Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Best Game (No Game No Life)

A/N: The Best Game was originally a commissioned two-shot written from May-June of 2018. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: An AU in which Sora beats Izuna at a board game and he and Shiro get to have some fun with her a result. AU is for the changes in ages and probably the timeline as well.

Themes: Threesome, Fucked Silly, Cunnilingus


"Well, there it is! I guess that means you lose, Izuna! And you know what that means~"

Blushing furiously, the werebeast in question stares down at the board before her. It was such a simple game, compared to some of the bigger things they'd done together. But never had the stakes been higher. Looking up with her face flushed, Izuna makes the mistake of catching sight of Shiro's eyes. The young woman grins a little and shrugs.

"Better you than me, I suppose."

That sparks laughter from Shiro's brother Sora, who leans in and grins lecherously at his little sister, who wasn't so little anymore.

"Oh, don't be like that Shiro. You and I both know you love it when you lose to me."

At that point, it was the red eyed girl's turn to blush and Izuna felt just a little bit better about everything, in the face of exactly what she'd bet… and lost. It shouldn't have been that big of a deal. They'd been together for so long now, hadn't they? They'd grown up together, in a way, after all, they'd met when Shiro and Sora were just eleven and twelve respectively, while Izuna had just been eight. And even if Izuna had been considered 'mature' by her people at the age of eight, she'd been hopelessly naïve to many adult-related subjects.

Even back then, the trio had had a true love for games. And they'd used that love for games to do some truly amazing things together. These days though, Sora was a young adult and Shiro was right behind him on the cusp of true womanhood. Izuna, meanwhile, was practically old enough to be their mother now… if one were counting in werebeast years… which she did! And after all their time together, was it any wonder that the trio had developed a close bond that perhaps went beyond the bonds of friendship and brother/sisterhood?

Still… t-this was…

"Well, Izuna? Shiro did win, fair and square. Remind me what the two of you bet again?"

Izuna blushes and looks down, hunching in on herself in a way that makes her budding breasts squeeze together a little bit. She's still fairly flat, even now. Her tail on the other hand has gotten much larger over the years, and all the fluffier and softer for it. It swishes back and forth behind her as she squirms under Sora's cocky grin and Shiro's lifted brow.

When it becomes clear that Izuna isn't going to answer, Sora does it for her.

"Well dear sister, I do believe we bet ourselves. For a whole day, at that. So if I'd lost, I'd have to do whatever Izuna wanted for an entire day. She would have been allowed to do whatever she wanted with ME for an entire day as well. And if SHE lost…"

"The same would be the case. Hm. So I suppose Izuna is all yours for the next twenty-four hours, then?"

Here, Sora grins and gives his sister a full-blown bow.

"Au contraire, dear sister. She is ours."

Izuna's eyes snap up and her blush intensifies, as even Shiro looks a little surprised at that.


Smirking, Sora takes one of his sister's delicate, feminine hands in his own, lifting it to his lips and kissing at her knuckles.

"We're a team, Shiro. And I say we have our fun with our lovely pet here together."

The 'pet' dig causes Izuna's back to go stiff, but she can't truly dispute it, can she? After all, she had bet what they'd said she bet. She'd been so confident that she could win the board game, and now… now she'd lost. A-And both Shiro and Sora were going to d-do whatever they wanted with her? Her mind was running rampant with all manner of things, both perverse and deviant.

"Well then, if that's how it's going to be, may I suggest what we should do first?"

Sora grins at his sister and inclines his head towards her in agreement.

"Go right ahead."

Izuna sits tensely, just waiting for it to begin… which is what makes it all the more surprising when Shiro says what she wants to do with Izuna, Sora agrees with it, and a few moments later, the werebeast girl finds herself on her bed, laying prone as both siblings brush her long, fluffy tail in unison. She's still beside herself with embarrassment, but it's a lot harder to stay tense when your best friends are going to work on your tail, as they have since you were eight and they were eleven and twelve.

That said, there's definitely something a lot more sexual about things this time. Even if they're really not doing anything different, Izuna can… she c-can feel it in the air! Or something… it's definitely there though, she's not just imagining it.

