Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Sacrifice (Naruto)

A/N: The Sacrifice is a commissioned two-shot originally written from March-August of 2018. Posting it now as a combined one shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: An Alternate Universe where Naruto is a literal demon, Kushina is the foreigner that Konoha's leadership decides to sacrifice to appease him, and Mikoto just wants to save her best friend.

Themes: Mind Control, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub


"We made a contract with that creature. There must be a sacrifice. Would you rather it be one of Konoha's own children, rather than her?"

"Listen to yourself. So willing to give over the young for the sake of our mistakes, aren't you?"

"Hah! I would gladly give myself if it was an option. I have given my years to this village, what more would be my life, as aged and decrepit as I am now? But you know as well as I that the agreement specifies the young. A young woman, a maiden, WILL be sacrificed. Or the entire village will die at HIS hand."

Kushina Uzumaki could scarcely believe her ears. She'd… she had not expected to run into this when she'd been summoned to the Hokage's office on this day. This was not the conversation she'd anticipated having. The aspiring young kunoichi had been working day in and day out to prove herself to the village that had taken her in after the destruction of her home. Uzushio was gone, her home destroyed by those jealous of her people's power… but she'd hoped to make Konoha into her new home.

She'd thought she was doing a good job of that, in truth. Her recent promotion to Chunin had awarded her a flak vest, and she'd actually allowed thoughts to worm their way into her skull on what her future might hold. She should have known better. So foolishly believing that this meeting today might be based on her skill with sealing… Kushina had even pondered whether or not she was already being considered for Tokubetsu Jounin.

She was an idiot. In so many ways as well. Trying to hold back the tears that she could even now feel welling up in her eyes, Kushina slowly, with great effort, raised her head. Before her, seated across from her behind the Hokage's desk was the man himself. Weathered and ancient, Hiruzen Sarutobi was widely regarded as the God of Shinobi. He was the Third Hokage, a man revered by many and feared by more around the room.

Right now, he just looked old. Old, and tired. As Kushina meets the Third Hokage's eyes, she sees the regret there. She sees the sorrow and indecision. Behind him, the two village elders, his longtime friends and advisors, continue to argue over what should be done with her and about the threat now rising up to plague their village. Funnily enough, it was the woman, Koharu Utatane, who was arguing for giving her up. The man, Homura Mitokado, seemed visibly ill by the very possibility.

All the while, the Hokage sat behind his desk in silence, staring at her as if he knew what he had to do, while at the same time, unable to bear it. Kushina couldn't help but feel a little insulted by that. All the old man had to do was sacrifice a maiden as Koharu had put it. It was the maiden who would no doubt truly suffer.

After all, they were debating whether or not to hand her or someone else over to a demon of all things. They'd already explained the situation to her. Kushina had been shocked, needless to say, but she was beginning to come down from that shock, her mind racing as it went over what she now knew. Konoha only remained standing because of the deal it had made, years before.

A deal that was now coming back to bite them in the asses. A contract that they could not escape from. Many years before, in the midst of a war that directly preceded the war that had seen her village destroyed, Konoha had contracted with a demon in order to save themselves from the enemies surrounding them on all sides. Cornered with said enemies bearing down on them, Konoha had been desperate… and the demon had been happy to help.

They called it Naruto. Not exactly an intense, intimidating name for a demon, at least in Kushina's opinion. But then, he'd been able to singlehandedly wipe out a full two thirds of their enemies, leaving them with but a third left to deal with on their own. He was clearly powerful, and even discussing him seemed to put fear and trepidation in the voices and faces of the village elders before her. Kushina wouldn't take a silly name like 'fishcake' at face value.

Regardless, this demon had held up his end of the bargain. He had saved the village from their ignominious fate. Now, all these years later, it was apparent he'd come back to collect what was owed to him. A sacrifice, as the female elder had said. A young maiden, promised by a village desperate to survive. Konoha had all but sold its soul to the devil in order to keep its heart beating.

Kushina couldn't respect that. She couldn't possibly condone their actions. But… she could understand. She could even empathize with their desperation. The thought crossed her mind, over what she would do if it was her choice. Not to save Konoha, but to save Uzushio. If the demon Naruto, or any similar force of evil had offered such an amoral contract, would Kushina have sacrificed herself to save her home and her people?

Yes. Without question, without hesitation, without reservation. Just knowing that Uzushio still existed, just knowing that the Village Hidden by Whirling Tides was protected would have been enough for her, no matter her personal fate. Kushina's lips thin out into a barely there line as she recognizes and internalizes this very basic, very simple truth about herself.

And with that recognition comes another thought. Did she love Konoha enough to make the same sacrifice, the same choice? Did she care enough about the Village Hidden in the Leaves to take the decision out of the hands of these indecisive elders and into her own? Her thoughts go to the friends she's made, the mentors she's had, the comrades she's fought alongside and sparred against.

Her thoughts go to Mikoto Uchiha, possibly her best friend in the entire world. They were an unlikely match, given just how reclusive and withdrawn the Uchiha Clan was, but perhaps that was what allowed Kushina her in. As a skilled foreigner, she drew the attention of the renowned, famous noble clan. Because of this, Mikoto was allowed to interact with her, allowed to build a friendship with her that had stood the test of time even through all their trials over the last couple of years.

It was… it was home. Not the Uchiha clan, nor even Konoha itself. But the people that made up both. The people that Kushina trained with every day, the people that she fought alongside, that she ate with, that she laughed with… these people had become her new home, and Kushina hadn't even realized it until this moment. She couldn't… how could she possibly walk with her head held high, knowing that she'd brought about their doom.

"I'll… I'll do it."

Her words cut through the heated words being exchanged by the two village elders behind the Hokage like a sharpened kunai. All conversation stops, and the Hokage's Office falls silent as three pairs of aged eyes fall upon her, surprise in each and every gaze. Swallowing thickly, Kushina rallies herself and pushes forward a confidence she does not fully feel, even as she looks back at them with her jaw set. They might not have heard her the first time. She'll repeat herself.

"I'll do it."

A slow smile spreads across the female elder's face, even as the male's lips turn down into a sad frown. Meanwhile, the Third Hokage seems to age another decade just sitting there in his chair, his eyes boring into hers with even more sorrow than before.

"… Do you understand what you are agreeing to, my dear?"

She's half-tempted to make light of things. It wouldn't be out of character for the crimson-haired Uzumaki… but there's nothing normal about this moment, and the weight of it, of what she's about to do, keeps Kushina somber and serious as she nods her head in solemn acceptance.

"Yes. I will be this village's sacrifice. I will give myself to the demon Naruto, to do with as he pleases. I will not try to run. I will not try to hide. This is my choice."

"Hmph. The girl is stronger than even I thought. It is good to see one so young understand that for the good of Konoha, her-."


Kushina cuts off Koharu, surprising the old woman into momentary silence. Before the elder can say another word, she elaborates on her reaction.

"I'm not doing this for Konoha. I'm not doing this for the village. I'm doing this for the people within it, the people that I love and the people that don't deserve to pay for your screw ups."

She doesn't hold back even an ounce of the scorn she feels for the elders before her in that moment. Koharu's clearly taken aback, and so are both the Hokage and her male counterpart… but unlike the older woman, the two elderly men in the room ultimately end up smiling at Kushina's vehemence, and her strength of will. Eventually, the Hokage leans forward, perhaps with just a bit more life in him than before.

"Kushina Uzumaki… you are a credit to your village, and a credit to this village as well. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. And if this old fool might offer you a bit of advice… continue to show that fire of yours, even to the demon. Never let it be taken from you. Naruto is not… evil, per say. But he will respect you more if you show courage, if you show the strength of your conviction that you have shown all of us."

Hm. Might even be useful advice. Kushina nods her head sharply, acknowledging the Hokage's words. Then, she stands up, rising from her chair.

"I… I'm going to prepare. I'll be ready by tonight."

The village elders exchange a glance behind the Hokage's seated form, but Kushina pays them no mind. They don't matter anymore. In all honesty, they never did. Hiruzen Sarutobi is the ultimate authority in Konoha. HE is the end all, be all. If she'd wanted to, if she'd been cowardly and conniving enough for it, Kushina didn't doubt that she might have convinced the Hokage to fight for her. To spare her and to deny the demon his sacrifice.

But even if Konoha could fight off the inevitable attack that would follow, people would die. Innocents would perish. Not just these three, who'd made their deal with the devil in order to win their war, but dozens, possibly even hundreds of civilians and shinobi and kunoichi would die. Kushina was no fool. She knew the power of demons, and this one in particular had certainly proved his strength already.

This… this was the only way. Something of her conviction must have shown in her eyes, because when Kushina stands there with her fists clenched, looking down into the Hokage's face, she sees pride, surprisingly enough.

"Very well, Kushina. I will send someone when the time comes."

Kushina bows low at the waist, and then turns to depart from the office. She only has a few hours left before her time comes. There's no way the red head is going to waste a second of it. First stop? Ramen!


