Cannon Fodder Is King [Transmigration]

Chapter 26

Chapter 25

[My ears are out of my ears… No, I’m only twenty years old this year! 】

[Professor Meng and Meng said that the disease has been cured, what disease? AIDS? 】

[I was so surprised that I almost couldn’t hold the phone firmly. 】

[Isn’t AIDS a terminal illness? 】

[It takes about 10 years from infection to onset, and the mortality rate is 100% within 2 years after the onset of AIDS—this is the answer my teacher gave in class when I was in school. From the perspective of incurability, AIDS is indeed a terminal illness.

However, since 1996, when the Chinese-American Professor Dayi He proposed high-efficiency antiretroviral therapy, with the popularization of measures, the global HIV-related mortality rate has plummeted by 70%, and the life expectancy of infected persons has increased significantly. If effective treatment is received in the early stage of the disease, the life expectancy of the infected person can be close to the normal level. So from this perspective, it can be considered that AIDS is actually a chronic disease.

However, so far, no specific medicine that can cure AIDS has been available, and no cure has been reported. 】

[So, how did Professor Meng cure it? 】

[Either Professor Meng has a rare genetic mutation in his body that makes him have the ability to fight HIV; or he has a special medicine for AIDS in his hand. 】

[If it is the former, congratulations to Professor Meng, the evolution is successful, let the lab mice learn about it. If it’s the latter… please tell me which great **** developed the AIDS drug, and I am going to worship. 】

[Could it be that the Academy of Biological Sciences made it out, such a big thing, there is no news at all for no reason! 】

[It was not developed by the Beijing AIDS Research Laboratory, right? I remember they have been talking about important progress in the development work since last year? 】

[Do you dare to believe if you scam scientific research funds? 】

[As long as it is not a foreign laboratory, there are many people who have AIDS in China. Think about the expensive price of imported drugs, alas! 】

[So, why can’t it be developed by Professor Meng himself? 】

[…Wake up upstairs, Professor Meng is engaged in mathematical research. 】

[Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by Monte’s theorem last year? 】

[Looking at how vigorously you discuss AIDS, then let me talk about Jiang Qiyang.

Jiang Qiyang, a native of Zhangjia Township, Li County, Bian Province, Professor Meng said that his family background is actually an exaggeration. When he was very young, his grandfather was paralyzed because of a stroke. The family owed a debt for treating him with medicine. His mother served the elderly and children at home, and his father worked hard in the quarry to earn money to support the family.

The house leak happened in the evening rain. When Jiang Qiyang was in high school, there was an accident in the quarry, and the 7th or 8th person died. Although his father was lucky enough to get his life back, he was blind. The owner of the quarry took a look at the situation. No, I ran off. His mother couldn’t help it, so he moved the idea of ​​letting Jiang Qiyang drop out of school to work.

At this time, Jiang Qiyang first caught Mao Tianhou with the two songs “Unfortunately Not You” and “Love in Hiroshima”, and gained fame, and then took out a series of “Fairy Tale”, “See you at the next crossing”, Seven or eight popular songs such as “Green Light” were sold to Jiangzhou Media at high prices, and the debts of the family were paid off in one fell swoop.

Then, he used more than a dozen original songs to win his squad leader as the champion of the new sound field. His squad leader was Feng Tianhou, who later Jiangzhou Media sold the record abroad. 】

[I remember Feng Tianhou and Jiang Qiyang had a scandal. 】

[Yes, according to my statistics, in the albums released by Feng Tianhou in recent years, one-third of the songs are by Jiang Qiyang, and each capital is a classic.

Closer to home, at this time Jiang Qiyang is just a senior in high school. Let’s not discuss how he, who has never studied vocal music, wrote these catchy pop songs one by one.

In the same year, at a certain point, he began to serialize “Fights Break the Sphere”, defeating a lot of great gods, and the golden lord (readers with rewards of more than 100,000 yuan) flew all over the sky. Later, after being ridiculed by the writers for writing about saliva, he plunged into the publishing industry and published two books, “How Steel Is Made” and “Notre Dame de Paris” one after another.

The show came, and when these two books were published, a suspenseful novel written by Professor Yan Shijun of Beijing University was directly squeezed from the top of the bestseller sales list to the third.

This Professor Yan Shijun is the old friend of Professor Meng’s mouth.

Of course, Professor Yan Shijun was not convinced and publicly questioned Jiang Qiyang’s plagiarism. The reason was that Jiang Qiyang had never been abroad, but he was able to write pure and authentic Russian and French novels.