"How are you doing, Izuna?"

Blushing up a storm still, the werebeast's purple ears twitch as she speaks through the pillow she's currently burying her face in.

"… Fine…"

"Only fine? Huh, are we not doing it right, sister?"

"Well, maybe we aren't, brother."

Before Izuna can correct herself, she finds the words dying on her throat as Sora tugs at her tail ever so slightly, just enough to pull it taut as he begins to brush closer to the base of the thing. At the same time, Shiro sets her brush down altogether and reaches out to run her fingers through Izuna's purple locks, sliding her digits with practiced each behind Izuna's ears and scratching in just the right spot. A pleasured moan leaves Izuna's throat as the siblings work on her, much to her immense embarrassment.

"Ah, this seems to be better. She seems to like this a lot more."

"I'd have to agree. She's half-purring at this point."

A whine builds in Izuna's throat as her friends tease her. It's just not nice, how they're being so gentle and slow with her. She knows what they really intend, and… and she sort of wants it. The werebeast is growing wet, down betwixt her thighs. She's starting to squirm too, and she's sure that Sora and Shiro have noticed at this point. It's not the first time Izuna has been aroused. Puberty was even more of a bitch for her kind then for theirs.

She'd learned how to take care of herself, but she'd never actually been with a male before, of any species. And tonight… Sora would… he'd…


Blinking, the werebeast finds herself torn from her thoughts as she realizes Shiro has stopped scratching behind her ears and is instead caressing her face, lifting her head up from her pillow. The other girl looks down at her with a soft smile on her face.

"Izuna… even if it was a bet, you know we'd never do anything you weren't ready for, right?"

Blinking dumbly, Izuna can only stare at Shiro in disbelief. She'd… she'd lost though. And they had won, or at least Sora had. In the end, it was up to him what they did, regardless. Except, just as she was thinking these things, she finds Sora leaning over her to join the conversation.

"She's right, you know. I know you like having your tail petted and brushed, and your ears scratched… but we can stop there if anything else is too much for you. We're your friends, Izuna. We aren't going to hurt you."

Izuna's breath hitches at the young man's declaration. He's just… he's so…

"I-I want it…"

The words slip from the werebeast's mouth before she even realizes what she's saying. Both Sora and Shiro freeze up at that, even as Izuna carefully turns over so she's on her back and looking up into the eyes of both siblings as they lean over her.

"I want t-to go further… I want… I want to go all the way."

Brother and sister exchange a quick glance, and then give her large, wide smiles, as if she's finally said what they've been waiting to hear all this time. Then, Sora pulls away from her, climbing off the bed. Shiro sits back as well, watching as Izuna rises and stares at the young man uncomprehendingly.

"Show me. If you want it… show me."

The werebeast finds herself blushing all over again in short order, her face crimson as she understands the meaning behind his request. Sitting there on the bed, Izuna reaches down and pulls at the red bow on the front of her ensemble. Where once that red bow had been larger than her entire torso, now it's quite nearly smaller, her body still petite but much bigger now that she's grown up.

Still, to show off her feminine form to Sora… a-ah, it's almost like they've gotten m-married or something. Averting her gaze at such treacherous thoughts, Izuna removes her garments, piece by piece, until nothing is left but her bra and her panties. When she straightens out her legs and lifts her hips to remove said panties, Shiro makes her presence known again and helps by undoing the clasp on Izuna's bra.

And then she's wearing nothing at all, the werebeast sitting there, completely naked, her fluffy tail swishing back and forth behind her, very nearly hitting Shiro's nose each pass. Sora looks at her for a long moment, a smile on his face. Then, he begins to strip as well. Shiro does the same, and Izuna finds herself seated between the two siblings, her eyes darting back and forth as the pair remove all of their clothing, becoming just as naked as her.

Izuna drinks in the details of her best friends' bodies. They're both absolutely beautiful people of course. Shiro has grown into a gorgeous young woman, and Sora is… well, Izuna finds herself blushing an even deeper shade of red as she fixates on his cock, hanging between his legs. She doesn't think he's fully hard yet, but he's certainly getting there as he makes his way back onto the bed.