Mikoto Uchiha could scarcely believe what she was hearing. She wondered if the Hokage had forgotten she was there. As one of the few in her clan with a connection to the village as a whole, funnily enough, through Kushina, a foreigner, Mikoto had been offered up a few months back to become ANBU. So far, she'd excelled in the position, passing her training and all of the many tests that came with it with flying colors.

She hadn't been able to tell Kushina about it, unfortunately. She hadn't been able to tell her best friend a single thing. It had hurt, to have to spend less and less time with the red head, through no fault of Kushina's own. They'd grown a little bit apart because of it, though Mikoto did try to make as much time as she could for her friend. Unfortunately, 'as much time as she could' never felt like it was enough.

Now here she was, hidden from all conventional senses as she protected the Hokage and to a lesser extent, the village elders. Guard Duty in the Hokage's Office was supposed to be a great honor, even among the ANBU. But now, after everything she'd just heard, Mikoto wished she could have been anywhere but where she was.

No… no, that wasn't fair to Kushina. How cowardly could she be, that she'd have preferred to not know the fate of her best friend? It was obvious that she never would have known, one way or the other, if she hadn't been in the room, listening in. Had it truly been an accident? Had the Hokage truly forgotten that she was assigned to protect him this day? Was he getting so old that he would make a mistake like that?

Just as with Kushina, a lot of Mikoto's hero worship and reverence towards the village elders and the Hokage had died in the last few hours. Learning what she'd learned… knowing what she now knew. How could she look upon these old fools with anything less than scorn? The Uchiha had always thought less of those outside of their clan, even though they were supposed to be a part of Konoha. Mikoto hadn't ever really subscribed to the normal Uchiha beliefs. But now? Now she couldn't help but wonder if they were right. If they had a point.

"Hiruzen… we will need to send someone to escort the girl to the meeting point."

Mikoto is pulled from her musings, as one of the village elders speaks up. She stiffens slightly, something that does not go unnoticed by her comrade. There are always two ANBU guarding the Hokage after all. Today, it is her and Rabbit. Mikoto's fox mask suddenly feels heavy on her face, and her vision is blurred by the tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"I know. But who? Perhaps I should go myself. No one else should be involved in this sort of thing."

"You? What if the demon decides to kill you Hiruzen? Then where would we be? You know how fickle such creatures can be."

The elderly Hokage lets out a low sigh.

"Naruto is not like the others. At least, not entirely. He is still a demon, but he has proven he can be reasoned with. He waited all these years, did he not? He has not tried to change our deal, he has not tried to ask for more. He comes for what has been promised to him. I cannot imagine any farm would befall me. And I owe the girl this much, don't I?"


"Lord Hokage!"

It takes Mikoto a moment to realize that's her voice. It takes her another moment to realize that she's moved and spoke without even thinking about it. Springing from her hiding place, the female ANBU has landed in the middle of the Hokage's Office, her head down as she rests on one knee, one hand curled into a fist and pressed knuckle down against the floor.

There's also a kunai at her throat, as Rabbit incorrectly interpreted her sudden movement as a threat to the village elders and the Hokage and acted to intercept. Mikoto did not doubt that she would be dead right now if she had indeed aimed to take the Hokage's life. Instead, Rabbit had pulled his blow at the last second, refraining from cutting her throat where she knelt, when he realized she was not trying to do so.

The Hokage sits, still and silent for a moment. In that silence, Koharu finds her voice.

"W-What is this meaning of this?! Such impropriety, from an ANBU no less! You-!"

"… Mikoto…"

Hiruzen's voice sounds wounded as he cuts off the female elder. Mikoto slowly lifts her head, and Rabbit allows her to do so, until her eyes can meet the Hokage's. He's looking down at her with a familiar sadness, and quite suddenly, the Uchiha realizes that he hadn't forgotten she was there at all. With that knowledge sure in her heart, Mikoto firms up her resolve.

"Lord Hokage, I ask that you send me to escort Kushina Uzumaki to the demon. You need not risk yourself. I will go."

The room is silent. The Hokage looks pained, even more than before, while the elders behind him seem confused. The most shocking thing, at least in Mikoto's opinion, is the ever so slight quiver in Rabbit's hand as he continues to hold the kunai to her throat. But the young Uchiha woman does not falter. She does not wilt before the Hokage's sad gaze. She stares him down from behind her fox mask, a little surprised that she even has the courage.

But in the end, it's not her who breaks.

"… Very well."



The Hokage holds up a hand, halting the protests of the village elders behind him before they can even begin.

"Leave us. Rabbit, return to your post. Fox, rise and approach my desk. We will discuss the details of your assignment."

Even as pained as he looks, even with the sorrow Mikoto can see in the Hokage's eyes, his authority is absolute, and his will is carried out in moments. With the kunai removed from her throat, the Uchiha woman slowly rises to her feet and begins to approach the Hokage's desk, her head held high and her back straight.

She would do what she could to protect Kushina… no matter what it cost her.


Kushina was a bit surprised that they sent a female ANBU to escort her into the woods outside of the village. But now here they were, making their way deeper and deeper into the forest. She imagined that they'd be arriving soon at where ever the demon was waiting for them. Despite her conviction, despite her strength of resolve, Kushina couldn't help but feel a little sliver of fear running down her spine.

She didn't truly want to die… but if she was to be the village's sacrifice, so be it. It was-

"We're here."

Before she could even get too deep into thought, they were stopping. It wasn't the first time that the other woman had spoken, and just like before, the ANBU Fox's voice struck Kushina as ever so slightly familiar… but she couldn't truly place where she'd heard it or why it was so familiar, not through the muffling face mask that the elite ninja wore.

Glancing around the clearing they'd come to a stop in, Kushina pressed her lips together tightly. There was no demon there, at least not that she could see. But it was certainly a secluded place, far from the village walls. She could definitely imagine this being the meeting point.

"… Then I suppose you can leave. I will wait for the demon here, by myself."

She tries to instill as much strength and confidence into her voice as she can muster, definitely more confidence than she's actually feeling, as she tries to hold back her shivering. Meanwhile, Fox stiffens beside her. Then, to Kushina's absolute shock, the masked woman speaks her name.


Before the red head can do more than turn to the increasingly familiar ANBU, a deep, masculine voice rings out through the clearing, distracting both women from each other.

"Oh? What's this? Is Konoha offering me two maidens for the price of one? How very generous of them…"

Kushina's eyes go wide and she spins around to face what can only be the demon, Naruto. She stops in her tracks however, when she lays eyes upon him. He's… a lot more human than she was expecting. But to be fair, this WAS Kushina's first experience with a demon, face-to-face at least. Naruto stands there with his arms across his chest, dressed in simple black garments. Every bit of him, from the toes on up, seems like that of a man… until you got to the face.

While his shaggy blonde hair was nothing terribly special, his red eyes, face whiskers, and rows of sharpened teeth gave away his inhumanity. This was no man, no shinobi, no ninja… this was a demon, plain and simple. And a strong one at that, Kushina could feel his presence and his intent from where she stood. It was honestly beginning to make her sweat, though she remained standing all the same.

Finally registering the blonde demon's words, Kushina steps in front of the ANBU at her side, feeling instinctively protective of the masked woman.

"No. It's just me. I am your young maiden, demon. I am Konoha's sacrifice. This ANBU was just my guide… and she's going to leave now, unmolested."

Kushina doesn't like the way Naruto's toothy grin widens slightly at the use of the word 'unmolested'. Still, he makes no move to attack, even giving a slightly mocking bow as if to acknowledge her words as truth. The problem doesn't come from the demon. Instead, it comes from the ANBU, when Fox steps past Kushina and draws her sword.

"That is incorrect. I am not here to guide my friend to her doom. I am here to be YOURS, Monster!"

Kushina's eyes go wide in shock and confusion. Then, it hurts her like a ton of bricks. At the same time, rather than grow angry, Naruto's grin only grows wider still, the demon's smile truly making him look all the more inhuman as it stretches impossibly wide from ear to ear.

"Is that so?"


The masked ANBU glances back at Kushina's soft voice, and then reaches up and pulls her Fox mask clean off, revealing Mikoto Uchiha beneath it. With a reassuring smile, the young, dark-haired woman nods to Kushina.

"Kushina… just stay behind me, alright?"

The red head can't even begin to figure out what's going on. In the end, it's the demon who has a better grasp on things than she does.

"The two of you know each other then? Mm, lovers perhaps? No, judging by your reactions, I'd say not. Just friends. Very good friends, in fact. I imagine your actions are not sanctioned by the village, is it girl? You point your sword at me of your own volition, in outright defiance of your orders. Is that the case?"

Judging by the way Mikoto goes stiff at the demon's accusation, it very much is. Kushina is taken aback by that realization. She's a little touched even… but also a little annoyed. After all, wasn't it she who was supposed to be making this sacrifice for Mikoto? And now the Uchiha woman was spitting in the face of everything she was trying to do. All the same, Kushina can't be angry at the dark-haired kunoichi.

With her back straight, her head held high, and her sword point unwavering, Mikoto nods at the demon.

