here, right now.”

Now, Shimizu’s cum is addictive, yes, but it’s not actually a dangerous kind of addiction.  The other goddesses would get pissed at Futaba if she tried to do something like that.  Instead, it’s a ‘sexy’ addiction -- which basically means the sluttier somebody is, and the more hot they find the situation around it, the less resistance they have to the addiction.

Sumiko was blessed with [Extreme Masochist].

And I was, uh.  Well, I was myself.  …So.

A-anyway, I was pretty sure that Sumiko was affected by some of the herm cum we were providing her for her ‘experiments’.  It would explain why she got the piercings, and why she had been subtly adjusting her clothing every time Shimizu and I came to check in on her.  She was already addicted, but I doubt it was a particularly strong one.  It might have even been caused by just the smell alone.

I wanted to make her cravings as strong as possible to ensure she was properly motivated to do her job.

However, I… made a miscalculation.

As I held out the vial towards her, I popped the seal keeping it fresh.  Which of course meant the scent started to escape.  The scent that immediately made my mouth start to water.

My pupils dilated for a moment as I felt my heart pounding, and I realized I wanted the cum, too.  I wanted it really, really badly.

And if I let Sumiko have it, then I wouldn’t get it!

I was an addict; I didn’t even consider how I could easily get more, only that this cum would be gone.

I felt like I was frozen in place.  My hand wasn’t even fully extended towards Sumiko as she stared at it herself.  I might not know what internal struggle she was going through, but it was likely very similar to my own, if not almost identical.

I suspect that because we both caved at the exact same time.

Without even realizing it, I was quickly retracting the vial of cum for myself, as Sumiko’s hand raced out to grab it.  I yelled out something like, “H-hey!  Let go!”  To which she said something like, “No, you let go -- that’s mine!”  And I responded with, “It’s mine now, let go!

This continued on for a few seconds as we both tugged back and forth against the vial.  Some of the cum leaked out, causing both of us to freeze as it dropped on the floor, and twin whines of dismay echoed through Sumiko’s lab.  We started back up again, more slowly, more carefully… until we escalated back to our previous point, and beyond.

By then we were both shouting at each other, and I’m not even sure what we were saying but I’m certain it was fairly humiliating and degrading.  For both of us.  I mean, we were fighting over a literal vial of addictive cum!

It’s super hot, don’t get me wrong, but there’s no real way to claim that you’re doing that with dignity.

Before long, the vial slipped out of my hand into hers.  I, naturally, gasped, and felt like my whole world was ending, so I rushed forward to grab it back.

I tugged with a strength born of desperation, and the vial, uh.

…It went flying.

The cries of dismay we both made sounded identical as we stood, frozen, watching the vial fly off into the lab and crash into a vat with some kind of bubbling fluid.

We both whined like dogs that were being punished, and slumped slightly in dismay.  I was rapidly feeling ashamed -- not that I had fought over the cum, that was natural, but that I had ever tried to give it to somebody else in the first place.

…I would realize in a day or so what I was thinking then, and immediately after I hid from Shimizu until I finished processing how warped my priorities were.

Sumiko and I stared at each other, not sure what to say now, when we heard some steps walking deeper into the lab.  And then Shimizu said, “Well well.  Of all the things I was expecting to find, fighting over a vial of my cum wasn’t one of them.”  She walked until she was closer to us and raised an eyebrow while she crossed her arms, and ‘requested’ in that fun dom-tone of hers, “Mind explaining what was going on here, sluts?”

When I had told Shimizu to go back to her dorm room, she did as I asked!  …For a short while.  She told me later that she managed to figure out I was going to meet Sumiko, and that I would probably mess it up somehow.

Which I would normally say is fairly insulting, but, uh.  Well.  She was right.  …So.

As she walked in, she heard us arguing, then saw the vial of her cum fly over parts of the lab and land in a nearby vat.  She claims it took her five solid seconds to process what was going on, and by the time she was done she was just done with both of us.  Because it was patently ridiculous to fight over a vial of cum when she had a faucet attached to the production facilities.