Izuna licks her lips as Sora leans in close. Their faces are mere inches apart when he asks her the question.

"Well, Izuna? How do you want it?"

Perhaps… perhaps it's cliché. Or perhaps its simply instinct. In the end, Izuna turns back over onto her front, putting her face to face with a naked Shiro as she presents herself to Sora, getting on her hands and knees and lifting her hips into the air. Shiro grins and takes Izuna's face back in her hands, leaning in to kiss the purple-haired werebeast. Meanwhile, behind her, Sora runs his fingers along Izuna's sides, over the ever so slight curve of her barely-there hips and onto her soft, shapely tushie.

His digits dig into her flesh, and Izuna moans into Shiro's mouth as Shiro's brother brings his cock to bear on the werebeast's cunt. His tip rests along her slit for a moment, before he slowly pushes in, causing her flower to blossom open for him. He buries an inch of himself inside of her before he hits her hymen. Then, he pushes right through that and continues to dig deep into Izuna's ready-and-waiting pussy.

It might have hurt more, if she didn't want it so badly. As she kissed Shiro, as she felt Sora penetrating her from behind, the stinging pain of losing her virginity only lasts a split second for the werebeast, before she finds herself with much more pleasurable sensations to experience. Not even Izuna realizes that she lost the board game on purpose, but then, it's fine in the end.

The trio are finally together, finally enjoying each other's bodies. Their bonds have finally evolved and taken the final step towards true intimacy. Nothing can take that away from them now, nothing and no one. Sora groans as his cock is tightly squeezed by Izuna's pussy walls. His head tilts back and he expresses his enjoyment vocally towards the ceiling of the werebeast's room.

Meanwhile, Izuna is left to moan and mewl into Shiro's mouth, kissing and tongue-wrestling with the other girl for what feels like an eternity, all while being fucked from behind by the girl's brother. And Shiro? Shiro isn't happy with kissing forever. Eventually, she laces her fingers through Izuna's short purple hair and pulls back, before slowly guiding the werebeast down Shiro's body.

Laying back on the bed, the red-eyed girl bites her lip needily as she shows Izuna her dripping wet cunt. Izuna takes one look at the pussy before her, at the genitals of one of her best friends… and she dives in, leaning forward and sticking her tongue right up Shiro, even as Sora thrusts into her harder and harder from behind. Shiro reacts with a loud moan of her own. The werebeast gets to work on her tight little pussy with all the enthusiasm she can muster, and even if she might not be experienced, it's all still quite pleasurable for Shiro.

Sora gets a nice view of all of this. It makes him hungry for more, and he rails into Izuna as hard as he can. He almost wants to be fucking his sister instead, and whenever their eyes meet over Izuna's petite form, he thinks that she might just want to fuck him as well. The lust filling Shiro's gaze as she gives him those bedroom eyes of hers, the way she undulates her body so that her hips ride up into Izuna's mouth like a wave… it's all so damn hot.

And of course, there's the tight cunt he's just deflowered to consider as well. Izuna's hot little pussy grips and squeezes at Sora's pistoning prick with some intense strength, her inner walls clenching down on his pulsating, throbbing shaft more and more as he fucks her. He's not surprised when she cums along his cock, nor is he overly surprised when the vibrations of her vocal orgasm send Shiro over the edge as well.

He IS a little surprised when he manages to make them come to mutual climax three more times in the next fifteen minutes. It's almost like he's fucking Shiro THROUGH Izuna, plowing the werebeast into his sister as Izuna uses her tongue to pleasure the red-eyed girl senseless. It feels great, knowing that he's bringing pleasure to his sister, to their friend.

Reaching out, Sora plays his final trump card. He grabs hold of Izuna's tail, but not the fluffier, poofier part. He grabs hold of her tail all the way at the base. Izuna goes stiff for a second, but then he starts to fuck her even harder while holding onto the base of her tail. That's when the werebeast absolutely loses it, squealing and screeching into Shiro's cunt as she climaxes again and again on Sora's cock.