"You are correct. Konoha has nothing to do with this. This is between you and me, demon. I will defeat you. I will kill you. You will never lay a single finger on Kushina."

"Mikoto! I don't need you to fight my battles for me!"

She just couldn't hold it in anymore. Mikoto directs a startled glance Kushina's way as she steps up beside her, but Kushina's eyes are on the demon staring at them from across the clearing, that wicked, toothy, inhuman smile still stretched across his face.

"Kushina, what are you doing?"

"Tch! Did you think I was just going to stand there and let you fight him alone? If we're doing this… we're doing it together!"

Mikoto gapes for a moment, before seeming to finally understand Kushina's resolve. Firming her stance once more, the Uchiha turns her attention back to the demon and gives a sharp nod.


For his part, the blonde demon looks at the pair of young women ready to take him on… and tilts his head back as he laughs. It's a full-blown laugh, and at first both Kushina and Mikoto are insulted, and more than a little peeved. Before they can launch themselves forward and attack however, Naruto's laughter becomes a lot more… maniacal. Out of nowhere, the presence that each had been feeling since the demon's arrival triples. Kushina and Mikoto both gasp in shock as their knees buckle. Neither falls though, even as they struggle to remain on their feet. At the same time, both women find themselves practically frozen in place, unable to so much as take a step forward without loosing their balance and stumbling.

"This… this is the most entertainment I've had in a LONG time. Amusing as you two are however, I've been hungry for quite a while now. The both of you will have to do so satiate me. Ah, but it'd be no fair to either of you if I had to split my attention… so instead, I'll simply split me."

The young women watch in in shock as the demon proceeds to do just that. Both of them are skilled enough to know the Shadow Clone Technique. Naruto does not use that technique. Instead, he splits down the middle, right before their eyes. His halves step apart, and a moment later he's whole again, and there's two of him. No muss, no fuss. It's frankly terrifying, and only serves to illustrate that this is not a human being. This is not a man. This is a demon… in all his demonic glory.

Perhaps most importantly, splitting himself in twain does not seem to halve Naruto's power. The two identical demons step forward, and the pressure on both Kushina and Mikoto gets worse with every step as they make their approach, almost casually walking across the clearing towards where the pair of kunoichi continue to try to stand.

As they close in, neither woman is able to take it anymore. Kushina falls to her knees a second before Mikoto does, but in the end the Uchiha joins her a moment later all the same. In one last attempt at defiance, Mikoto swings her sword, but its clear that it takes every ounce of her strength to do so, and the speed behind her slice is abysmal as Naruto catches her blade between his fingers, and nonchalantly breaks the katana in half right then and there with nothing but those two digits.

Then, he reaches out and grabs the lower half of her sword with his other hand, gripping tightly as the metal made a grinding sound when it came into contact with his impossibly tough skin. A wicked, wild grin on his face, the demon pulls and Mikoto cries out as her weapon is wrenched from her grasp and thrown to the side.

"You two… such fire in the both of you. I've decided. I'm keeping you both. Which means I'll be satisfying my hunger in a different way. Mm, this is going to be FUN."

Neither Kushina nor Mikoto can do much to resist as the twin Narutos reach down in unison and tear away their black pants like the garments are nothing. And considering the torn clothing disintegrates into thin air, it probably is nothing, simply a chakra construct to preserve the demon's modesty. Which is no longer preserved. The kunoichi find themselves face to face with a cock apiece as each Naruto stands before them, his member growing thick and hard as they gaze upon it from an up close and personal kind of view.

"Here it is, girls. Open wide now."

Each Naruto reaches out and laces his fingers through a lush head of hair. Each Naruto pulls his prey close as Kushina and Mikoto struggle ineffectually against his iron grip. And each Naruto begins to rub his respective cock across his prey's face, enjoying the groans and growls emanating from both women. His precum leaks from his hardening pricks, and glows briefly before absorbing into the pale, smooth flesh of both women's cheeks.

To their shock and surprise, Kushina and Mikoto become quite hot, quite quickly. In no time at all, the pair of young women are gasping and panting for hair, their chests heaving as their cores ignite in a blaze of unwanted and reluctant lust.

"W-What… what are yo-mmph!"

Taking advantage of her attempt at speech, the Naruto in front of Kushina shoves his cock right past her lips. The red head instinctively bites down, but that proves to be a mistake. The demon's shaft is just as tough as the rest of him, and her teeth grind for a second in pain before she pulls them back. Looking up into Naruto's vicious grin with tear-filled eyes, Kushina can do nothing as the blonde demon starts to push and pull her back and forth across his length, sliding his member deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Beside them, the second Naruto is just managing to get his own cock past Mikoto's lips and teeth. Turns out, you can't hold back something as hard as iron with nothing but your jaw forever. Once he's inside the resistant Uchiha's mouth, the demon grins viciously, and answers Kushina's unfinished question in place of his other self.

"What am I doing? How am I making you feel the way you both are now? Mm, in the end its actually quite simple. I am a demon. I am energy made manifest, the densest chakra you will ever see, given form. And as such, I can infuse any part of my form with more of my energy, more of my chakra. Even… my seed."

The Naruto pushing his way into Kushina's reluctant throat chuckles darkly as he starts to fuck her face, picking up where his counterpart left off, even as the other does the same to Mikoto.

"Essentially, while my seed is not normally addictive, I can infuse it with a bit of myself at will… and the two if you will be consuming quite a lot of cum over the next few hours. You're going to enjoy this… whether you want to or not."

Neither Kushina or Mikoto is in a position to talk back at that point. All they could do was glare up at the respective demons forcing their massive members down their throats. Even that was becoming harder and harder though, as they each choked and gagged on demonic dick, inadvertently swallowing more and more of Naruto's precum.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Two pairs of eyes water and eventually let off involuntary tears. Two stretched open mouths begin to drool slobber down their chins as Kushina and Mikoto both experience their first blowjob, their first deep-throating, and their first face-fuck, all at the same time. The twin demons are leaking at a truly prodigious rate at this point, their hard cocks messy and dripping a steady supply of the addictive seed right down the throats of his prisoners.

Needless to say, neither Kushina nor Mikoto are prepared for a mental attack right alongside the very physical one they're both experiencing. There's absolutely no way for them to fight on both fronts, and the longer that the assault on their throats goes on, the more clouded their thoughts become. Their cores, already ignited with lust, blaze to new heights, and after a few minutes, Naruto lets up his presence a bit, allowing both women a small amount of movement.

Neither uses it to try and fight him. At this point, they can only think of one thing, despite the dicks in their throats… or perhaps because of them. Regardless, Kushina and Mikoto react to their new freedom in the same exact way. Their hands slide down the lengths of their bodies, their knees spread a bit to give them access, and both kunoichi tear at the crotches of their clothing, ripping the garments apart to get at their dripping wet pussies.

A chuckle leaves the throat of both demons, as Naruto watches his newest toys pleasure themselves through two sets of eyes. Still grinning toothily with two mouths, the blonde continues to rail Kushina and Mikoto's throats. But now it was different… now they were beginning to participate in their own defilement, in their own desecration. With their hands at their crotches, the two kunoichi stuff their fingers in their cunts almost feverishly, beginning to piston their digits in and out of their lower holes at the same speed and pace that Naruto is fucking their throats.

Its quite the degrading image, to be sure. Both women would be right to feel humiliation in that moment. Neither of them is even capable of it at that point though. Kushina and Mikoto are focused on one thing and one thing only. Pleasure, and any possible way that they can obtain more of it. Drinking Naruto's precum brings them pleasure, so they suck each of his cocks all the harder. Fingering themselves brings them pleasure, so they do exactly that until eventually, with demon dick buried deep in each of their throats, the young women cum in unison, letting out matching muffled cries as they cum explosively around their thrusting digits.

The vibrations caused by the pleasured noises that Kushina and Mikoto are making finally do the trick. Though of course, the tight, spasming throats of both young women have done their fair share of work as well. Regardless, its in that moment, as Kushina and Mikoto reach their peaks, that Naruto begins to cum down each of their throats. By this point, the kunoichi are addicts, aiming to get as much of their new fix as possible. The moment the real deal hits their taste buds, the duo instinctively begins swallowing like there won't be a tomorrow if they let even a single drop go.

Each Naruto groans and tilts his head back as he curls his fingers deep into the hair of his respective delicious pieces of prey. His cum pours down into the gullets of both women, and Kushina and Mikoto swallow every last bit of it until he's finally done. When Naruto pulls back, neither is inclined to let him go, their throats, mouths, and lips sucking at his cocks until at last the tip of his members pop free of their needy little face holes.

Chuckling evilly, the immensely powerful demon holds both women at arm's length by their hair, staring down into their eyes with red pupils shining. The one holding Kushina speaks for both of them.

"Now then, how did that taste, darling?"

Without his cock in her mouth, and with a fresh load of seed in her throat, Kushina is reaching the point where one might call her a functioning addict. Which meant she was more like herself than she had been since Naruto had begun this little game… and she had freedom of movement that she hadn't had before. With a vicious snarl, the crimson-haired kunoichi pulls her fingers free of her cunt, curls them into a fist, and launches that fist right up into the ball sack of her captor with as much strength as she can muster.

