Capture Target

Chapter 11 — Totally Accurate Reenactment



I’m not listening!

No!  You can’t make me tell you anything!  Not after that horribly, terrible, miserably cruel punishment you made me go through!

YES it was that big a deal!  No sex!  For a full day!  Forced to only do -- do -- ‘wholesome’ things!

You didn’t even tease me!  Just had me knit a blanket!

I’m terrible at knitting, and I hope that stupid blanket comes to life and chokes you in the middle of the night.  Hmph!

… … …


I said three.

I won’t tell you anything about Shimizu’s herm cock unless you swear to make me cum in three different ways when I’m done!

…Good.  You better fulfill your end of the bargain!

Now.  Shimizu’s herm cock.  See, this goes back again to the problem of ‘communication’.  Shimizu was still under the impression that I was dating Takeo, not Yuu.  So when she saw me go a bit boy-crazy for two weeks, she was under the impression that Takeo was the one who pushed me to do so.

Now, I only have third-hand accounts of how this went, but I’m pretty sure I have the basics right.  Let me see… ahem… do ray me fah…

Shimizu, the Blade Mistress, was on an incredibly important mission!

The dread fiend Otsuka Takeo had manipulated her close friend and liege, the incredibly hot princess Ambrosia!  This, naturally, could not stand, so she sought out this fiend to duel him!

To the death!

The search was long, and arduous, for the dread fiend was clever, and always seemed to know more than he should, but he could not match Shimizu’s justice!  She found him, and began a battle to define an era!

Her sword could slice through reality itself, and with every cut it seemed to almost seek out her dreaded foe!  But Otsuka Takeo was determined, and managed to evade these strikes like the cowardly scum he was!  With little more than desperation and deceit, he managed to survive!

Until Shimizu had had enough!

Her best friend and liege, the impossibly perfect princess Ambrosia, had her heart broken by this fiend!  So distraught was she, that she leapt into the arms of other men in an attempt to move on!

She had let it stand as long as she could, but now that the dread fiend was in front of her, Shimizu would have no more!

She struck through Takeo’s very existence!  Her blade pierced through impossibilities to reach his heart, and she stopped herself mere molecules from the vital organ!

She stared at him, like a warrior goddess, and demanded that he explain himself!  That he try to defend the indefensible, and justify his cruel actions!

The fiend, naturally, denied any relations with the divinely beautiful Princess Ambrosia, carnal or otherwise!  But Shimizu refused to believe him!

Alas!  Shimizu was too good to kill even this most evil of fiends!  And so, after extracting an oath that he would not approach her or her liege, she withdrew her blade from his body, and stalked off, leaving the ruined landscape behind her.

However!  The fiend had another plot!

He called out to her despite his wounds, warning her to not drink her liege’s potion, the one that turns its imbiber into a hermaphrodite, a legendary female figure with a male’s member!

And in this warning, he planted the seeds of doubt into Shimizu’s mind!

If this fiend said to not, then perhaps, just perhaps, she, instead, should



That’s exactly how it happened!  Roughly!  Kinda!

…I know that Shimizu roughed Takeo up a bit, Takeo said he had no idea what she was talking about, and warned her about the hermification potion I had in a small sealed box!

Clearly the rest of what happened is obvious to anyone with a brain.

…Oh shut up.  Hmph.

Anyway, it wasn’t really that that convinced Shimizu to give it a try.  It was how I was dealing with my post-roper existence.  See, uh… how to describe it…

So, in Alchemical Corruption 12, every female character has a ‘corruption’ stat.  You can see it if you’re close enough to them.  This is, in-game, an abstraction for various ‘changes’ the character has gone through that increases their libido.  Some of this can be purely mental.  For example, getting more used to the idea of sex, can increase corruption.  But some of it is more… physical.

In my case, being doused in tentacle goo for three months straight had a fairly transparent effect on my libido.  And with the training it had me undergo to submit to men for sex and pleasure…

…Well, Shimizu had definitely noticed that I was ‘distracted’ more often than not while in public.

Masturbating could only take so much of the edge off, even with the expensive vibrator that I bought!

