Campfire Shelter

Chapter 594 Don’t be afraid, leader! Here I come!


"The Eighth Disciple."


"Damn, it's endless, right?!"

As another deformed figure with bird feather wings, a tall but hunched figure, holding a sickle and a cross, stood up from the white light, Colin finally couldn't help but curse.

This guy came prepared, just to fight more and less without showing any martial ethics, and he kept trying to scare people away.

I’ve heard that “disciple” shakes “lord”, but here it’s the other way around!

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of each of these "disciples" is considerable

In just a few confrontations, the entire original gathering point for the victims was completely reduced to a new ruin under the aftermath of various horrific collisions.

Moreover, what troubles Colin the most is that the physical strength of these "disciples" is extremely high.

Even if it is directly hit by a golden item, it can still withstand it.

After a few minutes of high-intensity fighting, Colin's best result was just to take advantage of the output gap of the sixth disciple who couldn't remember which number, but it should be the sixth disciple, and cut it into dozens of pieces through "replacement", and then Throw these dozens of pieces randomly tens or hundreds of kilometers away.

Theoretically, it should be dead, because "replacement" cuts off all connections between each piece.

But seeing the "First Disciple" resisting the shock wave without any damage, being shattered to death one second, and resurrected with full health the next, he suddenly felt a little unsure.

These things seem to be very difficult to kill as long as they cannot be killed immediately.

And if it is not solved within a short period of time, it seems that the thing keeps summoning and cannot be killed at all!

From "one" to "eleven", including the "sixth" who was killed by him just now, eight disciples have arrived at the scene!

"You are really bullying me and no one can shake me." Colin was a little depressed. The power of the "vibration" power in his hand exploded, and the space vibrated with fine black cracks.

Then, combined with the "repulsion", they were blasted away together.

One punch directly shook away all the figures.

At the same time, this force was condensed to create a protected area around it.

At this moment, after several minutes of fierce fighting, the only good news is that after the cumulative number of summons on the spot reached eight, I don't know if it is because there are no more summons, or for some other unknown reason.

The bell that was ringing one after another, which made Colin panic, finally stopped.

After excluding the "sixth disciple" whose body he cut into pieces, there were only seven disciples on the field, and no more were added.

Of course, this doesn't mean the pressure is easy.

In addition to having the "White Night" characteristic, each of these "disciples" has also mastered different types of extraordinary powers. Some are good at frontal attack, some are good at long-distance attack, or sneak attacks.

All kinds of methods are very complete, and Colin's "young" body has been cut with many wounds.

The bones in the left leg have been completely fractured. If it weren't for the flesh and blood, it would have fallen directly to the ground.

Secondly, in addition to these, the semi-activated "White Night" colossus, although it no longer summons, begins to change its method and continuously emits a special white light.

Under this white light, although Colin had no major problems, he was feeling sick all over.

I feel uncomfortable no matter how I move.

And completely contrary to what he felt, those "disciples" had significantly increased, and they became more durable!

In addition, resilience is further strengthened.


Amidst the invisible roar of the engine, Colin stopped again and smashed a "disciple" who was good at using "deception" and "illusion" methods into a pulp.

There was no time to check the results of the battle, so he took advantage of this moment to tear a hole and escape.

But unfortunately, not long after I rushed out, hundreds of chains blocked the escape path...

There was only a brief interruption, and the disciple who had almost become a fool just now attacked him at an extremely fast speed. After several hurried battles, the other disciples arrived again driven by the will of the "White Night" colossus.

Colin continued to be surrounded.

"Common methods are not very effective in killing these things. The various forces are too balanced. If you want to escape, it will be difficult to do so when being stared at by them."

Colin felt physically tired and his heart was heavy. Although the real power contained in the golden items in his hand was not weak, if the effect could be maximized, any one of them could get him out of the predicament at hand.

But unfortunately, it is not yet possible to maximize its effect.

So it's okay to respond to the enemy, but if you really want to get out of trouble, it's still a little less interesting.

"If you want to break the situation now, do you have to control the bonfire again?" Colin felt the terrifying power of fire in his body——

It is also eager to explode, extremely eager to burn everything in sight.