It's like hitting steel, as insane as that sounds. Kushina's eyes go wide with pain and it takes every bit of willpower she has left to suppress her cry of agony as Naruto's toothy grin grows wide again.

"Oh you… you really do know just how to get me riled up, don't you?"

The demon doesn't seem riled… at least not until in a flash of movement that Kushina can't even follow, the red head finds herself pinned face first into a nearby tree. Her clothing is already torn, and Naruto doesn't wait for a single second before slamming his rock-hard cock right up into her exposed, sopping wet cunt. A cry DOES leave the beautiful young kunoichi's lips this time, even as her fingers dig into the bark before her. She struggles, of course she struggles, but there's no way for her to escape. In the end, all she really does is pleasure the demon more as her writhing and squirming and pushing serves to see her bouncing back against his rapidly pistoning member.

It feels better than it should. Naruto's cock is still coated in her saliva and the remnants of his seed of course, and now that seed, along with his precum, is being introduced directly to her cunt walls, absorbing into her body from within. There's no way Kushina can possible resist this new attack on her senses. She does her best anyways, even as her face grows red with arousal rather than anger, and her disgusted snarl becomes the look of a wanton whore being fucked just the way she likes it.

The blonde demon rams her into the tree until it quite literally gives way before them. Kushina may not have been much more than a human, but she was still a kunoichi, still a chunin. Her fingers rip through the bark of the tree, and the force of Naruto's thrusting eventually causes the entire trunk to splinter and break in half.

He keeps fucking her, over the half of tree that remains rooted in the ground. Kushina ends up bent over at that point, forced into a ninety-degree angle as her back arches and her hips push back into his pistoning prick again and again and again. Its good, its so, so good… and in the end, Kushina can't continue to resist forever, not when she already gave into the pleasure once before.

A loud cry leaves her lips, and the red head orgasms around the demon's dick as he growls and speeds up his pace. Naruto leans over her, and his arms slide along her sides before he finally grips her flak vest and undershirt. Both come off of her in a single instant, and the chest bindings she wears are ripped away just as easily.

Kushina is barely cognizant by this point, but even then, she's able to feel a fresh wave of embarrassment as her large breasts come bouncing free. The red head has always been a little ashamed of her chest size. And now the demon is chuckling darkly, all while grabbing and groping and molesting her massive mammaries to his heart's content.

"Ah, it seems you were hiding a delicious treat there, pet. I'm going to enjoy these, I can tell already."

Kushina hates him. She hates him and wants him and needs him, all in the same thought. And while she's mortified by his treatment of her tits, she also can't deny how good it feels. Moans leave the red head's lips, in between cries of pleasure induced by the deep, powerful dicking that the blonde demon is giving her.

At least, she believes it to be deep. Its her first time, after all. In the end, Kushina finds out that Naruto isn't going as deep as he could be at all… when he finally decides to break through her cervix and into her womb with one final, brutal thrust. At this point though, Kushina is too far gone to feel pain. If anything, all she feels is pleasure as the demon takes this last thing from her, violating the sanctity of her womb for his own desire, his own lusts.

Naruto fucks her even more deeply than before, and all Kushina can do is cry out in an ugly manner, moaning and even begging for more in an almost unintelligible tongue, until finally, the demon begins to cum again. This time, his seed goes right into her womb. This time, not all of it is absorbed into her body, not all of it is pushed into her mind to further cloud her thoughts and disrupt her attempts to escape her fate.

Much of it still is, and Kushina feels her willpower dimming by the second… but plenty stays in her womb as the demon's seed travels its way towards her eggs, doing what all male ejaculate is made to do. When Naruto is done cumming, he pulls out of her, leaving Kushina to shudder as her legs shiver and shake. She leans against the half-destroyed tree in front of her for support, all while her body spasms and jiggles in such humiliating, delightful ways.

"Your name was Kushina. Now, you are my pet. Won't you rise for me, Pet? Don't you want more?"

She did… she did want more. A small part of Kushina shouts within her mind that all of this is wrong. But that part of her is no longer in control. Slowly, Kushina straightens up and turns around. To her surprise, she doesn't find one Naruto waiting for her, but three. All three blonde demons grin in the same toothy way, and Kushina's heart beats fast in her chest… not out of fear, but sheer desire. They're all going to violate her, and she's sure she's going to enjoy every last second of it.

But… but should she? Kushina hesitates for a moment as she moves to step forward. The Naruto in the middle notices this and reacts with amusement, gesturing to the side.

"Come now girl, do you truly want to continue resisting at this point? Your friend has already given in, after all."

Kushina's head turns to the side, and the sight before her is what finally breaks the last of the red head's resolve. Even that small part of her that wants to continue fighting is struck speechless and thereafter consumed by the view of Mikoto being fucked by multiple bodies, all of them the same blonde demon that now had them both ensnared.

The Uchiha Prodigy is currently bouncing up and down on one cock, while taking another in her back door. She had a third massive meat rod in her throat, and two more besides in her hands. More than that, there's no resistance, no fight in Mikoto's body. Every ounce of her, every inch of her sweaty, shaking frame, is actively helping the five demons fuck her, defile her, rape her. She is theirs, their creature… and it's in that moment that Kushina realizes the same is true of her as well.

She's not about to abandon Mikoto, after all. Even if she could escape Naruto, she wouldn't leave her friend in his clutches. Which meant… which meant she should just give in. Then, she'd get to spend her days by Mikoto's side. The two of them would be together, even if it was as the pets of some sadistic, handsome, gorgeous demon.

Shuddering, Kushina slowly turns back to the trio of Narutos before her. She looks into those beautiful red eyes, stares at those gorgeous sharpened teeth. He's… he's the most handsome being she's ever met, and Kushina isn't quite sure how she didn't see it before that point. Putting one foot in front of the other, the red head walks forward, much to the approval of the three blonde demons waiting for her. Each Naruto reaches for her as Kushina steps into their 'embrace', and in no time at all, she finds herself atop one of the demons, slowly sinking her abused, hot cunt down onto his massive meat stick.

Once she's impaled on that Naruto, another moves behind her, and Kushina can only groan as her ass cheeks are spread apart, her back door slowly plundered by an equally large dick. She's not surprised that he makes it fit. With the amount of precum that Naruto is constantly leaking, the blonde demon is always lubed up, always ready to go, no matter how dry the hole.

Kushina's cunt is far from dry though, and her asshole is quickly ready for more as well as the Naruto behind her buries himself deeper and deeper in her back door. And then there's a third dick, smacking across her face, and Kushina focuses her attention forward as she opens wide and sticks out her tongue. It's a powerful contrast to how this all began, with the demon simply sticking it in her mouth midsentence.

Rather than trying to bite through his impressively tough skin this time around, Kushina happily sucks on Naruto's dick, her tongue writhing and slurping as it slides back and forth along the underside of his cock, her throat convulsing as she tries her best to swallow every last inch of his dick down her throat. She still chokes and gags of course, but now the red head is almost happy to do so, even as she reaches her first orgasm, speared by three cocks as she currently is.

Time moves on. As Naruto promised, both young women are subsequently filled and covered in his seed a dozen times over. There comes a point where the blonde doesn't even bother infusing his cum with his essence anymore, causing the sticky, white fluid to simply remain on their now naked bodies, making utter messes of the pair of disgraced, mind-whammied kunoichi.

Kushina and Mikoto happily take demon dick time and time again. They happily take Naruto's cum time and time again as well. There's nothing the pair won't 'happily' do for the demon at this point, and by the end of it all, they're making out with his cock between them, as just one Naruto remains. The singular blonde demon stands there as he laces his fingers through the red and black hair of his newest toys.

He grins, even as Kushina and Mikoto moan wantonly, all while rubbing their bodies together. Kushina has bigger breasts, but Mikoto has wider hips and a slightly thicker, albeit still firm, ass. The beautiful women are fairly evenly matched in such things, and now they know the joys of their feminine forms. They're much happier with the physical attributes that had once held them back, albeit only a little, as ninja.

Their lips press against each other around his dick, even as their tongues writhe along Naruto's shaft while also dueling across the surface of his cock with one another. Each young woman is worshipping one side of the demonic dick before them, and Naruto is quite enjoying the way they're both going at his length with their mouths.

As they do so, he massages their scalps… and drinks of their chakra. Not enough to hurt or kill them, though that had been his original intention. A young woman might have been fun to play with for a little while, but Naruto had never expected to have second thoughts. The demon WAS still a demon, after all. He'd originally planned to drain whoever Konoha sacrificed dry once he'd had his fun with them. The tasty meal would satisfy him for a few more years.

Of course, if Konoha had tried to renege on their deal, Naruto would have FEASTED… though even then he would have moderated his consumption, lest he draw the eyes of other demons of similar power and strength to him. The red-eyed inhuman creature hadn't lived for as long as he did by making enemies. He hadn't lived for as long as he did by putting a big target on his back either, like a sign that said "Look! Look at me and all my energy! Come and EAT ME!"