Which led to me choking on her cock, barely even paying attention to the conversation she was having with Sumiko as I was desperately getting my ‘fix’.  Normally I’d be better about it, but something about losing that vial of cum made me feel that my supply was threatened.  On an instinctual level, mind, not a conscious level, but that didn’t make it any easier to deal with.  I craved a fresh shot of that lovely, addictive herm-cum, and I was focusing my entire attention on worshiping Shimizu’s cock until I got what I needed~

…I really should have been paying more attention to the conversation she was having with Sumiko.  I really, really should have, but I was desperate, and I managed to get just a good amount of pre in my mouth, which left me feeling giddy and distractible as Shimizu pulled me off her cock with a ‘pop’.  I made a whining sound as she tugged my face up to look at her, and asked me, “...Have you been trying to dictate when Sumiko can fuck me?”

I should have noticed how annoyed lines were etched in her facial expression.  How her tone was exasperated and extremely unimpressed.  How her eyes were narrowed at me, as if daring me to confirm.

But I didn’t, and after I processed the question, simply said, “Uuuuum… yup.”

I remember Shimizu’s pained groan quite clearly, primarily because immediately afterwards she said, “Right.  No sex for you for the entire day.”

This, of course, made me gasp.  I was utterly shocked.  I couldn’t believe it!  I was convinced that was cruel and unusual punishment!  I tried to reason with her, saying, “But -- but your cock is already hard, and about ready to cum!  And I’m right here!  You need help to -”

Frankly I don’t remember what I was going to say, as Shimizu interrupted me with a heavy, annoyed, sigh.  She said, tone flat, “Look, I know you get cumdrunk, princess, but we agreed that you don’t dictate anything about my life.  It’s the other way around.”  I opened my mouth to try to say something, but she just held up a finger to it and said, “...And I don’t need your help.  I need somebody's help.  And you’re not the only slut around right now.”

I stared.  I couldn’t fully process what she was saying.  The thoughts didn’t compute, as they resulted in an outcome that I very much did not like.  I was trying to reject reality.

Seeing this, Shimizu just gave a fond, amused snort of laughter, and gently pushed me to the side as she turned her chair towards Sumiko.  She said, firmly, “Sumiko, if you work hard, you can suck me off first thing in the morning every day.  If you don’t, you don’t get anything.”

I was torn between a series of thoughts.

First was that that was my job!  Sumiko didn’t deserve to give Shimizu her morning blowjobs; there was no way she would be as skilled as me, and she wouldn’t appreciate it half as much as I did.

The second was despair at losing one of my most reliable early-morning fixes for my herm-cum cravings.  Two full time slots of cum production, from when Shimizu slept, possibly more, and it was all ready for me first thing in the morning!  …Was ready for me.  But, at least for the time being, it was now ready for Sumiko.

Third was realizing that, uh.  Sumiko was actually there, and we hadn’t left the lab.

…I kinda forgot in all the excitement.

Sucking cock is distracting, shut up!

Regardless, the final thing I was thinking was that Sumiko caved much faster to Shimizu than she did to me, since she was already on her knees and kissing Shimizu’s massive dong.

I just stared, wide eyed, unable to process it all as Sumiko drained Shimizu dry.  I saw her satisfied expression when it was all over, and I’m not sure how long I would have stayed there had Shimizu not grabbed my arm to drag me off.

We still had work to do for the land grab, after all.

I originally wanted to call this chapter 'when two subs fight, the doms win', but I figured that that was too long of a chapter title.

...No matter how accurate it is.  Hehehe~

On a different note, I've managed to reach 20 chapters ahead in my backlog.  Given my personal guidelines, they're all of similar or greater length than the ones before them, and of similar or greater quality.  Best way to improve is a bit every day.

I was planning on starting a Patreon and/or Subscribstar on Wednesday, before I realized that it's nearly the end of the month.  So instead, I'll start it then, to be absolutely sure to avoid any issues with double payments.  It'll also give me some time to finalize my plans and set things up.

Also, please respond to the poll at the top~  I want to check for interest before I set up a discord room, as that would involve some overhead and community management that I am... not... naturally good at.  Eheh.  I can do it, and want to do it, but only if people are interested.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.