She actually forced me to explain a bit about what was going on.  Since I didn’t have the roper tentacles constantly distracting me, I could actually think long enough to give her a semi-decent explanation.  I left out some of the details, of course… but I did explain that my libido was permanently increased, and by a fair amount.

…I also bemoaned to her about how I would have loved to have somebody I trusted to help me with my needs.  Not a lot!  I didn’t moan and groan about it!  I just mentioned it.  Once or twice.

…Maybe three times, but no more than that!

Either way, Shimizu knew that I needed regular relief.  I was managing to avoid slutting it up around town, for now, but my desire was slowly building up.

This was when she decided to do some research on her own.

Look, I really don’t understand why she was and is so loyal to me.  I’m just following some basic ‘good boss’ guides; if something goes well, it’s her accomplishment.  If something goes poorly, it’s my responsibility.  Understand what she can do well and leave her to it.  Reward her properly for her work.  Things like that.

And this is after admitting that I was initially using her for her combat skills!

Yet still, still, she decided that she not only owed me… which she didn’t… but that she wanted to surprise me with a present.

So she did her own research into ‘hermification’ and the various ways to manage it -- temporarily and permanently.  As well as known effects of it.

The standard effects are ‘increased all-around capability, in exchange for massively increased libido and a huge cock’.

I’m not kidding.

Oh, sure, they phrase it differently, but that’s what it comes down to in the end.  ‘Increased neural tissue density and ease of muscle growth along with increased capacity for functioning with limited oxygen’ means ‘all around physical and mental improvement’.  Honestly.

What her research didn’t show are the common side effects.  Assuming a potion is perfectly brewed, there won’t be any, but mine… very much was not.  Side effects can include, but are not limited to, the following effects:

  • Complete gender swap.
  • Massively increased cock size.
  • Massively decreased cock size.
  • Increased cock sensitivity.
  • Minorly increased dominance.
  • Increased dominance.
  • Majorly increased dominance.
  • Automatically Induced Sexism.
  • Superiority complex.
  • Addictive cum.
  • Potent musk.
  • Increased breast size.
  • Minor bouts of megalomania.

It’s a whole… thing.

Hilariously, the chief god actually hates hermaphrodites.  If he had his way, they’d all be gone!  But thanks to the goddess Futaba tricking her way into goddess-hood by hiding her cock during the final examination, the world of Alchemical Corruption has a surprisingly complicated entire socio-economic class of ‘hermaphrodites’... which is then further subdivided depending on the precise effects that their hermaphroditism have on themselves and their lovers.

Or at least it does outside of the Kingdom.  The Kingdom has been pretty isolated from the rest of the planet ever since Atlantis managed to escape the ocean and return to the sky in Alchemical Corruption 7… anyway.

As you can see, there are a lot of very good reasons to be very careful when taking a permanent hermification potion.  Let alone one like the one I made.  Do you have the description in your notes -- ah, good!  Yes, that’s right.

[Permanent Hermification Potion: Rank S]
[This accidental work of alchemical genius has only a small set of ingredients known for certain to be part of its makeup, including the Long-Dong Banana, Pig Iron, and Tentacle Cum.  Upon being drunk by a female, they shall gain a potent shaft and a pair of balls to go with it.  There are unknown side effects, but they are guaranteed by the gods to be ‘approved’.]

Notice the last two parts there.

‘Unknown side effects’

‘Guaranteed by the gods to be approved’

As should be blatantly obvious by now, almost no god in this setting can be trusted to have a good sense of judgment when it comes to anything even remotely related to sex.  At all.  Ever.

That… sadly isn’t actually something that’s commonly known among the population.  Oh, the people in power all know it.  Anybody with enough education at least has a whiff of understanding.  But that’s different from it being explicit in the textbooks.  It’s all very much ‘dad said’ and ‘teacher commented’; this left a lot of individuals without somebody to help guide them through to the inevitable logical conclusion of how one should never trust the gods.

Except Modesty.  The goddess of rape is amazing.  Praise her for making Rape less traumatic and more hot!