In the end, Naruto preferred to keep a relatively low profile… at least in the demon world. The humans didn't matter to him, and never had. They were just meals, until now.

These two… these two had intrigued him. And because there WERE two of them, Naruto was able to get his meal from both without killing either. Which meant he could keep the pair around for however long he wanted and see just how much value he could squeeze out of them. The fire they'd both shown was probably gone forever now, after he'd so callously broken them to his will… but he rather hoped they would continue to show that strength in their desire to please and serve him.

Grinning wickedly, Naruto looked down into the devoted eyes of each of his new pets. If they did… he might keep them around a little longer.


She struggles as hard as she can and earns no small number of fresh bruises for it. But she can't just give up. She won't surrender. Yahiko and Nagato wouldn't want that of her. So even though she's blinded by the hood over her head, even though she's bound in chakra seals that leave her unable to escape or even so much as defend herself, Konan continues to fight.

That is, until she finally reaches the end of her forced journey, and feet slam into the back of her legs, forcing her down to her knees. The hood is torn off of her head, allowing her to see just who stands before her. Only then does Konan freeze up, her ineffective struggling and squirming ceasing on the spot as she comes face to face with the man of her nightmares, the man who's taken everything from her and her friends. The man she so desperately wants to kill… but also fears with all of her heart.

Hanzo the Salamander reaches out and grabs her face, a tinge of contempt to his casualness. His fingers dig into her cheeks as he turns her head this way and that, looking her over. Konan's eyes are wide as she stares up at him, but no words come, no matter how much she might wish to put up a brave front before hers and her friend's greatest enemy.

If Yahiko and Nagato were here with her, if the three of them could stand side by side and fight together, then perhaps… but no. She's all alone, and at no other time has Konan felt her solitude more keenly than now, with Hanzo looking upon her like she's but an insect to be crushed beneath his boot. Eventually, the man pulls back and nods once, his voice modulated by the mask fitted over the lower half of his face.

"Yes, this is her. The female of their little triumvirate. She will do nicely."

She finally finds the will to speak after hearing him talk about her as if she wasn't even there. Gritting her teeth, Konan struggles ineffectually once more against her bonds, even as she snarls at Hanzo the Salamander.

"My death means nothing in the long run! Kill me, but know that your days are numbered, monster!"

Its bravado of course and judging by the apathetic gaze that Hanzo directs her way, he knows it too. After a moment, the ruler of Amegakure just shakes his head.

"You're right. Your death would ultimately mean nothing, woman. Your life however… your life will draw in your comrades, so that I may finally remove this ever-present thorn in my side."

Konan's eyes go wide at that, at the realization that he means to use her as bait, rather than executing her on the spot. There are murmurs from the ninja all around them, and the air is electric with excitement. She knows just how much her and her friends, as well as the Akatsuki, have done to undermine and destroy Hanzo's hold on their country.

They've spent all of their relatively short adult lives on the task. Bringing Hanzo down has been their goal from the very beginning, and it seems they've finally done enough damage for him to pay them more attention then he would a flying gnat buzzing around his head.

"They… they won't. They won't fall for your trap. They know better. I'm not worth their lives, I'm not worth our cause!"

There are more murmurs at that, but Hanzo's response, an actual bark of laughter, silences the room. Konan finds herself wide-eyed and trembling as the Salamander's laugh trails off into a raspy gasping sort of sound. It's obvious from the reaction of his ninja that he's not often inclined to emotional outbursts of the amused variety.

When eventually he settles down, Hanzo steps up to her again. He places his hands on his knees and crouches so that they're face to face. It takes all of Konan's courage to keep from flinching or averting her gaze. It takes all of her willpower, but she manages to glare down Death itself.

"You're wrong, girl. You foolish brats and your cause are exactly why they'll come for you. Because they care. The idiots care about you, just as you care about them. You're close, perhaps even closer than seems. And those bonds are the very weakness that I intend to exploit."

When he pulls back this time, Konan has no words to throw in his face. She's barely managing to keep from hyperventilating as he towers over her, arms crossed over his chest, radiating smugness. Because he knows he's right, and Konan…

Luckily, she's distracted from having to acknowledge the truth by one of the Salamander's men stepping forward.

"What if they don't though, sir? If they don't come for her… do we get to play with her any?"

Konan's spine stiffens at the underlying subtext of the shinobi's request. She shouldn't have been so surprised that there would be monsters like he within Hanzo's forces. The Salamander cared not for the kind of men who fought for him. He had no honor, the damnable monster. And as he looks down at her for a moment consideringly, Konan knows he's about to confirm it.

"… Leave her untouched for now. Put her down in a cell and be prepared for assault. But if they don't show up within the week, she's right and they truly don't care about her. At which point, we'll find out if she has more use as a woman than as bait."

That pleases the majority of the men in the room, even as Konan finds herself being dragged to her feet, the hood thrust back over her head, blinding her once more. She snarls and growls and once again struggles as best she can, but there's no escaping the men who pull her kicking and screaming down to her cell. No escaping their hands either, as they give her a taste of what might be to come, groping and squeezing her feminine features quite roughly.

In the end though, Konan is tossed into a cell, the hood pulled off of her head one last time as the door is closed behind her. Slowly leveraging herself up onto her knees, the young kunoichi grimaces as she leans against a nearby wall and just… rests for a moment. With her arms bound behind her back, she's still unable to do much of anything save that. Unfortunately, this gives her all too much time for her mind to wander and for her to think.

Its then that the tears finally come. Because Hanzo IS almost certainly right. If she could talk to them both right then, she would have told Yahiko and Nagato to leave her. Despite her fear of what would come after, despite her fear of death or worse… she would still do it. Konan couldn't say she was thrilled at the thought of being a sacrifice to the cause, but she was willing and ready for it all the same.

But she couldn't tell them to stay away. She couldn't tell them to live and fight another day. So, as Hanzo had said, her friends would come for her. Whether they'd come in force or try to be subtler about things, Hanzo was ready for them. Knowing that he knew they would come for her, knowing that he was preparing for them to arrive… it crushed Konan's hope. It left her in a spiraling descent of despair.

What can she do? She hates this, hates being the damsel in distress. She hates that Yahiko and Nagato have to save her from this in the first place. The thought of killing herself even crosses Konan's mind as she kneels there in the dark, propped up against the wall of her cell. But she feared news of her death would not reach Yahiko and Nagato in time to stop them from falling into Hanzo's trap.

More than that… she feared death itself. She was too weak to take the final option into her own hands. Even knowing what fate probably awaited her if she lived out the next week, Konan couldn't bring herself to seek death out of her own volition. As tears continue to stream down her face, Konan finds herself breaking further, to the point that she begins to beg. She's never been overly religious, but she finds herself praying all the same.

"… P-Please, Kami. Please, help me. A-anyone. Please… I need… I-I'll do anything, please. L-Let me save my friends, o-oh Kami…"

Her broken mumbling is soft and not truly meant to be heard by anyone. More the ramblings of a girl who'd hit rock bottom than anything else. But it's heard nonetheless. Heard by the one entity in the area that could sense the girl's despair and feel the girl's prayer. Not Kami, oh no, Konan wasn't that lucky. No, instead it was someone else. Something else.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

The deep, silky voice penetrates Konan's thoughts like a knife cutting through butter. The kneeling kunoichi startles badly, her gaze snapping to the owner of the voice, her eyes wide as she exposes the tear tracks going down her cheeks. What she finds is… surprising to say the least. He looks like a man, at first. A blonde man, leaning against the far wall of her cell, his arms crossed over his chest.

Except the longer Konan looks at him, the longer she picks out the details that make him distinctly inhuman. Red eyes, rows of sharpened teeth, and whiskers give away that this is no normal man, even as he gazes upon her with interest in his demonic gaze. Demon. It hits Konan then, that she's essentially found herself face to face with a demon. The young woman doesn't know much about such creatures, to be fair. She's never ran into one before, and a life lived as hers was… well, other humans had been more than happy to fill in the role of demon all throughout her life.

But this is a demon, and that is a bad thing, from the little that Konan does understand of the inhuman species. And she's trapped in here with him, her arms bound behind her back and her chakra lost to her. But even if she had all of her ninjutsu at her disposal, Konan isn't sure she could win. This creature… it exudes a certain sense of menace.

"What… what do you want?"

Her voice is small, as she speaks. The demon cocks his head to the side, and his grin widens just a bit, showing off even more of his unnaturally sharp teeth.

"What do I want? No, my dear. The question is, what do YOU want?"

His words send a shock down Konan's spine as she stares at him in confusion. Lifting a hand, the demon swipes almost casually, effortlessly… and the chakra sealed bindings holding her arms behind her back unravel right then and there. Konan's wrists come free and she immediately brings them back around to her front as she rubs at them, eyes wide. What is the demon playing at? Truly, what could he want with her?

As if reading her thoughts, he speaks up then.