The whole thing sends them all into an upward spiral of pleasure. Shiro climaxes too from the constant vibrations on her sensitive quim, while Sora finds himself eventually milked dry by Izuna's clenching cunt. He fills the werebeast with his seed, before collapsing to the side as she too collapses forward. All three of them end up in a bit of a tangle of limbs by the time it's done, all three of them sweaty and exhausted and staring up at the ceiling.

And all three of them have big, happy smiles on their faces, each of them knowing that they'll most definitely be doing something like this again, very soon.


Stephanie Dola, known as Steph to her friends, was the granddaughter of the Former King of Imanity. When she was younger, she'd hoped to one day become the next Queen… but in the end, that had turned out to be a bust when Sora and Shiro had shown up. She'd lost to Sora so easily, and the pledges had caused her to fall in love with him.

Not that she'd been happy about it. A-And she'd certainly not developed any real feelings for him in the time since! Regardless, Sora and Shiro had ultimately become King and Queen of Imanity. And Steph… Steph had ended up becoming their glorified janitor, d-damn it all! Oh sure, they liked to call her their Prime Minister, their regent when they couldn't be around to lead instead.

But they were still King and Queen! When she sat on the throne and heard the days' applicants, she was sitting on Sora's throne, not her own! When she had to deal with the constant messes that cropped up, they were Sora's messes! She'd realized very early on that the role Sora and Shiro had made for her was a trap. It was also a trap she couldn't escape.

To resign her post now would leave the former princess without an ounce of power, be it political or personal. If she left Imanity behind, she'd have nothing! At least, that was what Steph told herself. In truth, in her heart of hearts, she knew that Sora and Shiro would always see her as a friend. That was just what the brother and sister duo were like as people.

They were also incredibly lazy too though! Or at least, they were incredibly lazy when it came to matters of state! It was ridiculous! They were undoubtedly the best damn gamers that Imanity and the world had ever seen… that was why they were King and Queen. But they could at least get off their asses and help lead the country they'd taken over sometimes, honestly!

It was beginning to drive her insane. She wasn't sure how much longer she could possibly manage alone. The weight of everything, the stresses of her position, it was all just… just…

"Steph! There you are!"

The red head's eyes snap up from where she'd been staring at her wringing hands, slowly working herself into a silent frenzy. She'd been ranting internally for a good half hour by that point, though she hadn't realized the time was going by, so lost in her thoughts as she was. Still, having the voice of one of the very objects of her thoughts suddenly addressing her was definitely one of the ways to get her attention.

Looking up, Steph finds Sora and Shiro both walking towards her. Brother and sister are hand in hand as they give her wide, bright smiles. Neither wears their crown, even here in the palace. Steph begins to mentally bemoan everything ever once again, but before she can really get into it, they're before her, and she has to pay them the attention they deserve based on their station.

"Y-Your Majesties. How can your Prime Minister help you today?"

There, she got it all out with only one minor stutter. Straightening up, Steph manages a completely prim and proper exterior as she glances between Sora and Shiro. In response, the King and Queen of Imanity share a glance with each other, before looking back at Steph. Then, in unison, they squint and lean in closely, staring her down.

Steph blinks and leans back, confused by the sudden scrutiny.

"Um? What are you doing?"

"You were right Shiro. I'm sorry I didn't see it as easily as you did."

That's from Sora. Shiro smiles at hearing her brother's concession, even as she nods confidently.

"Quite alright, dear brother! What's important is that we take care of the problem, rather than let it fester further!"

Puffing her cheeks outwards, Steph begins to growl. What were they talking about?! And why were they talking around her, when they'd been the ones who had walked up to HER in the first place?! She was THIS close to blowing a gasket on the two of them. However, before she could say a thing, she found herself in the peculiar situation of being the middle of a Sora and Shiro sandwich. The pair had abruptly stepped forward and spun around, taking up position on either side of her as they grabbed each of her arms.

"You need a vacation Steph!"

"That's right! Sora and I have the perfect place in mind!"