Colin also believes that this power that he has "never used" is enough to change the current situation.


An equally strong sense of crisis told him.

Once used, the situation may escalate to an unimaginable level in an instant.

However, in the moment of hesitation and distraction, Colin suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis coming over him, and a fatal scene appeared in his mind:

A disciple who looked very different from the other disciples, with white flames flowing all over his body, plunged the sickle into his ankle, and then, the blow was not fatal, but it caused all the other disciples to surround him.

A large number of glowing chains, spears at the end of sickles, etc., smashed through him from all sides.

In a hurry, Colin, who had foreseen his death, responded to the enemy urgently. With the help of various props, he once again escaped the combined strangulation skills of the seven disciples. Then, he thought about it and prepared to try on the colossus.

That thing has been afraid to open its eyes. If it gets close, try to find a way to make it open its eyes.

That might trigger some unknown mechanism and force it to withdraw from this land and this world.

to find other opportunities

However, just as he set off, Colin paused, and a sense of fatal crisis surged in his heart - but the previous scene had not completely disappeared!

He only knew that a major threat was coming, but he did not know the specific situation.

‘Damn it, is this a combo specifically designed for my ‘Fatal Insight’? There’s still a little time to stop.’

In desperation, Colin could only rely on instinct and carry out emergency defense and avoidance.

The next second, there was a "click".

The protective barrier around his body suddenly shattered. Colin saw an apostle appear behind him at an unknown moment. At an extremely fast speed, he held the middle part of the scythe with both hands and used the spear-like tip at the end. , plunged into his own ribs.

The powerful force makes the impact after penetration far exceed the effect of ordinary firearms injected into the human body.

If Colin's own physical fitness was not sufficient, just this one blow would have exploded like an ordinary person shot by Barrett.

Colin held on to the handle of the sickle with his left hand, preventing the other party from continuing to insert the sickle into his body.

Otherwise, if it continues, it will directly penetrate many internal organs and directly destroy the heart - it is no big deal if other places are damaged, but the key "heart" seems to be more special.

It seems that the gathering place of "fire" in his body was destroyed in this unprepared situation.

That would end badly.

"Zizzizi" Colin's hand holding the spear sizzled with corrosion, as if it was being burned, and the aroma of barbecue came out.

And because of this impact, a fishy-sweet smell of rust came up in his mouth.

But why?

Aren’t all the “disciples” present already avoiding it?

Colin was confused for a moment, but his doubts were quickly answered. This was the sixth disciple who was "dismembered" by him before!

‘He’s not dead yet. Did that thing bring him back again? Damn, I was a little careless. I was always focusing on other people and forgot about this.’

Through this "Sixth Disciple", he saw that the giant statue of the "White Night" was hanging high in the sky, scattered with countless luminous feathers, like a small white sun, facing the sky with its eyes closed. he.

Although his eyes were closed, Colin knew that the other person was looking at him.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force came from the hands of the "Sixth Disciple", and Colin, who was only a teenager whose body was partially pierced, lifted up.

Compared with the "disciple" who was stooped but very tall, he was like a baby to an adult when he was picked up.

There is an extremely strong contrast.

At the same time, other "disciples" arrived one after another and stabbed the tail of the sickle in their hands into various parts of Colin's body.

"Puff puff"

There were sounds of flesh piercing, and Colin's eyes were bloodshot.

The terrifying "repulsive force" broke out again, and all the "disciples" approaching him were rushed away.

Colin's feet landed on the ground again, but what was different from the previous second was that in this short moment, he suddenly gained hundreds of kilograms, and there were many heavy and strongly corrosive long-handled scythes hanging on his body.

The blood was like a fountain, sliding down everywhere along the sickle, dripping all over the ground.

The "disciples" who were knocked out showed no mercy and quickly recovered within half a second to ten seconds.

"Accept the kindness and love of my 'Lord', and you will usher in a new life." The "disciple" who was the first to recover screamed with information, flashed his immature wings behind him, and attacked Colin.

"You are determined to seek your own death."

Colin's eyes were cold, and the next second, he tilted his head slightly, activating an innate power in his body.

"Additional to the madness"!

As the thought flashed, a hand of violent flames gathered from the terrifying flames descended from the sky.