"Simply an act of good faith, my dear. No deal was made, so you owe me nothing now… nor do I, you. Please, stand up. Let us discuss things face to face, hm?"

Slowly, Konan rises from her kneeling position. She's weak though, even now. Her chakra has been drained… no, it IS being drained. Konan's eyes flick between the walls of the cell and the demon across from her once again as she comes to this startling conclusion. Even freed of her immediate bondage, Konan cannot escape this room on her own. It's designed to pull her chakra away as fast as her body regenerates the life energy, leaving her weak and helpless for whatever anyone wishes to do with her.

But then, that means the room is draining from the demon as well, right? O-Or is it? As Konan stares at the blond demon, she truly can't tell if he's experiencing any sort of loss of power or not. He seems perfectly fine, unflappable even as he continues to smile at her, continues to watch her. He's waiting, Konan realizes after a moment. He's waiting for her to ask him the obvious.

"… Discuss what?"

Licking his sharpened teeth with his tongue, the demon shrugs his shoulders and spreads his arms apart.

"Why, your freedom, I imagine. That is why you prayed to me, isn't it?"

Konan flinches, just barely managing to bite her tongue and swallow her initial reaction. Snapping out that she hadn't been trying to pray to a demon at said demon seemed like a remarkably poor choice in the moment. The demon's grin just grows as she tries to figure out what to say.

"Perhaps we should start with names, hm? You may call me Naruto."

Yes… that seemed harmless enough, right?"


The demon, Naruto, breathes in sharply and his smile gains a distinctively wicked tinge to it as he licks his teeth again.

"Konan… an interesting name for an interesting girl."

She's not sure what to say to that. Thanking him for the compliment feels wrong somehow, and so she stays silent as he ponders her for a moment longer.

"Let's cut to the chase, my dear. You're in a rather bad situation right now, aren't you? You could use my help, I imagine. But what it really comes down to is… what are you willing to give up, for your freedom?"

That is the question, isn't it? No… no it's not. Konan opens her mouth, but then clicks it shut again as she realizes the opportunity before her. Her freedom isn't what she wants, not right now. Freedom to fight another day is all well and good… but this demon is powerful. He's strong enough to sneak into this base undetected, strong enough to enter this cell without its draining effects seeming to touch him.

And if he's that strong…

"R-Rather than discuss my freedom, I would like to make another deal with you, demon."

Naruto blinks at that, seeming taken aback for a moment. But only a moment, and then he's all smiles again as he pushes off of the wall and takes a step forward. He leans in a little, eyeing her even more closely. Konan feels like less than nothing before him, almost the same feeling that Hanzo gave her except different in a way. Hanzo was but a man… Naruto was more than that.

"Oh? More interesting by the moment, dear Konan. What then, is the deal you would like to make?"

It takes her time to gather her courage. Naruto gives it to her, thankfully, because in the end Konan needs every second of the silence that follows. In the end though, she gets there, and she speaks, though her words come out haltingly.

"I would… I would offer myself in exchange for your services."

The demon's lips curl back even more, his toothy smile growing further still.

"Oho. You think much of yourself then, don't you? Mm, but you are a pretty little thing. Perhaps you're not wrong to offer yourself to me. I wonder, what do you think I will do to you, once you are in my possession? And what is it you would ask of me, in exchange?"

She's not sure what to expect from him if he accepts this deal. But Konan is ready to die for this, if he can make her desire a reality. So even if he wants to do something as grotesque as eat her alive, it's okay. Whatever his decision… Konan will be happy.

"I want you to kill Hanzo the Salamander and everyone else besides us that reside in this base. I want you to leave nothing but ruins behind… and then I want you to swear that you will never return to Amegakure, ever again.

His smile only falters at that last bit. He takes another step towards her, but Konan stands her ground, her jaw clenched shut and her head held high.

"Never? That I cannot promise, my dear. Your kind live such short lives. I however, will be here long after everything you know in this land has become so much dust. Perhaps instead, a counter-offer. I will do all that you ask in exchange for your complete surrender, but I will only forfeit my right to travel through what is currently known as Amegakure for a hundred years. Is that enough time for you, dear Konan?"

It is, but she still pauses for a moment to consider his words. Yes… yes, it'll do. He's not wrong, now that she thinks about it. For a demon, a hundred years will be short indeed. For mortals, it will be more than long enough that she can be sure he will not prey upon her friends, upon her loved ones. Slowly, Konan pushes herself off the wall, standing of her own volition despite the pervasive weakness that even then wracks her form.

Taking one unsteady step forward, she stands before Naruto, giving him a single nod.

"Then you have yourself a deal, demon."

In a moment, he's within her personal space, his hand closing around her throat, his eyes inches from her face. Konan freezes, even as Naruto's tongue snakes out to slide across her cheek.

"You should not address me so disrespectfully, dear Konan. Not anymore. You will call me Master, do you understand?"

A shudder runs through the beautiful young woman's body, but she nods all the same, responding verbally a moment later when it becomes clear that he's not going to take silence as an answer.

"Y-Yes… Master."

He releases her just as quickly as he grabbed her, turning from her as she stands there trembling, that wide wicked smile back on his face.

"Wonderful! Let's go kill ourselves a lizard!"

The next thing Konan knows, the room around them is unraveling outwards in the same way her bindings had, and everything becomes chaos and blood and fury and rage as she watches the blond demon uphold his end of the bargain with grim satisfaction.

Goodbye, Yahiko. Goodbye, Nagato.


Less than a day later, the Akatsuki stand on a ridge overlooking Hanzo the Salamander's main base. The group is out in full force, with Yahiko and Nagato standing at their head. No one speaks. No one says a word… the destruction below speaks enough for all of them. When the news had first arrived at camp, Yahiko hadn't been sure to be afraid or thrilled.

The thought of Hanzo running afoul of a demon powerful enough to wipe him out was certainly an exciting one… until remembering that Konan was in the Salamander's clutches and they still needed to save her. Now though, there would be no saving. For anyone involved.

"… She's gone."

Yahiko's words are soft, heard only by Nagato. All around them, the rest of the Akatsuki, young freedom fighters one and all, gathered under Yahiko's charismatic leadership, are feeling a lot more happiness than either he or Nagato. But then, only the two of them know the loss that comes with this victory. Hanzo the Salamander might be dead, but Konan is dead with him. The smoldering ruins below tell that well enough. Nothing moves down there in the crater that had once been Hanzo's base. Not a single living thing survived the wrath of whatever demon Hanzo drew the ire of.

A tear leaves Yahiko's eye and trails down his cheek. A moment later, he and Nagato turn and walk away from the sight, leaving their comrades to celebrate. They would go to be alone with one another. They would go to find privacy, where they could grieve in peace.


"You believe I intend to eat you. Adorable, but not my intention. Well, not in the way you're expecting."

Konan tenses at that. She'd been studying one of the walls of the place that Naruto, her new Master had brought her to. Turning, she regards the demon where he now sits on what had been an empty throne before. It is not an ornate sort of thing, but it is still undeniably a throne. And this… this place, empty and filled with dust, worn down and falling apart… is it perhaps one of his temples?

Konan has heard things about demon worship before, but Amegakure has never had as much of a demon problem as some other places in the Elemental Nations. They weren't in Amegakure anymore though. No, while she didn't know exactly WHERE they were, she did know they were gone from her homeland. Gone from her friends, from her comrades, from her family.

It was for the best. Naruto had not harmed her, and had in fact helped her greatly, but Konan knew she was doing the right thing by forcing him to leave her home alone. Now though, she truly had no idea what to expect next. What would he ask of her? As if reading her mind once again, Naruto waves a hand airily.

"Strip for me, sweet Konan. Show me the body of the damsel I have saved with my… heroics."

His tone drips with pure amusement as Konan flushes in embarrassment. So that was it then? She truly had sold her body to this demon, though it seemed no for the sake of feeding his actual appetite. Instead, she would feed another sort of appetite altogether, at least for now. Letting out a low, shuddering breath, the short-haired kunoichi reaches up and begins to obey. Bit by bit, she strips out of the remains of her gear.

Hanzo's men had not been gentle when they'd caught her. They'd left her modesty intact but torn at every bit of her that might hold a weapon or something she could use to fight back. As such, her garments are in tatters even before she pulls them off her body. Slowly but surely, Konan exposes herself to Naruto's red, demonic gaze.

Part of her had considered fleeing. Her chakra has been returned to her now, and her particular ninjutsu has long given her an advantage in escaping poor situations. But even if she could escape the demon before her, even if she did run from him and successfully make it away from him… where would she go? Not back home, certainly not. She wouldn't lead her hunter straight to her loved ones. But then, even if she did not return to Amegakure, Naruto might decide to, since he would not longer have to hold up his end of the deal.

She was trapped in a prison of her own making. And perhaps that was better than being trapped in a prison of Hanzo's making, better than being bait for her friends to be led to their deaths. Perhaps serving a demon was better than being the plaything of a hundred vile, rapist ninja. Shuddering, Konan slips out of her undergarments last and steps forward, her beautiful, mostly developed form on full display for Naruto to gaze at.