Back on topic… the category of people that had never been walked through the logic, and had just missed it due to trusting the system and the powers that be, included Shimizu.

Well, I say unfortunately.

Personally, now, I am soooo glad it happened.  It’s so hot!  And resulted in so much fun!

But at the time I thought it was pretty unfortunate.  I never really bothered to explain it to her, because I didn’t think that it would be relevant… and, uh, I was still trying to hide the whole ‘I’m not from this world’ thing.  So revealing secret knowledge, even if it’s fairly common secret knowledge, is something I was trying to avoid.

Thus when Shimizu saw the description of the potion, and saw that it was ‘approved by the gods’, she, naturally, thought it was a good thing.

Normally she wouldn’t even dream of taking something I made without asking me first, but I had made a point of being very permissive in using what I own if it helps her with what she’s doing.  So long as it’s not something in a few marked out areas, she just needs to let me know when she can.  And on top of that, hermification potions are difficult and rare and expensive.  Especially if you want one that’s better than D-rank.  She had no other reasonable way of getting a decent hermification potion.

So, after seeing how I was getting increasingly flustered, and knowing that I would try to talk her out of it to the point of destroying the potion if she let me know her plans… she took matters into her own hands.  One day when she knew I would be busy gathering materials in the caverns, she just entered my room and downed the potion.

Now, I’m not entirely sure what happened between that, and her being naked in my bed pumping her giga-cock with both hands.

Seriously, the thing would have almost reached her breasts if it went straight up instead of sticking out!

But the impression I get is that it felt so good as it came in, that she couldn’t stop herself from rubbing it through her clothes.  …Her clothes that rapidly felt increasingly tight, due to just how large her new cock was going to be.  So she ripped off her clothing and couldn’t help but keep on going at it, which brings us to one of her more… debilitating side effects.

[Hermification Side Effect:  Dependant]
[Effect:  Inability to orgasm on ones own.  Drastically reduced ability to calm libido down over time.]

So once she started, she couldn’t stop.  She had no practical experience with insane amounts of arousal like I did.  So she just fell on the bed and kept on working at it, not realizing that she wouldn’t be able to cum on her own.  She just kept on pumping her cock, pre occasionally spilling out of the tip and coating her member as she got increasingly worked up.

Which brings us to two of the other side effects.

[Hermification Side Effect:  Increased Stamina]
[Effect:  Reduced refractory period.  Ability to fuck or feel pleasure from ones cock for a minimum of six consecutive time periods without any strain.]

[Hermification Side Effect:  Arousing Musk]
[Effect:  In addition to being a sign of sex, the scent that your cock exudes is pleasant and naturally arousing.  It works as a social lubricant.  This trait does not imbue resistance to its own effect.]

Soooo… yeah.  She just kept on pumping her cock, pre occasionally spilling out, her balls working overtime, as she masturbated on my bed for… frankly I don’t know how long, but it was long enough that the pre had started to stain the sheets and the entire room had filled with the scent of her musk.

And that was when I walked in.

How to describe it… you know how arousal does funny things to your brain?  It makes you focus on things you otherwise wouldn’t, and makes actions that are otherwise unacceptable seem like the most obvious things to do?

As a reminder, by this point, I still had not been properly fucked by a cock.

Oh my mouth had been, but my slit had only been used by tentacles.  …and fingers and sex toys, but no cocks.  I was still trying to hold on to that as a method of ‘resistance’ against my corruption, despite already knowing that it would be inevitable.

And then I walk in, horny from a few days of not being properly satisfied, and the scent hit me like a wall.  It was almost like walking into a sauna, except instead of wet heat, it was just raw arousal.  The smell hit my nostrils, sent signals to my brain, and my entire body shivered as it processed the sensations.  I breathed in through my nose again, out of instinct, because when you’re horny you think even hornier is a good idea.  I shivered again.  I had a hard time focusing as I realized what was going on.

I recall calling out Shimizu’s name, once or twice, but she was far and away too distracted to even notice me.  Her pumping had gotten rather furious, and she was sweating a bit from the exertion.  Droplets of pre were occasionally flying from her cock as her hands ran up and down her member, further spreading her scent.