In this way, Jiang Qiyang and Professor Yan Shijun had a bad relationship. Everyone should know what happened later. Jiang Qiyang published five foreign novels in one go, covering the five countries of Britain, America, Germany, Italy and Japan, which shocked the entire Chinese literary world. Then he publicly clamored that as long as Professor Yan Shijun could produce evidence to prove that these books were plagiarized by him, he would seal the pen and apologize and donate all the family property to the Red Cross. Otherwise, Professor Yan Shijun would worship him as a teacher.

Professor Yan Shijun could not come up with evidence, Jiang Qiyang refused to forgive him, and his fans rioted in Professor Yan Shijun’s class and sent him into the intensive care unit.

Later, Jiang Qiyang switched to the film and television industry. According to Professor Meng, he was out of anger, so he asked someone to get the review of a movie and TV series he made at that time. This was a big trouble at the time, and I was also incited. Scolded the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

Then, Jiang Qiyang dropped out of school and went to Hollywood. A “Blair the Witch” made him famous because the filming cost of this film was only 35,000 US dollars, but it generated 250 million US dollars in box office revenue.

In the following years, he successively filmed classic films such as “Beauty and the Beast”, “Avengers”… “Titanic”, and half of his foot into the tens of billions of dollars box office club.

Having said that, here comes the key point. Since Jiang Qiyang became famous, the songs he composed were all released by Jiangzhou Media, and the books he wrote were all published by a publishing house under the name of Jiangzhou Media. The movies he shot Chen Yinglong will always be As an investor, he also owns 15% of the shares of Jiangzhou Group. 】

[I didn’t think before, but now that you say so, why do I think Jiang Qiyang is so evil? 】

[Fortunately, the most indispensable in this world is genius, such as Herbert Alexander Simon, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics, the Lifetime Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association, the Turing Award of the American Computer Society, and the Outstanding Research Award of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence The 10 highest achievement awards in different fields, and the research field spans 14 disciplines…]

[I still feel that something is wrong, think about it, Herbert has achieved such a high achievement, it is because he has accumulated rich experience! But what does Jiang Qiyang have? Has he studied vocal music, composition, or languages ​​such as Germany, France, Italy, and Japan? Why does he continue to produce so many excellent works? 】

[How do you know that others have not studied it, are you the roundworm in Jiang Qiyang’s stomach or his relatives, know everything? 】

[Stop it, anyway, for so many years, Jiang Qiyang has given glory to the country, and I don’t really want to watch you speculate on him with the worst malice. 】

[Come on, it’s not that I belittle him now. They all say that the snakes and rats have a nest, the smell is similar, and the person who can mix with Chen Yinglong can be a good thing. 】

[Yes, after being popularized by the host, I really think it is very likely that Jiang Qiyang is really behind the scenes. Think about it, Professor Meng has found someone to pass the review of his movies and TV shows, which is equivalent to tens of millions or even uploads. The hundreds of millions of dollars have been lost, and Jiang Qiyang can’t hate him.

In addition, Chen Yinglong’s frame of Professor Meng’s failure to commit suicide is equivalent to an indirect death in the hands of Professor Meng. Enmity is added to the vengeance. After watching these small videos, even the great gods say that there is no PS trace. Think of the movies made by Jiang Qiyang. The gorgeous special effects here are indeed his biggest suspicion. 】

[Can’t those little videos be real? 】

[No, please get out smoothly. 】

[Upstairs is too irritable, I should say so, understand the Meng’s theorem! 】

[Hua Guo is proud to know about it! 】

[Win glory for the country and learn about it! 】

[8 million bonus to find out! 】

While discussions on the Internet were in full swing, Meng Zezhi rushed to the CDC surrounded by a group of reporters.

Pay fees, take blood samples, fill in worksheets…

While waiting for the test results, Zhu Zhengqing called: “The surveillance video in the laboratory has been deleted. It is determined that it is impossible to recover. The relevant medicines have been processed. The electron micrographs will be sent to you in a while.”

The reason for doing this is to prevent villains from taking advantage of the loopholes in the laboratory after the news spreads. As for the project team members who have been in the laboratory before, when Meng Zezhi started the experiment, they had not yet entered the laboratory. When half of the experiment was done, they were all busy themselves, so there was no time to observe what Meng Zezhi was doing. When the experiment came to an end, they were busy going to a lawsuit to get back their experimental results. Only Meng Zezhi was left in the laboratory, so they didn’t know what Meng Zezhi did from the beginning to the end. Naturally, there is no need to worry about any experiment.

At any rate, it was something he worked so hard to make. Although he didn’t intend to make a profit, he couldn’t make others cheaper.

“Good.” Meng Zezhi answered.

At that time, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Los Angeles, USA, in a manor near Cabrillo Beach.