"Spectacular. Come here, Konan."

Approaching the demon upon his throne, Konan bites her lower lip as he reaches out and touches her once she's within range of him. His hands run along her body, sliding over her form with soft caresses. He plays with her like this for a moment, seeming to quite enjoy the juxtaposition between her toned, taut abdomen and the swell of her womanly breasts.

Konan had never appreciated her chest, given just how… in the way it was. But Naruto seemed to like it well enough.


Of course. She was his now. His servant, his slave, his pet. Whatever he wanted of her… Konan slowly descends to her knees. When he glances down at his crotch, she takes the hint and reaches out of her own initiative, pulling apart his garments until he can pull his cock free. It's large and throbbing and thick in her feminine palms as she strokes up and down its length.

"Good girl. Very good. But you'll need more than that to please me. Take me in your mouth, Konan. Take me in your mouth and show me what you can do."

She can't do much, but she doesn't say that. Instead, the kunoichi opens wide and slides his cock past her lips and into her mouth. He's much too big for her though, even as she begins to bob up and down his length, giving the demon her first every blowjob. She has no idea what she's doing, no idea how to please him… but when he groans, it sends a strange little thrill through Konan, and she speeds up her efforts a bit more.

Then his hand is in her hair. He's pushing gently, but it's clear he wants her to go further down his length then she currently is. But she's run out of room in her mouth for such a thing. She's only got a good third of his cock in between her lips right now, but even that's leaving her almost choking on his dick. He wants more though. And as her Master, he decides how much she can take, doesn't he?

Konan goes deeper, and once she does, Naruto allows her to continue on her own. He doesn't force her down, doesn't take control and rail her throat with his cock. He doesn't fuck face or anything like that. He doesn't have to, she's doing it for him.

"Gagkh… Gagkh… Gagkh…"

Konan gags softly on his dick as she bobs up and down his length. At the same time, her tongue writhes along the underside of Naruto's member, and she suctions her lips around his girth as she looks up into his red, demonic eyes. He's pleased with her, if the smile and the grunts and groans she sometimes draws from him are any indication. She's doing a good job, inexperienced with this sort of thing as she is.

But then, she was supposed to be a kunoichi, not a pleasure whore. It made sense that she would be inexperienced and unskilled at such an act as this. That doesn't make it any better though, for some reason. The more she sucks Naruto off, the more she finds herself living for his next noise, hoping to draw another sign of pleasure from her Master.

This is her new life, so it makes sense to just find happiness where she can, but there's also denying that the further Konan goes, the wetter she gets down betwixt her thighs. As if this is what she always wanted, as if she's finally found her place with this demon. But no… no, her place was with Yahiko and Nagato, wasn't it?

Not anymore. The realization hurts, but it also helps as tears well up in Konan's eyes from the constant gagging on Naruto's cock. She'll never see Yahiko or Nagato again. Best to recognize and acknowledge that now. Best to accept that this is her fate and she should be content with what her sacrifice has accomplished.

More than that though, is the moment when Naruto finally cums. He does so without warning, grunting as he presses down gently, but firmly on the back of her head again. He cums, and Konan drinks down his seed, unable to do anything else as it flows down the back of her throat. She gags a little but manages to keep it from coming back up as she swallows and swallows and swallows some more.

The thing is… it's delicious. Konan can't help but be surprised, but the demon's ejaculate truly is the best thing she's ever tasted. When it's over and he releases his grip on her head, Konan finds herself cleaning Naruto's cock off with her tongue just to get every last bit of that delicious sticky substance into her gullet. Only once she's sure there's not an ounce left for her does she sit back on the heels of her feet and stare up at him, waiting for Naruto's next order. For her master's next order.

"Well. You make up for your lack of experience with your enthusiasm, I suppose. It's a start, sweet Konan."

Blushing, Konan finds herself basking in his praise, when only minutes before she would have been ashamed of her 'enthusiasm'. As it is, she smiles now as she looks up at Naruto.

"Thank you… Master."

Where before, thanking him had felt wrong, now it feels oh so right. And judging by the way Naruto's smile widens, he definitely enjoys hearing her say the words.

"Come up on my lap now, Konan. I'm going to take your virginity."

Flushing in embarrassment, Konan can't help but wonder how he knows she's still a virgin, even as she moves to obey. Climbing atop the demon, Konan kneels on either side of him as she hovers her wet cunt lips over his waiting cockhead. Naruto makes no effort to penetrate her, his hands remaining on the arms of his throne. So, after a moment, Konan reaches down, and grabs hold of his cock, correctly interpreting his desire to have her do this to herself.

There's no hymen to break of course. She truly has never laid with a man, but she's still a kunoichi and ninja live lives that are too hard to keep such a flimsy bit of themselves intact forever. In the end, as she sinks down onto Naruto's cock, the only barrier the demon breaks through is a mental one as Konan's eyes go wide and then go crossed from the sheer pleasure that is being filled with demonic dick.

If his seed was delicious, having his length inside of her is pure heaven, as blasphemous as that is. Konan can't help but let out a deliriously wanton moan, even as she falls forward onto Naruto's chest. His arms wrap around her body and his hands slide down to her taut, toned ass as he grips her butt cheeks tightly and begins to bounce her up and down on his cock.

"Enjoying yourself, sweet Konan?"

Konan mewls in response, nuzzling into her master's pecs as he holds her close and thrusts up into her from below. He has her right where he wants her, and they both know it.

"Tell me what you're feeling, pet. Tell me what's happening right now and how much you're enjoying it."

"F-Feels… feels good, Master. You're inside of me, Master. F-Fucking me… filling me… thrusting up into me. I'm enjoying it a l-lot. I love it… please, m-more."

"Well, who am I to refuse such a request?"

Konan rides the demon as best she can, but much of it is just her holding on for dear life. Naruto's cock is so big, and his thrusts upwards into her tight, needy cunt are so powerful. He fucks her from below as she bounces up and down on his dick, and there's nothing Konan can do but take it. That's okay though. There's nothing the young kunoichi WANTS to do more in that moment then take it. Getting fucked by the demon is singlehandedly the best sensation she's ever experienced in her admittedly tragic and hard life.

It feels like he's not just fucking her body, but also her mind. It feels like he's in her thoughts, like he's reshaping her right there on the spot into his perfect toy and tool. It's as if he's changing her. That would be silly though, of course. Even though it's exactly what's happening. But Konan doesn't understand. She doesn't know the power of a demon, especially one like Naruto.

Her thoughts haven't been sacred since he heard her prayer and answered her mental plea for help. They haven't been her own since she agreed to their deal and agreed to become his in whatever capacity he decided he wanted her in. Naruto wasn't just in Konan's body in that moment, nor was he just in her mind. The demon was in her very soul, rearranging it to his liking, turning the sweet kunoichi into exactly what he wants.

This involves quite a bit of pleasure for the young woman. Konan's eyes eventually roll up in her head as her jaw hangs open. Her head tilts back, and she moans continuously as orgasm after orgasm wrack her inexperienced form. There's no way for the kunoichi to fight what's being done to her, not when she sold herself to Naruto for nothing more than a few dead men and a century away from a small nation of no consequence to him.

In the end… she is his. And they both know it, even as Naruto suddenly grips Konan's ass all the more harshly, spreading it apart. When the half-delirious kunoichi suddenly feels another cock at her back door, she freezes up and comes back to herself, at least for a moment. Her eyes wide, Konan looks back over her shoulder, away from her Master to whoever is currently aiming to penetrate her ass.

Or so she thinks. When she looks away from the Naruto she's currently riding for all she's worth, it's to look into the red eyes of an identical Naruto, stood behind her, his own cock throbbing and pulsating as it rubs up and down her ass crack, pressing into her sphincter a bit more each time. Konan flushes in realization as she glances between the two identical copies of her Master. Blushing profusely, she ducks her head and just whimpers at what's to come next.

But the second Naruto doesn't penetrate her, at least not immediately. Instead, the first leans in and murmurs in her ear.

"Wrap your arms and legs around me Konan. Time to stand up."

She grabs onto her Master, holding him tightly… and when Naruto rises, he pushes her back into the thick phallus his twin is currently pushing into her ass. Konan's eyes go wide and a silent cry leaves her wide-open mouth as the two Naruto's penetrate her from both ends. She becomes the fuck meat in the middle of a demonic sandwich, one massive cock in her cunt, and another in her bowels. As they hold her between them, Konan can do nothing but take her Masters' dicks like the slave she is.

"Go on, Konan. Beg me for me… tell us how you REALLY feel."

Mewling pathetically, Konan struggles to find the words, she struggles to obey her new Master, the demon who will rule her for the rest of her life. In the end, it's not as hard as she thought it would. Once she gets started, the dirty talk flows out of her quite easily, almost as if it will never stop.