Steph's brain fizzles for a moment, and it's not until they're exiting the palace via a side door that comes back online with a vengeance. Extremely belatedly, the red head struggles against the siblings' hold as she scowls heatedly.

"W-What do you two think you're doing?! Who the hell will keep the entire place from burning down, if we ALL go missing? Honestly, without me this entire thing crumbles in days, I swear it will!"

"Yeah, yeah Steph. C'mon, don't worry, don't worry. Have a little faith in other people, won't ya? It'll all still be here when we get back!"


And that's how Steph found herself carted away by the King and Queen of Imanity on a forced vacation without so much as a by-your-leave. Though, now that she was here, she couldn't deny that it was… nice. Except she would, if either one of them dared ask her how she was doing. Scowling a bit, Steph sinks into the hot bubbly water she's currently lounging in. She's flushed with embarrassment, the two-piece bikini she's wearing perfectly fitted to her… but then that was exactly the point, wasn't it?!

How had Sora or Shiro gotten her measurements?! Despite the fact that she'd been forced to fall in love with Sora after he defeated her, they'd never actually DONE anything. Not yet, anyways. And given how Sora and Shiro were with each other, Steph honestly expected that they never would. Not that she was one to judge. Royal families often inter-married in order to keep the bloodlines pure and-

Steph's thoughts are abruptly grinded to a halt when the very same siblings she was just thinking about slide into the hot spring on either side of her.

"Heya Steph! How are you doing? Feeling better now? A little less stressed, maybe?"

Sora sounds happy and hopeful, as he spreads his arms along the edge of the hot spring, lounging in the water happily. Steph almost relishes immediately crushing his expectations.

"No! How could I? Honestly, it's impossible to relax when I can't imagine how things are going back at the Palace. Those damn flunkies don't know how to tie their own shoes when I'm not there! It's all going to be on fire by the time we get home, mark my words!"

She doesn't miss the way Sora and Shiro share a glance behind her back as she's ranting. She's more observant than that. Steph just doesn't particularly care what they think of her at this moment in time. She's had it up to here with both them and their antics!

"It's worse than we thought."

Shiro's voice is solemn, causing Steph's eyebrow to twitch as she darts her gaze over to the young woman, wondering what the other girl is up to.

"So then, Plan B?"

Sora sounds eager, and suddenly a shiver of alarm runs down Steph's spine as she whips her head around to HIM instead, scowling suspiciously.

"What's Plan B?"

At the same time, Shiro lets out a sigh.

"Honestly Sora, we keep handling our problems this way, it can't work forever, can it? … but yes, let's go with Plan B."

Steph opens her mouth to ask about Plan B once more, but before she can say a thing, Sora is there, leaning in, and kissing her quite blatantly right on the lips. Steph's eyes go wide, and then slit as they become heavily lidded. She melts into Sora as he kisses her, because in truth, deep down inside, it's what she's wanted for a long, LONG time.

She's not ready for it, not at all, and that gives him the room he needs to slip past her crumbled defenses and slide his tongue in through her lips. It takes Steph far longer than it should to come back to herself, but when she does, the red head brings her hands up and pushes Sora off of her.

"W-What?! What are you doing?! Why would you kiss me in front of S-Shiro like that?!"

Sora grins, clearly not upset by her 'rejection'. But then, Shiro isn't idle. The other woman's hands slide up around Steph's body, and slip beneath her bikini top. The red head lets out a yelp as Shiro gropes at her larger tits, squeezing and kneading them with her fingers. At the same time, the Queen of Imanity leans in and rests her chin on Steph's shoulder, causing the red head to freeze up as she speaks in a seductive, sultry tone.

"Oh? Are you saying you'd be happier to be kissed by my brother if I wasn't here? Oh, of course you would be. Did you think we didn't know how you feel about him?"

Steph's blush is atomic now as she whines and whimpers in Shiro's grasp… but no words come from her lips. How can they, when the other girl is absolutely right. D-Damn it all, what were these two playing at, teasing her like this? Sora leans in again, and Steph doesn't even try to push him away as he kisses her once more. Their tongue duel for a moment, but she inevitably loses that contest of wills as she's losing everything else, his tongue sliding into her mouth.