“Bang—” Jiang Qiyang punched the wooden armrest of the sofa with a gloomy face. In previous years, how many popular celebrities were discredited because of their pornographic photos. He originally thought that the people’s requirements for scholars should be stricter than the requirements for celebrities. As long as he releases these carefully prepared videos, once he is labeled as chaotic in his private life, the people will inevitably gang up and attack Meng Zezhi. Into the abyss—

As a result, there was a lot of turmoil in this matter abroad, and there were all kinds of ridicule, because they were eager to see the Chinese make a fool of themselves. But in China, there are tens of thousands of comments on Weibo Post Bar, and there are only a handful of abuses.

Before he could understand why things turned out like this, Meng Zezhi’s understatement pushed him to the forefront.


Just when Jiang Qiyang was furious, the official blog of Beijing University reposted a Weibo.

The name of the blogger is Meng Zezhi.

Only an AIDS test report and a dynamic electron microscope picture were posted on Weibo.

The test result column on the AIDS test report is impressively negative.

In the dynamics of electron microscopy, HIV is constantly invading lymphocytes and producing new virions. With the addition of a certain liquid medicine, the proliferation of HIV slows down significantly. At the same time, the mature HIV gradually dissolves, and the other is changing. , After half a minute, only uninvaded lymphocytes were left in his sight.

[Professor Meng has finally opened Weibo! 】

[Everyone, please double-click to pay attention to it. Thank you. 】

【Negative? In other words, Professor Meng’s illness is really healed? 】

[The thing about the special medicine is also true? 】

[This is also to say, you can see it by looking at the electron micrograph next door. 】

[Suddenly I wanted to cry. My aunt is an AIDS patient. She is really pitiful. She has a crush on a man for ten years and has been a spare tire for ten years. She watched the man change his girlfriend as if he changed his clothes. It is easy to wait until the man accepts his heart and is willing to be with her. As a result, the man got AIDS and was psychologically distorted, and being with her was to retaliate against the society… If the AIDS drug is really developed, my aunt will finally be relieved. 】

[Distressed my aunt! 】

[The scum will die. 】

[But why didn’t Professor Meng say which laboratory developed the specific drug? 】

[Congratulations to Changjiang Scholar and Professor Meng Zezhi of our school for the development of a specific AIDS drug

—Because I was so excited, I forgot to write it in the text when I reposted it, now I will add it! 】

[Wocao, official dad! 】

[Wocao, the special medicine was invented by Professor Meng, no, father Meng? 】

[Surprised! 】

[I confessed that I dare to underestimate Meng’s father’s IQ. 】

[What about a good mathematician, a liar! 】

[I was so scared that I immediately went to Baidu to find out Papa Meng’s information. It turned out that Papa Meng’s second degree was in biology. 】

[Seeing this, I instantly added a sentence: Am I sick? Terminal illness? Oh, it’s no big deal, I’m going to make the special medicine! 】

[This is probably the difference between gods and mortals like me! 】

Seeing this, Jiang Qiyang’s eyes flashed with unstoppable anger. This Meng Zezhi was really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. When he encountered an academic fraud scandal, he came up with a Goldbach conjecture, and the state cleaned his land for him. When he fell into the pornographic photos, he came up with another AIDS drug, which easily diverted the public’s attention.


Jiang Qiyang couldn’t help but let out a foul language.

In addition to the anger, a faint irritation arose in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

That night, Meng Zezhi’s name was broadcast on the news network again, but in one day, the news spread to all corners of the earth.

After calling this, Meng Zezhi’s mobile phones have never stopped, they are all calls from major pharmaceutical companies.

In response, Meng Zezhi replied in a unified manner: “I want you to be the master.”

Beijing University was busy helping Meng Zezhi apply for patents from various countries. In just two days, representatives of the top 50 pharmaceutical companies in the world gathered at Beijing University.

After drying them for a few days, Meng Zezhi took the time to meet with representatives of the top ten pharmaceutical companies.

“The relevant national patent documents will be processed in two days at the latest. Before that, I will meet with you, not to discuss patent authorization.” Meng Zezhi said lightly: “I believe you should already have some questions for me before coming to China. Got a good understanding.”

He looked up at the men and women on the opposite side.

“Then it should be very clear what happened to me recently!”

The middle-aged man headed by the high-nose bridge immediately said: “Professor Meng meant Jiang Qiyang?”

Meng Zezhi nodded, and took out a glass vial from his pocket. Under the sunlight, the blue liquid medicine exuded a seductive light.

The eyes of the ten people immediately burst into light that is inevitable.

“This is the special medicine for AIDS. You can take it back and make a good identification.” Meng Zezhi pushed the glass vial over and said: “Within three days, I want Jiang Qiyang to pay for his arrogance. When the time comes, you will come again. Talk to me about patent licensing.”

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