My legs felt weak, and I barely even remember the justifications I was telling myself.

Shimizu clearly needed help.  She couldn’t focus.  She needed relief.  I was her liege, and thus it was my duty to help.

Really, though, all I wanted was to feel that massive cock inside of me.

Was it realistic that it would fit?

No, absolutely not, of course not.  That thing was too long and too thick to have even a hope of fitting into a sane womans’ snatch.

But remember, this didn’t happen in a sane world.  This happened in an eroge world.

So it would absolutely fit, physics be damned.

I remember my legs trembling as I walked -- or stumbled -- forwards.  I slipped out of my shoes, but my panties required a bit of work to remove.

I was so wet that they were a bit stuck to my slit, you see, and that’s on top of the difficulty I always had working it around my ass and hips.

I didn’t even bother removing my stockings or any other part of my clothing as I crawled onto the bed.  Shimizu seemed to be slightly aware that something had changed, but not aware enough to stop her furious, animalistic need for relief that has her constantly trying to milk her own cock.

I hesitated for a moment as I stared at the massive rod.  I wasn’t sure that it would fit.  And I was trying to remind myself that there were, in fact, other options.

My [Mental Fortitude] blessing helped me with that!

…However, my [Alchemists Fortune] blessing did not.  All drugs brewed by me have increased effect.  This included the very hermification potion that got me the blessing in the first place, the one that Shimizu downed that resulted in this situation.

[Mental Fortitude] would have been enough to help me say ‘no’ to this…

…If I really wanted to.

I didn’t.

There was a part of my mind that wanted to experience what would happen, however small.

And that, combined with the increased potency of the musk due to [Alchemists Fortune], ended up tipping my choice over to depravity.

My legs were trembling as I placed myself over the cock.  I was planning on taking it slowly; it was too big for me to consider doing otherwise.  My vulva was engorged with arousal, my clit shining and ready to be touched, and I carefully placed myself on the tip of Shimizu’s cock.

I was so worked up by that point that just that touch made me cum.

I screamed in shock and pleasure, my legs shaking and unable to support myself.

…And thus, I dropped.

And I screamed in pleasure even more, as my pleasure tunnel was stretched out by a cock for the first time in its existence.

It felt so good!

If I didn’t have [Mental Fortitude], I might have broken from just that!

So there I was, writhing on the cock, panting, and then Shimizu’s arms grab my hips.

…As a reminder, she is one of the few students in the Land Grab with a B-rank talent.  [Swordmistress].  This comes with a lot of other benefits for her beyond ‘mere skill’.  Increased reflexes, for example.  More dexterity.  Faster processing capabilities.  And increased strength.

Increased strength which allowed her to grab my hips and fuck me like a toy.

She was already so pent up that it took only a few pumps for her to cum.  Her cock was so large that I could feel it.  It trembled, slightly, inside of me, and then almost pulsed as she came.  The hot cum flooded into me, triggering yet another orgasm from me.

She eventually stopped, spent, from her first ever male orgasm.  She removed her cock; a bit of cum spewed onto my outfit as she grabbed me, clothes and all, and held me close as she passed out on my bed.

…However, I felt a tingle in my slit, and womb, and everywhere that Shimizu’s cum touched that made me more than a little worried about this latest development.

Because I realized she had one more side effect from the potion.

[Hermification Side Effect:  Potently Addictive Cum]
[Effect:  Your cum is addictive in ways beyond the norm.  Beyond just making one who imbibes it seek to do so again, it makes those one regularly fucks addicted to your cock itself.  Unable to deny it, or even stay away for long, this is the perfect trait to train a girl into becoming ones obedient slut.]

It’s a fun one, isn’t it~

Gotta say, this is one of my personally favorite chapters so far.  It has it all!  The titular 'capture target' making descriptions far more wacky than they should be, huge herm cocks, addictive cum, game mechanics making things lewder than they would be normally... and over 3.2k words before the authors note.  This one almost wrote itself.

Sadly there shall be no real cum baths or cumflation, as one commenter wanted.  ...Maybe later~

As for the poll from last chapter...


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