The "disciple" who rushed over seemed to be aware of it. He raised his head and looked at the sky, and then tried to avoid it.


There was a "pop" sound!

It was like a mosquito being slapped on the wall, and was flattened to the ground by a huge force.

"Ahh!!!" Burned by the violent flames, the "disciple" no longer had an indifferent expression like before, no matter what kind of injury he suffered, but instead let out a painful scream.

"Hey, does it feel good?"

Colin's mouth opened slightly, his smile was a little twisted, and he also endured the terrible burning pain of the fire——

This time when he used "Delirium Fire", he did not use the power of "First Fire" as a prerequisite to activate it, causing himself to suffer tremendous pain.

However, his body's tolerance level in related aspects is much higher than that of the other party.

So you can ignore it for a short time

At this time, Colin stretched out his hand and pulled out the scythe from his body, while looking at the disciples rushing towards him one after another, half a giant figure with "epilepsy" appeared on his body.

It's just that the giant figure is not complete yet. It only stretches out to the ribs and so on, so it can't continue.

But even so, the violent flames still blocked all enemies outside at this moment.

However, this doesn't seem to be able to stop it for long.

"Huh, I still need to use this power after all."

As Colin murmured to himself, all the blood spilled on the ground burned like small blood pits.

At the position of the left eye, a certain "hot swap" that seems to have been installed for a long time comes into play again.

‘‘Delirium Fire’ didn’t attract attention, I don’t know what the power of ‘First Fire’ will be like, let’s give it a try.’

Colin finally made some decisions and prepared to use this power in small amounts.

And in the sky, the giant statue incarnated by "White Night" seemed to realize at this moment that Colin wanted to make a desperate move, so he opened his eyes slightly.

Through that tiny gap, you can see that under the eyelids, there are red pupils that look like blood.

"Come on! Come on! Today I will burn you and your 'disciples' into firewood, and then arrange them neatly together!"

Colin opened his hands and roared loudly, but before the two sides could break out and fight to determine the outcome.

Above the dome, beams of extremely pale and dazzling bright light suddenly fell, directly reflecting on the twisted giant statue of "White Night".

At first glance, the two colors of light were almost the same, and Colin thought the other party was going to play something big.

But soon he felt something. He raised his head slightly and saw that the clouds above his head didn't know how to break up.

The light cast from it bound the giant statue in mid-air.

This beam of light does not come from the "white night".

At this moment, someone else entered this battlefield!


A question mark popped up in Colin's mind. He felt like he was a very familiar and important person, but he shouldn't be here.

Then before I had time to think about it, I saw again that the "apostles" in front of me were suddenly knocked out for no reason and were spinning in the air.

"What new move is this?"

He was stunned for a moment, wondering if this was a forward swing of some special move.

It seems a bit confusing anyway.

But the next second, the power in his body, which was probably "stored" in his stomach, seemed to resonate with something.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar and very excited voice came out.

"Don't be afraid, leader, I'm coming soon!!!"

From this voice, Colin heard a lot of emotions, some were lost and found, some were excited, some were filled with tears, some were

A lot of subtleties that tend to be "happy" are mixed into it.

‘Damn it, in my previous memories, there is no unclear relationship with this thing, right? ! ’

Colin was stunned.

In his impression, it seemed that he had no such good friendship with anyone.

However, soon, he could almost remember that it seemed that the relationship was not even a friend. Strictly speaking, it should be an indeterminate superior-subordinate relationship.

I just don’t know why, the superior-subordinate relationship makes the other person so happy.

"How dare you hurt our leader like this! You're going to be in big trouble, I'm telling you!"

A terrifying projection composed of various frequency bands that could not be directly seen, but was like a towering mountain, came here and protected Colin.

However, Colin ignored this overly enthusiastic guy and looked to the other side.

A picture vaguely emerged in my mind.

A bunch of terrifying human-shaped lights and shadows are running across countless lands at extremely fast speeds, ignoring all kinds of gazes, and "running wildly" towards here.

Even from a distance, Colin could vaguely hear the voice saying to him in a gentle tone:

"Colin, this time, I won't let you fight alone." (End of Chapter)

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