He's in charge. His sister is too. Steph… Steph is just their Prime Minister. She's as much a flunky to the King and Queen of Imanity as the people she referred to as flunkies are to her, moments before. And in the end, if this is what the two royals want, who is she to deny them? Really, she has no choice. This is simply a part of being a loyal subje-

"No. None of that."

Shiro's voice fills her ear again, and Steph freezes once more as the Queen whispers to her.

"I know what you're thinking. You're trying to make this all part of your duty as our loyal vassal or something. But that's not why you're here, Steph. You're our friend, and we worry for you. This is supposed to help you relax. And we all know what all of us have wanted for a long time. It's okay to let go… it's okay to enjoy it."

That's how Steph finds herself sinking down on Sora's cock only a few moments later with nothing more than a gasp. Her face contorts in pleasure as he fills her, her mouth opening as she moans. But when she tries to avert her eyes, he won't let her. He caresses her cheeks and turns her back to face him, staring into her eyes with his own loving, adoring gaze.

M-Maybe Shiro is right. Maybe- oh fuck, what is that? Steph's eyes are wide as she tenses up at the sudden prodding of her back door. Sora is filling her cunt with his cock, and that feels fantastic… but when she looks back, she finds Shiro standing there in the hot spring pool, a strap-on dildo hanging from her waist as she spreads Steph's butt cheeks apart and presses in against her sphincter.

It's a startling cool sensation, and Steph realizes why a moment later. Lubricant… the dildo is all lubed up.


Leaning in, Shiro silences her with a kiss, and then smiles as she slips the first inch of the dildo into Steph's ass.

"Don't worry, Steph. I won't hurt you. I'd never hurt you. Just relax."

Her Queen's voice is soothing. Her friend's voice, if Shiro is to be believed. Steph blushes crimson as Sora begins to move her up and down his throbbing cock, as if to distract her from what his sister is doing. They're fucking her, the two of them. They're penetrating her in both of her holes and h-how is Steph supposed to handle this? It feels so damn good… and she can practically sense the love radiating off the two royals.

Do they truly care for her this much? Yes, yes, they do. And Steph realizes that she always knew that. She always knew they cared. She just didn't understand how much until now, and she wasn't willing to let herself care back. As Shiro's dildo sinks into her ass, inch by inch, Steph does it. She finally manages to relax, as amazing as that is.

A slow breath leaves the young woman's mouth, and she finds herself looking upwards, to the stars, as Sora and Shiro enjoy her body together. It truly is a beautiful sight. Funny that they had to give her a bit of a double-stuffing for her to actually appreciate it, but there it is. The hot spring, situated in a remote mountain location at some sort of small, privately owned resort, is open air. Meaning the beautiful, bright night sky is shining overhead and filled with stars.

She moans into the open air, and her breath is visible, given how cold it is. But even with half her body out of the water, Steph doesn't feel the cold. All she feels is smoldering heat as Sora slurps and sucks at her bouncing breasts, while Shiro nibbles and kisses at the side of her neck. Steph is theirs… and they are hers.

They're her friends first, and her majesties second. Only now does the red head truly appreciate that. Only now does she let herself go. If she'd only known that Sora and Shiro were this open to begin with. She'd been able to suss out that the siblings were in a relationship, but she hadn't realized it wasn't an exclusive one.

That brought to mind the question of just who else they'd 'dealt' with in this way. Shiro had complained that they'd been handling all of their problems 'this way', which of course meant through some tag-team sex. Just who else had the pair fucked? Would Steph have to clean it up? Very good questions indeed… but for now, irrelevant to what was happening in this exact moment.

In the end, Steph doesn't care. She just doesn't. What the King and Queen do on their free time is none of her business until they've made it her business, as they're doing now. And all Steph cares about in this moment is the pleasure of Sora and Shiro filling her with both real and fake phalluses, again and again and again.

She cries out into the night sky as an orgasm wracks her body, and she luxuriates in the feel of finally being able to relax as her stress is slowly but surely bled away, climax after climax.


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