"Please Master, please fuck me. Both of you, both of my holes. Feelsh so good, s-sho good… fuck my ass, f-fuck my tight cunt. M-Make me your whore, breed me if you desire. Use me however you want Master. J-Just… please…"

She trails off, and though Naruto keeps on pounding her silly with both of his bodies in both of her holes just as she asked, he finds himself curious to what she's unwilling to say all the same. A small push on her mind sees her cracking, breaking down in tears as she sobs into his neck and begs him in a soft, vulnerable voice.

"Please d-don't ever leave me, Master. Don't a-abandon me… please, if I may have one boon, when I outlive my u-usefulness to you, k-kill me in my sleep…"

The request surprises Naruto. It's quite a bit more self-aware then he would have thought possible. While there were ways for the demon to keep his newest pet youthful and alive well past her original expiration date, there might indeed come a time when he grew tired of her and decided to be rid of her. To recognize that and more, to accept that… hm, he quite liked this one.

Holding her close, Naruto begins to thrust harder. A moment later, he cums in both of her holes, filling her with two thick loads of his seed. As he does so, the blond demon leans in and murmurs into Konan's ear as the kunoichi trembles between his bodies.

"You have my word, sweet Konan. When the time comes… it will be painless."

A full body shudder runs through the girl's frame as she lets out a gasp tinged with relief.

"T-Thank you… Master."

Naruto just smiles as he runs his hand through the exhausted kunoichi's sweaty hair. This one was going to prove to be quite fun, he could already tell.


On a battlefield of corpses, dead all around her, a red head kneels in the midst of the carnage. But none of it touches her. The reason why is obvious from the glowing, still-cooling magma that surrounds her in an unnatural circle. This is her power, this is her strength… but she is still not strong enough to save her people.

She is the last one standing… but that alone is why this battle is a loss. None of the enemy remains this day, but for an enemy that has an endless supply of fodder, such a pyrrhic victory is more a success for them then it is for her. She who fights for her kind, she who fights for her people. What is she to fight for, if there is no one left? If every battle ends with another portion of their already diminishing forces slain around her, sacrificed to see the enemy bleed?

The red head feels despair, even as she stares down at her hands. The hands of a killer, because that is what she is, in the end. But killing is not all she wants to do. Death is not the legacy she wants to leave behind.

"There is another way."

Green eyes widen and snap up as a voice carries down to her from above. Floating in the air is what the woman can only describe as an angel, the moon alight at the angel's back. Stretching out a hand, the winged being above her lets loose a simple piece of paper. It floats down, but somehow manages to slip past the lava, not catching fire as it comes to rest in her lap instead.

The red head looks at the paper. She peers through her bangs to try and make sense of the words. By the time she finishes reading by the light of her magma, only to look up again, the angelic creature is gone… and what she has left behind is perhaps hope. Rising slowly, Mei Terumi steps through the now cooled ring of magma that surrounds her. She walks off of the battlefield, staring down at the ritual clutched in her trembling hands. And she hopes.


The blonde flinches as she curls up into a ball in her bed, another harsh roar filling the air. Her brother is out and about tonight, and on a rampage such as this, all she can do is hope he will not turn his gaze towards their home… towards her. She shivers, her entire body trembling, her eyes wide despite the fact that she is on a bed, clearly trying to sleep.

She is afraid. She is horrified. Her brother is a monster, and no matter how much she tries to love him, a monster he remains thanks to the work of their father. Their father who claimed to have control of the beast he'd leashed, even as that beast killed more and more of their people. Acceptable losses one and all. But the young woman couldn't help but fear she would be next.

Was she just as disposable? Was she just as much an acceptable loss, at the end of the day? How much longer could she be expected to live like this before she finally cracked? A sudden flutter takes the blonde from her thoughts. She sits up straight as she feels a presence, there one moment and gone the next.

She'd thought she sensed the chakra of a fully-grown ninja for a moment, but as she peers around her dimly lit room helplessly, she finds no one. But she doesn't find nothing. There's a paper, carefully fluttering down from the air, onto her bed. Almost directly into her lap, at that. Slowly, the blonde reaches out for it.

Taking it up, Temari Sabaku stares, her eyes flicking back and forth across the page as she discerns its purpose. Her lips thin into nothing more than a simple line as she considers its implications. This… it does not feel like a solution to that which she fears. But maybe she's being too quick to judge. Perhaps this is exactly what she needs.

As another roar splits the background and causes Temari to flinch, she clutches at the ritual in her grasp a bit more harshly. Perhaps it's time to fight fire with fire.


Elsewhere, the night is quiet save for the sound of grasshoppers in the cold air. But a young woman with straight black hair and pale, pupil-less eyes is awake nonetheless. She's not curled up in her bed, she's not trying to sleep. Instead, she's sitting up with her legs pulled back to her chest and her chin resting on her knees, contemplating what is to come.

It's only a matter of time now. Her despair, her fear, her dread… it might not be directly spurred on by the horrors of war or the fear of death, but in a way its so much worse because its not. Instead, it's the sort of slow, encroaching despair that comes from not being Good Enough. From failing again and again and again.

She wasn't strong. She'd never been strong. But when she was younger and her sister even younger than her, the disparity in strength had not been so obvious, so visible. Now though, she was a woman grown. Her younger sister was not. And that made the difference in their capability sting all the more. While the young woman's father had yet to make a decision, she knew what would come to pass, in the end.

She would not be heiress. Not with how weak she was. Soon, her little sister would be named the next clan head, and she… she would be given a seal on her forehead, a cage that so many others of her clan war. There was no fighting it. There was no stopping it. She'd tried. She'd tried so hard… but she just wasn't capable enough.

As she thinks these things, Hinata Hyuga is startled by something flickering just on the outside of her vision. Given how the Hyuga worked, that shouldn't have been possible. But a quiet application of the Byakugan only draws Hinata's attention to a single fluttering page of chakra-infused paper as it descends from her ceiling.

Whoever left it is already gone, and as it flutters to her bed, landing before her toes, Hinata watches the last of the chakra dissipate from it, leaving just a piece of paper. But there's something on that piece of paper. Reaching out, Hinata picks it up and reads what it has to say. A message? From who? The more she reads, the more she realizes it's not just a message.

And the more she realizes what she has in the hands, the more a selfish, vile desire begins to grow in the heart of the poor Hyuga girl, as she begins to seriously contemplate unknowingly bringing back an evil to her village that it had rid itself of years ago. She's not strong enough to be free. But perhaps if it's a cage of her own making, on her own terms… then she can be happy.


"Those are just three of the ones I found for you, Master. I have spread word of your existence across the Elemental Nations. Those in need, those filled with desperation… they will beg for your help and you will give it for your price, as you always do."

Naruto grins at that, seated upon his throne, resting his cheek on a fist as he looks down at his sweet, angelic pet. The darling kunoichi kneels before him, reporting on all she's done in his name even as she wraps her naked breasts around his cock, once in a while darting her tongue out to lap at his dick tip as it pushes out from between her cleavage.

Such a good girl, his Konan. And so useful to. Her abilities gave her far more value to him then just as a toy. Sometime after he'd come across the begging, praying girl in that cell that she'd once been, the kunoichi had become so much more. Naruto didn't know how much time had actually passed. He didn't really bother to keep track of the human's calendar. He measured the passage of time far differently than they did.

All the same, Konan had proven to be quite the boon to him. She acted now as his angel, his deliver of good tidings. Sending her out, Naruto had discovered that the kunoichi had quite the skill at finding those who were down on their luck and in need of assistance. Of course, that might be because he infused her with a bit of his demonic energy, allowing her to sense the despair and the desperation of the mortals around her.

The 'ritual' he'd had her distribute for him was in fact no ritual at all. One did not need to make some grand ritual in order to summon him. All they had to do was call out to him with a desire to deal with him, and he would feel the tug, the pull. Whether or not he actually answered that call was his own prerogative, in the end.

Still, the faux ritual would help in the long run, as there would no doubt be those who sought to remove his influence from the world. If they thought they could just destroy all means of summoning him by destroying the papers he'd had his sweet Konan spread across the Elemental Nations, they would find themselves quite wrong indeed.

Chuckling, Naruto runs his hand through his pet's hair.

"Sweet Konan. Darling Angel. You've done well, my pet. You've done so, so well."

A sudden tug on his mind has Naruto flicking his gaze to the side and then grinning wickedly.

"In fact, there's the first now. Someone it seems, has need of me."

Konan's dismayed face is quite adorable, even as Naruto laughs and pets her hair some more.

"Ah, but they can wait an hour longer. The chanting will be good for them. Continue, my dear. Show me your devotion."

Happily doing so, the kunoichi, his angel, returns to worshipping his cock with her tits and her tongue and her mouth. Naruto, meanwhile, sits back and relaxes, smiling wickedly, toothily even. Reaching out, he pushes back on the tug he feels in his mind. Not much, just enough to let his current summoner know that they're on the right track.

As their efforts to bring him to him redouble, Naruto can feel their desperation, their desire to deal growing. This one is not a trap… and he can tell it's a female too. The demon can scarcely wait… but for now, he will leave them to their begging, their chanting, their summoning. For now, he intends to let his angel have her reward for a job well done.


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